20 results for Details page

Object Page Floorplan


...page header and not the former object page header. Using the old object page header creates issues that can’t be fixed retrospectively. Using the dynamic header will also ensure consistency across all floorplans and provide greater flexibility. For details, see the Header section below. Do not use the current implementation...

Overview Page (OVP) Floorplan


...that you define and format the texts on all the cards consistently. Check the UI text guidelines for the overview page for details. For more information about the cards and card types available for the overview page, see the dedicated topics: Analytical Card List Card Bar Chart List Card Link...

Analytical List Page Floorplan


...be represented visually using charts, but doesn’t need to be linked to the transactional dataset. Analytical list page - Chart-only view Table-Only View The table view provides access to transactional content. The user can act on single or multiple objects, and navigate to the object details or to other applications....

Object Page - Content Area

SAP Fiori Elements

...development team on the requirements for the reuse component. Subsections Smart Link Contact With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, you can include one or more smart link contacts in the subsections. The smart link contact can include a contact list and a quickview of the contact details. For more...

SAP S/4HANA Product Home Page – My Home


...large. For the other tiles, create a duplicate that is shown in the Favorites subsection. Personalize Cards Users can select up to 10 cards to be shown on My Home. They can drag and drop the entries to change the order of the cards.In the details view, users can delete...


UI Elements - SAP Web Components

...to the components within the page container and depend on the application use case. For details, see the guidelines for the individual components, such as the button.Example: Using a button in the header to navigate between pages Responsive Behavior The page offers considerable freedom and flexibility and the page header...

Complex Objects - Local Flow (Create, Edit)

General Patterns

...Layout Complex objects - Edit items using the local flow From the main object page, the user navigates to the details of an item. The subpage features a header toolbar with an Edit button. The title of the subpage reflects the current item, for example Sales Order Item (10). If...

Table Toolbar

SAP Fiori Elements

...Actions Default, you can turn them off. Application-Specific Actions Available Mass Edit Available in draft-enabled applications: In both the list report and object page with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4 In the list report with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 Show/Hide Details Available in responsive tables Order of...

Draft Situation Handling Controls

AI and Joule

...Situation preview Situation page header Situation page header Interactive Situation Indicator The interactive situation indicator is shown with the affected business object and acts as a button that allows users to see additional details, according to the principle of progressive disclosure. Control A situation icon indicates a single situation. A...

Flexible Column Layout

Page Layouts

...position to the item currently open in the details column (“navigated” item). This allows the user to see at a glance which item from the list or table is being displayed in the details column. Developer Hint To get the right scroll position, you can use the “columnResize” event. For...

Responsive Table

UI Elements - SAPUI5
Responsive Table - Create01

...the click triggers navigation to a corresponding details page. Single select master: One item in the responsive table can be selected. Items are selected by clicking the whole row. The single select master mode has no obvious visual cues, such as checkboxes or radio buttons. It only provides a light...

Situation Handling

AI and Joule

...situations. Situation Page The situation page contains all the information relating to a given situation. Information With the availability of the enhanced situation page in the situation handling framework, the situation page is set to replace the object page as the default navigation target for situation details. Situation Page Header...


UI Elements - SAPUI5

.../ sap.m.ListBase, property: mode):None: Items cannot be selected (sap.m.ListMode.None). Beware: Items can, nevertheless, use the sap.m.ListType “navigation” which allows click-handling on specific items. This should only be used when the click triggers a navigation to a corresponding item details page. Tree without selectable items Single select master: One item of...

Analytical Table (ALV)

UI Elements - SAPUI5

...this case, you can display a “navigated” indicator to show which item is currently open. Use the RowActions column only for one or both of the following actions: Navigate to details page ( ) Delete ( ) The RowActions column does not provide a column header text. It is fixed...

Grid Table

UI Elements - SAPUI5

...item is currently open. Use the RowActions column only for one or both of the following actions: Navigate to details page ( ) Delete ( ) The RowActions column does not provide a column header text. It is fixed and will not scroll away. Users also cannot personalize this column....

Object Handling - Delete

General Patterns

...the object page From a list report, the user navigates to the object details. The user selects Delete in the header toolbar of the object page. A message dialog prompts the user to confirm deletion. Delete closes the dialog. The user sees the updated list report and a confirmation message...

UI Text Guidelines for SAP Fiori Apps

Look, Feel, and Wording

...and Object Marker. Showing more information Action Description Show Details Show more information within the same page or dialog (for example, a message long text within a message dialog). View Details (Charts) Display additional information about a chart. Show More Expand a list or screen area. Show Less Collapse a...


SAP Fiori Elements

Draft Handling

General Patterns

...follows: Display first or last item (default): Either the first or last (default) selected item remains visible in the details area. If the first or last selected item is a draft, show the object in edit mode and enable the Save and Discard buttons. Display aggregate: The details area displays...

Table Features

SAP Fiori Elements

...be hidden. When at least one column is hidden, the table toolbar displays the Show Details button so users can view the previously hidden columns in the table pop-in area. After the user clicks Show Details to display the column, the action changes to Hide Details. You can also assign...