Single-User Onboarding
For enterprise software, onboarding is the process of activating an account by providing the user with key instructions. Existing user accounts are typically assigned by an admin or the IT department. The onboarding process can vary depending on the configuration of the app by the admin or the IT department in terms of data sensitivity, security level, and the number of users.

Single-user onboarding user flow
- Welcome users with an element of excitement for the experience ahead.
- Keep the entire onboarding process as simple as possible and use clear language that gets straight to the point.
- Onboarding is supported on both mobile and tablet. For mobile, screens appear only in portrait mode. For tablets, onboarding is supported both in landscape and portrait mode.
- Don’t repeat onboarding after the user has completed the process.
- Don’t skip the onboarding flow for first time logins.
A. Launch Screen
The launch screen welcomes new users by showing the overall mood of the app and briefly presents the major features. It contains key actions for users to start interacting with the app, including agreeing to legal terms, trying out demo mode, and continuing to the app.
A. Application Details
- App Logo (Optional): Recommended for branding purposes.
- App Title: Use clear and concise naming conventions for the application’s title. We recommend keeping the title length to two rows for mobile or one row for tablet.
B. Top User Benefit
This describes the primary benefits of the app and is helpful for users to understand the app’s purpose.
C. User Legal Agreement (Optional)
In proprietary software, an end user license agreement (EULA) or software license agreement is the contract between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser’s right to use the software. To move forward in the onboarding process, users must agree to the contracts.
This area lists out the hyperlinks to the legal terms that users must agree to before proceeding to the app. Users must check the checkbox to continue with the app.
D. Start
The button is enabled for the user to proceed once they check the checkbox of the user legal agreement.
E. Demo Mode
The demo mode allows users to try features of the app without needing to be fully invested.
F. Footer (Optional)
The footer is an optional area. For certain scenarios, if the user agreement to legal contracts is not displayed, you can list the hyperlinks here in the footer area.

Launch Screen
If your app is available for download from Chinese app stores or websites, the disclosure of legal contracts must be displayed in a dialog view to comply with China’s legal requirements.
Click here for the recommendations of the user flow.

Launch screen with dialog

Activation using the discovery service by entering an email address
C-2. Activation: QR Code Scan
QR code activation requires the user to be provided with a QR code to scan. Users can scan a QR code by using the camera or by scanning via images saved on their phone gallery. Using the scanner has the benefit of reducing errors and streamlining the activation process.