Updated: March 19, 2024

Input Field



A text input field allows users to enter and edit text or numeric values in one line. To help users enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestion feature and the value help option.


Use the input field if:

  • The user needs to enter a short, single-line text or number.
  • The user needs to enter a password, URL, phone number, or email address.
  • The user needs to select a single item from a large amount of data (for example, more than 200 items).
  • The user needs to find an object by searching for more than one attribute, such as an ID, city, and customer name. Use this control in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature and value help option. For a small set of values (for example, fewer than 20 items), consider using the select control. Otherwise, use the combo box (for 20-200 items).

Do not use the input field if:

For more information on which selection control to choose, see the selection control overview.


In the examples below, the input field is shown in combination with the tabular autocomplete feature for different device sizes.

Note that when tabular suggestions are used, the column headers stay sticky when scrolling within the suggestion list.

Size S (Smartphones)

Cozy mode:

When the user clicks the input field, a new full screen dialog opens in which suggested items can be selected. Here, the pop-in feature of the responsive table is used.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone

Size M (Tablets)

Cozy mode:

The pop-in feature of the responsive table is used here, and defined columns are wrapped into a new line due to the limited space available.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion with sticky header
Tabular autocomplete suggestion with sticky header

Size L (Desktops)

Compact mode:

The full table is shown by the suggest feature.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop


Six input types are currently supported (API). Be sure to select the correct type for your use case. Depending on the input type, a different keyboard layout is displayed on a mobile device (see some sample input types).

Note: The control does not provide validation based on the type. The app development team must implement format validation. If binding is used, validation is carried out by the model, but error handling must still be implemented on the UI side.

Text (default)

Input type text – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type text – Keyboard layout on a smartphone


Input type number – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type number – Keyboard layout on a smartphone


Input type email – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type email – Keyboard layout on a smartphone


Input type URL – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type URL – Keyboard layout on a smartphone

Telephone Number

Input type telephone number – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type telephone number – Keyboard layout on a smartphone


Input type password – Keyboard layout on a smartphone
Input type password – Keyboard layout on a smartphone

Some types, such as number or telephone number, can be used together with mask input for better guidance.

Examples of input with different number masks
Examples of input with different number masks

Behavior and Interaction

Entering Text Using the Autocomplete Feature

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

Entering Text Using the Value Help Dialog

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

For information on how to manage leading and trailing white space (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, see removing leading and trailing white space.


An input field can have the following styles. For more information, see UI Element States.

Input field states
Input field states


Value State and Value State Message

The input control offers the four value states listed below, for which you can show an additional value state text message when the focus is on the input field.

  1. Error
  2. Warning
  3. Success (no message is available for this state)
  4. Information

For more guidance on when to use which state, see How to Use Semantic Colors.

Input field in semantic colors with value state message below
Input field in semantic colors with value state message below

The value state message can be either a plain text or a formatted text.

Enabled, Read-only and Disabled states

The input field has three states (see examples of input states):

  1. Enabled: This is the default setting.
  2. Read-only: The input field is shown in a read-only state, with a grey background.
  3. Disabled: The input field is shown with a visual indication that editing isn’t possible (for example, because the user isn’t authorized to make changes).
Input field - Enabled
Input field - Enabled
Input field - Read only
Input field - Read only
Input field - Disabled
Input field - Disabled


Use this property to indicate that user input is required. Set the property for the specific input field to ensure that the asterisk is shown in front of the label.

Required input field
Required input field

Maximum Length

Use this property to set the maximum number of characters allowed. There is no limit by default.


The placeholder, or input prompt, is a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.



You can provide an additional description on the input field, for example, for units or currency. The width of the input field and description is distributed equally by default. Although the default setting is 50%, you can change this with the fieldWidth property.

Input description
Input description


The width of the input field is set to 100% by default. Input fields are usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container that the input field is embedded in. Instead of defining a fixed width, we recommend working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, and responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined by the 12-column approach.

Text Alignment

The input field offers six types of alignment for text values (API):

  • Begin
  • Center
  • End
  • Initial (default): Browser-configured alignment is used
  • Left
  • Right

Value Help

To help the user find the correct value, you can enable the value help option (property: showValueHelp). By enabling this option, a small value help icon ( )is displayed in the input field on the right-hand side. To give a better indication of the type of data that can be selected, you can exchange the value help icon (property: valueHelpIconSrc). Once the value help option is enabled, the click event can be registered and one of the following displayed:

Don’t use the “value help only” option (property: valueHelpOnly). This can result in inconsistencies for screen reader users.
Input field with value help
Input field with value help
Custom value help icon
Custom value help icon

The values can also be pasted into the input field by copying and pasting, or dragging and dropping, if the user prefers. In this case, the values are automatically transformed into conditional expressions. For example: Copying values “1234” and “5678” leads to the token generation “=1234” and “=5678”. Additionally, these values are shown in the conditions tab of the value help dialog.

Input Assistance

Intelligent systems can help users by recommending appropriate content or suggesting an action or input the user may “prefer”. The system assists the user by entering data or filtering data. Typical examples might be a search phrase suggestion, an appropriate form template, or a set of suggested default values for certain fields, based on the user input and interaction history.

For more information, see Designing Intelligent Systems – Input Assistance.

Autocomplete Suggestions

The input control offers three different types of autocomplete suggestions: single, two-value, and tabular. By default, the width of the suggestion box is the same as the width of the input field. You can change it with the maxSuggestionWidth property.
Note: The maximum width of the suggestion box is always slightly smaller than the width of the screen or browser window (with 1 rem of free space on the left and right sides), regardless of the value you provide for maxSuggestionWidth.

The position of the suggestion box depends on the space available below the control. If there is not enough space, the suggestion box is shown above the control.

As the user types, the first suggestion item that matches the characters entered is autocompleted in the input field. The typed characters are matched against the beginning of the suggestion items, based on the “starts with” filter. As a visual hint for the user, the matched characters are highlighted (bold) in the option list items. The highlighting works on the basis of “starts with per term”, regardless of the filtering method. The user can accept the autocompleted value by pressing ENTER. 

The autocomplete property is set by default if suggestions are available, but can also be switched off.

The typeahead input feature is not available on Android devices

Single Value with Autocomplete

Single-value autocomplete displays a list of suggestions with one left-aligned value. As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.Item is used.

Use the single-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by only one attribute, such as an ID or a customer name.

See this live example of single-value autocomplete suggestions.

Single-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Single-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Two Values with Autocomplete

The two-value autocomplete suggestion feature displays two attributes of a business object, such as a customer and an ID.  As a base for the aggregation of suggestionItemssap.ui.core.ListItem is used.

The text property is displayed first, and is left-aligned. The additionalText property is right-aligned. The first text property is autocompleted in the input field.

Use the two-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by two attributes. This ensures that the search is carried out for both attributes.

See this live example of two-value autocomplete suggestions.

Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Tabular Autocomplete

This autocomplete feature displays the values in a table layout. Use the tabular autocomplete feature if you need to display more than two attributes.

For input fields in a tabular view, we recommend using a maximum of 4 columns. Focus on columns that are really relevant for the use case. If there are too many columns for the available space, the width of the columns shrinks. Alternatively, you can enable the responsive behavior of the table (property: enableTableAutoPopinMode).

To use the tabular suggestion feature, use the suggestionColumns aggregation to define the columns and the correct responsive behavior for the pop-in content. Define appropriate responsive behavior for sizes S and M. For more information, see the article on the responsive table.

With the showTableSuggestionValueHelp property, you can offer a Show All Items button at the end of the suggest result list. Because the number of results in the suggest functionality is limited, this option helps the user find the relevant item via an alternative dialog:

The width of the columns is distributed equally by default. To avoid truncation, accurately estimate the primary attribute length and set a minimum width for this column.

The column headers remain in place when the user scrolls through the suggestion list (“sticky” behavior).

See a live example of tabular autocomplete suggestions.

Tabular autocomplete, suggestion box wider than the input field
Tabular autocomplete, suggestion box wider than the input field


You can group the items in a suggestion list by a specific attribute and separate each group visually with a group header. This feature is also available for tabular suggestion lists.

The group headers are not interactive.

Input with grouped suggestions
Input with grouped suggestions
Input with grouped tabular suggestions
Input with grouped tabular suggestions


You can add a Clear icon to the input field (property: showClearIcon). It will appear as soon as the input field has a value. Clicking the Clear icon removes the value from the field. If used, make sure that the input field is wide enough to show the Clear icon in addition to the value.

'Clear' icon
'Clear' icon


  • The property ariaDescribedBy links the input field to other controls to provide additional information for assistive technologies, such as screen readers. If you use this property, we recommend linking either to on-screen controls that provide additional context or to an invisible text.


Always provide a meaningful label for any input field, and use the least complex control (such as select instead of value help). Use more intricate controls only if the use case really requires it. Where appropriate, help users by providing mask input or placeholder texts.

Maximum Columns

For input fields in a tabular view, we recommend using a maximum of 4 columns.

Maximum Length

Limit the length of the input field. For example, if you don’t want users to enter more than 5 characters, set the maximum length to 5. The maximum permissible character length is not defined by default. If the back-end system has a limit, ensure that you set this property accordingly.

Note that this parameter is not compatible with the input type sap.m.InputType.Number. If the input type is set to Number, the value of the maxLength property is ignored.


Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.


The description field should be used, for example, for displaying units or currency. Do not use a description for help text or as a label replacement. Note that the description is not placed in a new line in size S. Therefore, only use the description property for small input fields with a short description.


  • Avoid setting a fixed width, but rather embed it in a proper layout (such as a form, simple form, or grid layout) and use the layout data property to define the responsive behavior for sizes S, M, and L:
  • Ensure an appropriate width for the range of values to be entered for the sizes S, M, and L. Keep in mind that word length can vary between languages, so take localization into account.

Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.


The alignment rules are the same for display mode and edit mode.

Align left if:

  • Text is used. Also use left alignment for a phone number, URL, password, and email address.

Align right if:

  • Amounts and decimal numbers are used.
  • Values need to be added and compared.

Value Help

Show the value help option to help the user select the correct value (such as a customer ID) from a large dataset via the:

Use this option in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature.

The value help dialog should tell users what values have already been entered into an input field.

Creating and Editing Objects

Sometimes a new object needs to be created if the user cannot find a specific item via autocomplete or value help. In this case, we recommend that you place the New action next to the input field.

If you want the user to be able to edit a selected object directly, you should place the Edit link next to the input field.

If both actions are needed, they should be toggled based on the content of the input field. If a valid object is selected, you should display Edit. If the input field is empty or the object is not valid, you should display New. This pattern can also be applied for the multi-input fieldcombo boxmulti-combo box, and select controls.

Input field – 'New' action
Input field – 'New' action
Input field – 'Edit' action
Input field – 'Edit' action


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls
