Updated: December 19, 2016

Empty Page


Empty spaces are places in apps that have no content or data. There are different use cases where an empty page might be shown. The layout is still the same, but the text changes depending on the use case.

Responsiveness and Adaptiveness

The size of the empty page is adjusted to the amount of space available.

Size S (e.g. Smartphone)

The empty page on Smartphones
The empty page on Smartphones

Size M (e.g. Tablet)

The empty page on Tablets
The empty page on Tablets

Size L (e.g. Desktop)

The empty page on Desktops
The empty page on Desktops


The layout of the empty page always behaves the same. The only differences are the texts which change depending on the use case and the user’s location in the app. Have a look at the different types:


Contextual filter was set and there are no results.


Please display the following text in the master list:

No matching <entity> found, e.g. No matching items found.

Please display the following text in the detail page:

No matching <entity> found. Check the filter settings. e.g. No matching items found. Check the filter settings.

The user has set a filter and there are no results.


Please display the following text in the master list:

No matching <entity> found e.g. No matching items found.

Please display the following text in the the detail page:

Show last selected <entity> e.g. Show last selected item.


The user has searched something and there are no results (also for search and filter at the same time).


Please display the following text in the master list:

No matching items found.

Please display the following text in the detail page:

Show last selected item.

There are no items, but the user searched anyway.


Please display the following text in the master list:

No matching items found.

Please display the following text in the detail page:

Show last empty page use case.

No Item

The app contains no items.


Please display the following text in the master list and detail page:

No items are currently available.

Too Many Items

In this case, there are too many items in the master list. The user has to search to see results.


Please display the following text in the master list:

Search for <business object (plural)> e.g. Search for opportunities.

Please display the following text in the detail page:

Search for <business object (plural)> e.g. Search for opportunities.


The app is loading (open, filter, sort…).


Please display the following text in the master list:


Please display the following text in the detail page:

Show last selected item.

Save as Tile

The item the user has saved is no longer available.


Please display the following text in the master list:

No items selected.

On the detail page, indicate the specific entity. Where relevant, you can also include the ID:

This <entity> is no longer available.
<Entity> <ID> is no longer available.


This product is no longer available.
Purchase order 123456 is no longer available.


Following UI elements can be placed into the action sheet:

  • Text
  • Background image


Different texts are displayed in different use cases.

In General

  • If there is only one sentence: no periods at the end of the phrases/sentences.
  • <business object (plural)> should be replaced with the business object in plural and lower case.


In case a contextual filter is set in a split-screen view and there are no results, please display:

No matching items found. Check the filter settings.

However, if the user has set a filter and there are no results, the details area will continue to show the last selected item.

No matching items found with set contextual filter
No matching items found with set contextual filter
No matching items found, but still showing the last selected item in the details area
No matching items found, but still showing the last selected item in the details area


If there are no items in the list to begin with and the user searches anyway the master list reads No matching items found and the details area shows the last empty state. The texts for this could be

No items are currently available or

No matching items found. Check the filter settings or Search for.

Showing the last selected item in details area after an unsuccessful search
Showing the last selected item in details area after an unsuccessful search
Searching an empty list
Searching an empty list

No Items

If your app simply does not contain any items, please display:

No items are currently available in both, the master list and in the details area.

Empty page
Empty page

Too Many Items

If there are too many items in the master list and the user has to conduct a search to see any results, please display:

Search for <>, where <> stands for the plural of the respective business object’s name in lower case.

Save as Tile

If the user saved a tile on his home screen, but the item is no longer available, you could use the text

This <entity> is no longer available, e.g. This product is no longer available.


Of course, sometimes your app will simply be loading. In that case, display: Loading…’. Please do not show the message No Data in this case, since that can be misleading.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


  • Text (SAPUI5 API reference)
  • Text (SAPUI5 samples)