Views (Variant Management)

Note on terminology:

On the user interface, we now call variants “views”, which is better understood by end users. To describe the SAPUI5 controls, however, we still speak of “variants” and “variant management”.


Variants store view settings, such as filter settings or control parameters.

The filter settings consist of filter parameters, selection fields, and the layout of filters. They are set within the filter bar.

Control parameters are the sort order, filter and group settings, column visibility, and the layout of a table or chart. They are set within the toolbar of the control.

The variant management control enables the user to load, save, change, and maintain variants.


Use the variant management control if:

  • The user needs to save and load different filter settings to find the relevant data.
  • The user needs to save and load different layouts (for example, a table) to display data in different views.
  • The user needs to save the settings for the whole page, including the filter settings and table layout.


Size S (Smartphone)

On phones, the My Views dialog for selecting variants, the Manage Views dialog, and the Save View dialog open in full screen mode.

My Views
My Views
Manage Views
Manage Views
Save View
Save View

Size M (Tablet)

My Views
My Views
Manage Views
Manage Views
Save View
Save View

Size L (Desktop)

My Views
My Views
Manage Views
Manage Views
Save View
Save View


Variant management come with several components:

  • A clickable title with an icon
  • The My Views dialog for selecting variants
  • The Manage Views dialog for setting view parameters and deleting views
  • The Save View dialog for creating a new view

Name of View

The view name is the entry point for opening the My ViewsManage Views, and Save View dialogs.

If the user has made changes to the user interface that affect the saved view, the view is marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate the unsaved changes. This happens when the user deletes or adds a filter to the filter bar, for example.

Selecting a view
Selecting a view

My Views Dialog

The My Views dialog contains all favorite views, including the default view, the pre-shipped standard views, and the views marked as favorites by the user. The default view and the pre-shipped standard views are marked as favorites automatically.

Default View

There can only be one default view, which the user can change in the Manage Views dialog. If the user sets a new default view, the last view remains as a favorite. The user can explicitly unfavorite the last view in the Manage Views dialog.

Pre-Shipped Standard Views

The standard view is the minimum set of filters delivered by SAP, and cannot be modified or deleted. It is flagged as a favorite and cannot be removed. There can be several pre-shipped standard views, depending on the use case.

Favorite Views

Users can mark views as favorites (or unfavorite them) in the Manage Views dialog. If more than 10 favorite views exist, a search option is displayed.

The views created by users themselves are favorited automatically, while views created by other users are unfavorited by default. This prevents the My Views popover from becoming overcrowded with public variants that are not relevant for the user.

The user can also mark public views as favourites.

Public Views

Public views are visible to all users who have access to the app. A view can be set to Public by individual users, key users, SAP (default delivery), or partners. All views that are set to Public are available within the Manage Views dialog.

A public view can be edited by the user who created it and by key users. All other users can only display the public view.

Actions in the My Views Dialog

Users can open the Manage Views dialog using the Manage button in the footer bar of the My Views dialog. From this dialog, users can Save changes to the current view, or choose Save As to create a new view, which opens the Save View dialog.

'My Views' dialog with a few views
'My Views' dialog with a few views
'My Views' dialog with more than 10 views and a search option
'My Views' dialog with more than 10 views and a search option

Manage Views Dialog

In the Manage Views dialog, users can make the following changes:

  • Mark a view as a favorite
  • Change the name of a self-created view
  • Set a view as the default
  • Apply the view automatically
  • View the Sharing and Created By information of each view
  • Delete a self-created view

In addition to the personal views users create for themselves, they can also see the pre-shipped and public views. A user can only modify his or her own views, and not public, pre-shipped, or third-party views created by other users. 
Exception: Key users can also change and delete views created by others.

'Manage Views' dialog
'Manage Views' dialog

Apply View Automatically

Users can select or deselect this option. The control allows app teams to add an optional text next to the checkbox. This can be useful if you apply filter exceptions that overwrite the standard behavior.

'Manage Views' dialog with additional text in
'Manage Views' dialog with additional text in "Apply Automatically" set

Save View Dialog

The Save View dialog is for creating a new view. For each view, you can make the following settings:

  • View: Name of the new view (required field)
  • Set as Default: If checked, the new view is the new default view.
  • Public: If checked, the new view is available to everyone who has access to the app.
  • Apply Automatically: If checked, the view is applied immediately whenever it is selected. The user does not need to click the Go button in the filter bar.
    We do not recommend checking this option if the selection is likely to cause long loading times.
'Save View' dialog
'Save View' dialog


The variant management control is merged with the page title (or next to or merged with title of the respective control, such as a table).

Filter Bar (Page Title)

The variant management control is merged with the page title within the page header container, and saves the stored filter settings or both the filter and control settings.

Variant management within the filter bar, merged with the page title
Variant management within the filter bar, merged with the page title


The variant management control can also store control settings like layout, table column visibility, sorting, or grouping independently of the filter settings.

It is either merged with the control title or placed next to it.

If you place the title or variant management control inside a toolbar, apply the following styles:

  • Set the toolbar height to 3 rem.
  • Use a transparent toolbar.
  • Use the title class “sapMH4Fontsize”.
Variant management within the table toolbar
Variant management within the table toolbar

If the table has a separate title, place the title first.

Variant management with table title
Variant management with table title

Behavior and Interaction

This control allows the user to select, create, update, and delete variants for filter settings and control parameters such as layout, table column visibility, sorting and grouping.

My Views dialog: Selecting a View

The page title displays the active variant. Clicking the title dropdown opens a popover that displays all available variants. The currently active variant is highlighted. To load another variant, the user simply selects one from the list.


Save can only be applied to variants that the user is allowed to save. Otherwise, this button is disabled. Save overwrites the active variant.

Save As

Save As enables the user to save the current filter settings as a new view. The Save As function can also be used to duplicate existing variants for later modification.


Manage opens the Manage Views dialog that allows the user to update, delete or favorite/unfavorite existing variants.

Selecting a view
Selecting a view

Save View dialog

The Save View dialog is for creating new views. Providing a name for the new view is mandatory. Clicking OK saves the new view.

Save View
Save View

Manage Views dialog

In the Manage Views dialog, the user can rename, delete, and change properties of existing views.

Users can only modify or delete entries if they have the necessary permissions. By default, variants that a user has created can also be modified and deleted.

Manage Views
Manage Views

Save as Tile

The user can save the currently selected variant as a tile on the launchpad using the Save as Tile action in the Share menu.

In the Save as Tile dialog, the user can define the tile title and subtitle, a description, and the launchpad group in which the tile should appear.

Save as tile via 'Share' button
Save as tile via 'Share' button
'Save as Tile' dialog
'Save as Tile' dialog


Save as Tile

Use the name of a variant as the title of the application tile. Map this as a preset title that cannot be edited by the user.  In this case, whenever the variant is updated, the tile is updated accordingly.

Exception: If the variant cannot be referenced directly due to technical limitations, offer the standard tile creation option where filter parameters and settings are only saved within the URL.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Chart Toolbar

The chart toolbar acts as a container for charts.

The width and height of the chart container are never defined by the app, but are always set by the container itself (as explained in Size of the Chart Container).

The toolbar is mandatory. Small charts or micro charts, such as dashboards, table cells, and small frames are an exception to this rule. In these cases, the developer must provide a consistent UI to enable action on the chart.

The toolbar is always placed on top of the chart. It provides actions such as multiple box selection for selecting dimensions, full screen format, personalization actions, and a toggle function for showing and hiding legends.


The chart container uses the sap.m.OverflowToolbar control. It is a container based on sap.m.Toolbar that provides overflow when its content does not fit in the visible area. For more information, please refer to the toolbar overview article (under Responsiveness).

Chart toolbar – Size L
Chart toolbar – Size L
Chart toolbar – Size S
Chart toolbar – Size S


The following content can be part of the chart toolbar. Use only the content your users really need and display them in the order shown below:

  • Title
  • Variant management or perspective switch
  • Business actions (app-specific)
  • Actions for content management
    • Show Legend / Hide Legend
    • Zoom In
    • Zoom Out
    • Settings
  • Minimize / Maximize
  • View switch (between different chart types or between chart and table)
  • Overflow
Components of the chart toolbar
Components of the chart toolbar

Behavior and Interaction

Business Actions (app-specific)

If needed, you can define your own actions for the app using transparent text buttons only. If multiple actions are required, sort them, starting with the most important action (= primary action) on the left. You can emphasize the primary action using a ghost button.

More information:

Chart toolbar with business actions
Chart toolbar with business actions
Chart toolbar with emphasized primary business action
Chart toolbar with emphasized primary business action


A title provides a short, meaningful summary of the content, often in a single word. To display a title, use the title control.

Use a title if you need the chart toolbar, and if the title of the chart is not indicated in the surrounding area. Note that the title is truncated if there is not enough space.

Chart toolbar - Title
Chart toolbar - Title

Variant Management

In charts, a variant stores all the settings that define the chart view (for example, the selected dimensions and the sort and filter settings). The variant management control enables users to load, save, and change variants. In most cases, variant management replaces the title.

Chart toolbar - Variant management
Chart toolbar - Variant management

Title and Variant Management

If you need both a title and variant management, place the variant management control directly after the title. Use a separator between the title and variant management.

Since using both controls often leads to truncation problems, this pattern is not recommended.

Chart toolbar - Title with variant management
Chart toolbar - Title with variant management

Perspective Switch

Chart toolbar - Perspective switch
Chart toolbar - Perspective switch

The perspective switch is left-aligned in the toolbar. It can be used to switch between different dimensions. We recommend using a select control, but any other dropdown control can be used as well. The perspective switch replaces the title and the variant management control.

For SAP Smart Business apps, the view incorporates and defines the chart description, the dimension, the measure, and the defaulted chart type. The various views are preconfigured and maintained by an SAP Smart Business administrator.

Ensure that all switches have a meaningful title. We recommend using a short chart description followed by the dimensions:

Simple perspective
Simple perspective

You also have the option of extending the perspective switch if the app needs to switch between specific subdimensions. The number of dimensions and subdimensions that are needed depends on the app.

Perspective view with subdimension
Perspective view with subdimension

If the app does not need a perspective switch, use the chart title (property: title).

Chart with title
Chart with title

Legend (Generic)

Chart toolbar with legend button
Chart toolbar with legend button

The Legend button (property: ShowLegend) is the first generic action. The user clicks this button to hide or show the chart legend.

The legend also allows the user to select or deselect data points.

Zoom In/Zoom Out

We recommend offering the zoom feature on the chart toolbar. Two icon buttons depicting a magnifying glass are then displayed. When the user clicks the Zoom In or Zoom Out button, the chart zooms accordingly.

Chart with zoom in/out buttons
Chart with zoom in/out buttons


You can add a Settings button to the chart toolbar to enable app-specific settings (property: ShowPersonalization). The corresponding popover or dialog must also be implemented by the app team.

We do not recommend using this feature. If you do choose to use it, exercise caution. Bear in mind that the perspective switch feature already allows preconfiguration of several combinations of dimensions, measures, and chart type selections.

When viewing charts, users do not usually want to think about which chart types, dimensions, or measures are most suitable in a particular use case. Instead, decide on the most valuable chart/dataset combinations for the end user beforehand and provide users with the most appropriate preconfigured chart view.

Chart personalization action
Chart personalization action

View Switch (Generic)

Chart toolbar with view switch
Chart toolbar with view switch

View switches are right-aligned in the toolbar. They allow the user to switch between different chart types or table layouts. You need to offer the view switch if the chart relies on subtle color differences or color gradients. Users with visual impairments can then use the table view.

Switches are optional. The buttons can be hidden if there is no need to switch between different charts or tables.

Be careful when choosing the chart types and the number of switches. For each app, decide which chart types are best suited to visualizing data in the user’s context.

We recommend using no more than three types of visualization. The sequence of chart type switches is not fixed, but we recommend sorting them by importance and usage within the respective app.

The segmented button control is used to display the chart types. The control highlights the chart that is currently displayed.

View Switch – Switch Between Chart and Table

The view switch allows you to switch easily between tables and charts.

Some actions are only available in certain views. For example, the Legend icon is only visible in the chart view. If the user selects the table view, the Filter action is visible and the Legend icon is hidden.

Icon Usage

Each visualization of a chart is represented by an icon. The icon explorer helps you to find the most appropriate icon.

Bar chart:
Bar chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e02c - Name: horizontal-bar-chart
Horizontal bullet chart:
Horizontal bullet chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e215
Vertical bullet chart:
Vertical bullet chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e216
Combined column line chart:
Combined column line chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e11f - Name: business-objects-experience
Stacked bar chart:
Stacked bar chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e183 - Name: horizontal-stacked-chart
Stacked column 100% chart:
Stacked column 100% chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e180 - Name: full-stacked-column-chart
Bar chart:
Bar chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e182 - Name: horizontal-bar-chart-2
Column chart:
Column chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e0ef - Name: vertical-bar-chart
Pie chart:
Pie chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e015 - Name: pie-chart
Stacked bar 100% chart:
Stacked bar 100% chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e17f - Name: full-stacked-chart
Table chart:
Table chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e0bb - Name: table-chart
Heatmap: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e214
Bubble chart:
Bubble chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e18e - Name: bubble-chart
Column chart:
Column chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode:  - Name: vertical-bar-chart-2
Donut chart:
Donut chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e213
Scatter chart:
Scatter chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: & #xe18f; - Name: scatter-chart
Stacked column chart:
Stacked column chart: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e184 - Name: vertical-stacked-chart
Map: "SAP-icons" font - Unicode: #e185 - Name: choropleth-chart

Maximize / Minimize

Chart toolbar with maximize button
Chart toolbar with maximize button

In addition to zooming, the app can use the full screen mode of the chart container (property: FullScreen).

The user can open the chart in a full screen dialog via this toggle button. When the chart is maximized, the    Maximize button is replaced by a corresponding    Minimize button.

Overflow (Generic)

See Overflow in the Toolbar Overview article.


See the detailed Guidelines section in the Toolbar Overview article.

Additional Guidelines

  • Think carefully about what actions you really need in the chart toolbar – do not overload the toolbar with actions.
  • Try to put the actions as close to the content as possible.
  • Use appropriate tooltips to label icon buttons in the chart toolbar.


Elements and Controls


Footer Toolbar

The footer toolbar always appears as floating footer at the bottom of the screen. The floating footer property creates some padding between screen and toolbar, improving visibility.

The control is used for closing or finalizing actions that impact the whole page. It is only visible when actions appear, when message handling is visible, or when the draft indicator is displayed. One main advantage of the footer bar is that this bar is always visible and will not scroll away.

Our general guideline is to use only icon buttons or text buttons. Icon and text should not be combined into one button. Buttons are always right-aligned.

Buttons are sorted from frequently-used to seldom-used. This ensures that the most important buttons will go into the overflow last.


Use the footer toolbar:

  • If you have closing or finalizing actions on your page that apply to the whole page.

Do not use the footer toolbar:

  • If you have different containers on your page (such as charts, tables, and forms) and the action influences only certain items. In this case, place the action as close to the corresponding item(s) as possible.
  • If you have global actions (such as Edit or Delete) that are not finalizing or closing actions. In this case, use the header toolbar instead.


To enable responsiveness, use the OverflowToolbar control. For more information, please refer to the corresponding section in the toolbar overview article.

The height of the toolbar changes on desktops (compact mode), tablets, and smartphones (cozy mode). For more information about cozy and compact modes, see content density.

Footer toolbar - Size S
Footer toolbar - Size S
Footer toolbar - Size M
Footer toolbar - Size M
Footer toolbar - Size XL
Footer toolbar - Size XL


The footer toolbar can contain the following components:

  • Message indicator
  • Draft indicator
  • Finalizing/closing actions
Examples of possible components
Examples of possible components

All closing or finalizing actions are placed on the right side of the toolbar.

The footer toolbar can also include a message and draft indicator. For more information, see draft handling and messaging.

Behavior and Interaction

Our general guideline is to use only icon buttons or text buttons. Icon and text should not be combined into one button. Buttons are always right-aligned.

The buttons are sorted from frequently-used to seldom-used. This ensures that the most important buttons go into the overflow last.

App-Specific Actions

If needed, you can define your own action for the app. Use text-only buttons with a short, unambiguous text for the action the button performs. A button text is usually a single-word verb (for example, Save). Note that text strings can be longer in other languages.

Text vs. Icon Buttons

Use text-only buttons for all finalizing/closing actions (such as Save).


  • Use button styles only if they help the user, and not for decoration.
  • Use the emphasized button for primary actions, such as Save.
  • Use the ghost button style for secondary actions, such as Return, and the transparent button for negative path actions, such as Cancel.
  • Use the semantic button for positive/negative actions (property: typeaccept or reject).
  • Use only one emphasized button per toolbar and never mix emphasized and semantic buttons.
    Exception: Additional messaging button for the message popover.

For more information, see Button and Action Placement.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Responsive Table

The responsive table contains a set of line items and is fully responsive. Depending on the scenario, users can also navigate from the line items to further details.

A line item contains several data points sorted into columns. A data point refers to a unit of information, such as a number, a text, a unit of measurement, and so on, which can be used to form the content of a tableform or other control. One data point is usually displayed by a control, such as a text, object status, or input field. A control can display more than one data point, for example, by concatenating text.

In contrast to traditional tables, a “cell” of the responsive table is not limited to displaying only one control, and therefore a single cell can present far more than one data point.

Responsive table
Responsive table


Use the responsive table if:

  • You need a table to display a moderate amount of data. When your data is of average complexity, the responsive table can handle up to 200 items. However, more complex data lowers the limit, and less complex data raises it. Note that the limit is not on the number of items in the database or in the filtered results, but the volume of data loaded at any point. Factors that influence the exact limit include:
    • The number of loaded rows in the table
    • The number of displayed columns
    • The complexity of the cell content (for example, simple text vs. complex charts)
    • Other elements on the page (for example, multiple pages in a flexible column layout, or several tables/elements with more complex rendering on the page)
    • The browser used

    For loading large amounts of complex data, use a grid table instead, as it can handle higher volumes more efficiently.

  • You need to use various controls inside a line item, such as micro charts. By contrast, the analytical table supports only a very limited set of controls.
  • The focus is on line items, not on cells. The responsive table is optimized for viewing complete items on all devices.
  • Selecting one or more items is a main use case and details are needed to choose the correct item.
  • Line items are independent of each other and no operation across columns is needed.
  • You want a single implementation for all devices. As its name suggests, the table is responsive and adjusts its appearance to the screen size so you can use it on all devices. However, make sure you adapt the responsive table design to offer the best solution for the tasks performed on mobile devices. Sometimes, a solution without a table is more useful and usable.

Do not use the responsive table if:

  • The main use case is to select one item from a very small number of items, without viewing additional details. In this case, a select or combo box might be more appropriate.
  • The main use case is to select one item from several items, with the possibility of viewing only a few details per item. In this case, a list might be more appropriate. Pay attention to the layout of the list item to ensure that it has a pleasant appearance.
  • The cell level and the spatial relationship between cells is more important than the line item. In this case, use the analytical table or grid table. Examples include spreadsheet analyses and waterfall charts. Note that neither the analytical table nor the grid table are fully responsive. Both are only available for desktops and tablets, so you will need to take an adaptive approach by offering an additional UI for smartphones.
  • You expect users to work with large amounts of complex data. Use the analytical table or grid table instead; they are optimized for those cases.
    Note that the analytical table and the grid table are not fully responsive, but available only for desktops and tablets, so you will need to take an adaptive approach by offering an additional UI for smartphones.
  • Comparing items is a major use case. In this case, the analytical table or grid table might be more appropriate because each cell contains only one data point. In contrast, the responsive table offers greater flexibility within line items, including the ability to add more data points per cell and the pop-in function. Both make comparisons more difficult. Note that neither the analytical table nor the grid table are fully responsive. Both are only available for desktops and tablets, so you will need to take an adaptive approach by offering an additional UI for smartphones.
  • Data needs to be structured in a hierarchical manner. In this case, a tree table might be more appropriate. Although the analytical table can have several grouping levels, it is not as flexible when nodes at several levels contain child nodes. Note that the analytical table isn’t fully responsive and is only available for desktops and tablets, so you will need to take an adaptive approach by offering an additional UI for smartphones.
  • You need an overview of a large amount of data. In this case, use a chart.
  • You just need it for layout reasons. In this case, use a layout container such as a horizontal layout or a vertical layout instead.
  • You need read-only or editable field-value pairs. In this case, use a form instead. The responsive table is not optimized for form-like input navigation.
Don't use a responsive table as a form
Don't use a responsive table as a form

See the table overview to decide which SAP Fiori table is most suitable for your needs.


The responsive table is optimized for viewing one line item at a time with no scrolling or only vertical scrolling, irrespective of the display width.

On smartphones, only the most important data remains in the one-column or two-column table, while all other data is moved to the space between two item rows, known as the “pop-in area”.

In this area, data for the corresponding cell is provided as a label/value pair. The label is defined by the column header, and the value is taken from the corresponding cell. Labels can be displayed next to the value or above the value.

Within the pop-in area, the label/value pairs can be displayed in the following ways (sap.m.Table, property: PopinLayout):

  • Block: Label/value pairs are listed one below the other.
  • GridSmall: Label/value pairs are displayed next to each other in equally spaced grid cells. An additional column is shown for each 13 rem of available width (208 px with default browser settings). If the number of grid cells exceeds the available width, the grid cells wrap. On S size, this layout transforms automatically to a block layout.
  • GridLarge: The display logic is the same as for GridSmall,, but grid columns come with a larger minimum width (26 rem instead of 13 rem).

In all layouts, you can show the labels next to or above (recommended) the corresponding data.

The responsive table uses all the available space, and does not provide any padding. If there is space around the table, it comes from the spacing defined for the surrounding layout container.

The GridSmall and GridLarge layouts are not available in all browsers. If the chosen layout is not available, it is automatically changed to Block layout.
Responsive table displayed on a smartphone (size S)
Responsive table displayed on a smartphone (size S)
Responsive table displayed on a tablet (size M)
Responsive table displayed on a tablet (size M)
Responsive table displayed in compact mode on a desktop computer (size L)
Responsive table displayed in compact mode on a desktop computer (size L)

The responsive behavior is optional. If it is not used, the responsive table minimizes all visible columns until they are no longer readable. The priority level assigned to columns also impacts the display of the responsive table. For more information on the priority levels, see: Smart Table

There are two ways to configure responsiveness: auto pop-in mode and manual pop-in mode (sap.m.Table, property: autoPopinMode).

The auto pop-in mode ensures responsiveness automatically and is sufficient in most cases. You can still influence the behavior per column, but only to a limited extent.

The manual mode is more flexible, but needs are more configuration. This configuration becomes more cumbersome when table columns can be shown/hidden or re-ordered. On the other hand, only the manual mode allows you to:

  • Let more than one column stay in the tabular layout
  • Move more than one column into the pop-in area at once

In both modes, the responsive table ensures that at least one column always remains in the table layout.

Auto Pop-In Mode

The auto pop-in mode handles responsiveness automatically. You can optimize this to a certain extent by adapting the behavior per column.

Columns have a minimum width. As soon as the width of all the visible columns exceeds the table width, the right-most column moves to the pop-in area. The default minimum width per column is 8 rem. You can change this value for each column (sap.m.Column, property: autoPopinWidth).

To further influence the behavior, you can assign columns a priority. Low-priority columns move to the pop-in area first (right-most low priority column first), medium-priority columns next, and high-priority columns last. The default priority is “none”, which is handled like the “medium” priority (sap.m.Column, property: importance).Instead of moving columns to the pop-in area, you can also hide columns of one or more priority levels (property: hiddenInPopin).

In auto pop-in mode, all other pop-in-related column settings are ignored.

Manual Pop-In Mode

The manual pop-in mode allows more flexibility but also requires more effort if you want it to work in a meaningful way. You also need to invest additional effort if table columns can be shown/hidden or re-ordered.

You need to configure each column manually. Depending on the width of the table (in pixels), the column needs to know which of the following responses is required:

  • Stay in the table layout (in auto pop-in mode, only one column stays in the table layout).
  • Move to the pop-in area (sap.m.Column, with the properties: demandPopin, minScreenWidth, popinHAlign, popinDisplay).
  • Hide

By default, the table width is assumed to be the screen width. If the table does not use the full width of the screen, app developers must configure the table accordingly (sap.m.Table, property: contextualWidth).

Because you configure the pop-in response for each column individually, you can also handle more than one column at a given breakpoint. This allows you to move several columns to the pop-in area at once, which isn’t possible in auto pop-in mode

Each of the three device types has a predefined value for the screen width. However, you will get better results if you offer more breakpoints by using pixel values instead of the predefined values.

For the smallest screen width, keep the following information in the table layout:

  • The identifier of the line item
  • The key attribute

Example for Block Layout

A typical responsive table.

A typical responsive table
A typical responsive table

Hide the information column for a width smaller than 570 px.

Hiding the information column
Hiding the information column

Move the column “vendor” to the pop-in area for a width smaller than 460 px (sap.m.Column, properties: demandPopin, minScreenWidth).

Moving the vendor column to the pop-in area
Moving the vendor column to the pop-in area

Move the column “limit” to the pop-in area for a width smaller than 350 px (sap.m.Column, properties: demandPopin, minScreenWidth).

Moving the limit column to the pop-in area
Moving the limit column to the pop-in area

Move the column “price” to the pop-in area for a width smaller than 270 px (sap.m.Column, properties: demandPopin, minScreenWidth).

Moving the price column to the pop-in area
Moving the price column to the pop-in area

If you still need to support smaller screens, values can be moved below the corresponding labels inside the pop-in area. In these examples, this happens for a width smaller than 220 px (sap.m.Column, property: popinDisplay).

Pop-in area: Moving the data below the labels
Pop-in area: Moving the data below the labels

Example for GridLarge Layout

A more complex responsive table.

A more complex responsive table (full screen without pop-in content)
A more complex responsive table (full screen without pop-in content)

In this example, the Average Occupancy Rate and Available In columns move to the pop-in area if the screen width is less than 1900 pixels.

GridLarge layout - 'Average Occupancy Rate' and 'Available In' columns move to the pop-in area
GridLarge layout - 'Average Occupancy Rate' and 'Available In' columns move to the pop-in area

If the width is less than 1500 pixels, the Average Stay column moves to the pop-in area.

GridLarge layout - 'Average Stay' column moves to the pop-in area
GridLarge layout - 'Average Stay' column moves to the pop-in area

If the width is less than 1100 pixels, the Description column moves to the pop-in area. Since all four columns in the pop-in area do not fit into one row, the pop-in content wraps.

GridLarge layout - 'Description' column moves to the pop-in area
GridLarge layout - 'Description' column moves to the pop-in area

If the width is reduced even further, the Details column moves to the pop-in area. On this narrow screen, only one column fits into one pop-in row, so it looks exactly like the block layout.

GridLarge layout - 'Details' column moves to the pop-in area
GridLarge layout - 'Details' column moves to the pop-in area


The optional title bar consists of the title of the responsive table, an item counter, variant management, and the toolbar.

The filter infobar appears when the responsive table is filtered, and shows information on the filter settings.

The column header shows the label for each column. In addition, it allows the user to resize the column.

The collection of items, or rows, occupies the main part of the responsive table.

You can add aggregation information (such as totals) on the table footer.

A More button can be shown if you do not want all items to be loaded at the start (known as “lazy loading”). Ideally, you should use scrolling to load more items instead of choosing the More button.

Schematic visualization of the responsive table
Schematic visualization of the responsive table


The title bar contains the title of the responsive table, an item counter, variant management, and the toolbar.

The toolbar can contain entry points for the view settings dialog and the table personalization dialog, as well as view switches in the form of a segmented button, and buttons for AddEdit, and other actions.
Beneath the toolbar, display a filter infobar (which itself is a special toolbar) if the responsive table is filtered.
To format within items, apply the guidelines for formatting data. Controls commonly used inside items are the object identifier and the object number. For more information about these controls, see object display components.
You can use the table footer to display additional static information relating to the table content.
The More button loads more items to the front end if not all items have yet been loaded.
Components of the responsive table
Components of the responsive table

Behavior and Interaction

The responsive table is quite flexible with regard to its content.

Table Level


The height of the table is defined by the number of items it contains. It does not have a scroll container on its own, but is scrolled together with the app (in contrast to the grid table and the analytical table).

If the table works in “growing” mode, it only loads a few items at first. Additional items are only loaded (and rendered) on request. The “request” can either be triggered by scrolling (preferred), or by clicking the More button.

Same table, different number of items
Same table, different number of items

When the user scrolls, the title bar, column headers, and filter infobar can stick to the top of the surrounding layout container (sap.m.Table, property: sticky).

The “sticky” feature comes with some limitations:

  • It is not available on all browsers. In non-supporting browsers, the corresponding areas (title bar, column headers, filter infobar) are not fixed on top of the surrounding layout container while scrolling.
  • Certain layout containers suppress the sticky behavior, such as the grid layout. The same happens if the table is placed within the object page.
  • If focus is set to a fixed column header, the table is automatically scrolled to top.

Sticky table title and sticky column header
Sticky table title and sticky column header

Merge Duplicates

To simulate the behavior of row spanning, you can merge cells of consecutive rows inside one or more columns automatically if they contain the same value (sap.m.Column, properties: mergeDuplicates, mergeFunctionName).

Use the merge feature if you expect the column to contain duplicate entries, and it makes sense to group them. In the example screenshot, the Supplier, Product, and Dimensions columns reflect a hierarchical structure: Suppliers have products, which in turn have dimensions. Because suppliers typically have multiple products, merging duplicate entries for the supplier column makes the table easier to read. Note, however, that when the user sorts the table by another field, the hierarchy changes and the merged items are regrouped accordingly.

Do not use the merge feature:

  • If duplicate entries are not part of the design. If consecutive table rows happen to have the same values at runtime, this alone isn’t a valid reason to group them.
  • If the corresponding column can contain blank cells. Otherwise, it is cumbersome to differentiate between blank values and merged values.
Supplier column merges duplicates in consecutive rows
Supplier column merges duplicates in consecutive rows
Merged columns with multiselection
Merged columns with multiselection


A responsive table can have one of the following selection modes (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, property: mode):

  • None: Items cannot be selected (sap.m.ListMode.None).
    Note: Line items can still use the sap.m.ListType “navigation”, which allows click handling for specific line items. Only use this option if the click triggers navigation to a corresponding details page.
  • Single select master: One item in the responsive table can be selected. Items are selected by clicking the whole row. The single select master mode has no obvious visual cues, such as checkboxes or radio buttons. It only provides a light blue background for the selected state. Because of this, it can barely be differentiated from tables without selection (mode: None). Single select master is the preferred mode for single selection (sap.m.ListMode.SingleSelectMaster).
  • Single select left: One item in the responsive table can be selected. For this, the responsive table provides radio buttons on the left side of each line item. This mode is not recommended (sap.m.ListMode.SingleSelectLeft).
  • Multi select: Users can select one or more items using the checkboxes on the left of each line item. The Shift key can be used to select a range. Users can (de)select all items using the Select All checkbox to the left of the column header (or CTRL+A). Select All should (de)select all items that the user can reach by scrolling. (sap.m.ListMode.MultiSelect).
    Another multi select variant is to not provide a Select All option, but just a Clear All check box in the same place (property: multiSelectMode, value: ClearAll).

Keyboard: If the focus is on a row, the space bar selects the corresponding item.

Responsive table without selectable items
Responsive table without selectable items
Single select master
Single select master
SIngle select left, with radio buttons. Use only if row clicks are used for something else.
SIngle select left, with radio buttons. Use only if row clicks are used for something else.
Multi select with 'Select All' checkbox
Multi select with 'Select All' checkbox
Multi select with 'Clear All' button
Multi select with 'Clear All' button


When items are grouped, a group header is displayed. The group header is not interactive.

Group headers
Group headers

Show Aggregations

Show aggregations (such as totals) on the table footer (sap.m.Column, aggregation: footer).

Don’t show aggregations in “growing” mode. In “growing” mode it isn’t clear which values are being aggregated; only the items currently loaded in the front end, or all items.

Table footer displays aggregated total
Table footer displays aggregated total

Load Items

When the responsive table fits the general requirements for your use case, always consider ways to reduce the amount of data loaded in the responsive table with, for example, filters, graphics, aggregation of information, and navigation. Keep in mind you should use it only to display moderate amounts of data, including factors like number of items and content complexity.

To show more than 100 items, use the “growing” mode (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, properties: growing, growingThreshold, growingScrollToLoad, growingTriggerText). The “growing” mode allows the user to load only the first few items. Additional items are only loaded (and rendered) on request, which improves performance. You decide whether the user triggers the request by scrolling (preferred) or by clicking the More button.

If you use the More button, show the number of items already loaded and the total number items below the More text, if possible.

Do not show aggregations in “growing” mode. Also, do not display an item count on the table toolbar if “growing” mode is used. Use the count on the More button instead.

If you expect users to work with large amounts of data, use the grid table because it is optimized for handling large data sets.

The growing mode will only help to reduce the amount of data loaded at once but the limits to the overall amount of data still apply.

Load on scroll
Load on scroll

Column Header Level

The column header provides the label for the corresponding column. It also handles the functionality for resizing columns.

Resizing Columns

If you implement column resizing, users can resize the columns as follows:

  • Mouse interaction: The user drags the separator line between two columns. Double-clicking the line optimizes the column width based on the length of the currently visible data and the label of the column header.
  • Touch interaction: As for mouse interaction, but with a larger target touch area.
  • Keyboard interaction: When the focus is on the column header, Shift+Right increases the width of the focused column. Shift+Left decreases the width.

When a column is resized, the other columns can keep their original width or adapt their width. This depends on the column width settings:

  • If column widths are set in pixel-based units (px, em, rem), the resized column is adapted and the columns that follow are moved accordingly. The width of all the other columns is not affected. If the visible columns don’t use the full width of the table control, empty space is added. If the visible columns exceed the width of the table control, one or more columns move to the pop-in area.
  • If all column widths are set as a percentage or as “auto”, resizing one column might also result in automatic resizing of some or all other columns. The position of the resized column might also be affected. This ensures that the full table width is used and no white space is added.
Developer Hint
To enable resizable columns, implement the plugin:
Resizing a column
Resizing a column

Line Item Level

Delete Single Item Rows

To delete single item rows, use the table in the mode “delete” (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.Delete). This adds Delete buttons to each line item. Clicking this button triggers the deletion of the corresponding line item. (Keyboard: If the focus is on the row itself, the Delete key can be used to trigger the Delete button.)

Do not use this mode if deleting multiple lines at once is the preferred use case.

Delete is a mode of the responsive table and therefore cannot be used together with single selection or multiselection.

Responsive table in 'Delete' mode
Responsive table in 'Delete' mode

Highlight an Item

To highlight an item, use the “highlight” indicator (sap.m.ColumnListItem, properties: highlight).

Highlighted item
Highlighted item


To allow navigation from a line item, use an item with the type “navigation” (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Navigation). This creates an indicator at the end of the line (“>”) and the entire line item becomes clickable (keyboard: if the focus is on the row itself, the Enter key triggers navigation). If the user clicks on the line, navigate to a new page containing line item details. In rare cases, you can also use the navigation mode for category navigation, without navigating to another page.

By contrast, clicking an interactive control within a line item does not trigger the navigation event. Instead, the corresponding control handles the click event.

If no navigation is possible, set sap.m.ListType to “inactive”.

“Navigation” is a list item type and therefore cannot be used together with “edit”, or in combination with click events for the entire item (“active”).

Navigation indicator
Navigation indicator

Indicate Navigated Item

When multi-selection is used in a list-detail scenario, it is not clear which item was last opened (for example, which item is currently shown in the second column of a flexible column layout). In this case only (multi-selection table with navigable items), you can display a “navigated” indicator to mark the item that is currently open (sap.m.ColumnListItem, property: navigated).

Navigated item
Navigated item

Edit Line Items

To allow editing for a line item, set sap.m.ListType to “detail” within the corresponding item (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Detail or sap.m.ListType.DetailAndActive). This will create an Edit button at the end of the line. Clicking the button triggers the edit event (keyboard: If the focus is on the row itself, the F2 key triggers the Edit button). Use this event to switch the corresponding line item to edit mode.

Edit is a list item type and therefore cannot be used together with “navigation” or in combination with click events for the entire item (“active”).

Edit button
Edit button

Click an Item

Items as a whole can be clickable. An event is fired by clicking on the item (anywhere where there is no interactive control inside the item). Apps can react on the event, for example, by opening a dialog (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Active or sap.m.ListType.DetailAndActive).

Active elements do not have a visual indication and can therefore not be differentiated from non-active elements.

Active is a list item type and can therefore not be used together with “navigation” or “edit”. In addition, “active” uses the whole item as a clickable area and therefore cannot be used together with a single-selection table.

Active element
Active element

Drag and Drop

One or several items can be repositioned within a table or moved to other UI elements using drag and drop operations (sap.m.ListBase, aggregation: dragDropConfig). While being dragged, the items are shown as ghost elements on the mouse cursor.

Drop targets can be on items, between items, or both (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition). On a drop target, the mouse cursor changes to either a “copy”, “link”, “move”, or “none” cursor. “None” indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped in the current position (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect).

Drag and drop is only available on supporting browsers.

Drag and drop
Drag and drop
Whole item as drop target
Whole item as drop target

Context Menu

You can attach a context menu (sap.m.Menu) to a table. The context menu gives users an alternative way to modify the focused elements by giving them access to context-specific functions.

When opened, the context menu gets the row and column context, except for special columns (such as the selection column). Context menus can be implemented for a specific table or row.

Context menus are opened by right-clicking (desktop), long press (mobile), the context menu key, or Shift+F10.

Be aware that using the context menu overrides the browser context menu, which can no longer be opened.

If a control inside a table is the “click target”, and the control also provides a context menu, the control context menu “wins”.

Responsive table with a context menu
Responsive table with a context menu

Cell Level

Showing Information

In contrast to traditional tables (such as the analytical table or the tree table), a cell can contain more than just one line of text.

Several lines of text within one cell
Several lines of text within one cell

Add Controls

Alongside textual elements, you can also add any control to a table cell, such as input fields, microcharts, buttons, and so on.

Controls inside cells
Controls inside cells
Any control can be placed inside cells
Any control can be placed inside cells

A cell can contain more than one control and more than one data point.

With the View Settings dialog, users can sort, filter, and group by each of these data points.

Several controls per cell
Several controls per cell

You can also have different controls in different rows in the same column. This could be the case if one item is locked, but another item is in edit mode, for example.

Different controls per column
Different controls per column



In most cases, the auto pop-in mode is sufficient. If you need to optimize further, first try to adapt the columns to influence the automatic behavior (sap.m.Column, properties: autoPopinWidth, importance). For example, set the priority for the two or three most important columns to “High” (identifying column, key attribute).

While the pop-in layouts GridLarge and GridSmall make better use of the available width, they also only look good with content that is specifically designed for these pop-in layouts. If you have text-only tables with only one value per column, use the Block layout (sap.m.Table, property: popinLayout).

Place the column header labels in the pop-in area above the corresponding values (sap.m.Column, property: popinDisplay, value: Block). This avoids alignment issues with different content. Be aware that the labels get top-aligned with the adjacent content.
Only place the label next to the corresponding value under the following conditions (sap.m.Column, property: popinDisplay, value: Inline):

  • The values are text-only (no input fields, icons, images, micro charts, and so on)
  • The available space is at least the double the width of size S.

This avoids truncation or “over-wrapping” of the labels and content.

If a column does not have a column header text (for example, if it always contains the same button with its own label), do not show the header text as a label in the pop-in area either (sap.m.Column, property: popinDisplay, value: withoutHeader). If you forget this setting, you will see an empty space followed by a colon (“:”).

The GridSmall and GridLarge layouts are not available in all browsers. If the chosen layout is not available, it is automatically changed to Block layout.

Table Title

Implement the table title by using a title control in a toolbar.

Use a table title only if the title of the table is not indicated in the surrounding area. Do not use a table title if it simply repeats text that is already above the table. For example:

  • A pricing conditions table is the only control on a tab labeled Pricing Conditions.
  • A section or subsection on an object page contains only one table.

Use a table title if you need the item count, table toolbar, or variant management. To avoid repeating text, feel free to use generic text as a table title, such as Items.
Exception: If the surrounding area contains the table title, and both the item count and toolbar can be added to the surrounding area, no additional table title is needed.
Example: An object page (sub-)section contains only one table. In this case, add the item count and the table toolbar to the (sub-)section header.

Developer Hint
Assistive technologies (such as screen readers) use the title to create a hierarchical site map for faster navigation. In addition, screen readers use the title as the label for the table.

If you don’t use a title (for example, to avoid repetition), make sure that the table is connected to another meaningful on-screen text that can be used as a label for assistive technologies. You can do this using the method addAriaLabelledBy.

If you use a table title, show either a title for the table, with or without variant management, or an item count in the following format:

Items (2,534)

The item count in the table title includes all the visible items that a user can reach by scrolling. Group headers are not included.

Remove the item count in the table title if there are zero items. Do not use an item count together with “growing” mode.

If possible, keep the title bar sticky (sap.m.Table, property: sticky).

Table title with item count
Table title with item count


For single selection cases, use the selection mode “single select master”. This is the recommended single-selection mode for list-detail scenarios within the flexible column layout. If you use it there, do not show a “navigated” indicator.

In rare cases, you can also use the click area for the row for another purpose (for example, to open dialogs). As a result, the click area cannot be used for selecting the row. In these cases only, use the “single select left” selection mode to offer a radio button as an additional click area for each row. To avoid confusion, make sure that the first data column does not contain radio buttons in the default delivery.

For all single selection modes, make sure that one item is initially selected. Otherwise, the user cannot return to the initial state. A selected item can only be deselected by selecting another item.

In multiple selection mode:

  • Prefer Select All over Clear All
  • Use Clear All only for tables with a large number of items (more than recommended above), where loading all items to select them would harm performance.
  • To avoid confusion, don’t show checkboxes in the first data column in the default delivery.
  • Make sure that the Select All checkbox (de)selects all items the user can reach by scrolling. This is only possible if all items are rendered.
  • Never disable the selection checkbox. If an action can’t be performed on a specific item, inform the user after the corresponding action has been triggered. For more information, see Enabling/Disabling Actions.
Single selection left - Don't show radio buttons in the first column in the default delivery
Single selection left - Don't show radio buttons in the first column in the default delivery
Multiple selection - Don't show checkboxes in the first column in the default delivery
Multiple selection - Don't show checkboxes in the first column in the default delivery
Use the selection mode
Use the selection mode "single select left" if clicking the row is used for something else (such as navigation)
Use the selection mode
Use the selection mode "single select master" in all other single selection cases
Developer Hint
Select All is only applied to items that have already been loaded to the front-end server. All other items are not (de)selected before they are loaded, such as items added via lazy loading with growingScrollToLoad. This conflicts with the guideline that all items the user can reach by scrolling must be (de)selected.

To process all items, listen to the selectionChange event and to its selectAll flag. This indicates whether the Select All checkbox was triggered. As soon as an action is triggered, process the items accordingly. Depending on the number of items, consider processing them in the back end.

Loading Data

To indicate that the table is currently loading items, use the busy state. (sap.m.Table, property: busy). Do not show any items or text. As soon as the data is loaded, remove the busy state and show all items.

Table in busy state while loading data
Table in busy state while loading data

Errors and Warnings

To indicate that the table contains items with errors or warnings, show a message strip above the table. On the message strip, provide information on errors or warnings. When issues are solved or when new issues appear, update the message strip accordingly.

To indicate an error in a single row, see Item States below.

For details on displaying errors, warnings, and other messages, see Message Handling.

Developer Hint
The sap.m.plugins.DataStateIndicator displays a message strip above the table, which shows binding-related messages.
Table containing errors
Table containing errors

Columns – Best Practices

Minimize the number of columns:

  • On a smartphone, use only one or two columns, depending on the content.
  • On a tablet or desktop, use three to five columns if the responsive table is shown within the flexible column layout. Use about eight columns if using the full screen width, depending on the content.

If the responsive table does not fit into the width provided:

  • Hide columns to reduce the width of the table.
  • Use pop-in areas to show the whole content by increasing the height of the line items (sap.m.Column, properties: demandPopin, minScreenWidth).

At the smallest size, keep the following information in the table layout:

  • The column that identifies the line item.
  • The column that contains the key attribute.

If both of these do not fit into the width provided, keep just the column with the line item identifier in the tabular layout.

The responsive table assigns the same width to each column by default. In doing so, it uses all the available space. We recommend overwriting this default to provide optimal space for your content (sap.m.Column, property: width).

Especially for tables with just a few columns, we recommend assigning a fixed width to each column and to disabling automatic distribution of the remaining available space (property: fixedLayout, value: Strict). In this case, the rest of the table is filled with empty space.

Optimize the column width for its initial content (sap.m.Column, property: width). If the content is dynamic, optimize the column width for typical content.

When defining the column width, consider the implications when a column is resized:

  • If you define the column width in pixels or rem, resizing a column only affects the width of that particular column.
    • If the table isn’t wide enough to show all the columns after a column has been resized, one or more of follow-on columns move into the pop-in area.
    • If the columns don’t use up the available space, white space appears to the right of the last column (property: fixedLayout, value: strict).
    • If only one column remains, and the width of this column exceeds the width of the table itself, the width of the column is reduced to the width of the table.
  • If you define the column width as a percentage, resizing one column affects the width of several or all columns. Text wraps more when the browser window size is reduced. This ensures that all columns together make use of the full table width.
  • If you define the column width as “auto”, the behavior is the same as for “percentage”. However, unlike “percentage”, “auto” distributes the columns equally.
  • Be cautious of mixing columns with pixel-based and percentage-based widths. While this can be helpful in some cases, it could also cause even more unexpected side effects when columns are resized. If you are using percentage-based widths for one or more columns, consider not allowing end users to resize columns at all.

If you need more columns than those that fit on a tablet screen (usually five) to fulfill 80% of your main use cases, offer an option to add, remove, and rearrange columns via the table personalization dialog. Before doing so, try to reduce the number of columns, for example, by using several lines per column or by utilizing the pop-in function. See the cheat sheet for an example.

Do not distribute just a few columns across the full width
Do not distribute just a few columns across the full width
Use a fixed column width instead
Use a fixed column width instead

Column Headers – Best Practices

Within the column header, provide a label for each column (sap.m.Column, aggregation: header). The column header label is reused as a label in the pop-in area.

Exception: If the column does not pop in, no column header label is needed as long as at least one column still has a column header label.

To keep the column headers readable, wrap or truncate the texts as follows:

  • If columns are not resizable, use controls that wrap and support wrapping with hyphenation, such as text (with wrapping and hyphenation enabled). Do not use controls that truncate.
  • If columns are resizable, use controls that truncate.

Keep column headers sticky.

Wrap column headers if columns are not resizable
Wrap column headers if columns are not resizable
Truncate column headers if columns are resizable
Truncate column headers if columns are resizable

Column headers (sap.m.Column, aggregation: header) usually contain links or text-based controls.

Column headers can also contain other kinds of SAP Fiori controls. However, the column header cannot be aligned vertically, making it difficult to use many controls in the column header. Using other kinds of controls also creates problems with pop-in behavior and could thus lead to accessibility issues. Therefore, exercise caution when using them in a column header.

Accepted: Link as column header text (rarely used)
Accepted: Link as column header text (rarely used)
Accepted if responsiveness is taken into account: Text plus search field
Accepted if responsiveness is taken into account: Text plus search field

If a column cell contains several fields, use an umbrella term in the column header (such as Address for fields like Street, ZIP Code, and City).

For text and ID fields, use a generic label (for example, Employee for Name and ID).

If none of these are possible, separate the labels with “/” (for example, Name / Status).

For boolean values, such as checkboxes, find a descriptive text for the column header.

Horizontal Content Alignment

For alignment of cell content, follow the guidelines below (sap.m.Column, properties: halgin, valign, sap.m.ColumnListItem, property: VAlign). Align the column header horizontally according to the content of the cell.

Exception: Secondary information in a column always follows the alignment of the main information.


Left-align: Text, IDs, phone numbers, URLs, passwords, and email addresses.

Left-align text
Left-align text

Left-align: Status information

Left-align status information
Left-align status information


Right-align: Dates and times (to ensure comparability for most formats and locales)

Right-align dates
Right-align dates

Right-align: Numbers and amounts, except IDs, to ensure figures are comparable

Right-align numbers
Right-align numbers


Center-align: Icons, images, and avatars

Keep the column name for center-aligned columns as short as possible to avoid excessive white space between columns. Alternatively, you can leave the column header empty on the visual UI, and use the invisible text control to provide information on the column content for screen reader listeners.

Align buttons with the content hierarchically

Always place buttons directly next to their content. Do not add an additional column for buttons. If you have more than one button, display them next to each other. Order the buttons based on importance. The most important button is on the left, the least important on the right. If there is not enough space to display them all in one line, move the buttons from the right onto the next line one by one. Do not use more than two buttons per line item.

Vertical Content Alignment

Top-align where possible to facilitate reading the content on one line.

Do not use top-alignment if it results in a peculiar layout. This usually happens when controls that need more vertical space are combined with text-only controls, such as input fields. In this case, try center-alignment instead and fine tune it until the layout fits.

Use top-alignment where possible
Use top-alignment where possible
Don't use top alignment if it doesn't make sense
Don't use top alignment if it doesn't make sense

Content Formatting

The responsive table provides flexibility, including multi-line cells, by enabling every control to be put into a cell.

As a key identifier of an item, use an object identifier. Show the key identifier in the first column. For more information, see object display components.

If the table width is small, do not hide this column or move it to the pop-in area.

Object identifier
Object identifier

Strings with IDs: If the responsive table contains more single-line data, show the ID in brackets after the corresponding string.

This minimizes the line height.

For items with a small line height, place the ID in brackets after the corresponding string
For items with a small line height, place the ID in brackets after the corresponding string
If displayed as a link, use the whole text as the link
If displayed as a link, use the whole text as the link

Strings with IDs: If line height is already large, show the ID below the corresponding string. Use the object identifier to do so.

For items with a large line height, place the ID below the corresponding string
For items with a large line height, place the ID below the corresponding string
Is displayed as a link, use only the first line as the link
Is displayed as a link, use only the first line as the link

If there is more than one key identifier (for example, First Name and Last Name), display these columns first and show the values in bold text.

Several key identifiers
Several key identifiers

For status information, use semantic colors on the foreground elements.

For status information on text: If the status is actionable, add a transparent icon button next to the text.

Semantic colors on text
Semantic colors on text

Avoid truncation. Use controls that wrap the text and support hyphenation.

For example, use text.

Wrap text
Wrap text
Don't truncate text
Don't truncate text

For editable content, use input fields and other interactive controls within the table cells. If you need to offer edit mode, change your text controls (labels, text, and links, to input fields or other appropriate controls) as soon as you switch to edit mode, but not before.

You can do this by changing the control or, in more complex cases, by exchanging the whole responsive table.

Interactive controls – Inline
Interactive controls – Inline

If there is no value for a cell, leave it blank. Do not display text as N/A.

Leave empty fields blank
Leave empty fields blank

Numbering Items

  • If the item number has four digits/letters or less and is equally important as the corresponding description, concatenate the item number with the description and show it in one column.
  • If the item number has five digits/letters or more, or if it is more important than the corresponding description, for example, when no description is available, use a separate column for the item number.
  • If the item number is more like an ID in regards to its description, use ID formatting, like Description (ID).
For short numbers, add the item number to the description
For short numbers, add the item number to the description

Flag and Favorite

Place the flag or favorite marker in the first column (in the default delivery). To change the settings, users need to drill down into the object itself.

Item marked as a favorite
Item marked as a favorite

Empty Tables

Try not to display an empty responsive table. If there is no way around this, provide instructions on how to fill the table with data (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, properties: showNoData, noDataText).


  • If a table is initially empty, provide at least a basic text:
    No items available.
    Overwrite this whenever a hint can be provided on how to fill the table with data.
  • If a table is used together with a filter bar (as in the list report), and is initially empty, use the following text:
    To start, set the relevant filters.
  • If a table is used together with a filter bar and the filter does not return results, use the following text:
    No data found. Try adjusting the filter settings.

Adapt the texts above if:

  • The standard text is not precise enough for your use case (for example, a search is also offered, or only the search is offered).
  • The standard text is misleading (for example, if the data is filled based on a list-detail pattern instead of filter settings).

Remove the item count in the table title if there are zero items.

Provide meaningful instructions
Provide meaningful instructions

Displaying Boolean Values

If a column contains Boolean values, such as “Yes” or “No”, show a read-only checkbox next to the texts.

The supplementary checkbox makes it easier for users to see at a glance which items are “true” (checked) and which are “false” (unchecked).


Developer Hint

Use sap.m.checkbox with the Horizon theme and set the editable property to “false” to get the read-only variant. Add the checkbox next to the existing text value. The text itself should remain unchanged.

Avoid showing only text for Boolean values
Avoid showing only text for Boolean values
Boolean values with read-only checkboxes for easier scanning
Boolean values with read-only checkboxes for easier scanning

Item States

To show that an item is unread, use the corresponding flag (sap.m.Table, property: showUnread, sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: unread). This shows most of the content in bold font.

An unread item
An unread item

To show that an item has been modified, for example, within the global edit flow, add the string (Modified) at the bottom of the column that identifies the line item.

A modified item
A modified item

To show that a modified item contains an error (for example, within the global edit flow), add the string (Contains errors) at the bottom of the column that identifies the line item. To do this, use an object status control with the error state (sap.m.ObjectStatus, property: state, value: sap.ui.core.ValueState.Error).

In addition, highlight the row accordingly (sap.m.ListItemBase, property: highlight). A row with errors should be highlighted in all use cases – for example when the field is visible in the row in edit mode.

A modified item with an error
A modified item with an error

To show that an item is locked, use a transparent button with the corresponding icon and the text Locked by [Name] at the bottom of the identifying column. The user can click the button to open a quick view of the person.

A locked item
A locked item

To show that an item is in a draft state, use a transparent-style button with the text Draft at the bottom of the identifying column. The user can click the button to open a popover showing the timestamp of the last change.

Item in draft state
Item in draft state

Show only one state at any one time.

Highlight Items

To show that an item needs attention, you can show a highlight indicator next to the item. The highlight indicator can indicate:

  • A semantic state, such as red or orange for an error or warning. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Additional information, such as blue to highlight newly added items. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Industry-specific or process-specific states, such as “out of stock” or “excess of inventory”. In this case, use indication colors.

Be aware that the highlight is just an indication. It doesn’t tell users exactly what is wrong. Make sure that you provide this information within the table row, ideally in the same color.

For details on the use of highlight colors, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

(sap.m.ListItemBase, property: highlight)

Highlighted items using status colors
Highlighted items using status colors
Highlighted items using industry-specific (indication) colors
Highlighted items using industry-specific (indication) colors

Numbers and Units

If the following conditions all apply, show the unit of measurement in the column header:

  • The unit of measurement is the same for all rows
  • A single cell contains only one amount with the unit of measurement
  • The column header does not scroll away

In all other cases, show the unit of measurement together with the corresponding amount within the row.

Show the unit of measurement in the same column as the corresponding amount.

For numbers with units, show the correct formatting by using the object number control.

Object number
Object number

For the most important number with its unit, show the correct formatting by using the object number control and the emphasized flag.
Exception: If all numbers are of equal importance, emphasize none of them.

If the table width is narrow, do not hide this column or move it to the pop-in area.
Exception: If the column containing the object identifier and the column containing the key attribute do not fit together on the screen, move the column containing the key attribute to the pop-in area.

Object number (emphasized)
Object number (emphasized)

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop is “invisible” on the UI: users can’t see where dragging is available and where it isn’t. In addition there is no generic keyboard interaction. Drag and drop is also not available on all browsers. For these reasons, provide it only in addition to existing (and visible) UI elements that fulfill the same purpose and provide the corresponding keyboard support. For example, offer (toolbar) buttons for moving or for copying and pasting items. These are keyboard operable and available on all browsers.

Currently, there is no keyboard support for drag and drop.

Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements
Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements

If you offer drag and drop for rearranging items within the table, use drop targets that are between items (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition.Between). This provides better feedback on where the item will be inserted. Show the “move” mouse cursor (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect.Move).

Drop targets in between items
Drop targets in between items

Do not combine rearranging items and sorting. If you really need to do so, make sure that there is a dedicated sort criterion for the user-defined sort order, and only offer options for rearranging items if this sort order is set.

When combining rearranging items with grouping, be aware that moving items to another group also means that a value of the dropped item changes: because grouping is based on values in a column, the dropped item needs to take on the value of the target group for the corresponding column. If this is not wanted, do not allow users to rearrange items in grouped tables.

A table is grouped by availability. An item is moved from the group “Not Available” to the group “In Stock”. In this case, the moved item needs to change its availability to “In Stock” to match the target group. If changing the value doesn’t make sense, only allow users to rearrange the items within the same group, or don’t allow rearranging at all.

Don't combine rearranging items with grouping, unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Don't combine rearranging items with grouping, unless you know exactly what you're doing.

Context Menu

Use the context menu only to give users a quick way of accessing functions that are already available elsewhere (for example, as buttons in the toolbar).

Don’t just offer actions in the context menu itself, as users might not realize that these actions are available at all.

The context menu can be triggered for the whole table or per row.


To trigger actions on multiple items, use a multiselection table (sap.m.Table, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.MultiSelect), and offer the corresponding actions on the table toolbar. Keep the table toolbar sticky (sap.m.Table, property: sticky).

Do not offer actions for multiple items if the table is expected to have fewer than 10 items in most cases.

To trigger actions on a single item only (sap.m.Table, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.SingleSelectMaster):

  • Show the actions on the table toolbar.
  • In rare cases, show the actions within the line item. Since these actions are repeated in every line and thus use a lot of screen real estate, do this only for a maximum of one or two actions. In this case, show the action trigger near the content to which it belongs. Do not add a specific column for actions. Use a button, unless the action trigger belongs to a link. Hide the action in rows for which it is not applicable.
  • Don’t bundle inline actions that don’t belong together under an unspecific label, such as Misc, Actions, , or similar.
Inline actions
Inline actions
Don't combine unrelated inline actions
Don't combine unrelated inline actions

The following actions on single items must always be in-line:

Delete: Use “Delete” table mode (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.Delete). This places a Delete button at the end of each row.

Delete button
Delete button

Navigation: Use the “Navigation” column list item type (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Navigation). This places a Navigation indicator at the end of each row.

Use this to navigate to a new page containing line item details. In rare cases, you can also use this for navigation within the table without navigating to another page.

Navigation indicator
Navigation indicator

Edit: Use the “Detail” column list item type (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Detail). This places an Edit icon at the end of each row.

Edit button
Edit button

From these three actions (delete, navigation, and edit), you can combine delete and edit, or delete and navigation.

Edit and navigation cannot be combined.

To trigger actions that are independent of the selection, show the actions on the table toolbar. Examples of such actions are add, edit (in the sense of changing the whole table to edit mode), sort, filter, group (or view settings), and table personalization.

To trigger a default action on the whole line item, use the “Active” or “DetailAndActive” column list item type (sap.m.ColumnListItem/ sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Active).

Active items trigger an event when clicked, which can be handled by apps (for example, to open a dialog). Clicks on interactive controls within the item do not trigger the event, but are handled by the interactive control. Do not use this for navigation, to switch the line item to an edit state, or to delete the item.

Active can be combined with edit and delete, but not with navigation. Do not combine active with single selection.

For information on enabling and disabling actions, see Enabling/Disabling Actions.

Add Items

For adding items, place an Add or Create text button on the table toolbar.

  • Use Create if the button adds a brand new item that doesn’t yet exist on the database.
  • Use Add if the item already exists and is merely added or assigned to the current object.

Show new items as the first item of the table, with a visual highlight at the beginning of the row.

Enable the shortcut Ctrl+Enter (and ideally Enter in addition) to trigger the Add or Create button.

There are three options for adding an item. In order of priority (most recommended first), these are:

  1. Add the item inline. Create an empty, editable row as the first item of the table. Show the Save button on the table toolbar. This option is recommended for simple scenarios with just a few columns and no option to hide columns.
  2. Open a dialog for larger tables with up to 8 editable columns. Save the new item at the dialog level.
  3. Navigate to a new page. This behavior should only be used for very complex scenarios that cannot be handled by a dialog (for example, tables with more than 8 columns). When the user presses Save in the footer toolbar of the create page, navigate back to the table.

Depending on the flow, an item can be in one of three different states:

  • New: The item was just created inline and is in edit mode (for example, after pressing the Create button). It is highlighted with a visual indicator (information state).
  • Recent: The item was just created and is in read-only mode (for example, if Create leads to a dialog, and Save was triggered within the dialog). In this case, keep the item highlighted and display it as the first item of the table. Ignore current sort, filter and grouping criteria to keep the item visible.
  • Added: The item has been fully added. It follows the sort, filter, and grouping settings and also loses the visual highlight. This state is used after:
    • Inline creation: After Save was triggered on the table toolbar or at page level
    • Create with dialog: A table showing one or several items with the state “Recent” gets updated (for example, after sorting, filtering, or grouping, or when the browser is refreshed).

In the context of the draft handling new items are not saved on table level, but rather with the entire draft.

For more details, see the guidelines for managing objects (including subarticles).

Add button in table toolbar
Add button in table toolbar
New item as first row in edit mode
New item as first row in edit mode
Saved new item, still highlighted, still the first item
Saved new item, still highlighted, still the first item

Editable Content

For editable content, use input fields and any other interactive controls within the table cells that meet your input needs.

All SAPUI5 controls can be used.

If you need edit mode, change your text controls, such as label, text, and link, to input fields, or other appropriate controls as soon as you switch to edit mode, but not before.

You can do this by exchanging the control or, in more complex cases, by exchanging the entire responsive table.

For mass editing items:

  • Provide multiselection (sap.m.Table/ sap.m.ListBase, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.MultiSelect).
  • Provide an Edit button.
  • If several items are selected, choosing the Edit button opens a dialog in which the user edits the corresponding fields for all selected items.

For details, see mass editing.

View Settings: Sort, Filter, Group

Sort, filter, and/or group settings are handled in the view settings dialog. This dialog can provide any combination of these three settings, including just one setting, such as sort only.

  • If sorting, filtering, and/or grouping are a common use case in your app, offer one, two, or all three of the corresponding features in one or more view settings dialogs. Note: Do not offer these features if the table is expected to have only a small number of entries (up to 20 in most cases).
  • If filtering is a main use case, do not offer filtering in the view settings dialog. Use the filter bar instead.

To trigger the view settings dialog, provide several buttons, one for each of these view settings. Each button opens a view settings dialog that contains only the relevant page.

You should always use only the view settings you really need. For example, do not offer grouping if it does not support your use case well.

Using the view settings dialog allows you to define several sort, filter, and/or group settings per column. Therefore, you can sort, filter, and/or group a column with several data points independently by each data point.

Several triggers for the different view settings (sort, filter, group)
Several triggers for the different view settings (sort, filter, group)


Always sort the table in a meaningful way when it first loads. In most cases, this means sorting by the column that identifies the row. This is usually the first column in the default delivery. Use the primary data point from this column.

If you offer sorting, offer it for each data point. In other words, allow sorting by both the primary and secondary information in a column. Allow sorting in both directions, ascending and descending. The descending sort order must always be the exact reverse of the ascending sort order.

For each data point, provide a meaningful sort order. For example:

  • Sort text alphabetically
  • Sort numbers by their value
  • Sort status information by the severity of the status:
    • Ascending: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last.
    • Descending: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first.
Object status sorted ascending, with neutral status last
Object status sorted ascending, with neutral status last
Object status sorted descending, with neutral status first
Object status sorted descending, with neutral status first
    • Ascending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.
    • Descending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.
Object status sorted ascending and alphabetically, from positive to negative with neutral last
Object status sorted ascending and alphabetically, from positive to negative with neutral last
Object status sorted descending and alphabetically, from negative to positive with neutral first
Object status sorted descending and alphabetically, from negative to positive with neutral first


To display the current filter state, use the infobar below the table title. Clicking the infobar opens the view settings dialog on the filter page.

Show the infobar only if the filter settings are not shown somewhere else. For example, do not show the infobar for settings taken in the filter bar or in a select placed in the table toolbar.

If the infobar is shown, provide an option to reset all corresponding filters on the infobar.

Keep the infobar sticky (sap.m.Table, property: sticky).

Developer Hint
To display the current filter settings on the infobar, consider using the list formatter (sap.ui.core.format.ListFormat).
Filtered table
Filtered table


To display the current group state, group headers are shown.

On the group header, show the following text (sap.m.GroupHeaderListItem, property: title):

[Label of the grouped column]: [Grouping Value]

Do not use several values on the group header.

Grouped table
Grouped table

If there is no grouping value, show the following text:
[Label of the grouped column]: (Not Available)

This is the case if you have a group of items that don’t have a value for the grouped column.

Grouped table, with missing grouping value
Grouped table, with missing grouping value

Persist the view settings. When a user reopens the app, show the responsive table with the same sort, filter, and group settings as last defined by this user.

Personalization: Add, Remove, Rearrange Columns

To enable users to add, remove, or rearrange columns, use the table personalization dialog. Trigger the dialog via a button in the table toolbar. Add the shortcut Ctrl+Comma.

Offer personalization if you need more columns than those that fit on a tablet screen, which is usually five, to fulfill 80% of your main use cases. Before doing so, try to reduce the number of columns, for example, by using several lines per column or by utilizing the pop-in function. See the cheat sheet for an example.

If all columns are hidden, the table shows a corresponding “no data” text.

View settings and table personalization icons
View settings and table personalization icons

Persist the column layout settings. When a user reopens the app, show the responsive table with the same column layout as last defined by this user.

Tables in Object Pages

For more information on the use of tables within the object page, see the Tables section of the Object Page article.

Export to Spreadsheet

On the table toolbar, apps can provide a menu button for exporting table data to a spreadsheet. For the export, use the export to spreadsheet function.

'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button
'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button


The browser paste function can be used to paste data from the clipboard to the table if the focus is on an editable control within the table. The browser paste is triggered with the Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut, the table toolbar action, or actions in either the browser context menu or the table generic context menu.

The pasting of a new row or cell follows the responsive table inline creation paradigm, where new items are created at the bottom of the table. The same happens when the data is pasted and a row is unselected or focused.


Pasting via the browser context menu is unavailable if the table has its own context menu because table context menu takes precedence over the browser context menu.

Paste (Overwrite)

Pasting overwrites data present in the table only when a cell with data is selected prior to pasting. When a single cell is selected, all the data in the clipboard is pasted into the table, extending from that cell. The paste will overwrite the data contained in those additional cells, too.


If a user has selected multiple cells to overwrite, but the focus is placed outside of the selection, pasting will follow the guidelines for inline creation as above. This can happen, for example, when the user uses the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the focus.

Clipboard Selection behaviour

If the clipboard has larger data set than the range selected for the paste, only the cells contained within the selection are updated.

On the other hand, if the clipboard has a dataset too small to fill all the cells selected for the paste, the pasted data updates only the selected cells for which there is data.


The paste action does not update read-only cells, even if there is data in the clipboard corresponding to those cells. Instead, it updates only the surrounding write cells.


If the clipboard contains a range of four columns, and that data is pasted into a table, where column 2 is read-only, only the cells in column 1, 3, and 4 are updated.



The following additional properties are available for the responsive table:

  • The property: fixedLayout defines the algorithm the control uses to define column width. Setting it to “false” would perform automatic calculations for the column width, based on the longest non-breakable content. You should always set it to “true” for performance reasons. Exceptions are permissible if the table has only a few columns for a large width and fewer than 10 rows are displayed.
  • The property: backgroundDesign defines the background on which items are rendered. Use the default value.
  • The property: showOverlay provides an overlay on the whole table, which prevents use of the responsive table. This is used within the list report floorplan to mark the table as outdated after filter settings have been changed but the new filter settings have not yet been applied. Do not use it in other cases.
  • The property: inset adds a margin on all sides of the responsive table.
  • The property: headerText is a simple way to set the table title if you just need a title. However, do not use any of the following:
    • A separate toolbar
    • variantManagement
    • headerToolbar aggregation
  • The property: headerDesign affects the appearance of the header if the theme supports it. Leave the default value as it is.
  • The property: footerText adds a small additional row below the table footer or last item. This row can contain text only. Do not use this property.
  • The property: width defines the width of the whole table.
  • The property: includeItemInSelection uses a click on the whole line item to select the corresponding item if the responsive table is in a selection mode. This competes with other settings like “Navigation” or “Active” and should therefore not be used.
  • The property: enableBusyIndicator automatically shows a busy indicator while data is loaded. (In contrast to the property: busy, where the application can control when the table is set to busy state)
  • The property: modeAnimationOn does not have any effect. Do not use it.
  • The property: showSeparators allows you to show all, none, or some separators. The default setting, which is to show all separators, is to be used.
  • The property: swipeDirection allows you to define the direction in which to swipe if additional actions are hidden behind a table row. This works only on touch devices. Do not use this property.
  • The property: rememberSelections leaves items selected even if they are not currently visible, for example, through filtering. If this behavior is not wanted, set the flag to “false”, but you should do so only in exceptional cases.
  • The property: busy sets the table to a busy state. While in busy state, the whole table cannot be used and items cannot be read due to an overlay.
  • The property: busyIndicatorDelay defines the time after which a busy state is shown after the responsive table has been set to this state. Use the default value.
  • The property: visible shows the table (“true”) or hides it (“false”).
  • The property: tooltip does not have an effect. Do not use it.
  • The property: alternateRowColors displays the rows with alternating background colors (“banded rows”). Do not use it.


The following additional properties are available for sap.m.Column:

  • The property: width defines the width of the column in all units allowed by HTML, such as em, rem, %, and px.
  • The property: styleClass is used if you need to change the visual design of a column. Do not use this, but use the default style instead.
  • The property: visible shows or hides the column.
  • The property: tooltip does not have an effect. Do not use it.


The following additional properties are available for sap.m.ColumnListItem:

  • The property: selected allows an item to be selected programmatically.
  • The property: counter does not have any effect. Do not use it.
  • Do not use the property: busy.
  • Do not use the property: busyIndicatorDelay.
  • The property: visible shows or hides the item.
  • The property: tooltip adds a tooltip to a whole row. The tooltip is only shown on mouse interaction. It will not work on tablets or smartphones. Do not use it.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Toolbar Overview

The toolbar enables the user to change the UI or trigger an action. For example, the toolbar allows the user to change views, manipulate data or objects, navigate to another page, perform generic actions, and so on.

This article gives an overview of what kind of different toolbars exist and when to use which one.

Actions and Layout

Actions can be used as follows:

  • They can be independent of the current selection and not related to a specific item or object.
  • They can be specific to the current object (user selects one item).
  • They can apply to a set of items (user selects two or more items).
  • They can control the settings for parts of the UI content. For example, an action can affect all items in a table.

The toolbar is mostly used for buttons (with an icon or text). You can also place a title in the toolbar. The alignment of the title (left, center, right) depends on the settings for the theme.

The buttons are always right-aligned. Sort your buttons according to their importance for the user, with the most frequently-used action first and the most seldom-used action last. All buttons go into the overflow from right to left, thus ensuring that the most important buttons are the last to be moved into the overflow menu. For more information, see Action Placement.


To enable responsiveness, use the OverflowToolbar control. Based on the sap.m.Toolbar control, the OverflowToolbar control is a container that provides overflow when its content does not fit in the visible area. Controls that can overflow include the segmented button, select, toggle button, checkbox, input, search field, combo box, and date/time input.

Only allow important actions to shrink and stay outside the overflow. The app team itself must decide which actions it considers to be sufficiently important.

The height of the toolbar changes on desktops (compact mode), tablets, and smartphones (cozy mode). For more information, see the article on content density.

Responsive toolbar – Size L
Responsive toolbar – Size L
Responsive toolbar – Size S
Responsive toolbar – Size S

Behavior and Interaction

App teams should implement overflow behavior to ensure that all actions can be accessed at any time. Buttons are sorted by usage, with the most frequently used action first (on the left) and the most seldom-used action last (on the right). This ensures that the most important buttons are the last to be moved into the overflow menu. Our general guideline is to use only icon buttons or text buttons. Do not combine an icon and text into one button. Buttons are always right-aligned.

Overflow (Generic)

The overflow should be activated either when there is not enough space for all actions, or if some actions are less important than others. In this case, the app team might decide to have certain actions only appear in the overflow. Furthermore, the app team can also decide that some (important) actions should never be moved into the overflow.

When you implement the overflow toolbar, the overflow behavior is generated automatically. The  “” (overflow) button is a toggle button and can be used to switch the overflow menu on and off.

The user clicks the overflow button to open a popover. In this action sheet, all icon buttons are labeled with text. Overflow is supported for the following controls:

All buttons go into the overflow from right to the left. This ensures that the most important buttons are the last to be moved into the overflow menu.

The sap.m.ToolbarSeparator can also go into the overflow. The separator then changes from a vertical line into a horizontal line. If the control happens to be the first or the last item of the overflow area, the separator isn’t displayed.


You can also prioritize the actions in the toolbar by applying one of five statuses:

  • Always overflow: The action always goes into the overflow.
  • Disappear: An action that is not so relevant for the user can disappear if the space is limited (for example, a title).
  • Low: Assign the priority “Low” to an action if the user seldom needs it; this action will overflow first.
  • High: Actions set to “High” remain visible in the toolbar until all lower-priority actions have moved to the overflow. Lower-priority actions are those with the priorities “Disappear” or “Low”, and all unprioritized actions.
  • Never overflow: These actions are always visible in the toolbar.

The priority of each item is high by default. If two items have equal priority, the item on the right side overflows first.


Items can overflow together even if they are in different positions. This can be achieved using the group property in the overflow toolbar layout data. When the value of the property is 0, the element does not belong to any group. When two or more elements are given the same property value, they belong to the same group and will go into the overflow together. Elements that belong to a group are not allowed to have “always overflow” or “never overflow” as priorities, since these priorities force the items to remain either in the toolbar or in the overflow area. When group elements have different priorities, the priority of the group is defined by the maximum priority of its elements.

Table toolbar on desktop without overflow
Table toolbar on desktop without overflow
Table toolbar on smartphone with overflow
Table toolbar on smartphone with overflow
Table toolbar on smartphone with open overflow
Table toolbar on smartphone with open overflow


Header and Footer Toolbars

Use the following button styles for the different action types in the header and footer toolbars:

  • Primary action: Use the emphasized button style.
  • Secondary action: Use the ghost button style. Note that the ghost button has a transparent background.
  • Semantic action: Use the semantic buttons for positive and negative actions. Use the “accept” style for positive actions, and the “reject” one for negative actions. Semantic actions must always be text buttons.
  • Negative path action: Use the transparent button style.

Do not use any other style types.

Content Toolbars

Use the following button styles for the different action types in content toolbars (for example, in tables, forms, or charts):

  • Primary action: Use the emphasized button style. Usually, the primary action is positioned in the header or footer toolbar. Note that there can only be one primary action per page. If a page already has a primary action, but you also need to highlight the most important action in a content toolbar, use the ghost style for this one button in the content toolbar.
  • Secondary action: Use the transparent button style.

The different button styles are designed to give appropriate feedback to users. Do not use them for decoration purposes.

Button with different styles
Button with different styles

Styles and Toolbars

Apply the following menu button styles for the different toolbars:

  • Header and footer toolbars: Use the ghost style.
  • Content toolbars: Use the transparent button style.

Do not use any other style types.

Emphasized and Semantic Buttons

  • Use a maximum of 1 emphasized button per toolbar.
  • Never mix emphasized and semantic buttons.
  • Ideally, there should be only one emphasized action per page. There can be valid exceptions, but we generally recommend using only one emphasized button.
  • For more information, see Buttons.


The toolbar style is an enumeration with two properties: Standard (default) and Clear.

  • Standard style results in linear design (with border) and is intended for standalone usage of the toolbar.
  • Clear style appears as a plain color without borders. This style visually groups the toolbar with a nearby control or controls.

The toolbar style property is combined with the toolbar design property to create various visual styles.


A variety of toolbars exist for different use cases (see examples below). The following types are used:

  • Header toolbar: Contains global actions that are important for the whole page
  • Footer toolbar: Contains only closing and finalizing actions
  • Table toolbar: Toolbar that is positioned above a table and contains table-specific actions
  • Chart toolbar: Toolbar that is positioned above a chart and contains chart-specific actions
  • Infobar: Toolbar that indicates what filters have been set, and how many items have been selected
  • Tree toolbar: Toolbar that appears above a tree or tree table, and is used for actions that impact the entire tree.

Header toolbar with primary action (emphasized style) and secondary actions (ghost style)
Header toolbar with primary action (emphasized style) and secondary actions (ghost style)

Footer toolbar with standard actions: 'Save' (emphasized) and 'Cancel' (transparent)
Footer toolbar with standard actions: 'Save' (emphasized) and 'Cancel' (transparent)

Table toolbar with search field, text buttons (ghost and transparent style), icon buttons (transparent style), and segmented button
Table toolbar with search field, text buttons (ghost and transparent style), icon buttons (transparent style), and segmented button

Chart toolbar
Chart toolbar

Inactive infobar (not clickable)
Inactive infobar (not clickable)
Active infobar (clickable)
Active infobar (clickable)

Tree toolbar
Tree toolbar


Order of Buttons

To provide a consistent user experience for each app, we highly recommend using the following alignment for generic actions:

  • All buttons are right-aligned.
  • Text buttons should be grouped together, as should icon buttons.
  • Place semantic buttons side by side (for example, Accept and Reject).
  • App-specific text-only buttons and generic text-only buttons can be combined and arranged in a sequence defined by the app team. Remember to place the most frequently-used actions furthest to the left of the group of buttons. This ensures that these actions are the last to be moved into the overflow menu or are visible at all times.

General Guidelines

  • Do not overload the toolbar with actions.
  • Place actions as close to the corresponding content as possible.
  • Place commands in the same location throughout the app. Each page should contain only the commands that are relevant to that page. If commands are shared between pages, they should be placed as close to the same location as possible on each page so that users can predict where the commands can be found when navigating.
  • Separate navigation and commands. Place commands as close to their corresponding items as possible.
  • Do not place Settings, Logout, or other account management commands in the footer toolbar. All these actions are shown in the Me Area.
  • Do not use icon buttons for app-specific actions (neither icon-only buttons, nor icon+text buttons).
  • Use only icon buttons or text buttons. Do not combine an icon and text into one button. Buttons are always right-aligned.
  • If you want to group buttons, use a menu button.
  • Actions that impact the entire page are placed in the header area.
  • Only closing or finalizing actions are placed in the footer toolbar (for example, Submit or Post).

UI Text Guidelines

Use tooltips such as Sort, Filter, and Group to label the icons in the footer toolbar. In the case of Sort, Group, and Filter, use the following text for the no selection made option:

  • (Not sorted)

Note: In most cases, (Not sorted) is not necessary. Simply show the default sort settings instead:

  • (Not filtered)
  • (Not grouped)


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar

The filter bar lets users set criteria to limit the data loaded and displayed in a table. It is part of the list report and the overview page, and is also available as an alternative layout to the visual filter bar in the analytical list page.

It is made up of input controls that filter objects according to various criteria, such as status or date. Users can adapt the filter bar, for example, by showing and hiding input controls or changing their order. They can also store the current set of filter criteria in a view.

The filter bar is displayed in the header area of a list report, overview page, or analytical list page. Because these floorplans are based on the dynamic page layout, the expand and collapse header functions are available.

When to Use

The filter bar is always part of the list report and overview page.

Do not use the filter bar:

  • In a table in an object page section. Use the filter in the View Settings dialog instead.
  • In a wizard.
  • In a simple list. Use the search instead.

Filter Bar Components

Expanded Filter Bar

The expanded filter bar consists of:

  1. Views (optional)
  2. Basic search field (optional)
  3. Filter input controls
  4. Go button (only for manual update mode)
  5. Adapt Filters button
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Views (1) store the settings for the filter bar, including the values of filter input controls, the fields visible in the filter bar, and their order.

You can also use the filter bar without view management. In this case, display a page title instead.

If the basic search field (2) is available, it is displayed first. It allows users to filter the results with a given keyword. Unlike the other input control fields, the basic search field has a placeholder text instead of a label.

The filter input controls (3) are arranged in a horizontal, linear layout, with a label above them. An asterisk next to the filter label indicates the filter is mandatory.

If the browser window size is reduced or filter input controls exceed the available width, they wrap to the next line. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the visible filters. The size of the widest input control is inherited by all other filters to ensure visual cohesion.

The Go button (4) triggers the search for the manual update mode. Alternatively, you can offer the live update mode where the table results are updated each time the user changes an input control value. For more information, see Behavior and Interaction.

In most cases, only a subset of all available filters is visible in the filter bar. Users can control the visibility and order of the filters and assign values to them in the Adapt Filters dialog (5).

Next to Adapt Filters, the number of active filters is displayed in parentheses. A filter is active when a value is assigned to it either in the filter bar or the Adapt Filters dialog. Note that a filter can be active, but not visible in the filter bar.

Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving most of the screen to display the results.

Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

It shows a summary of the filters currently applied:

  • Either 1 filter active or <n> filters active, where “n” stands for the number of applied filters.
  • A comma-separated list of the currently applied filters for up to five filters. If there are more, an ellipsis (…) shows at the end of the string.

If no filters have been applied, the summary text is No filters active.

“Adapt Filters” Dialog

Users can manage all the available filters in the Adapt Filters dialog, including their visibility and order in the filter bar and the values of filters both visible and not visible in the filter bar.

Adapt Filters dialog - list view, hidden values
Adapt Filters dialog - list view, hidden values

The Adapt Filters dialog consists of:

  1. Select control and search
  2. Show Values/Hide Values toggle
  3. List or group view
  4. Mandatory and optional filters
  5. Footer bar buttons
  6. Arrows to move the filter up and down
  7. Active filter with assigned value

When opened, the dialog displays all the available filters in the Hide Values view with the List view.

The selected filters are visible in the filter bar and displayed in the same order as in the filter bar.

Searching and Displaying Filters in the Dialog

To find filters (1), users can search for them by name or use the select control to limit the filters displayed in the dialog to certain filter types, such as visible, active, or mandatory.

Mandatory filters have an asterisk next to their label (4). They must have values for the search to return results. Users can set the values either in the filter bar or the Adapt Filters dialog.

In the dialog, when a mandatory filter has:

  • No value assigned, its checkbox is automatically selected and cannot be deselected.
  • A value assigned, the users can deselect it to remove the filter from the filter bar.

In the dialog, users can display the filters:

  • With or without the filter values (2).

When the values are hidden, a visual indicator (7) flags the active filters.

  • In the list or group view (3).

The group view shows the filters according to group. The first group is called Basic and contains the filters for the standard view that you design to ship with the app. You can design additional views to ship with the app, but no additional groups are created for these views.

Displaying Filters in the Filter Bar

All the views in the dialog allow users to select filters to be visible in the filter bar.

In the Hide Values view with the List view, users can reorder the selected filters with the arrows (6).

In the Adapt Filters footer bar (5):

  • OK applies changes and closes the dialog.
  • Cancel closes the dialog without applying changes.

Resetting Filters

In the header area, Reset (8) (optional) restores the selected filters and filter values to the ones in the current view. Before the filters are reset, the user gets a warning because the reset applies immediately to the filter bar, even though the dialog stays open. Clicking Cancel in the footer bar does not reverse the reset action.

Adapt Filters dialog - list view, values shown
Adapt Filters dialog - list view, values shown
Adapt Filters dialog - grouped view, hidden values
Adapt Filters dialog - grouped view, hidden values
Adapt Filters dialog - grouped view, values shown
Adapt Filters dialog - grouped view, values shown

Filter Input Controls

To prevent unnecessary complexity in the filter bar, pick the simplest input control that works for your use case, as recommended below:

For Use
A predefined list for single or multiple selection The select control or combo box control
Temporal information The date picker or date range selector
Multi-input fields Suggestions to help the user enter a valid value

For a comprehensive overview of when to use which input field, see Which Selection Control Should I Use?

Use the value help control only as a last resort. It is especially beneficial if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog.

Developer Hint
For development information, see Data Types for the smart filter bar.

Behavior and Interaction

In the live update mode, the search results are updated each time the user changes the value of an input control or the search field. A Go button is not necessary.

As the user types in the search field, the search is triggered with the entry of each character. The table is updated with the results that match all the filter values and include the search term.

In the manual update mode, the search results are updated only when the users click Go or press Enter on their keyboard.


The name of the view or title is always visible.

The filter area (basic search field, input controls, optional Go button, Adapt Filters dialog) varies:

  • Desktop: Expanded or collapsed by default
  • Tablet: Collapsed by default
  • Phone: Not displayed. Accessible through filter dialog.

The labels for the filter input controls are displayed in full for all device sizes:

  • On a desktop and tablet, without wrapping
  • On a phone, with wrapping.


Top Tips

Filter Bar

Always provide a set of predefined default filters to deliver with the app (Basic group in the Apply Filters dialog). Include filters that are:

  • Mandatory / crucial for the use case
  • Frequently used
  • Vital for reducing the number of items in the list

Users can set filters from the Basic group not to display in the filter bar, but cannot remove them from the Adapt Filters dialog.

Filter Input Controls

Preset Filter Values

  • Provide meaningful default values for as many filters as possible to prevent unnecessary data from loading. This is particularly important when the application has large data sets.
    A default value for date ranges should reflect the time frame the user would normally apply.
  • For list reports and overview pages, preset values for mandatory filters to prevent error messages when the page loads.

Update Mode

  • Whenever possible, use the live update mode because it is more convenient for the user.
  • Consider the manual update mode only in cases where:
    • The volume of unfiltered data to load would be excessively high.
    • The users need to enter multiple filter values to display results they can work with.

Related Links

Elements and Controls


Form / Simple Form

This article contains general design guidelines for all forms. The guidelines also apply for smart forms.

For additional hints on smart forms, you can still refer to the existing Forms / Simple Forms / Smart Forms article for guideline version 1.52. However, please note that this page is no longer updated.


A form is used to present data to the user and to allow users to enter data in a structured way.

The form acts as a container for other UI elements (such as labelsinput fieldscheckboxes, and sliders), while structuring these into a specific layout.

In SAPUI5, forms can be built using two different controls:

With a form, you can easily layout a list of properties and input fields. A form is structured into form containers. Each form container consists of form elements. And each form element consists of a label and an input field.

The simple form control gives you the possibility to achieve the same result as with the form control, but in a much easier way. Inside a simple form, a form control is created along with its form containers and form elements:

  • The layout and structure are defined by the content that is entered.
  • Form containers and form elements are created automatically according to the content type.
  • A title (sap.ui.core.Title (API)) automatically starts a new form group (form container), and a label (sap.m.Label (API)) automatically starts a new row (form element).
  • All other controls following this label will be assigned to its row (form element).


There are three types of forms:

  • Display-only: the data is presented only as label-value field pairs without editable fields.
  • Editable: the data is presented as label-input field pairs, so users can enter data.
  • Mixed: some fields are editable and some are not.
Form in display-only mode
Form in display-only mode
 Form in edit mode
Form in edit mode
Developer Hint
The property editable of the form and simple form only changes the height of labels for vertical alignment to a field (editable = true) or text (editable = false). With the form and simple form, it does not switch the whole form between editable and read-only mode, thus changing fields into text and vice versa.
Please consider, that a read-only state of an input element behaves differently (no border and background of the field) within the sap.ui.comp.smartform.SmartForm.


The default settings of the control are not ideal for all possible use cases. Instead, applications can use one of the various layouts for the S, M, L and XL sizes.

Column Layout

The ColumnLayout control renders a form group in a column-based responsive way. Depending on its size, the group is divided into one or more columns.

  • XL – max. 6 columns
  • L – max. 3 columns
  • M – max. 2 columns
  • S – 1 column

For size XL, we recommend using the full 6 columns for large forms with a lot of content. This gives you greater flexibility when organizing the content and the form groups.​

To make better use of screen space and give users a better overview without scrolling, you can balance form groups across multiple columns. The group elements are spread out into columns, depending on the number of group elements and their size.


  • 4 columns and 2 groups: each group will use 2 columns.
  • 3 columns and 2 groups: the larger one will use 2 columns, the smaller one 1 column.

The size of a group element will be determined by the number of visible elements assigned to it. If there are more groups than columns, every group uses only one column. So the last row of the form control will not be fully used. This will result in white space.

The form elements are spread out to the columns of a group arranged in a newspaper-like order. The position of the labels and fields depends on the size of the used column. If there is enough space, the labels are next to the fields, otherwise above the fields.

If you use the default form settings, each form group is displayed in a separate column. Depending on the size of the form group, this can mean that users need to scroll down to see the full form, even though there is unused space on the right side of the screen.


The examples show how forms with one and two form groups are displayed with and without layout balancing.

One form group with default arrangement
One form group with default arrangement
One form group with balanced column layout
One form group with balanced column layout
Two form groups with default arrangement
Two form groups with default arrangement
Two form groups with balanced column layout
Two form groups with balanced column layout

Responsive Grid Layout

The responsive grid layout is a form using a responsive grid. Depending on the available space, the groups are rendered in one or multiple columns, and the labels are rendered in the same row as the fields or above the fields. This behavior can be influenced by the properties of this layout control.

By using the responsive grid layout, the form offers a responsive layout based on a 12-column grid. There are two breakpoints, which result in three supported sizes: L, M, and S. These breakpoints are not the L, M, and S breakpoints of the page. In contrast to the page breakpoints, which react to the screen width, the breakpoints of the responsive grid layout react to the width of the form.

Note: For downward compatibility reasons, the default form layout control for the form and simple form is the column layout, not the responsive grid layout. Therefore, you need to assign the responsive grid layout manually to each form or simple form by using the layout property.


Size S reaches up to 600 px. This means that as soon as the width of the form reaches 601 px, it changes from S to M, because the default value of breakpointM is 600. The value of breakpointM is the first value of the smaller size.

Form with breakpointM – Size S
Form with breakpointM – Size S
Form with breakpointM – Size M
Form with breakpointM – Size M

The property breakpointL between sizes L and M works in the same way: Size M reaches from 601 px to 1024 px. This means that as soon as the width of the form reaches 1025 px, it changes from M to L, because the default value of breakpointL is 1024.

Form with breakpointL – Size M
Form with breakpointL – Size M
Form with breakpointL – Size L
Form with breakpointL – Size L

Also the property breakpointXL between sizes L and XL works in the same way as before: Size L reaches from 1025 px to 1440 px. This means that as soon as the width of the form reaches  1441 px, it changes from L to XL, because the default value of breakpointXL is 1440.

Form with breakpointXL – Size L
Form with breakpointXL – Size L
Form with breakpointXL – Size XL
Form with breakpointXL – Size XL

In general if the page width changes to a smaller size, the width of the form in the next smaller breakpoint is usually reached before the width of the page reaches its breakpoints in that size. For example the width of a form reaches breakpoints M to S before the width of the page reaches the breakpoints from M to S. This happens due to the padding of the container in which the form is placed.

Padding of a container
Padding of a container
Developer Hint
To set the form’s breakpoints individually and to synchronize it with the breakpoints of the page, you can use the breakpointS / breakpointM / breakpointLbreakpointXL. If you are using a simple form, set these properties directly in the simple form control.

Label-Field Ratio

For each size, you can define how many grid columns are used for labels (labelSpanXL, labelSpanL, labelSpanM, labelSpanS), fields (implicitly), and empty grid columns (emptySpanXL, emptySpanL, emptySpanM, emptySpanS).

The optional empty grid columns are placed after the input elements. They avoid excessive stretching of the input fields. This ratio is displayed as x:y:z, where x is the number of grids used by the labels, y stands for the fields, and z for empty columns.

We highly recommend to change the default of the label-field-ratio according to your app’s needs. For more information, see the recommended layouts in the Layout section.

Form with a label-field ratio of 3:5:4
Form with a label-field ratio of 3:5:4
Developer Hint
To make the properties labelSpanXL, labelSpanL, labelSpanM, and labelSpanS in the responsive grid layout work as expected (e.g. labelSpanL sets the label span in size L) in Forms and SimpleForms, you must change the property adjustLabelSpan from its default true to false.


  • labelSpanL is used for labels in forms with several form groups arranged in more than one column; it applies for both – M and L screen sizes.
  • labelSpanM is used for labels in forms arranged in one column; it also applies for both M and L screen sizes.
  • The default value of the property adjustLabelSpan is set to true for reasons of backward compatibility.

Input controls like input fields can be displayed in both – cozy and compact mode (for more information, see content density (cozy and compact)To horizontally align a label next to a field, the form has different CSS in cozy mode and compact mode.

Size S (Smartphones and Dialogs)

The form and simple form use a single-column layout within the responsive grid layout in size S by default. This means that the form groups are positioned below each other in a single column and the labels are positioned above the fields to avoid truncation of the labels.

The label-field ratio is 12:12:0 by default:

  • 12 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels.
    (A label handles the space of a whole row.)
  • 12 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the fields.
    (A field handles the space of a whole row.)
  • 0 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.
    (There is no empty space on the right of the field.)
Form in size S (12:12:0)
Form in size S (12:12:0)

Size M

Size M of the form and simple form also has a single-column layout within the responsive grid layout by default. However, in size M the labels are positioned in the same row as the corresponding input field or value, and form groups are positioned below each other.

The label-field ratio is 2:10:0 by default:

  • 2 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels.
  • 10 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the fields.
  • 0 columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.

Please change the default 2:10:0 according to your app’s needs (see the recommended layouts in the Layout section).

Form in size M (2:10:0)
Form in size M (2:10:0)

Size L

The form and simple form in size L use a two-column layout within the responsive grid layout by default. That means that the form groups are placed next to each other to have all the information on one screen and to avoid scrolling. In these columns, the labels are positioned in the same row as the corresponding input field or value. So the form groups adopt the Z layout (reading direction in rows, not in columns).

The label-field ratio is 4:8:0 by default:

  • 4 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels.
  • 8 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by fields.
  • 0 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.
Form in size L (4:8:0)
Form in size L (4:8:0)

Size XL

Like the form and the simple form in size L, the size XL uses also a two-column layout within the responsive grid layout by default. To have all the information on one screen and avoid scrolling, the form groups are placed next to each other.  In these columns, the labels are positioned in the same row as the corresponding input field or value. The form groups adopt the Z layout.

The label-field ratio for size XL is 4:8:0 (technically the value is set to -1 and inherits the value of size L, see also the development hint below) by default:

  • 4 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by labels.
  • 8 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by fields.
  • 0 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.
Form in size XL (4:8:0)
Form in size XL (4:8:0)
Developer Hint
For forms and simple forms, the value of the properties labelSpanXL, emptySpanXL and columnsXL are set to -1 and inherit the value of size L (to enable backward compatibility).


One Page, One Form

If a form contains only one group, do not use a group title – instead, use the form title.

Form with only one group (form title)
Form with only one group (form title)

If the form is the only element on the page and if it has more than one group, you can use the group titles to capture the groups. 

Form with several groups (no form title)
Form with several groups (no form title)

If the form is one of several elements on the page, such as tables and lists, use the form title as its caption.

A form as one of several elements on a page (form title)
A form as one of several elements on a page (form title)

One Page, Many Forms

If you want to emphasize that some groups are very distinct, use several forms on a page instead of one form with several groups. Visually this looks more separated than using a single form with several groups. Give each form a meaningful title. If necessary, you can structure each form with groups as well. In this case, also give the groups a title.

Several forms on a page (emphasized groups)
Several forms on a page (emphasized groups)
Forms with several groups
Forms with several groups

Various Layouts

The following sections give guidance on how to configure the form so that it meets the needs of different sizes. Depending on where you place the form, we highly recommend changing the default and using one of the following layouts according to your app’s needs.

Size S (Smartphones and Dialogs)

Retain the default behavior (single column layout with a label-field ratio 12:12:0).

Form in size S (12:12:0)
Form in size S (12:12:0)

Size M (Tablet) – Full Screen

If you place the form in the details part of a split screen, use a single-column layout with the label-field ratio 4:7:1 (4 grid columns used by the labels, 7 grid columns used by the fields, and 1 grid column used by empty columns).

Form in a split screen – Size M (4:7:1)
Form in a split screen – Size M (4:7:1)

If you place the form in a full-screen app, use a single-column layout with the label-field ratio 3:5:4 (3 grid columns used by the labels, 5 grid columns used by the fields, and 4 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form in full screen – Size M (3:5:4)
Form in full screen – Size M (3:5:4)

As explained already in the section Responsiveness (Breakpoints), Size M goes down to 601 px. In this size, the 3:5:4 approach may not be wide enough for longer labels and fields. So if you expect long labels or input values, use the label-field ratio 4:8:0 (4 grid columns used by the labels, 8 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with long labels and fields – Size M (4:8:0)
Form with long labels and fields – Size M (4:8:0)

If you place the form in a full-screen app and it contains several form groups, use a two-column layout with its label-field ratio of 12:12:0 (12 grid columns used by the labels, 12 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with several form groups (two columns) – Size M (12:12:0)
Form with several form groups (two columns) – Size M (12:12:0)
Developer Hint
Unlike all other XL-L-M-S properties, labelSpanL and labelSpanM up to SAPUI5 version 1.34 did not follow the XL-L-M-S size paradigm. LabelSpanL set the label span in layouts that contain more than one column, and labelSpanM set the label span in layouts that contain only one column. This has been changed since version 1.34. Due to downward compatibility, the new parameter adjustLabelSpan was necessary. Also due to downward compatibility, its default value is ‘true’, which causes the old behavior of the labelSpan properties. To achieve the new, correct behavior of the labelSpan properties, you must set the property adjustLabelSpan to ‘false’.

Size L (Desktop Screens)

If the form contains a single form group, use a single-column layout with a label-field ratio of 3:5:4 (3 grid columns used by the labels, 5 grid columns used by the fields, and 4 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with a single form group (one column) – Size L (3:5:4)
Form with a single form group (one column) – Size L (3:5:4)

If the form contains multiple form groups, you can also use a two-column layout with a label-field ratio of 12:12:0 (12 grid columns used by the labels, 12 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns). As explained already in the section Responsiveness (Breakpoints), Size L goes down to 1025 px. In this size, long labels that are put next to the fields might not fit on smaller L-sized screens (especially in split apps). Therefore labels are put above fields.

Form with several form groups (two columns) – Size L (12:12:0)
Form with several form groups (two columns) – Size L (12:12:0)
Developer Hint
Unlike all other XL-L-M-S properties, labelSpanL and labelSpanM up to SAPUI5 version 1.34 did not follow the XL-L-M-S size paradigm. LabelSpanL set the label span in layouts that contain more than one column, and labelSpanM set the label span in layouts that contain only one column. This has been changed since version 1.34. Due to downward compatibility, the new parameter adjustLabelSpan was necessary. Also due to downward compatibility, its default value is ‘true’, which causes the old behavior of the labelSpan properties. To achieve the new, correct behavior of the labelSpan properties, you must set adjustLabelSpan to ‘false’.

Size XL (Desktop Wide Screens)

If the form contains a single form group, use a single-column layout with a label-field ratio of 3:5:4 (3 grid columns used by the labels, 5 grid columns used by the fields, and 4 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with a single form group (one column) – Size XL (3:5:4)
Form with a single form group (one column) – Size XL (3:5:4)

The responsive grid layout has the new property singleContainerFullSize. This property enables you to insert empty columns in your form: You can for example then set the property columnsXL to 2, fill one column with the single form group in a label-field ratio of 4:8:0 (4 grid columns used by the labels, 8 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns), and leave the second column empty. For more information, see also the development hint below.

Form with an empty column – Size XL (4:8:0)
Form with an empty column – Size XL (4:8:0)

If the form is put into a full-screen app, with the property singleContainerFullSize you can also set columnsXL to 3, fill one column with the single form group in a label-field ratio of 12:12:0 (12 grid columns used by the labels, 12 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns), and leave the second and third columns empty.

Form with single group in a column layout - Size XL - (12:12:0)
Form with single group in a column layout - Size XL - (12:12:0)

If the form contains multiple form groups, you can also use a two-column layout with a label-field ratio of 4:8:0  (4 grid columns used by the labels, 8 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with multiple form groups (two columns) – Size XL (4:8:0)
Form with multiple form groups (two columns) – Size XL (4:8:0)

If the form is put into a full-screen app and it contains multiple form groups, you can also use a three-column layout with a label-field ratio of 12:12:0  (12 grid columns used by the labels, 12 grid columns used by the fields, and 0 grid columns used by empty columns).

Form with two form groups (three columns) – Size XL (12:12:0)
Form with two form groups (three columns) – Size XL (12:12:0)
Form with three form groups (three columns) – Size XL (12:12:0)
Form with three form groups (three columns) – Size XL (12:12:0)

If you use a three-column layout for XL screens, do not use a two-column layout for L and M screens as it could create a lot of white space. In this case, use a single-column layout instead.

Form with a lot of white space (two columns)
Form with a lot of white space (two columns)
Form with less white space (single-column layout)
Form with less white space (single-column layout)
Developer Hint
Up to SAPUI5 version 1.34, a group in a form with only this single group covered the entire width, irrespective of the value of the properties columnsM/L. Therefore, it was not possible to create an empty column next to the single group. This had to be changed. However, the default value of columnsL has always been 2. So if single groups no longer cover the entire form, all forms with a single group are automatically changed to two column forms in size L if the default value of the property columnsL has not been changed manually to 1. Therefore, a new property had to be introduced: singleContainerFullSize.If you are using a simple form, set this property directly in the simple form control. Its default value is ‘true’, which reflects the old behavior. A single group covers the entire width of the form, irrespective of  the values of the properties columnsM/L/XL. If it is set to ‘false’, the form with a single group has as many columns as the properties columnsM/L/XL are set to. The new behavior with the empty columns now can be achieved.


  • Order the form logically from a user’s perspective. For example, ask for a user’s name before asking them for their address.
  • Group related information by using form and group titles.
  • Use Column layout instead of Responsive Grid layout, if possible.
  • Try to arrange form groups (especially in size L and XL) in a way that the form:
    • Is easy to read and understand.
    • Does not contain too much white space (split groups if necessary).
  • If you have combined fields that contain, for example, a postal code and the name of a city, you can provide one combined label (postal code and city) for this group.
  • Less is more: try to minimize the number of labels and their corresponding fields as much as possible.
  • If an input element is in an error or warning state, provide a meaningful message for the user. There is a corresponding property valueStateText in the sap.m.Input API.


To avoid truncation, labels within forms wrap automatically.

Always aim to keep your labels as concise as possible. Remember that a label is not a help text. It must be meaningful, succinct, short, and descriptive. The purpose of the wrapping feature is to make the full label text legible and to help avoid unnecessary use of abbreviations. It is not intended as a fallback for very long labels.

  • A label is not a help text. Give each field a meaningful label. Make labels succinct, short and descriptive.
  • The label of a required field is marked with an asterisk (*). There is a corresponding property in the API for this. Do not write the asterisk manually in the label text. Just use the corresponding property, and the asterisk will be inserted automatically.
  • At the end of the label, the form container automatically inserts a colon (:), which is triggered by the style sheet. Do not write the colon manually in the label text.
  • Use default settings for labels. (For example, labels are not supported for manual bold formatting.)

Label Alignment

  • We generally recommend placing the label above the field. This is the most usable option, since it best supports the reading flow and avoids unnecessary eye movements.
  • If there is enough space on the screen, you can right-align the labels next to the value. Right-aligned labels minimize the gap between the label and field, and give the eye one line to scan along. Only place labels next to the value if there is also enough space to allow for longer labels in other languages.
The object page can show up to four columns if the screen is wide enough. In most cases, the space available per form column is too narrow to display the label next to the field/value. Because of this, forms within the multi-column layout of an object page only support labels above the fields values. Label lengths can vary greatly, and placing the labels on top reduces the risk of truncation for both the label and the content.

Empty State Indicator

If the form field doesn’t have a value, show an empty state indicator in display mode. This helps the user to better scan the form and perceive the field label and empty content as one unit.

Developer Hint
The empty indicator does not show by default. You need to activate it for the respective text (property: emptyIndicatorMode).
Empty state indicator
Empty state indicator

Unit of Measurement

You can add the unit of measurement after certain input controls by using the layout options of the form. Examples of supported input controls include multi-input field, select, combo box, multi combo box, and mask input.

If you display the unit of measurement after the input control, make sure that it’s properly visualized and doesn’t wrap to the next row.

Unit of measurement
Unit of measurement

Amount Alignment

When the form is in edit mode (label-value field pairs with editable and non-editable fields), right-align amounts.

When a form is in display mode (label-value field pairs without editable fields), left-align amounts to avoid large gaps between the labels and values, and to improve readability.

Data Loss Message

Provide a data loss message if the user accidentally navigates away from the page (for example, if the user selects a list item in a list-detail layout and then clicks the the Back or Home button). For details about how the message is delivered and what text you can use, see Message Handling.

Form Field Validation

Provide form field validation which describes the validation points and the choreography associated with messaging. For more information, see form field validation.

Field validation and validation report
Field validation and validation report

Input Assistance

Intelligent systems can help users by recommending appropriate content or suggesting an action or input the user may “prefer”. The system assists the user by entering data or filtering data. Typical examples might be a search phrase suggestion, an appropriate form template, or a set of suggested default values for certain fields, based on the user input and interaction history.

Error Prevention

Help the user to avoid errors by using input types (sap.m.InputTypes) and mask input (sap.m.MaskInput). The input fields automatically get a specific format, which helps prevent the user from making invalid entries.

Always start with the least complex control (for example, use select instead of value help if the user needs to select only one item from a short list). Use more intricate controls only if the use case really requires it.


Provide a placeholder (or input prompt) as a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.

Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.

Never repeat the label in the placeholder text. Only offer a placeholder if it provides the user with additional information.


The form supports actions on form toolbar level as well as on group header level. Application development teams can add actions such as ‘Edit’, ‘Save’ or ‘Cancel’. If there is an action that only applies to the specific group on group level, it can only be added on the group header level of the specific group.

Expanded/ Collapsed Form

The form supports expand / collapse buttons on a per-group level. However, we recommend avoiding the usage of expand / collapse behavior on a form.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Belize Colors

Belize is a visual theme we provide for SAP Fiori applications, in addition to the standard Quartz Light theme. In SAP Fiori, color communicates importance and association, and provides direction to users.

Color Balance

Color balance refers to the recommended mixture of light and dark, and colored and non-colored areas of any SAP Fiori app interface.

Approaching the ideal color balance for each page creates a visual rhythm throughout the application. It also helps to draw the user’s attention to the most important information and functions. Furthermore, it promotes a distinct and consistent look and feel across all SAP Fiori apps.

Color balance (considering dark and light UIs)
Color balance (considering dark and light UIs)

Color Usage

Each theme is based on a set of individual base reference values. These are:

  • Primary (main user interface colors)
  • Secondary (accent colors)
  • Grayscale (neutral values)
  • Semantic (value state colors)

The reference colors listed on this page give a helpful indication as to where they are used in the UI controls and layouts. However, it is extremely important that reference values are not used directly in the control styling. The Belize reference color values are specific to this particular theme, but are assigned to control parameters.

The reference colors are used as base values, which are then distributed into the UI controls via a stable set of theme control parameters that are available in each theme. Theme control parameters represent semantically named parts of the controls. They are decoupled from the actual color values so that the color values can be easily replaced. The theming guideline explains how these reference values are mapped to the user interface controls.

Primary Colors

The recommended primary colors leverage the uniqueness of SAP Fiori apps. The primary colors represent the overall look and feel.

Belize Theme Primary Colors

Primary 1
Global Contrast Base

RGB 63/81/97

Primary 2
Brand / Highlight

RGB 66/124/172

Based on Primary 2
Contrast Highlight

RGB 145/200/246

Primary 3
Global Light Base

RGB 239/244/249

Primary 4


RGB 255/255/255

Primary 5
Application Content Background

RGB 250/250/250

Primary 6
Borders and Derived Controls

RGB 191/191/191

Primary 7
Titles and Texts

RGB 51/51/51

SAP Fiori Launchpad Gradient

Contrast Theme

RGB 44/78/108

Contrast Theme

RGB 158/199/216

Light Theme

RGB 169/198/222

Light Theme

RGB 231/236/240

Accent Colors

Accent colors can be applied to accentuate important elements. They make a vivid contribution to the overall UI and should be used sparingly.

Accent Color 1
Accent Colors

RGB 224/157/0

Accent Color 2
Accent Colors

RGB 230/96/13

Accent Color 3
Accent Colors

RGB 193/70/70

Accent Color 4
Accent Colors

RGB 171/33/142

Accent Color 5
Accent Colors

RGB 103/139/199

Accent Color 6
Accent Colors

RGB 0/146/209

Accent Color 7
Accent Colors

RGB 26 152 152

Accent Color 8
Accent Colors

RGB 117/148/33

Accent Color 9
Accent Colors

RGB 146/90/206

Accent Color 10
Accent Colors

RGB 100/121/135


Grayscale areas play an important role in any SAP Fiori user interface. They minimize the risk of over-stimulation and foster simplicity. White and the light grays are mainly used for areas in the background or for borders. Darker gray shades are primarily used for texts.

RGB 51/51/51

RGB 102/102/102

RGB 191/191/191

RGB 204/204/204

RGB 229/229/229

RGB 255/255/255

Semantic Colors

Semantic colors can be used to represent a negative, critical, positive, neutral, or information status. For more information, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

Semantic Colors – Light Flavor Values

Light Semantic Colors

RGB 187/0/0

Light Semantic Colors

RGB 231/140/7

Light Semantic Colors

RGB 43/125/43

Light Semantic Colors

RGB 94/105/110

Light Semantic Colors

RGB 66/124/172

Semantic Colors – Dark Flavor Values

Dark Semantic Colors

RGB 255/136/136

Dark Semantic Colors

RGB 250/189/100

Dark Semantic Colors

RGB 171/226/171

Dark Semantic Colors

RGB 211/215/217

Dark Semantic Colors

RGB 145/200/246

Indication Colors

The indication color palette is used to follow the color conventions in a line of business or industry. All values are themeable and the meaning of each color depends on the business context. For more information, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

Light Flavor Values

UI Indication 1
Light Indication Colors

RGB 136/0/0

UI Indication 2
Light Indication Colors

RGB 171/34/23

UI Indication 3
Light Indication Colors

RGB 219/144/52

UI Indication 4
Light Indication Colors

RGB 67/122/54

UI Indication 5
Light Indication Colors

RGB 80/123/168

UI Indication 6
Light Indication Colors

RGB 26/152/152

UI Indication 7
Light Indication Colors

RGB 146/90/206

UI Indication 8
Light Indication Colors

RGB 171/33/142

Dark Flavor Values

UI Indication 1
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 255/136/136

UI Indication 2
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 255/187/187

UI Indication 3
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 250/189/100

UI Indication 4
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 171/226/171

UI Indication 5
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 145/200/246

UI Indication 6
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 26/152/152

UI Indication 7
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 146/90/206

UI Indication 8
Dark Indication Colors

RGB 171/33/142

Related Links


SAP Fiori uses a variety of colors. They are mapped to control parameters, thus allowing you to overwrite them easily in the UI Theme Designer.

Accessibility for SAP Themes

WCAG target versions for SAP’s visual themes.