Updated: September 25, 2016

Busy Dialog


The Busy dialog box informs the user about an ongoing operation and blocks the user from performing other activities.


  • Display the Busy dialog box if the operation lasts for more than 1 second.
  • Display the busy dialog one second after the process has been triggered and for a minimum of 500 ms to avoid flickering.
  • When adding text above the Busy animation in the dialog box, keep it as short as possible.
  • If a Busy dialog box is triggered by a user action, describe the operation that the user is waiting for in one word followed by an ellipsis (…). For example: Loading…, Refreshing…, Sending…
  • If the Busy dialog box is not triggered by a user action, describe the operation that the user is waiting for with please wait. For example: The system is searching data.Please wait until data is loaded.
  • If the process may take more than 10 seconds, provide the user with a Cancel button.


  • Don’t display the Busy dialog box for processes that last less than one second.
  • Don’t use the Busy dialog box unless you want to block the user from performing another activity. In all other cases, use the busy indicator.
  • Don’t add a title to the Busy dialog box.
  • Don’t change the mouse cursor to indicate the ongoing operation.