Pushbuttons on Data Screens
Pushbuttons with Icons on Data Screens
On data screens, you can use icons for pushbuttons with no fixed position
for a number of functions. Position the pushbuttons in the work area so
that the intended reference is obvious (usually to the right of an object).
Generally, add text to an iconized pushbutton only, if absolutely required.
If the address icon is used for different types of addresses (e.g. shipping
address, order address), complete the icon with a corresponding text.
Spin Buttons
A spin button is a control element for the sequential display and/or
input of mutually exclusive alternatives. Use spin buttons to display
or enter alternatives with a logical ascending order, for example, the
months of the year.
You provide the functionality of a spin button using an input field and
two triangle icons pointing up and down.

Figure 1: Spin button example
When choosing alphabetical entries (for example, month, weekday)
the upwards pointing triangle means Previous entry and the downwards
pointing one Next entry.
With numeric values, (for example, the rotation angle of an object,
time) the upwards pointing triangle means Next value (Increment),
the downwards pointing one Previous value (Decrement).
At the beginning or the end of the list the system cycles through the
other end of the list.
Word Processing Functions
Text/Word Processing
- Standard: Usually, you use the Change text icon, and
Create, Change and Display are not distinguished. If the
user clicks this icon, the SAPscript word processing is called or an
intermediary screen comes up from where SAPscript can be called. The
user can enter formatted texts. This function may also call an OLE object
(WinWord, Wordperfect etc.). It refers to the entire object (formerly
often called Long text).
- Extension: There are icons with the meaning Display text
and/or Create text. Use them to set the three text icons at runtime.
This makes a separate status display superfluous. Follow this scheme
for dynamic use of word processing icons:
Status of Text |
Icons for Edit
Mode |
Icons for Display
Mode |
no text |
Create text,
active |
Create text,
inactive |
no text, protected |
Create text,
inactive |
--- |
text exists |
Change text,
active |
Display text,
active |
text exists,
protected |
Display text,
active |
--- |
Table 1: Overview of text icons in edit and display mode
(Change) Note, Comments
- Standard: Use the annotation icon when the user can enter comments
with reference to a particular action (object component, for example,
order item) or a particular line of a report. Typically, these texts
are entered unformatted.
- Extension: As with text (word processing): Create note and/or
comment and/or Display note and/or comment
Other Services
For other services you can use the following functions:
- Table calculation: Calling, for example, the unit calculation
from a previous application, for example, "Change part"
- (Business/Statistics) graphics: Calling the business graphics
from a window in which displays a list with data
- Variants: Calling a dialogue box, in which layout variants
can be specified (for example, in the Report Writer or in Logistics-Controlling)
or display variants can be selected (for example in the line item display)
- Info: Information text from the application itself (that is,
created by SAP or generated by the application or a data processing
administrator). Texts can refer to the application or to individual
columns in a report. They describe specific aspects of an application
and cannot be changed by the user.
- Short Message: May be used in mail applications
- Address: Calling the address dialogue box
- (Set) status: Calling a window to set the status for an object
(for example, entering release infos in the IMG)
- Tools: Callings tools inside or outside the R/3 System
- Export/Import: Saving files on a PC/loading files from a PC
Source: SAP
R/3 Style Guide