
The signature form cell is an entry point for users to launch the signature capture component.

Signature form cell on mobile (left) and on tablet (right)
Signature form cell on mobile (left) and on tablet (right)


  • Use the signature capture form cell when user consent is required.
  • Use a concise header to communicate the purpose and importance of the signature requirement.
  • Use an asterisk (*) next to the header to indicate that the signature is required.

Don’t use the signature capture form cell for insignificant or non-essential tasks.


A. Header

The header introduces the signature form cell.

B. Text Label

The text label describes what the signature is for.

C. Helper Text

The helper text provides additional information about the form cell. 

D. “Add Signature” Button

The “Add Signature” button launches the dialog for the signature capture when tapped.

Anatomy of the signature form cell
Anatomy of the signature form cell

Behavior and Interaction

The signature icon is the touch target for the form cell. When it is tapped, it navigates users to the signature capture.

Activating the signature form cell
Activating the signature form cell

Adaptive Design

The full width of the signature form cell adapts to different screen sizes.

Signature form cell on mobile (top) and on tablet (bottom)
Signature form cell on mobile (top) and on tablet (bottom)


Development: SignatureCaptureFormCell

Related Components/Patterns: Signature Capture, Button, Signature Capture Inline