The map displays business objects on a map. It can also be used to show points of interest, optimized routing based on business criteria, and other quantitative location-based data.

Map on mobile (left) and tablet (right)

Anatomy of map
A. Current Location
A marker that indicates the user’s current location. This marker is composed of a blue dot and a radius that occurs at regular intervals.
B. Marker
A marker is used to represent the location of one or more business objects. Use markers to represent jobs, assets, functional locations, or workers in the field. If there are many markers on the map, enable clustering to simplify the map interface.
C. Polylines
A polyline is a series of points that represents a linear path. Use polylines to represent linear assets such as roads, gas lines or utility lines. Different polyline types can be identified by their color and stroke treatment.
D. Polygons
A polygon is a series of points and paths that represent an enclosed area. Use polygons to represent areas such as a construction site or maintenance area. Different polygon types can be identified by their color and stroke treatment.

Map annotation types
1) Search – Narrows down the list to matches that are based on the user query. When using the search with the list, use a persistent search on top of the list and make it prominent.
2) Filter Chips – Represent values based on time, attribute, and location that filter down the list when selected.
3) Object Cell List – Presents all objects in a list format and allows users to scroll through and drill-down to an object’s detail page.

Anatomy of list
1. Object Header – Contains the object title, a navigation icon as well as an optional object name, a subheading, tags, and menu icons. The title can accommodate up to three lines of text after which the text is truncated.
2. Directions Button – Uses Google maps or Esri maps to navigate to an object’s location.
3. Actions Cell – Action cells are quick actions that are related to the object and allow users to view details and create or edit an object.

Anatomy of object detail
C. Edit
The edit mode allows users to create and control annotations by setting a single point or series of points. The edit mode can be accessed in two ways: tapping the “Add” button on the map view, or the “Edit” action cell on the object detail preview. The edit mode panel displays the controls for adding, deleting, and reordering points. The edit panel follows the following section hierarchy:
1. App Bar – Contains the “Close” icon used to exit the edit mode. The title informs the user that they are in edit mode while the “Save” button allows the user to save their annotations.
2. Choice chips – Represent different types of annotations such as points, polylines, or polygons. Selecting each one changes the type of annotation that the user is applying to the map.
3. Reorder Cell – Displays a point’s precise address or location. To change a cell’s sequence within a list, drag and drop the cell to the desired position on the list. Cells can be deleted from the list by tapping the “Close” icon on the right.

Anatomy of edit mode
A. Settings
The settings is a dialog modal with a set of controls. These controls allow users to change the map type, show or hide certain objects on the map, as well as change the units of measurement and the user’s distance.
B. Map Legend
Tapping on the map legend provides detailed information about the symbols and visual elements that appear on the map view.
C. Current Position
Tapping on the current position readjusts the zoom level to show the user’s current location.
D. Zoom Extent
Tapping on the zoom extent readjusts the map zoom level to show all map markers on the screen at once.

Anatomy of the map toolbar
Add Button
The “Add” button allows users to create a point or annotation by going into the create/edit mode. Tapping on the “Add” button may trigger a menu where the user can select from multiple different object types. If there is only one object type, do not use a menu and simply enable the create/edit mode directly after the users taps on the “Add” button.

Floating action button on bottom right of map view

Zooming into a map

Panning to navigate around the map
Selecting annotations such as markers, polylines, polygons, displays that object’s detail preview. A selected marker doubles in size from its default size to indicate that the object has been selected. The stroke of selected polylines and polygons doubles in size to indicate that they have been selected.

Selecting a map marker displays an object detail
Clustering is a way to control the number of markers by grouping when the user zooms out and dispersing when the user is zooms back in. Objects that share one single geometry (location) are displayed as a single marker with a number count. If objects in a cluster are of different types, the marker should be set to a neutral color. If objects in a cluster are of the same type, the marker should reflect the color set for that specific object type.

Map markers cluster at higher zoom levels
Development: FioriMapView
SAP Fiori for iOS: Map
Related Components/Patterns: Search, Timeline, Object Header, Profile Header, Chips