Updated: November 11, 2016

Bubble Chart and Time Bubble Chart


This article explains some differences between the bubble chart and the time bubble chart.

Even though times and dates can be used with the standard bubble chart, the time bubble chart must be used when representing time on the horizontal axis. This is because units such as hours, days and months may be mistakenly displayed twice using the standard bubble chart.

Horizontal Axis on Bubble Chart

The chart component calculates the ticks automatically trying to avoid decimal points.

You can customize the format of the values that appear on the axis, but cannot use date format.

Horizontal Axis on Time Bubble Chart

The property fixedTick defines how the ticks are displayed on the horizontal time axis.

  • fixedTick = No The date and time are displayed automatically with the most appropriate date and time format.
  • fixedTick = Yes You can customize the ticks to be displayed in the horizontal axis by giving a value and a label.