Updated: August 23, 2024

Table Toolbar


The SAP Fiori elements templates support the features and settings for the table toolbar detailed below.

For design information, see the guidelines starting with Table Overview, and see the links below.

Feature Availability

Order of Toolbar ActionsWith SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can order the toolbar actions according to their importance, starting with the most frequently-used action and ending with the most seldom-used action, regardless of whether the action is a custom or standard one.


List Report and Object Page Features



Title Visible by default.

You can  hide it.

You can show the table row count next to the title.

Infobar Default for all table types, the infobar summarizes the filter criteria applied to the table data. It is displayed below the table toolbar and above the column headings when at least one filter is set.
Table Personalization Actions Default, you can turn them off.
Show/Hide Details Available in responsive tables
Mass Edit Available in draft-enabled applications:

  • In both the list report and object page with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
  • In the list report with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2
Export With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4:

  • Export to Spreadsheet is enabled by default.
  • Export to PDF is available.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, Export to Excel is enabled by default in:

  • A list report table
  • An object page table only if the Paste icon is displayed
Copy to Clipboard The Copy button is displayed in the table toolbar by default.
Paste from Clipboard The Paste icon is displayed only if the table supports the paste action.
Application-Specific Actions Available
Actions Disabled Before Row Selection Available
Conditional Enablement of Navigation Buttons Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4

Requires an extension with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2

Messages for Critical Actions Available
Messages for Destructive Actions Available
Multiple Views on a Table Available

List Report Only Features



Toolbar Sticky Behavior Default, you can turn it off.
Standard ActionsCreate and Delete Default, you can turn them off.
Object Creation via an Object Page Default, you can change it.
Object Creation via a Dialog Available in certain conditions
Object Creation with Reference to Another Object Available as a custom create with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
Copy Object Available

You determine the label on the action button.

Hiding Actions in Multiple Content Layout Available
Message Strip for the Table Available, a message strip can display all the messages related to the table in their order of severity.
Add Card to Insights Default when My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud is enabled.

You can turn it off.


Object Page Only Features



Search Available, when the data allows it.
Edit Default, when the data allows it.
Delete Default, when the data allows it.
Subobject Creation via Subobject Page Default, you can change it.
Subobject Creation via Dialog Available for applications that are not draft-enabled in certain conditions
Create Not Visible In certain conditions
Inline Creation Available, in draft-enabled applications for grid and responsive tables
Prefilling Fields for New Object Creation Available, in draft-enabled applications
Full Screen Mode for Table Display Available, not recommended
Segmented Button for Switching Table Views Default for a table with a maximum of three views
Select Control for Switching Table Views Default for a table with four or more views

List Report and Object Page Features

The information below relates to table toolbar actions and settings in both the list report and object page floorplans.

Table Personalization Actions

By default, Sort, Group and Order actions are enabled.

These actions are icon buttons that open the Personalization dialog to the tab for the corresponding action.

For specific use cases, you can disable the icon buttons. When you do, the user must open the Personalization dialog to access the actions.

Table-level view management is not a prerequisite for personalization.

For more information, see Table Personalization (Overview).

Show / Hide Details

The responsive table toolbar displays the Show Details action when at least one column is hidden from the screen because of limited onscreen space.

After the user clicks Show Details, the the table displays the hidden information in the pop-in area, and the action changes to Hide Details.

The importance assigned to a column determines whether or not the table displays its values onscreen when screen space is limited:

  • The values from high importance columns are always displayed onscreen — as columns or in the pop-in area, depending on the screen size.
  • The values in columns with low importance are first to be hidden.

By default in responsive tables:

  • Key fields have the importance set to high in list reports.
  • Other columns have the importance set to none and are handled like columns assigned medium importance.

You can change the level of importance.

Mass Edit

You can enable mass edit in responsive tables and grid tables for applications with draft handling in the:

  • List report and object page with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
  • List report with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2

List Report

Users cannot apply the mass edit to a draft record.

The edit is applied to all the objects selected that don’t return errors or warnings during the update. When they do return an error or warning, none of their fields are updated.

By default, the Edit dialog contains all the table columns that are currently visible and editable.

Object Page

When it’s enabled for a table in the object page and the object page is in edit mode, users can apply the mass edit to subobjects.

For more information, see Mass Edit.

Developer Hint
For more information on enabling this feature for an object page table with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can refer application developers to Using the Mass Edit Functionality.


The export action exports the values in a table. When enabled, it is displayed in the table toolbar.

  • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4:
    • Export to Spreadsheet is enabled by default.
    • Export to PDF is available.
    • By default, a maximum of 1000 rows can be exported. The application development team can change the limit.
  • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 Export to Excel is enabled by default in:
    • A list report table
    • An object page table only if the Paste icon is available

For more information see Export to Spreadsheet.

Copy and Paste

Users can copy data from external applications — such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word — or from other SAP Fiori elements applications to the clipboard, and then paste the data from the clipboard to tables in SAP Fiori elements applications that are editable.

Copy to Clipboard

By default, the Copy action is displayed in the table toolbar. You can disable the action in the toolbars for all tables or specific ones.

With it, users can copy multiple rows or ranges of rows and columns to the clipboard.

They can select a range of cells in rows or columns:

Paste from Clipboard

The Paste action is displayed in the table toolbar if the table supports it.

After users copy data from another SAP Fiori elements application or an external application, they can paste it to:

  • The table

Users set the focus on the table or select an empty row before pasting the data. One or more new rows are created for the pasted data.

This feature is available only for draft-enabled applications and for tables where inline creation or the insertion of empty rows has been enabled.

  • A cell or range of cells, only in grid and responsive tables

Users select a cell or cell range within the table and paste the data. If the selected cell or cells are in:

    • Active or draft rows, the pasted data replaces the values in those rows.
    • An empty row, new rows are created for the pasted data.

To paste, they can use the Paste action in the toolbar or use a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V for Microsoft Windows, Cmd+V for MacOS).


  • Pasting is supported only for fields that contain a single value, not for complex fields, such as smart links and images.
  • If there are validation errors, a dialog displays an error message so the user can take remedial action.
  • The greater the number of records copied, the longer the paste operation takes.
  • The order of the of the data copied from the spreadsheet can differ from the order in the table in the application after the paste. SAP Fiori elements cannot control this.
  • Users cannot paste data into custom columns of tables.
  • This feature is not supported for custom tables.
Pasting the data from the clipboard into another SAP Fiori elements table can cause formatting issues because the copy action doesn’t separate the content of fields that include more than one value, for example, a field with both an amount and a currency or both a value and its description.

Instead, we recommend users export the data into a spreadsheet format that separates multiple values in one field into separate columns, with a single value in each, and then, adjust the format to match the one the target table.

Developer Hint
For more information, refer application developers to

Application-Specific Actions

You can define these actions and the text displayed on the buttons.

The application team can control when the action button is displayed and enabled.

For application-specific actions, application teams can define custom keyboard shortcuts.

For more information, see:

Developer Hint

For more information on shortcuts, refer application developers to Keyboard Shortcuts.

Actions Disabled Until the User Selects a Row

You can set actions in the table toolbar to display as disabled until the user selects one or more table rows for the action.

Note that the development team may call actions that require selection “context-dependent” actions and actions that are enabled without a selection “context-independent” actions.

For more information, see UI Element States.

Conditional Enablement of Navigation Buttons

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can enable buttons that navigate the user to another page or application based on the value of a specific field.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, this feature requires extensions.

For example, you can enable the Generate Purchase Order button only for sales orders with the completed status.

Implement this feature only when the way to enable the button is obvious to end users.

Messages for Critical Actions

For actions that you set as critical, you can display one of the following after the user triggers the action:

  • A message toast confirmation
  • A confirmation message box to ensure the user wants to proceed with specific critical actions

Also, the backend can require a confirmation on some actions. In this case, the confirmation message is always shown in a message box.


Overwrite the default message text so it’s meaningful to the users, as shown in the example below. Provide the new text to the development team. Then, the development team updates it in the application’s internationalization (i18n) file for the object type.

Ask the development team whether or not the backend requires confirmations for your use case.


SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
Default Text                          “Do you really want to execute the action <Action Label>?”

<Action Label> is the label shown on the button.

“Do you really want to perform this action?
Replacement Text “Are you sure you really want to activate this product?” “Are you sure you really want to activate this product?”

Messages for Destructive Actions

By default, a message is displayed for confirmation of an action that will delete or destroy important data.


Overwrite the default message text so it’s meaningful to the users, as shown in the example below. Provide the new text to the development team. Then, the development team updates it in the application’s internationalization (i18n) file for the object type.

Ask the development team whether or not the backend requires confirmations for your use case.


SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
Default Text The default message reuses the title and the description defined for the object in the table.

  • In flexible column layout: Delete object <title> <description>?

    For example, “Delete object 12345 (Sales Order)?”

  • In full screen mode: Delete object <title>?

    For example, “Delete object 12345?”

“Do you really want to perform this action?
Replacement Text “Are you sure you really want to delete this product?” “Are you sure you really want to delete this product?”

Multiple Views for a Table

You can display a table with multiple views, for example, each view of the same table can display different columns or prefiltered states.

For a maximum of three views, a segmented button is displayed. For four or more, the select control is displayed.

With SAP Fiori elements for V4, you can also display the row count for each view next to the view name.

List Report Only Features

The information below relates only to table toolbar actions and settings in the list report floorplan.

Standard Actions

By default, Create and Delete are enabled.

You can disable them.

You can also enable or disable the Delete button based on conditions specified in the backend.


You can disable deletion for a sales order that has already been paid. When a user selects an item that cannot be deleted, the Delete button is disabled. In addition, if the user navigates from this item in the list report to the object page, the Delete button is hidden.

In a responsive table, if you put a Delete button in the toolbar, do not enable the inline Delete for table rows.

Create Object Actions

By default, the create via the object page feature is enabled. The create action opens the object page in create mode so the user can enter the data. Alternatively, you can enable object creation as described the sections below:

Via a Dialog

The action opens a dialog in modal view so the user can enter the data.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, you can:

  • Include a maximum of eight fields in the dialog
  • Enable filter values saved in the filter bar to prefill fields in the dialog
When you enable the object creation via a dialog feature, users cannot navigate to an object page in create mode. Instead, they can navigate to the object page in display mode and switch to edit mode.

Note that when a user clicks Cancel in the create dialog, no draft states are maintained.

With Default Values That Prefill Fields for the New Object

This feature is available with:

  • SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 for applications without draft handling
  • SAP Fiori elements for OData V4

Via a Dialog with a Reference to an Existing Object of the Same Type

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, application developers can build a custom create action via a dialog that lets the user create a new object with a reference to an existing object of the same type.

The user:

  1. Clicks the action button.
    You can name the button to suit your use case.
  2. Selects the value of the existing object to reference in the dialog.
  3. Completes the fields for the new object by selecting one or more values to copy from the existing one.
  4. Completes additional fields for the new object in the object page.
Create from existing object
Create from existing object
Developer Hint
For more information, refer application developers to:

Copy Object

You can place a copy action button in the table toolbar to let the user to create a new object with the same data as the selected object.

You set the label for the button according to your use case. Otherwise, the default label is Copy.

In the toolbar, the Copy button is displayed after the Create button.

Developer Hint
Application developers can define a standard copy action button by annotating a function import action (DataFieldForAction) as a Copy action. For more information, refer them to: Actions in the List Report.

Hiding Actions in Multiple Content Layout

You can hide an action from a toolbar for a specific table when the list report contains multiple views with multiple tables.

For more information, see:

Add Card to Insights

By default, the Add Card to Insights option is displayed in the overflow toolbar of list report tables with the single content layouts when My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud is enabled.

You can ask the application development team to turn the option off.

For more information, see: Simple Content Layout.

Developer Hint
For more information on card creation and disabling it, refer application developers to Creating Cards for the Insights Section of My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Object Page Only Features

The information below relates only to table toolbar actions and settings in the object page floorplan.


You can enable a search on the table.

For more information, see Search.


By default, Edit is displayed when the business object shown in the table is editable.


By default, Delete is displayed in edit mode when the business object shown in the table is deletable.

You can enable or disable the Delete action to allow users to delete only in certain conditions.

For example, after the sales items for a Sales Order have shipped, you can hide the Delete action for the items. When a user selects an item that cannot be deleted, the Delete action is disabled.

When multiple selection is enabled for the table, the Delete action is enabled if at least one selected item is deletable.

In a responsive table, if you put a Delete action in the toolbar, do not enable the inline Delete for table rows.

Subobject Creation

By default:

  • Create is displayed in edit mode when the business object shown in the table is editable. For specific circumstances when the Create button is disabled, see Create Action Visibility below.
  • The default creation action is via the suboject page — the action opens the subobject page in create mode so the user can enter the data.

You can:

  • Enable or disable the Create action to allow users to create subobjects only in certain conditions. For example, after a sales order reaches the Delivery is Shipped status, you can hide the Create Sales Item action.
  • Enable creation of a subobject via a dialog with 8 fields maximum. The action opens a dialog in modal view so the user can enter the data. The dialog must contain all the mandatory fields for the subobject. With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, you can enable filter values saved in the filter bar to prefill fields in the Create dialog.
  • Enable inline create for draft-enabled applications in grid and responsive tables with SAP Fiori elements for V4. See Inline Creation below.
  • Enable default values to prefill the fields for the new object. This feature is available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, and with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 for applications without draft handling.
Replace the default dialog title or subobject page title “New Item” to reflect the name of the subobject and to provide a name for unnamed objects that’s meaningful to the user.

For more information, see:

Create Action Visibility

Whether or not the Create action is visible in the table toolbar depends on:

  • The object page mode.
  • Whether the flow is global or local.
  • Where the user enters the data for the new subobject — in the subobject page or directly in the table with the inline edit.


Flow Type Read Mode for All Tables Edit Mode for Tables with Subobject Pages Edit Mode for Tables with Inline Edit

Global Flow for Draft-Enabled

Applications with Fiori Elements for OData V2

  • Navigation indicators   are visible (if required).
  • Create button is not visible.
  • Navigation indicators   are visible (if required).
  • Create button is visible.
  • Navigation indicators   are visible (if required).
  • Create button is visible.

Local Flow for Non-Draft Enabled Applications

  • Navigation indicators   are visible (if required).
  • Create button is visible.
  • Navigation indicators   are not visible.
  • Create button is not visible.
Not Supported.

Inline Creation

You can enable inline creation of entries for applications with draft handling enabled. The Create action is displayed in the table toolbar in edit mode.

The inline creation adds a new row to the table where the users can enter the subobject data.

By default, the new row is highlighted in blue and displayed at the top of the table. The highlighting disappears after the users save the data.

You can:

  • Work with the development team to define a custom sort order.
  • Enable default values to prefill the fields for the new object.

For more information, see Add Items.

Prefilling Fields for a New Object

You can turn this on in draft-enabled applications for the default create action via the object page, where the user navigates to another application to enter the data in the new object page.

The new object must be the main object on the object page.

You determine both the fields to prefill and the default values for the fields.

Full Screen Mode for Table Display

You can enable full screen mode for a table. However, it is generally not recommended.

Users click the Maximize action in the toolbar to display to the table in a dialog. They can return to the object page by clicking either the Minimize or Close action.

For more information on the restrictions for this feature, see Maximize/Minimize.

Content Switch for Table Views

The number of views defined for a table determines the UI control that lets users switch the table views:

By default, the count or number of records in the view is not displayed next to the title of the content switch for table views for performance reasons. Talk to the development team about how displaying the counts impacts performance for your use case.

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