
The floating action button or FAB is a button variant that displays the most prominent action on screen. It is typically placed on the bottom corner of the screen, but it can also be placed in the center and remains persistent as users scroll through content.

FAB in compact (left) and expanded (right) size classes
FAB in compact (left) and expanded (right) size classes


  • Use FAB for the most important action on screen. 
  • Place it on an easily accessible part of the screen. 
  • Ensure that FAB action is clear and concise. 
  • Don’t use multiple FABs to display competing actions on screen. 
  • Don’t place FABs in hard-to-reach places on screen. 
  • Don’t use FAB for obscure or unclear actions. 


FAB & Extended FAB 

A. Icon

The icon is a visual glyph that is the main form of communicating the FAB’s action. 

B. Container

The container is a rectangular shape that encloses the icon and optional label.

C. Label (Optional)

The label is used to supplement the icon in instances where additional context is needed in communicating the meaning of the FAB. The label is only used for the extended FAB variant. 


Anatomy of FAB
Anatomy of FAB

Behavior and Interaction

Tapping Interactions 


When tapped, the FAB transforms into the intended action to draw a direct connection from the FAB to the container. A new screen is opened. 

FAB transforms into a menu
FAB transforms into a menu

Nested Actions 

If supporting actions are needed, multiple small FABs can appear when the user taps on the FAB. To hide the supporting actions, the user taps on the parent FAB. 

Small FABs appear when FAB is pressed
Small FABs appear when FAB is pressed

Scrolling Behaviors

Fixed Behavior 

When scrolling, the most common FAB behavior is to remain fixed at the bottom of the screen. This provides a persistent accessible entry point for the user to perform an action.

FAB remains fixed when scrolling
FAB remains fixed when scrolling

Disappear & Reappear 

Additional behaviors include appear and disappear during a scroll state. For example, the FAB appears while scrolling and disappears after the user stops scrolling, allowing for more screen real estate. 

FAB disappears when scrolling up and reappears when scrolling down
FAB disappears when scrolling up and reappears when scrolling down

Collapse & Expand 

Extended FABs can collapse while scrolling and expand while the user stops scrolling.

Extended FAB collapses while scrolling
Extended FAB collapses while scrolling

Adaptive Design

Given the difference in size and screen orientation during usage, the placement of the FAB differs between compact and expanded screen sizes.

Compact & Expanded Screen Sizes

On compact screen sizes, FABs are placed on the lower right-hand side of the screen, while FABs on expanded screens are placed on the upper left-hand side. These screen-specific placements allow for optimal reachability to the user.

On compact screens, FAB is placed on the lower right part of the screen
On compact screens, FAB is placed on the lower right part of the screen
On expanded screens, FAB is placed on the upper left part of the screen
On expanded screens, FAB is placed on the upper left part of the screen


Size Variations 

The FAB has several size variants starting with the baseline FAB variant. The additional size variations provide more flexibility for app teams to fulfill their product needs.

A. Small FAB

The small FAB is used in instances where multiple supporting actions of equal importance are needed. It may also be used where screen real estate is limited.


FAB is the standard size variant for FABs. It satisfies most use cases, but you may opt for other options based on specific user needs.

C. Extended FAB

The extended FAB contains an icon and a text label. The extended FAB can collapse into an FAB in instances where the user scrolls. 

 D. Large FAB

If additional size requirements are needed, use a large FAB to provide a larger touch target. 

Small FAB (A), FAB (B), extended FAB (C), and large FAB (D)
Small FAB (A), FAB (B), extended FAB (C), and large FAB (D)

FAB Styles

The FAB has two style variants, primary and secondary styles. Use these styles based on the visual hierarchy according to their visual hierarchy.

A. Primary Style

The primary style is the most visually prominent style on screen. Use this style variant as the single action on screen.

B. Secondary Style

The secondary style is the subdued variant of the primary style. Use this style in stances where a prominent action is needed without the visual prominence of a primary button.

Primary style (A) and secondary style (B)
Primary style (A) and secondary style (B)


Development: Button

Material Design: FAB

Related Components/Patterns: Button, Navigation Rail