Updated: November 25, 2021

Object Page – Footer Bar


The SAP Fiori elements object page template supports the features and settings for the object page footer detailed below.

For design information, see the Object Page Floorplan guidelines and the links below.

Always build the object page using the dynamic page header.

Set the shellbar page title to the name of the business object shown in the object page to indicate the user’s position in the system.

Do not use the current implementation of the “page variant” feature in SAP Fiori elements. This feature is technically available for object pages, but we are still working on the final design.

Feature Availability


Footer Bar Actions



Finalizing Actions Available
Save Default in edit mode
Close on Save Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 only
Save and Edit Available, for non-draft applications with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 only
Apply Available, for the subobject page in draft-enabled applications only
Message Popover Button Default, visible only when messages are present.
Cancel Default in edit mode only
Enabling / Disabling of Actions Available

Footer Bar Actions

In create and edit modes, the footer bar appears at the bottom of the screen.

Finalizing Actions

You can add finalizing actions to the footer bar.

A message toast is displayed when an operation is successful.

Finalizing actions complete the work on the current screen, by permanently changing the object state. You can also set them to navigate away from the object page.

Note that developers may call these actions determining actions.

Replace the generic placeholder text in the message toast with text that’s meaningful to the user.


The action is displayed by default in edit mode.

After saving, the user stays on the object page for applications both with and without draft handling enabled.

You can enable users to automatically navigate back to the list report when they save with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2. To do this, ask your development team to add close logic to the Save action.

Save and Edit

You can enable this action in non-draft applications with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2.

With the Save and Edit action, users save current changes and stay on the object page to continue editing.


You can enable this action in the footer bar of a subobject page in draft-enabled applications.

With the Apply action, users conclude the create or edit activity, save the draft, and navigate one step up in the object hierarchy to the object page. Now, the results of the Apply action are similar when the subobject page is open in flexible column layout. It closes the column where the subobject is displayed and returns the user to the object page.

Message Popover Button

Turned on by default, the button is only visible when messages are present and allows the user to open the message popover. The color of the message button reflects the most crtical message level.

The message popover displays the count of error messages.

Messages without a criticality level are treated as information messages.

For more information, see:


The action is displayed by default in edit mode.

Enabling / Disabling of Actions

You can enable or disable footer bar actions according to certain conditions. For example, to prevent users from archiving a sales order that is still being processed, you can enable the Archive action only for sales orders with the status Delivered or Cancelled.

Note that even if you disable all footer bar actions, the footer bar still appears onscreen for the display of the message popover, described above.

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