Updated: July 13, 2021




The text control is used to display text. It generally contains the text that developers want apps to display (property: text).

Text used within a form
Text used within a form


Use the text control if you want to display text inside a form, table, or any other content area. Do not use the text control if you need a label, or vice versa.


The text control is fully adaptive to all screen sizes. You can also set a specific width and overwrite the default value. The resizing behavior depends on the settings that the apps use for the text.

Wrapping / Truncation

You can define whether the text should wrap or truncate directly (property: wrapping).

You can also define how often the text should wrap before it truncates (property: maxLines).

For more information on using wrapping and truncation, see Wrapping and Truncating Text.

Text – Maximum line examples
Text – Maximum line examples


The text control supports hyphenation (property:wrappingtype =
Hyphenated). Switching on hyphenation activates it for all languages that have hyphenation support.

Text with hyphenation
Text with hyphenation
Text without hyphenation
Text without hyphenation


Empty Indicator Mode

The emptyIndicatorMode property in sap.m.Text allows app developers to indicate an empty text to users by using an n-dash (“-”). If turned on, an n-dash is rendered when no text is visible. If turned off (default), the behavior is as it is. Depending on the language, the symbol may change.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls
