
Color sets the visual balance of SAP Fiori for Android apps. On screen, color is used to define the visual hierarchy of UI elements and to direct the user’s attention to complete their tasks.

Horizon Theme Color Palette

The Horizon color palette introduces a unified color palette that brings our brand and products together to achieve a cohesive experience across all SAP touchpoints. The Horizon color palette is designed to provide bold and vibrant color while remaining accessible in instances with complex UIs.

Horizon color palette
Horizon color palette

UI Colors

UI colors are colors that are grouped based on their role or usage within the UI. This additional level of abstraction allows product teams to swap out the default Horizon theme with their own product colors. UI colors are grouped into the following color groups:

  • Surface colors
  • Text colors
  • Borders colors
  • Semantic colors
  • Accent colors

Surface Colors

Surface colors are colors applied to the background of all components. These colors contrast with all foreground colors and are the basis for the overall theme. Surface colors are identified by the letter S followed by a number sequence (e.g., S1, S2, S3) in our UI Kit.

Light Mode Dark Mode Name Usage
Base White
Base Dark
S0-Background Base Background (0dp)
Base White
Base Dark with Overlay
Overlay: #7198BF
S1-Primary Elevated Surfaces (1dp-24dp)
Blue 7
Blue 5
S2-Secondary Call-to-Action Elements
Grey 11
Base White
S3-Tertiary Snackbar Background
Grey 1
Grey 6
#5B738B, 20%
S4-Quarternary Muted Backgrounds
Blue 7
#0070F2, 8%
Blue 5
#4DB1FF, 20%
S5-Selected Surface Selected Backgrounds
Base White
Base Dark with Overlay
Overlay: #7198BF
S6-Header Header Background
Grey 6
Grey 4
S7-Switch Idle Switch Backgrounds
Grey 7
Grey 3
S8-Switch Selected Selected Switch Backgrounds

Text Colors

Text colors are colors applied to the text and icons of all components. These colors range from neutral grey colors to interactive brand colors applied to text and icons. Text colors are identified by the letter T followed by a number sequence (e.g., T1, T2, T3).

Light Mode Dark Mode Name Usage
Grey 9
Grey 1
T1-Main on Primary Titles, Subtitles
Grey 7
Grey 3
T2-Support on Primary Body Text, Caption
Grey 6
Grey 4
T3-Minor on Primary Muted Text, Placeholder Text
Blue 7
Blue 5
T4-CTA on Primary Tinted Text, Links, Interactive Icons
Base White
Grey 11
T5-Main on Secondary Text on S2-Secondary
Blue 5
Blue 7
T6-Main on Tertiary Text on S3-Tertiary
Blue 8
Blue 4
T7-Selected Text Selected Text on S5-Selected Surface
Grey 9
Grey 1
T8-Main on Header Titles, Subtitles on Header
Grey 7
Grey 3
T9-Secondary on Header Body Text, Caption on Header
Grey 6
Grey 4
T10-Tertiary on Header Muted Text, Placeholder Text on Header
Blue 7
Blue 5
T11 - CTA on Header Tinted Text, Links, Interactive Icons on Header

Border Colors

Border colors are applied to any linear elements such as dividers or graphical elements used to define any areas within components. These colors range from neutral grey colors to interactive brand colors often used to communicate the state of a certain part of a component. Border colors are identified by the letter B followed by a number sequence (e.g., B1, B2, B3).

Light Mode Dark Mode Name Usage
Grey 3
Grey 6
#5B738B 50%
B1-Section Divider Divider Lines
Grey 5
Grey 5
B2-Default Border Text Field Borders
Blue 7
Blue 5
B3-Selected Border Selected Text Field Borders
Blue 7
#0070F2, 28%
Blue 5
#4DB1FF, 36%
B4-Light Selected Border Transparent Selected Borders
Grey 6
Grey 4
B5-Border Switch Idle Switch Borders

Semantic Colors

Semantic colors are applied to any foreground or background elements such as text, icons, or backgrounds to communicate a component’s status, state, or level of priority. These colors are bright in hue to direct the user’s attention to a certain component or part of the UI. Semantic colors are identified by the following naming (e.g., negative label, critical label, positive label, and neutral label).

Light Mode Dark Mode Name Usage
Red 7
Red 5
Negative Label Semantic Label
Mango 7
Mango 5
Critical Label Semantic Label
Green 7
Green 5
Positive Label Semantic Label
Blue 7
Blue 5
Informative Label Semantic Label
Grey 7
Grey 5
Neutral Label Semantic Label
Red 6
#EE3939, 8%
Red 6
#EE3939, 12%
Negative Background Semantic Background
Mango 6
#E76500, 8%
Mango 6
#E76500, 12%
Critical Background Semantic Background
Green 6
#36A41D, 8%
Green 6
#36A41D, 12%
Positive Background Semantic Background
Blue 6
#1B90FF, 8%
Blue 6
#1B90FF, 12%
Informational Background Semantic Background
Grey 6
#5B738B, 8%
Grey 6
#5B738B, 12%
Neutral Background Semantic Background

Accent Colors

Accent colors provide an additional level of color luminance and are used to accent areas of the UI such as avatars, icons, and decorative areas. These colors are bright in hue and provide visual variety to the UI. Accent colors are identified by the word “Accent” followed by a number sequence (e.g., Accent 1, Accent 2, Accent 3).

Light Mode Dark Mode Name
Mango 8
Mango 3
Accent Label 1
Red 8
Red 3
Accent Label 2
Raspberry 8
Raspberry 3
Accent Label 3
Pink 8
Pink 3
Accent Label 4
Indigo 8
Indigo 3
Accent Label 5
Blue 8
Blue 3
Accent Label 6
Teal 8
Teal 3
Accent Label 7
Green 8
Green 3
Accent Label 8
Grey 8
Grey 3
Accent Label 9
Mango 2
Mango 9
Accent Background 1
Red 2
Red 4
Accent Background 2
Raspberry 2
Raspberry 3
Accent Background 3
Pink 2
Pink 3
Accent Background 4
Indigo 2
Indigo 3
Accent Background 5
Blue 2
Blue 2
Accent Background 6
Teal 2
Teal 3
Accent Background 7
Green 2
Green 3
Accent Background 8
Grey 2
Grey 3
Accent Background 9


The Horizon theme color palette offers color mapping logic that is easy to understand. It introduces eleven tonal values across nine color hues of vibrant and bold color. Our Horizon theme color palette ensures that color combinations comply with WCAG accessibility standards.

For more information, see Accessibility.

Color contrast ratio scale
Color contrast ratio scale


Elevation plays a key role in the Horizon theme color palette. In light mode, the drop shadow represents the elevation of the components. However, in dark mode, elevated components are differentiated by changes in tone to mimic a range of depth. At lower elevations, the surface tone is darker, while at higher elevations the tone is lighter. Refer to the following table to understand elevation.

Light and dark theme elevation scale
Light and dark theme elevation scale


The Android design system includes systemwide appearance settings for light and dark modes which use color consistently and sparingly.

Light Mode

Light mode is the default mode for the Android design system. Light mode is a bright UI that displays dark grey foreground elements and saturated accent colors against light surfaces. In light mode, neutral colors are used to make content readable, and accent colors are used sparingly to call attention to important information or show the relationship between parts of the interface. Lastly, light mode is best used in bright environments where battery life isn’t an issue.

Light mode example
Light mode example

Dark Mode

Dark mode is the secondary mode for the Android design system. Dark mode is a dim UI that displays white foreground elements and desaturated accent colors against dark surfaces. In dark mode, all component surfaces and backgrounds are dark grey in color with tonal variations depending on a component’s elevation. Lastly, dark mode preserves battery life (especially on OLED screens) by reducing the usage of light pixels, helpful in scenarios where the user needs to reduce battery consumption.

Dark mode example
Dark mode example


Development: Theming and Styling

SAP Fiori for iOS: Colors

Related Components/Patterns: Accessibility