Updated: May 1, 2024

What’s New in Guideline Version 1.120


This article provides an overview of the updates to the SAP Fiori web design guidelines with guideline version 1.120.

Look, Feel, and Wording

Topic Update Topic Link
Situation Handling Framework – UI Text Guidelines Section on naming for templates and triggers updated. Situation Handling Framework – UI Text Guidelines

Designing Intelligent Systems

Topic Update Topic Link
NEW Designing for Generative AI   Introduction to application design for generative AI, including:

  • SAP’s generative AI strategy
  • SAP’s approach to developing AI design guidelines
Designing for Generative AI
NEW Design Principles for Generative AI   Building on existing SAP guidelines, we’ve identified five design principles for generative AI. Each principle is translated into key features and behaviors we can build into our apps. Design Principles for Generative AI
NEW Building Trust in Generative AI   Outlines the factors that influence user trust in AI-generated content and the steps we can take to build trust into our products. Building Trust in Generative AI
NEW AI Design Glossary   Explains key AI terms in the following areas:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Ethics and user-centered design
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
AI Design Glossary
NEW Helpful Links on SAP AI  A curated collection of links to get you ramped up on AI design at SAP. Helpful Links on SAP AI
NEW Get In Touch With Us Share your feedback with SAP’s AI design team and join our SAP User Research Panel. Get In Touch With Us

General Patterns

Topic Update Topic Link
Content Density
(Cozy and Compact)
Guidelines added for hybrid devices. Content Density – Guidelines
Draft Handling While the users are changing a business entity, the draft is saved every 20 seconds.

To incorporate changes into the active business entity or saved version, the user still needs to click the Save button.

Draft Handling
Export to Spreadsheet The Export As dialog now contains select controls for the:

  • Format of the file to export
  • Destination for the export, when cloud is enabled on the customer’s instance

For the cloud destination, the primary action label in the dialog is “Export To…” and opens a cloud file browser where users choose the target location for the exported file through a remote repository.

Export to Spreadsheet – Export As Dialog
Message Handling – Processing Multiple Items After partial processing, when one or more items have been excluded from processing and one or more backend errors have occurred during processing, the summary message view dialog includes:

  • Successfully processed items
  • The backend error or errors
  • An information message for each item excluded from the processing
Message Handling – Processing Multiple Items – Partial Processing

UI Elements – SAPUI5

Topic Update Topic Link
Input Field Don’t use the “value help only” option. This can result in inconsistencies for screen reader users. Input Field – Value Help
Message Toast For accessibility purposes, the user can keep the message toast onscreen with the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + M (Windows)
  • Cmd + Shift + M (Mac OS)
Message Toast – Behavior and Interaction – Choreography

UI Elements – SAP Web Components

Interaction Design Foundations

Topic Update Topic Link
Value States NEW Foundation guideline for all components. Value States
Wrapping and Truncation NEW Foundation guideline for all components.

  • Options for handling space constraints for text (wrapping, truncation, or a combination of both) and when to use them.
  • Options for displaying the full text when a text is truncated.
Wrapping and Truncation


Topic Update Topic Link
Bar  NEW New web component guideline. Bar
Breadcrumbs  NEW New web component guideline. Breadcrumbs
Busy Indicator Don’t display a busy indicator text if the busy indicator is used where space is limited. Busy Indicator – Anatomy
Color Palette NEW New web component guideline. Color Palette
Color Palette Popover  NEW New web component guideline. Color Palette Popover
Date Range Picker  NEW New web component guideline. Date Range Picker
Date/Time Picker New web component guideline. Date/Time Picker
Icon  NEW New web component guideline. Icon
Illustrated Message  NEW

New web component guideline.

Illustrated Message
Menu Button  NEW

New web component guideline for the menu button.
Note: The menu itself is covered in the Menu guideline.

Menu Button
Rating Indicator NEW

New web component guideline.

Rating Indicator
Segmented Button

Added variants and behavior for selection modes:

  • Single selection
  • Multi selection

Updated interaction design specification (version 1.1)

Segmented Button
Text Area  NEW New web component guideline. Text Area
Tree  NEW New web component guideline. Tree
Toolbar  NEW New web component guideline. Toolbar

SAP Fiori Elements Framework

Topic Update Topic Link
List Report Content Area For both the simple content layout and multiple view layout, the creation of cards for the Insights section of My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud is supported, when My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud has been enabled. The Add Card to Insights option automatically appears in the overflow toolbar of the table in list report. You can turn off this feature.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4 these restrictions apply for the Insights cards:

  • When users navigate from the card in the Insights section of the My Home page to the list report table, the table view is similar to its state at card creation, but it does not retain the changes in the position or removal of filter fields or table columns.
  • The formatting of unit of measure fields differs between the Insights card and the list report table.
List Report Content Area (SAP Fiori Elements)
List Report Header With Save as Tile, users can now save a dynamic tile for results shown after they have filtered for a relative date value, such as today or this year. List Report Header (SAP Fiori Elements) – Save as Tile
Table Features With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can ask the application developers to ensure the width of table columns is adjusted to the contents of both the column and the column header. Table Features (SAP Fiori Elements) – Column Width
Table Rows  With both versions of SAP Fiori elements:

  • In object pages, in create and edit modes, the grid table and responsive table contain an empty row. Users now receive guidance in completing the required fields for an empty row, as follows:
    • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, a red asterisk (*) is displayed in the column header label for the mandatory fields.
    • Both SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 and V4 show an error message strip above the table:
      • When the table does not display mandatory columns. It instructs users to display the columns from the table settings.
      • When mandatory fields are not filled. In addition to the message strip for the table, the mandatory field displays a value state message. “Enter a value” is the the placeholder message text. Replace the text to better specify for the users the value to enter, for example, “Enter a delivery date.
  • You can disable fields in the empty row so they are read-only at creation time and become editable afterwards for use cases where certain fields become relevant only after creation.
  • By default, for draft-enabled applications, in a list report, the editing status is now displayed in the grid table, in a separate column next to the key column. The column is unlabeled. Users can hide or display it by deselecting or selecting Edit Status in the table personalization dialog.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, a draft for a once empty row is saved after the users have shifted their focus away from the input field in the row and an interval of 20 seconds has passed.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, for tables in object pages, the multi-input fields are now editable.

Table Rows (SAP Fiori Elements)
Table Toolbar With both versions of SAP Fiori elements:

  • When My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud is enabled, by default, the Add Card to Insights option is displayed in the overflow toolbar of list report tables with the single content and multiple view layouts.

You can ask the application development team to turn the option off.

  • In the list report or object page, the copy action in the table toolbar applies to:
    • Multiple rows for all tables including value help tables
    • A range of selected cells for all tables except the responsive table

Users can select a range of cells with key combinations, or with their mouse by clicking and holding the mouse button while they select the cells.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, by default, for all table types, when at least one filter is set, an infobar is displayed to summarize the filter criteria applied to the table data.

Table Toolbar (SAP Fiori Elements)

Designer Toolkit

Topic Update Topic Link
Designer Toolkit We’ve restructured/renamed the following topics in the Designer Toolkit section of the navigation menu:

  • The menu node SAP Fiori Design Stencils was renamed to UI Kit.
  • The menu nodes for design stencils that are no longer being updated were removed (Sketch, Adobe XD, Axure RP). You can still access these older download files in previous guideline versions.
  • The SAP Fiori Design Stencils Overview article was renamed to Download Fonts. It now contains only the download files for the Font 72 family and SAP icon fonts.
  • The article Design Stencils for Figma was renamed to SAP S/4HANA Web UI Kit. The introduction was updated to provide more context.
Download Fonts


Download Fonts Font 72: The font files have been extended to include Cyrillic characters for Bulgarian.

SAP icon font: Download files were updated to version 5.7 (Horizon theme) and 4.19 (Quartz theme).

Download Fonts
SAP S/4HANA Web UI Kit New UI Kit version (02/2024) SAP S/4HANA Web UI Kit

About Guideline Updates

With each new guideline version, we deliver two types of update:

  • Updates to reflect new or changed UI controls available with SAPUI5, or new/updated design guidelines for SAP web components.
  • Ongoing updates on how to best apply the SAP Fiori design (such as overarching concepts, floorplans, and additional decision support). These updates are introduced with a given guideline version, but are not necessarily dependent on a specific SAPUI5 version.

Note: Our policy is to update only the latest guideline version. If you are working with an earlier SAPUI5 release, also consider checking out the most recent guideline version to get the latest general guidance.