AR Card

The AR card displays key information related to a single AR marker annotation. A user can tap the card to display additional information in a full-screen view. The user can also swipe between the cards.

AR cards with image preview
AR cards with image preview


The AR card includes variations of the following three elements. The content should match with the information connected to the AR marker in the screen view. AR cards have a focused and unselected state. 

A. Image Preview

The image preview can display a thumbnail of an image, video, document, barcode, or an app logo with the icon displayed on the marker. 

B. Content Area

The content area consists of the title and the description. There is a maximum of two lines of content.

C. Action Button (Optional)

A user can view more card details by tapping on the action button. The action button is hidden in the unselected state.

AR card anatomy
AR card anatomy

Behavior and Interaction

Swipe Cards

To focus on a particular card, the user can swipe the cards horizontally. When a card is in focus, the line guidance will show, and the correlating annotation marker will pulse to allow the user to visually see which card is connected to which marker.

If the AR marker is out of the focused screen view, the line guidance will help the user navigate to where the marker is located

Horizontal swiping to change focused card
Horizontal swiping to change focused card


The AR card’s content is designed to be flexible and accommodate different use cases. The content included in the AR card will depend on the needs of specific users and requirements.

Media card (left), AR card without image preview (middle), and media card with background blur (right)
Media card (left), AR card without image preview (middle), and media card with background blur (right)


AR Scanner

The AR scanner is a quick way to initiate augmented reality experiences, detecting an image through a device’s live camera. It ensures that the AR image can be accurately placed using the scanned item as a location anchor.

Examples of a coaching view (left), scanning view (middle), and matched scan view (right)
Examples of a coaching view (left), scanning view (middle), and matched scan view (right)


  • Provide a clear and concise message prompting the user to scan the referenced image. For example, utilize an image overlay to preview the image that must be scanned. 
  • Use the different states of the scanner to provide feedback on whether the device detected the image. 

Don’t include lengthy messages when prompting the user to scan the referenced image. 


Coaching View

The coaching view overlays on top of the world view, providing users with guidance on how the AR scanner works. 

A. Exit Button
The exit button lets users return to the previous application screen from the AR scanner. 

B. Reference Anchor
The reference anchor shows the user what image to look for and scan. 

C. Instruction Text
The instruction text details steps the user needs to take to complete the AR scanner process and move to the main AR experience. 

D. Primary Button
The primary button prompts users to start scanning. 

Coaching view anatomy
Coaching view anatomy

Scanning View

E. Scan Guide

The scan guide allows the user to align the camera view target to be scanned and matched. 

F. Marker Pulse

The image anchor shows a preview of what image or object to look for, and users can tap to open the coaching view again. 

Scanning view anatomy
Scanning view anatomy

Matched Scan View

G. Matched Scan Indicator

The matched scan indicator shows that the camera view target has been scanned and matched.

Matched scan view anatomy
Matched scan view anatomy

Behavior and Interaction

Scanning to Match

Once the scanning begins, the user will look for the anchor image’s real representation in the world space and align with the scan guides. 

When a user recognizes the image or the object: 

  1. The scan guide fades out.
  2. The match scan indicator fades in, anchored to said image or object in the world space. 
  3. The AR experience loads in, for example, displaying the AR annotations. 


AR Markers

AR markers represent an annotated object in the world view. When a user selects an AR marker, the AR card appears at the bottom to display relevant information about the marker. 

Unselected AR markers (left) and a selected AR marker with AR card (right)
Unselected AR markers (left) and a selected AR marker with AR card (right)



A. Outer Circle

B. Inner Circle

C. Icon

Depending on the type of content, the marker will display an icon.



D. Connector

The connector joins the marker to the object indicator, with the line length being flexible. If there are many annotated objects near one another, adjust the lines so the markers do not overlap.  


Object Indicator

E. Object Indicator

The object indicator is displayed at the annotated object. Tying the object indicator to the marker ensures that the annotation is pointing at the exact annotated area. 

Default AR marker (left) and selected AR marker (right)
Default AR marker (left) and selected AR marker (right)

Behavior and Interaction

AR markers have a selected and an unselected state. The line guidance appears when the user interacts with the marker or AR cards in the screen view. 

A. Default State

After a user scans a facility on an object, all relevant AR markers will appear in the default state on the world view’s screen. 

B. Pulse State

A pulse animation temporarily appears when a user interacts with the AR card or AR markers.

C. Selected State

The AR marker changes size and color when selected by a user.  

Default state (left), pulse state (middle) and selected state (right)
Default state (left), pulse state (middle) and selected state (right)

Tap on Marker

When the user taps on a marker, the pulse will animate, and the line guidance appears promptly. The default marker will change to the selected state.

Tapping a marker changes its state to selected state
Tapping a marker changes its state to selected state


Depending on the object in the world view, the marker will display an icon relevant to the object. The user can input various kinds of content such as a document, information, video or link to an application, webpage, or barcode.

Examples of different AR marker icons
Examples of different AR marker icons


Navigation Rail

The navigation rail provides a top-level navigation to three to seven core destinations in an app.

Navigation rail with floating action button, profile, and four destinations
Navigation rail with floating action button, profile, and four destinations


A rail can be used as the sole navigation component on larger screens, such as tablet or desktop devices.

  • Use the navigation rail for three to seven main destinations.
  • Use the navigation rail on tablet and desktop interfaces.
  • Represent each destination with an icon and label or icon only.
  • Keep the label of destinations short and concise.
  • Don’t use the navigation rail if there are fewer than three destinations, instead use tabs.
  • Don’t use the navigation rail if there are more than seven destinations, use the navigation drawer instead.
  • Don’t use the navigation rail on mobile devices, use the navigation bar or the modal navigation drawer instead.
  • Don’t truncate or shrink text
  • Avoid text wrapping.


A. Container

The container includes all destinations including icons, labels, active indicator, and optional elements, such as a floating action button (FAB) and profile.

B. Icon

Meaningful icons visualize the app destinations. Use filled icons for the selected destination and unfilled icons for unselected destinations.

C. Label Text (Optional)

The label text provides a short and concise description of the destination.

D. Active Indicator

The active indicator highlights the selected destination.

E. Small Badge (Optional)

The small badge can be used to display a change, for example, a new notification.

F. Large Badge with Value (Optional)

The large badge with value can be used to show a number for status changes.

G. Floating Action Button (Optional)

The floating action button (FAB) can be placed above the navigation destination for the app’s key action.

H. Profile/Avatar/Initials (Optional)

We recommend using an image so that the user can quickly identify the person the profile belongs to. Images of people should always be in a circle. The profile can be top or bottom aligned. If you have a FAB and profile in the navigation rail, you can only use the bottom aligned profile.

Navigation rail anatomy
Navigation rail anatomy

Behavior and Interaction

When the user taps on a destination or one is focused in the navigation rail, the user is directed to the navigation destination associated with that icon and label. Selected destinations are visually highlighted by the active indicator and the filled icon.

The navigation rail is placed on the edge of the screen. On the left side for left-to-right languages and on the right side for right-to-left languages.

Selecting another destination in the navigation rail
Selecting another destination in the navigation rail


While scrolling vertically and horizontally, the navigation rail remains fixed. If the content scrolls horizontally, the navigation rail increases elevation and lets the content scroll behind it.

Behavior of navigation rail when scrolling vertically
Behavior of navigation rail when scrolling vertically

Adaptive Design

Use a navigation rail uses 100% of the screen height. The destinations are aligned as a group on top of the rail. On small screens, replace the navigation rail with a more appropriate component, such as a navigation bar or modal navigation drawer.

A modal navigation drawer can be combined with the navigation rail when there are secondary destinations or actions that don’t belong in the navigation rail. The modal navigation drawer can repeat the navigation destinations from the navigation rail and can include additional navigation destinations, such as secondary destinations or settings. By tapping the menu icon, the user can open and close the modal navigation drawer.

Combination of a navigation rail with a navigation drawer
Combination of a navigation rail with a navigation drawer


A. Label and Icon

The default navigation rail consists of a label and an icon.

B. Icon Only

For a simplified navigation rail, the labels can be omitted. The icons should always be unambiguous for users.

C. Mixed

The mixed variation is used to emphasize the selected destination with label and icon and the unselected destinations are displayed with icon only. Use this variation only if the icons have a clear meaning to users.

Navigation rail with label and icon (left), icon only (middle), and label with icon only for selected destination (right)
Navigation rail with label and icon (left), icon only (middle), and label with icon only for selected destination (right)


Development: FioriNavigationRail

Material Design: Navigation rail

Navigation Drawer

The navigation drawer provides access to different destinations in an app.
Navigation drawers can be permanently visible or opened and closed by tapping a menu icon.

Modal navigation drawer (left) and standard navigation drawer (right)
Modal navigation drawer (left) and standard navigation drawer (right)


  • Use the navigation drawer for five or more destinations.
  • Use the modal navigation drawer primarily on mobile
  • Use the standard navigation drawer on larger screens, such as tablets.
  • Replace the navigation rail or bar on large screens with the navigation drawer.
  • Keep the title of destinations short and concise.
  • Don’t use the navigation drawer for fewer than five destinations on mobile devices, use the navigation bar instead.
  • Try to avoid wrapping text into more than two lines.
  • Don’t truncate or shrink text.


A. Container
The container includes all destinations including icons, labels, active indicator, and an optional profile.

B. Profile/Avatar/Initials (Optional)
We recommend using an image so that the user can quickly identify the person the profile belongs to. Images of people should always be in a circle.

C. Name Text (Optional)
The name must include the first and last name of the person.

D. Details Text (Optional)
The details text is optional and can contain secondary information about the person, such as their job title or location.

E. Headline (Optional)
The headline can be used for a parent heading.

F. Section Header
The section header can be used to group related destinations.

G. Icon (Optional)
Meaningful icons visualize the app destinations. Use filled icons for the selected destinations and unfilled icons for unselected destinations.

H. Active Indicator
The active indicator highlights the selected destination.

I. Label Text
The label text provides a short and concise description of the destination.

J. Badge Value (Optional)
The badge value shows a number for status changes.

K. Divider (Optional)
The divider allows to create related groups of destinations.

L. Scrim (Only Available for Modal Navigation Drawer)
The scrim prevents the interaction with the rest of the app content and is displayed behind the modal navigation drawer.

Navigation drawer anatomy
Navigation drawer anatomy

Behavior and Interaction

The navigation drawer is placed on the edge of the screen. On the left side for left-to-right languages and on the right side for right-to-left languages.

When the user taps on a destination, the user is directed to the navigation destination. The selected destination is visually highlighted with the active indicator and a filled icon.

Selecting another navigation destination in the modal navigation drawer
Selecting another navigation destination in the modal navigation drawer

If there is more content than fitting in the drawer, the drawer can be scrolled vertically.

Horizontal scrolling in the standard navigation drawer
Horizontal scrolling in the standard navigation drawer

Adaptive Design

Use the modal navigation drawer on mobile screens, however, also consider the navigation bar if there are fewer than five navigation destinations.

For medium sized screens switch to a collapsible standard navigation drawer or to a navigation rail.

On large screen sizes, use the permanently visible standard navigation drawer.

Use the modal navigation drawer in combination with the navigation rail when there are secondary destinations or actions that don’t belong in the navigation rail. The modal navigation drawer can repeat the navigation destinations from the navigation rail and can include additional navigation destinations, such as secondary destinations or settings. The user can open and close the modal navigation drawer by tapping the menu icon.

Combination of a navigation rail with a navigation drawer
Combination of a navigation rail with a navigation drawer


Modal Navigation Drawer

The modal navigation drawer has a scrim to prevent the interaction with the app content. It is mainly used on mobile devices. On tablet devices, replace the modal navigation drawer with the standard navigation drawer.

The user can open the modal navigation drawer by tapping the menu icon.

The user can close the modal navigation drawer by selecting a destination, tapping on the scrim, or swiping to the drawer’s anchoring edge. If there is a “Back” button on the navigation bar, the user can also close the drawer with this button.

Opening and closing the modal navigation drawer
Opening and closing the modal navigation drawer

Standard Navigation Drawer

The standard navigation drawer is located next to the app’s content and can be permanently on screen, which is best used when users frequently have to switch between destinations. If users should focus more on the app content, they can close and open the standard navigation drawer by tapping a menu icon.

Use the standard navigation drawer only on tablet devices. For mobile devices, use the modal navigation drawer instead.

Collapsable standard navigation drawer with menu icon
Collapsable standard navigation drawer with menu icon


Development: FioriNavigationDrawer

SAP Fiori for iOS: Sidebar

Material Design: Navigation Drawer

AR Annotations

Augmented reality (AR) annotations let users view the virtual annotations of existing objects in a facility. They can be used to explore a warehouse, machinery, or a business object to provide users with more information about the world around them.

Examples of a scan screen (left), pulsing marker (middle) and selected marker (right)
Examples of a scan screen (left), pulsing marker (middle) and selected marker (right)


AR Scanner

The AR scanner allows users to view annotations in the world view, using their phone to scan an image or an object in a facility. Refer to AR scanner for more details.

A. Coaching View

The user receives explicit instructions to scan the displayed image in the real world. 

B. Scanning View

The user scans the object in the provided space. 

C. Matched Scan View

The scanned verify check mark will appear once the image is scanned.

Coaching view (left), scanning view (middle) and matched scan view (right)
Coaching view (left), scanning view (middle) and matched scan view (right)

AR Marker

AR markers typically represent the annotated area of a business object. Each annotation marker consists of a default and a selected state. When a user taps a marker, a line guidance appears with a pulse animation of the marker. Refer to AR marker for more details. 

D. Default Marker

E. Marker Pulse

Default marker (left) and pulsing marker with line guidance (right)
Default marker (left) and pulsing marker with line guidance (right)

AR Card

When a user selects a marker, the corresponding card will appear to reveal additional information. The AR card will appear in the screen view. Refer to AR card for more details.  

G. AR Card

Selected marker with AR card
Selected marker with AR card

Behavior and Interaction

The AR annotation flow consists of three interactions. To learn about more interaction in detail, refer to AR scanner, AR marker, and AR card. 


After a user receives instructions and successfully scans an image, AR markers will appear in default state on the screen in the world view. 


When a user taps on a marker or swipes on a card, the marker will display a pulse animation with a line guidance joined to the card.

Card Detail

Once a user selects a marker, the related card will slide in from the left to the focused state, displaying relevant information about the object. A user can tap on the card’s action button to view more details.

AR annotations flow with coaching, scanning and matched scan view
AR annotations flow with coaching, scanning and matched scan view


SAP Fiori Mentor App

The SAP Fiori Mentor app is an interactive playground for mobile designers and developers that enables them to explore the flexibility of mobile components and patterns available through the SAP BTP Software Development Kits for Android and iOS.

You can view live previews of all UI components and change parameters to see the effect immediately. Once a component is customized to your liking, view and copy the ready-made code snippet. You can also learn more about the backend components such as onboarding flows, SAP Foundation & OData.

Download it now – it’s available on Google Play and App Store for iPad.

SAP Fiori Mentor App for Android and iOS is available on Google Play and App Store
SAP Fiori Mentor App for Android and iOS is available on Google Play and App Store

Building on Google’s Material Design and Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, the out-of-the-box UI components extend the SAP mobile design systems with components designed for enterprise use cases and a variety of industry applications. These include the visual update of core OS components, feature enhancements, and the creation of completely new components.

Explore the Power of UI Components

Flexible UI Components

By adjusting component settings within the app, you can live preview the behavior, interaction, and features of components. This not only speeds up the communication between design and development but also allows you to identify the right component for your requirements and user needs. On top of that, the SAP Fiori Mentor app helps you to adapt standard components to best support your specific scenarios.

Live preview of a component with a variety of settings
Live preview of a component with a variety of settings

Preview and Export Code

The app provides developers the option to export code samples with predefined settings that can be exported into their preferred development tool. Designers on the other hand can easily understand the scope of functionality for a specific component, specify their designs with applicable parameters, and hand over the respective code snippets to their development partners.

You can easily preview and export the code for any UI component
You can easily preview and export the code for any UI component

And Many More Features

  • Inspiration from a wide variety of UI components
  • Simulation of UI component behavior in phone and tablet mode
  • Preview and export of code samples with predefined settings
  • Fundamental backend components
  • Best practices for component usage
The SAP Fiori Mentor app features a wide variety of UI components
The SAP Fiori Mentor app features a wide variety of UI components

Start Exploring Today!

The SAP Fiori Mentor app and additional enablement resources support you in designing and building applications with SAP Fiori for Android and iOS.

Download the SAP Fiori Mentor app now for Android & iOS.

Download the SAP Fiori Mentor app on App Store and Google Play
Download the SAP Fiori Mentor app on App Store and Google Play