Class 1: General Icons, Group 1-2

German version

The following icon list comprises class 1 (general icons), groups 1-2 (selection, navigation). See also R/3 Icons for an overview of classes and groups.


Icon List

Name "ICON_..."
Short Text
Long Text
2T SYSTEM_CUT Cut F_CUTO The selected area is moved to the programmed clipboard. 1-1 Button, Function
2U SYSTEM_COPY Copy F_COPY The selected area is copied to the programmed clipboard. 1-1 Button, Function
2V SYSTEM_PASTE Paste F_PAST The contents of the programmed clipboard are pasted into the table where the cursor is positioned. 1-1 Button, Function
2X SYSTEM_MARK Selection mode; Select F_MARK The table entry where the cursor is positioned is selected (this function is superfluous in the table control). 1-1 Function
4B SELECT_ALL Select all B_MRKA All table entries are selected. 1-1 Button, Function
4C SELECT_BLOCK Select block B_MRKB A block (of adjacent entries) is selected in a table. First select one entry followed by another entry in another position to use this function. 1-1 Button, Function
4D DESELECT_ALL Deselect all B_MRKD All selections in a table are deselected. 1-1 Button, Function
8J DESELECT_BLOCK Deselect block B_DMRK A block is deselected in a table (useful only if several blocks can be selected, then the block where the cursor is positioned is deselected). 1-1 Button, Function
8K INVERT_COLUMN Invert column selection B_INVS This deselects the selected columns in a table, then it selects the columns that were previously not selected. 1-1 Button, Function
8L INVERT_LINE Invert row selection B_INVZ This deselects the selected rows in a table, then it selects the rows that were previously not selected. 1-1 Button, Function
30 NEXT_PAGE Next page F_NXTP System function: scrolls one page down the screen or the list 1-2 Button, Function
31 LAST_PAGE Last page F_LSTP System function: scrolls down to the bottom of the screen or the list. 1-2 Button, Function
58 PERIOD Period screen; Breakdown over time B_PERI Going to a chosen screen, which contains detailed information (time-related). 1-2 Button, Function
0B TOTAL_LEFT Move to far left; First... B_TOTL Steploop scrolling, to extreme left. 1-2 Button, Function
0C TOTAL_RIGHT Move to far right; Last... B_TOTR Steploop scrolling to extreme right. 1-2 Button, Function
0D COLUMN_LEFT One column to left; Previous... B_COLL Steploop scrolling, one column to the left, or to previous column. 1-2 Button, Function
0E COLUMN_RIGHT One column to right; Next... B_COLR Steploop scrolling, one column to the right, or to next column. 1-2 Button, Function
0F PAGE_RIGHT Page right B_PAGR Steploop scrolling, one page to the right 1-2 Button, Function
0G PAGE_LEFT Page left B_PAGL Steploop scrolling, one page to the left. 1-2 Button, Function
0H PREVIOUS_VALUE Previous value; Next entry B_PRVI A fast way of creating, changing, deleting or restricting data records. This icon is not restricted to a particular function. 1-2 Button, Function
0I NEXT_VALUE Next value; Previous entry B_NXTI A fast way of creating, changing, deleting or restricting data records. This icon is not restricted to a particular function. 1-2 Button, Function
0V OKAY OK; Continue; Choose B_OKAY Default function in a dialog box. This means "Continue" or "Okay", or with text that has a special function such as, "Check". 1-2 Button, Function
0W CANCEL Cancel B_CANC Cancel function in a dialog box. 1-2 Button, Function
2Q OTHER_OBJECT Other F_OOBJ Selects another process object (such as other order, or other cost center). 1-2 Button, Function
2R PREVIOUS_OBJECT Previous screen F_PRVO In a series of screens, this moves you to the previous screen. 1-2 Button, Function
2S NEXT_OBJECT Next screen F_NXTO In a series of screens, this moves you to the next screen. 1-2 Button, Function
2Y FIRST_PAGE First page F_FSTP System function: scrolls up to the top of the screen or list 1-2 Button, Function
2Z PREVIOUS_PAGE Previous page F_PRVP System function: scrolls one page down the screen or the list. 1-2 Button, Function
3P HEADER Header; Basic data B_HEAD You can go to a chosen screen, which contains header information (attributes of the processing object). 1-2 Button, Function
3Q OVERVIEW Overview; List screen B_OVIW You can go to a chosen screen, which contains overview, list, or item information (logical view, often in a table). 1-2 Button, Function
3R DETAIL Detail view B_DAIL Identification of detail screens in a series of detail screens (use tabstrip if possible). 1-2 Button, Function
B8 NEXT_STEP Next step B_STEN G: Workflow: Next subtask, next task step 1-2 Button, Function
B9 PREVIOUS_STEP Previous step B_STEP G: Workflow: Previous subtask, previous task step 1-2 Button, Function
HF TOTAL_UP Move to top of list TOT_UP Moving a list entry up or down: move to top of list 1-2 Button, Function, Status
HG TOTAL_DOWN Move to bottom of list TOT_DO Moving a list entry up or down: move to bottom of list 1-2 Button, Function, Status
HH PAGE_UP Page up PAGEUP Moving a list entry up or down: move up one page 1-2 Button, Function, Status
HI PAGE_DOWN Page down PAGEDO Moving a list entry up or down: move down one page 1-2 Button, Function, Status

61N/61C) New or changed in 6.10
62N/62C) New or changed in 6.20
63N/63C) New or changed in 6.30
L) Locked
4) Olength= 4, 2 otherwise


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Source:  SAP R/3 Icons