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Structure of the R/3 SystemAfter logging on to the R/3 System the user sees the SAP Easy Access User Menu. This is the user-specific point of entry into the SAP System. The user menu contains only those items such as transactions, reports, and Web addresses you need to perform your daily tasks. If a user menu was defined by your system administrator, it appears when you log on to the system. If he opens the SAP standard menu by choosing "SAP menu" he will have a complete overview of the SAP System. Regardless at which entry point you start from, you have to open an application in the navigation area. What do these apllications look like? How is the R/3 System structured and what types of screens may he or she expect? R/3 tasks usually consist of a number of screens that differ in their purpose and look. These different screens are called "screen types". Such types can for example refer to the function that a screen fulfills within a task. They can also refer to its structure, its main processing mode or its level in a hierarchy of data. Giving the screens characteristic names also helps to talk about screens and their special needs and features. General R/3 ScreensNow we describe and assign names to screens that come up consistently in the R/3 System at task level. This should help you in classifying the screens of your tasks and in assigning proper screen titles to them. In many cases a simple distinction between "initial screens" and "data screens" will already do for the guidelines presented here. The following definitions of "Detail Screen", "Data Screen" and "Entry Screen" do only slightly differ. You use either one depending on which aspect you want to place special emphasis. Initial ScreenFirst screen of a task from which the user requests the object he or she wants to edit or create. On some initial screens the user may also choose the screens to be displayed or the type of processing. There are certain differences between business tasks and tool tasks, as we shall see later. Data ScreenScreen within a task where data of a particular type for an object or object component is displayed or changed. Here, the emphasis is on the type or the contents of the data. The following screens are subtypes of "data screens". Entry Screen , Single/Collective Entry ScreenAn entry screen is a screen within a task that is mainly used to enter data for an object. "Entry Screen" is the general term for "Single Entry Screen" and "Collective Entry Screen". The latter are screens where the user enters data of one or several object component(s). On entry screens, the emphasis is on the design of the screen: The user should be able to enter data as efficiently as possible. However, the user should also be able to change data. Although the title bar says "Entry screen", this also includes the change functionality. Additional Data ScreenScreen within a task that contains additional data on an object or object component and which is generally called by choosing a menu option from the "Details" menu (see below) on a data screen. Detail ScreenScreen within a task where data of one object component is displayed in detailed form. Overview ScreenScreen within a task that displays object components (mostly items) of an object grouped together in table form. For each object component, there is usually also a detail screen. Result ScreenScreen of a report that displays the result of the report and which can possibly be used as the basis for further evaluations. Selection ScreenScreen of a report clearly identified as a prompt on which you specify the criteria to define the information you want in the report. The Screen Types for NavigationR/3 tasks are structured hierarchically. The user navigates between these screens to enter, view or edit his or her data. To simplify talking about navigation, some more abstract screen types have been defined. The Screen Calling the Task, Initial ScreenUsually, the user passes from the system level to the application level where he or she selects a certain task. The screen on the application level is called "the screen calling the task". This type of screen may also be the screen of a task that calls another task. When the user gets to the desired task, he or she enters the "initial screen" that was described above. Object Component Screen, Subcomponent of Object Component ScreenFrom the initial screen the user may pass a sequence of data screens. These screens may show object components ("object component screen") or may even branch to subcomponents of the object components ("subcomponent of an object component screen"). The object components may be freely accessible, or the user has to pass them in a predefined sequence. They may also be accessed via an "object component list screen", described below. Object Component List ScreenThe "object component list screen" is a kind of overview screen, showing a list of all object components. Object component list screens may be nested hierarchically, if the data are very complex.
Source: SAP R/3 Style Guide |