R/3 Standard Functions - Overview

Functions for Editing Entire Objects | Functions for Comparing and Storing Data | Functions for Editing Tables or Lists | Basic Control Functions

In the R/3 System, many standardized functions are used. A standard function always has the same name and is called in the same way in the various tasks of the R/3 System. Standard functions are a significant element in creating a consistent user interface. Therefore, try to use them as often as possible.

This chapter lists all R/3 standard functions (up to version 3.x) by function group. A short functional description is given for each function.

Note that many more new "standard" functions have been implicitely defined through icons and given names as well. Therefore, see the icon list(s) for additional more or less standardized functions (soem icons are application-specific).

Also note that some new functions have been defined for IACs and MiniApps; this process also introduced some changes in existing function names. See Function Names (IACs, MiniApps) for English-German and German-English reference lists.

Hint: You find information on how to access these functions, where to place them in the menus, as well as their names in different lengths in Standard Functions - Names and Access.


Functions for Editing Entire Objects

Cancel/Reverse (Stornieren)

Cancels data records that have already been updated in the database.

Change (Ändern)

Changes an existing data record (Change account, Change master record). Do not use Change for the data update in the database but for choosing an action. For the actual data update, use Save or Post.

Collective Entry (Sammelerfassung), Single Entry (Einzelerfassung)

Collective entry of many objects/entry of a single object.

Choose Collective entry instead of Enter, if you want to stress that many objects are being entered. Choose Single entry instead of Enter, if you want to stress that a single object is being entered.

Use also both function names instead of Enter if a distinction is made between the entry of many objects and the entry of a single object by implementing separate tasks.

Collective Processing (Sammelbearbeitung),
Single Processing (Einzelbearbeitung)

Collective processing of many objects/processing of a single object.

Choose Collective processing instead of Edit, if you want to stress that many objects are being entered. Choose Single processing instead of Edit, if you want to stress that a single object is being entered.

Use also both function names instead of Edit if a distinction is made between the processing of many objects and the processing of a single object by implementing separate tasks.

Create (Anlegen)

Creates a new data record (for example, Create account, Create master record). Do not use Create for the data update in the database but only for choosing an action. For the actual data update, use Save or Post.

Delete (Löschen)

Deletes table entries, list entries, data records (Delete program, for example).

Display (Anzeigen)

Displays a data record (for example, Display account, Display master record). No modifications are possible.

Edit (Bearbeiten)

Enters and changes one or more new data records. Data for a new object can be entered. Data for new objects already stored in the database can also be changed. The emphasis is on changing data. For this reason, the term Edit was chosen.

Enter (Erfassen)

Enters one or more new data records. Data is entered for a new object and can, of course, also be changed at the same time. However, the focus is on the entering of data for a new object. For the actual data update, use Save or Post.

Execute (Ausführen)

Executes a program or report. With this function, lists can be started, for example. You should, however, integrate such sub-applications directly into the running transaction, and not use the technical name but name the concrete function in the menus (Example: Not Execute RFIF081A but Country analysis).

List (Liste)

Requests and displays a list (for example, the list of customers).


Functions for Comparing and Storing Data

Check (Prüfen)

Performs checks (Check program, for example). No further functions are executed.

Generate (Generieren)

Generates an object, for example, a screen. This includes the saving and the consistency checks.

Save (Sichern), Post (Buchen)

Save (for example, Save program, Save order, Save master record) causes the data in the database to be updated with consistency check. If no consistency check is carried out during the Save action, use the Save without check function (see below).

Hold is a synonym for Save. Use it for accounting-related tasks (for example, Post invoice, Post document). If no consistency check is carried out when posting, use the Hold function (see below.).

Save Without Check (Sichern ohne Prüfen), Hold (Merken)

Save without a check of the held data. Use Save without check in all cases in which you also use the Save function (for example, Save screen without check). Use the synonym Hold in all cases in which you also use the Post function (for example, Hold document). If a consistency check occurs, use Save or Post.

Navigation Functions

Back (Zurück)

Exits the current task function and returns to the higher-level function level of the task without losing the entered data (a safety prompt occurs). It is up to the task to identify the higher-level function level.

Cancel (Abbrechen)

Cancels a pull-down menu or a dialog box or navigates to a higher-level screen as near as possible to the canceled screen without checks and without data transfer:

  • Pull-down menu: The Cancel function makes it disappear, and the cursor is placed on the work area. With multiple-level pull-down menus, however, only the last level disappears.
  • Dialog box: The box disappears from the user interface. Any data entered is lost because the system does not prompt the user to save the data.
  • Screen: Display a safety prompt because a large amount of data may be lost. If the user wants to cancel and accepts the loss of data involved, the system navigates to the higher-level screen without requiring the user to correct errors or to complete required fields.

Exit / End <application area> (Beenden / Ende <Arbeitsgebiet>)

Terminates the current task and returns to the screen which called the task. This is generally the screen of the application level. At the application level, name this function End <application area>. You have to explicitly specify what is to be ended (for example, End document processing, End Screen Painter, End material master).

Note: For a more thorough comparison of the functions Back, Cancel and Exit see the chapter on navigation functions in section II Advanced Concepts.

First Page (Erste Seite), Previous Page (Vorige Seite),
Next Page (Nächste Seite), Last Page (Letzte Seite)

These are functions for pagewise scrolling to the first page, back one page, forwards one page, and to the last page.

First Screen (Erstes Bild), Previous Screen (Voriges Bild),
Next Screen (Nächstes Bild), Last Screen (Letztes Bild)

These are function for navigating in a screen sequence predefined by the system. When the system uses a fixed screen sequence to guide the user through a hierarchy, the first screen can be accessed with the function First screen, and analogous for the other functions.

If the user himself controls the screen sequence, define function keys the user can use to choose the screens.

Previous <object component> (Voriges <Teilobjekt>),
Next <object component> (Nächstes <Teilobjekt>)

Navigates to the previous or next object. The object has to be specified here. Use this function if a sequential number of objects exist, for example a list of documents from which a document is just being displayed. "Previous document" then shows the document that is directly before the current document on the list. "Next document" shows the document that is directly after the current document in the list.

Other <object component> (Anderes <Teilobjekt>)

Navigates to an entry of a list/table which is to be specified in a dialog box.

Other <object> (Anderes <Objekt>)

Navigates to any next object by going to the initial screen of the current task. The object has to be specified on the initial screen. Other document during a document display, for instance, results in the requesting of a new document number and the subsequent displaying of this other document.

Open (Holen)

This function opens any object. It is provided only for tool tasks (for example, Open program). Otherwise, use the function Other <object>.

<Object component> to the Left (<Teilobjekt> links),
<Object component> Up (<Teilobjekt> auf),
<Object component> Down (<Teilobjekt> ab),
<Object component> to the Right (<Teilobjekt> rechts)

Use these functions for navigating in a hierarchy of object components. They navigate one object component to the left in a hierarchy, one object component up in a hierarchy, one object component down in a hierarchy, and one object component to the right in a hierarchy (for example, Cost center left).

Further navigation functions

Further functions used in navigation are Continue and Choose. Continue navigates to a predefined screen or performs a check. Choose initiates the further processing of a previously selected object.


Functions for Editing Tables or Lists

Select/Deselect (Markieren/Entmarkieren)

Changes the select state of an individual object: If it was selected before, it is deselected now and vice versa. The user can then apply other functions, such as Copy, Move, or Delete, to the selected objects.

Select Block (Block markieren)

Selects any blocks in a table or list.

Select All (Alle markieren)

Selects all objects of a table or list. Thereafter, the user can choose a function for these selected objects that is applied simultaneously to all objects or, if necessary, to the individual objects one after another. This can be, for example, the function Copy, Move, or Delete.

Deselect All (Alle Mark. löschen)

Deselects all objects of a table or list.

Choose (Auswählen)

Chooses list entries or table entries. Usually, a function is immediately executed on the chosen line. If possible, specify this function: For example, not Choose program if the program is executed then, but rather Execute program.

Insert <object> (<Objekt> einfügen)

Inserts a line at the cursor position. Use this function to insert blank lines which are later filled. The object can, for example, be a "line" or a "position".

Insert Many (Viele einfügen)

Inserts a new page with blank lines at the cursor position. Use this function to insert several blank lines which are later filled. The upper line of the new page is the line that preceded the cursor row; the lowest line is the line on which the cursor was positioned.

New Lines (Neue Einträge)

Generates a new page with blank lines. The upper line of this page is the last line of the table containing a line.

Cut (Ausschneiden)

Selects a line or an area and deletes it into a clipboard. From the clipboard, the deleted data can then be pasted (at another place, for example).

Paste (Einsetzen)

Inserts the contents of the clipboard (that was filled by the functions Cut or Copy) at the cursor position into the work area.

Move (Verschieben)

Moves lines, objects, and so on, to another position.

Copy (Kopieren)

Copies lines, areas or objects, for example, to the clipboard or into the database. The line, the area, or the object are duplicated in the process, but they may, however, be saved under another key or name (for example, Copy document, Copy program).

Delete, Delete <object> (Löschen, <Objekt> löschen)

Deletes table entries, list entries, data records (Delete program, for example). If, during the deletion of object components, it is not clear what precisely is to be deleted, then supplement Delete by <Object> (for example, Delete line).

Sort (Sortieren)

Sorts, resorts list entries, tables, etc. The criterion used for sorting should be clear to the user here (for example, Document: Sort according to date).

Total (Summieren)

Totals items, amounts, etc.; the totaling function is initiated explicitly here.


Basic Control Functions

Help (Hilfe)

Calls a help text. The help system decides as to which help text is displayed. The function is available as standard.

Possible Entries (Eingabemöglichkeiten)

Displays the valid input values to a field (values, check table, matchcode). The help system decides as to which possible entries are displayed. The function is available as standard.

Menu bar (Menüleiste)

Moves the cursor from the work area to the menu bar. Here, you can choose an option that opens a pull-down menu. The function is available as standard.

Other Functions

Print (Drucken)

Prints a list, a screen duplicate, a purchase order, and so on, (for example, Print delivery note, Print program).

Editor or Long Text (Editor bzw. Langtext)

Edits lines or objects (Edit program, for example) or long text entry to an object. This function leads into an edit mode. That is, the SAP editor, the SAP word processing, or an editor-type system is generally called.

Undo (Widerrufen)

Cancels an action. This should be the action last carried out. If it is technically possible, you can also display the undoing of several (last) actions.

Reset (Rücknahme)

Cancels entries (before ENTER). The fields are initiated again. No confirmation prompt is given. It is only possible to cancel entries on the current screen.


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Source:  SAP Reference Lists