
A menu displays a list of relevant options for the user that can be triggered from a button.



A menu pops up when users interact with a button, an action, or another control. Menus allow users to select from a list of options.


Use a menu when the number of actions exceeds the component’s action limit.

  • Don’t use a menu for a single action.
  • Don’t hide important actions.

Behavior and Interaction

A dropdown menu is a list of options that a user can act on. It appears after a user taps on an icon or a button or performs a specific action.

A dropdown menu normally appears below the element that generates it.

Menu on mobile (left) and tablet (right)
Menu on mobile (left) and tablet (right)


Menus display lists of related options (options may be grouped together with a divider) as well as unrelated options. They can contain a scrollbar and icons.

Menu with a selected item and a scrollbar
Menu with a selected item and a scrollbar
Menu with icons and a divider
Menu with icons and a divider


Development: DropdownMenu, ExposedDropdownMenu, DropdownMenu

Material Design: Menus