
The right choice of colors is an important aspect that should be considered in smartwatch apps. It communicates the meaning and relationship of content, providing users with guidance to help them complete their tasks.

Horizon Reference Colors

The color palette for SAP Fiori for Wear OS is based on the color parameters from the Horizon visual theme. The colors displayed below are the main reference colors.

Horizon color palette
Horizon color palette

UI Colors

Compared to mobile apps, colors in smartwatch apps are generally brighter and less saturated. Additionally, smartwatch apps are only available in dark mode to save battery life and accommodate different light conditions, such as low light or direct sunlight.

We recommend using the dedicated color palette to provide optimal readability and accessibility for users – which is even more important in critical situations due to the smaller screen size and rather short looks at glanceable content on smartwatches. 

From the Horizon color palette, we have added a semantic name layer to help you decide which colors to use. UI colors are grouped according to their usage into the following categories:  

  • Surface colors
  • Text colors 
  • Borders colors 
  • Semantic colors 
  • Accent colors 

Surface Colors

Surface colors are applied to the background of components, such as chips, buttons, and cards. To provide a sense of hierarchy, surface colors are identified by the first letter S followed by a number sequence (e.g., S0, S1, S2).

Dark Mode Name Usage
Base Dark
S0-Background Main App Background
Base Dark 2
S1-Primary Surfaces
Blue 4
S2-Secondary Interactive Background

Text Colors

Text colors are applied to the text and icons of all components. Text colors are identified by the first letter T followed by a number sequence (e.g., T1, T2, T3).

Dark Mode Name Usage
Grey 1
T1-Primary Titles, Subtitles
Grey 3
T2-Secondary Body Text, Caption
Grey 11
T3-Main on Secondary Body Text, Caption
Blue 4
T4-CTA on Primary Interactive Elements

Border Colors

Border colors are applied to linear elements, such as divider lines. Border colors are identified by the first letter B followed by a number sequence (e.g., B1, B2, B3). 

Dark Mode Name Usage
Grey 6
#5B738B, 50%
B1-Section Divider Divider Lines
Grey 5
B2-Default Border Text Field Borders

Semantic Colors 

Semantic colors are applied to any UI element that conveys an important status, state, or level of priority. Semantic colors can be identified by the following naming (e.g., negative, critical, and positive status).

Dark Mode Name Usage
Red 5
Negative Label Negative meaning, Error
Mango 4
B2-Critical Label Alert, Warning
Green 3
Positive Label Positive Meaning, Success

Accent Colors

Accent colors provide an additional level of color luminance and are used to accent areas of the UI, such as avatars, icons, and data visualizations. Accent colors are identified by the word “Accent” followed by a number sequence (e.g., Accent 1, Accent 2, Accent 3).

Dark Mode Name Usage
Mango 4
Accent 1 Categorical avatars or Icons
Red 5
Accent 2 Categorical avatars or Icons
Indigo 4
Accent 3 Categorical avatars or Icons
Blue 5
Accent 4 Categorical avatars or Icons
Teal 3
Accent 5 Categorical avatars or Icons
Green 3
Accent 6 Categorical avatars or Icons
Pink 4
Accent 7 Categorical avatars or Icons
Raspberry 4
Accent 8 Categorical avatars or Icons
Grey 4
Accent 9 Categorical avatars or Icons


SAP Fiori for watchOS: Colors 

Material Design: Wear OS Colors