Planning Calendar

The planning calendar allows users to see different appointments at the same time and to create new appointments. It allows the user to display appointments for several objects, such as a team calendar, and compare them to each other.


Use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to compare objects of the same type with each other over a period of time.
  • You require responsive behavior.
  • You have less than 100 lines in the calendar.

Do not use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to show a calendar for one object and a detailed overview of appointments over a long time interval.
  • You want to show a complex or graphical representation. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.
  • You have more than 100 lines in the calendar. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.


In size S, the control provides pop-in behavior, which allows the user to see as many appointments as possible and to connect them with the corresponding object. If the toolbar contains too many actions for the space available, the overflow icon appears.

The interval section displaying the hours, days, and months is responsive and shows 12 values in size L, 8 values in size M, and 6 values in size S. You can override this behavior, but you should then check that the responsiveness is still working.

Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size S
Planning calendar - Size S


You can define what size of interval the calendar should show, and whether multi selection should be possible. Additionally, the row header and the interval appointments are optional.

The control allows multi-select mode to be shown for the list items. This can be used, for example, to delete multiple objects from the view.

An app development team must decide whether to show the planning calendar with or without multi-select mode, or whether users should be able to switch between the two modes. Hiding the interval appointments of every object is optional.

The example opposite shows what the interaction looks like if the user can trigger multi-select mode. When the user clicks or taps the button, a checkbox appears next to each list item and a Select All option is shown. Additional actions can appear or disappear in the calendar toolbar.

The planning calendar can also be shown in single-select mode. In this case, the row header disappears and only the appointments are visible. It can be used to show the calendar of one object. Note that the control was built mainly to compare time slots of different objects. For this reason, the time axis is shown horizontally and, depending on the interval, the appointments might shrink to smaller size. In this case, the text is cut off rather than truncated.

Switching to multi-select mode
Switching to multi-select mode


This section describes the various components of the planning calendar.

The control consists of different parts:

  1. Toolbar
  2. Header
  3. Calendar view
  4. List item
  5. Row header
  6. Row
  7. Appointment
  8. Interval appointment
Parts of the planning calendar
Parts of the planning calendar

1. Toolbar

The toolbar is optional and can contain a title as well as app-specific and generic actions.
If you have actions in the toolbar, we recommend that you use a title to describe the purpose of the planning calendar. For more information, check out the toolbar guideline article.

The generic actions are as follows:

  • Search
  • Add Appointment (icon: add)
  • Add New Contact (icon: add-contact)
  • Multi-Select Mode (icon: multi-select)
  • Legend (icon: legend)
  • Settings (icon: action-settings)
  • Full Screen (icon: full-screen/exit-full-screen)

2. Header

The calendar header comprises the left part, which includes an optional switch to see the calendar in a different view (day, month, year), and the right part, which contains the calendar view.

3. Calendar view

The calendar view defines the granularity of the appointments. You can decide what kind of views (Hours, Days, Months, 1 Week, 1 Month) are available by using the view switch, and how many values are shown for each view. There is a default value for the number of values shown. App developers can change this value, but they should then ensure that the app is still responsive.

The 1 Week view always renders a full week. It displays seven days on one screen. The start date is always the beginning of the week  (depending on the locale). It can be found in the view switch as a default view. When applications have this view available, we strongly recommend setting a different number of days displayed in the Days view (more or less than seven). Otherwise, the user might be confused, as the navigation for the two differs.

The 1 Month view shows an entire month. On desktop, the 1 Month view always displays an interval of 31 days. When the displayed month is shorter (28, 29, 30 days), days from the following month are displayed. They have a different visual state and serve as navigation to the following month.

On size M and Size S, the 1 Month view is adaptive. It consists of a calendar and a list of appointments for the selected day.

1 Month view - size S
1 Month view - size S

4. List item

The list item contains the row header, row, appointments, and interval appointments. Each row can show different working and non-working days. This is useful if users want to view calendars from different countries that have different weekends.

5. Row header

This identifies the object for which the appointments are shown. The row header pops in if there is not enough space. It can contain a picture or icon, a title, and a subtitle.

6. Row

All appointments that appear for an object are shown here.

7. Appointment

Appointments enable an icon or picture, a title, and a subtitle to be shown. If appointments appear simultaneously, they are shown under each other.

App developers can define the colors of different appointment types, and appointments can be shown as tentative. Appointments are fully colored.

The control can register the click event, and the app development team must define what happens next.

If the view changes and there are too many small appointments at one time, an aggregation is shown. Aggregations show a number indicating how many appointments are not fully visible in this view. This functionality will be improved in future releases. Otherwise, the click/touch area would be too small.

There are two sizes of appointments – regular and half size. The half-sized appointments can save space, but also note that they do not show a second line for details of the appointment.

8. Interval appointment

Each row can also have interval appointments. These are smaller and always appear at the top of the row. They can be used to show appointments that last for a prolonged period of time, such as vacations or workshops.

Developer Hint
To prevent waiting time, app developers should load the sap.ui.unified library.

Behavior and Interaction

To create an appointment, the user must trigger an action by clicking the Add   icon in the toolbar. Clicking directly on the row also creates a new appointment.

The user can click on the appointment to see further details. The app development team must define what kind of information is then shown. For example, clicking on an appointment can trigger a popover with detailed information.

A multi-select toggle can also be provided in the toolbar. This can be used, for example, to select multiple people in order to delete them from the planning calendar.

Various tooltips can be shown, but you should not use them to show additional information because users cannot access this functionality on touch devices.

Depending on the current time interval, appointments might be smaller and the text might be cut off, not truncated. However, this should not be an issue because the main use case is to see whether there is a free time slot. Additionally, the user can click or tap the appointment to see the details.

In the Months view, appointments may appear as aggregations due to lack of space for detailed visualization. Aggregations show a number indicating how many appointments are not fully visible in this view.

Users have the possibility to turn the alternating row coloring on or off. By default, the alternating rows option is turned on.

Appointments in the calendar have two sizes: regular appointment and half-size appointment. The exact sizes can be found in the visual specification. The app developer can choose the size that fits the use case, but keep in mind that the half-size appointment shows less information about the appointment.

Users also have the option to hide the interval header and the space that is reserved for it. This option can be included as an icon in the toolbar.

1. Switch

The switch is optional and allows users to switch between different views. For example, a user can get an overview of a whole year by selecting the year view. The average length of appointments and the use case should decide which view is the most useful.

2. Today action

The user can trigger this action to go back to the current date.

3. Back and forward navigation

The arrows allow the user to navigate to the next or previous interval.

4. Day switch

The day switch is only available if the day view is selected. It enables the user to navigate to a different day.

5. Month switch

The month switch is available if the day or month view is selected. It allows the user to switch to a different month.

6. Year switch

Day, month, and year views enable the user to switch between different years.

Navigation parts
Navigation parts

Interaction Flow for Switching Days

There are two ways in which the user can switch to a different day:

  • Clicking or tapping the arrows to navigate to the next or previous interval.
  • Clicking or tapping the current day to open the date picker. When the user selects a day, the picker closes and navigates the user to the selected value.
Navigation flow - Switching a day
Navigation flow - Switching a day


Switching the Row Header

If you want the end user to be able to rearrange the planning calendar by switching the row header, you can implement a flexible row header. This is not done by the control and should be implemented by the app development team.

The list items in the row header can be a value of any attribute of an appointment. The appointment attributes are part of app-specific content, so they should be specified by the app development team. The control does not provide default attributes.

Our guideline is to use the select control in the place of the calendar title. The select control will contain all the attributes that can serve as the row header. When a different attribute is selected, the calendar is rearranged accordingly. You can also add a counter after the list items to indicate how many appointments fall into a specific group.

It is also possible to have both the calendar title and select control, in which case you should have first the title and then the select.

On small screen sizes, use select instead of the calendar title. If you want to keep the calendar title, place select in the overflow menu.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A search is a means of accessing information quickly. If an amount of data is too large for users to find something just by scanning through it, you should consider providing a search function.

Search field
Search field


Use a search field (sap.m.SearchField) if you want to enable users to enter text to search for information. The search field is also the control of choice for filtering down a given amount of information.


On tablets (size M) and smartphones (size S), the master list’s search field is not initially visible. It only appears when the user pulls down the list. Its position is not fixed, so it scrolls away. On desktops (size L), the master list’s search field is visible from the start. Its position is fixed and it does not scroll away.

Master list with search field
Master list with search field
Searching in the master list - Search field on focus
Searching in the master list - Search field on focus
Searching in the master list
Searching in the master list


SAP Fiori comes with two different search types.

  1. The manual searchis triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search button or presses the Enter key.
  2. The live search(also known as “incremental search” or “search-as-you-type”) is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.

Queries that are entered are used to search the backend data for term matches (not case-sensitive). While a live search uses a “contains” approach, a manual search uses a “starts with” approach. “Contains” means that the result needs to match the query only partly to be a valid result. “Starts with” means that full terms of the result need to start with the entered query to be visualized.


The search input field (or search box) consists of two parts:

  1. The text input, which is left-aligned. Initially, the field shows a placeholder (Search). As soon as the user enters a character, this prompt text disappears. It appears again if the user deletes the entry.
  2. If a manual search is to be implemented, a search button with a magnifier icon is placed on the right side of this input control. The user clicks or taps this button to trigger the search. In live searches, the magnifier icon is also placed here, but it functions more like an additional indicator to signify that this is a search input field. It also functions as an explicit search button if the user wants to search again for a query that has already been entered.

All item attributes defined by the app development team are searched. When the results are displayed, the items found do not necessarily have to show the attribute through which the item was found. The results are displayed in the same list that contained the original item set. Initial grouping and the order of the list are not affected by the search.

When the split screen is used, the search field appears at the top of the master list. In full screen mode, the search field is placed at the top of the page.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering a Search Term

Search terms can be entered easily into the input field. The search box then displays all full-text search terms. There is no line break and no truncation if the query is longer than the input field. Results might also be displayed that do not match the query in their title or subtitle. This might be because details can also be searched for. The user can see the matching terms in the specific details section.

Deleting a Search Term

The user can click or tap the ex ( ) button to remove the text from the field. In the case of the live search, this also resets the search. In a manual search, deleting the search term and then triggering the search resets the search results.


If the Refresh button is available, the user can update the list without triggering a new search. This is usually needed when backend data changes quickly and often.

If the currently selected item is no longer available after the list has been refreshed, the next item in the line is selected. If no next item is available, the first item in the line should be selected next.

Search field with refresh
Search field with refresh

On touch devices, the Refresh icon is not visible in the search field. In this case, Pull Down to Refresh is used instead. The Pull Down to Refresh arrow icon is animated and spins to signal that the user should release it.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


The following methods are important.

For the live search:

  • attachLiveChange(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachLiveChange(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireLiveChange(mArguments?) Fire event liveChange to attached listeners.

For the manual search:

  • attachSearch(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachSearch(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireSearch(mArguments?) Fire event search to attached listeners.

If a Refresh button is needed:

To show the Search button:

To ensure the focus is set to input:


  • Implement the live search whenever possible.
  • Use a manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues.
  • Show an appropriate prompt text:Search if queries are sent to all connected services, or Search In: if the search is limited to a certain source or providing service.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Input Field

A multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as tokens. These can be displayed in single and multiline mode. To help the user enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestions feature and the value help option.


Use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select multiple ranges (with the value help option and the value help dialog).
  • The dataset to choose from is expected to increase over time (for example, to more than 200 values).
  • You need to provide the value help option to help users select or search multiple business objects.

Do not use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select one entry only. In this case, use the input field or combo box instead.
  • You want the user to select from a pre-defined set of options only. In this case, use the multi-combo box instead.


In the examples below, the autocomplete feature is shown in different sizes for single and multiline modes.

Single Line Mode (Default)

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the autocomplete suggestions can be selected. When the user makes a selection, the dialog closes and the token is displayed.
  • The user can review the tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • The user can review tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • The user can review tokens by pressing the right or left arrows on the keyboard.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)

Multiline Mode

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the suggested items can be selected. When the user makes a selection within that dialog, the token is displayed in the input field. When the user enters a new search term, the display area of the token is replaced by the autocomplete suggestions.
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps or focuses on the multi-input field, the single-line field expands to a multiline field. All tokens are displayed.
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • When the user focuses on the multi-input field, it expands to a multiline field.
  • The autocomplete suggestions open below the multi-input field.
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest


The input types of the multi-input are identical to those of the input field. For more information, see input field.

Behavior and Interaction

Single Line Mode

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. When an item is selected from the autocomplete box, the corresponding token is created. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other on one line.

Developer Hint
Values that are entered can also be tokenized when the user presses ENTER. The app development team can perform a custom validation of the entered data and decide whether a token should be created.
Adding tokens
Adding tokens
Adding a second token
Adding a second token
For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Reviewing Tokens

The user can review tokens by using the left or right cursor keys on a desktop, or by swiping to the left or right on a smartphone or tablet.

Left/right keyboard cursor
Left/right keyboard cursor
Swiping left and right on a touch device
Swiping left and right on a touch device

Deleting Tokens

The user can delete tokens by pressing the Backspace or Del button (when selected) on a desktop’s keyboard, or by tapping the Delete icon on a mobile device.

Deleting tokens
Deleting tokens

Using Value Help

You can enable the value help option to provide a more advanced dialog for finding the relevant business object. Two dialogs can be used at present:

Value help with select dialog
Value help with select dialog
Value help with value help dialog
Value help with value help dialog

Multiline Mode

Single line mode is active by default, so to activate multiline mode, you need to enable it (property: enableMultiLineMode).

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. The token is created by selecting an item from the autocomplete box. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other. If there is not enough space on one line, the control expands.

Adding a token
Adding a token

Reviewing Tokens

When the multi-input field is not focused, it is shown in collapsed mode. The token that was entered last is displayed. If there is more than one token, the number of hidden tokens is shown next to the last token.

When tokens are entered into the multi-input field, the control expands to show all tokens. On screen size S, a new dialog is opened to review the tokens.

Reviewing tokens
Reviewing tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The multi-input control can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects a whole column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-input field, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is represented as a token.


  • Use the multiline mode instead of the single line mode (default). This provides greater flexibility for displaying multiple tokens.
  • Give the control a width that is appropriate for the range of values that are going to be entered. Try to avoid setting a fixed width on this control. Instead, embed it in a proper layout (such as a form, simple form, or grid layout) and work with the layout data property.
  • Provide meaningful labels for all input fields. Do not use the placeholder as a replacement for the label. The placeholder should only provide an additional hint.
  • The multi-input field can currently contain tokens and one free text value. If you allow only validated values, display an error or warning when the user tries to leave the field to indicate that the value entered is invalid, or remove the value.


Since the multi-input field is derived from the input field, refer to the properties in the input field article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Calendar Date Interval

The calendar date interval displays a range of days in a single row. The control allows the user to select a single day, multiple days, or a range of days. Content corresponding to the date selection is usually displayed below the control. The user can navigate the date intervals by browsing through them (using the previous and next arrows), or by going directly to a specific month or year.

Compared to the regular date range selection control, this control offers a flexible date range and consumes very little horizontal space.

Calendar date interval
Calendar date interval

The current day is highlighted by a colored frame. Weekends are shaded in a slightly darker gray.

Special day markup
Special day markup

You can mark special days, such as public holidays, with a colored line along the lower edge.

Alternative start date
Alternative start date

You can configure the number of days displayed in a single interval (property: days) as well as the start date (property: startDate).


The horizontal space occupied by the control is already minimal, so the responsiveness is limited to the width of the control.

Sizes M and L
Sizes M and L

On small screens, the maximum number of days per range interval is automatically reduced to eight.

Size S
Size S


The date interval control is divided into two main areas: date interval navigation, and date interval display and selection.

The navigation area contains two arrows (one to the left, one to the right), which allow the user to navigate easily to the previous and following date ranges. This area also contains month and year indicators, which naturally display the currently selected month and year. These indicators also trigger the month and year navigation mode of the control.

The display and selection area is primarily used to display the range of days in the current date interval. When the user triggers month or year navigation, a range of months or years is displayed in this section to enable easy interval navigation.

Schematic visualization of calendar date interval
Schematic visualization of calendar date interval

Behavior and Interaction

The behavior and interaction of the calendar date interval control can be divided into two parts: navigation and selection.



The user clicks or taps the previous or next arrow to replace the currently displayed date interval with the previous or next date, respectively. Previous and next navigation can be used while the user is in selection mode, as well as in month or year navigation mode.

Navigation by Month

The user triggers month navigation mode by clicking or tapping the month link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected month is highlighted. The user clicks a month to switch the date range interval to the selected month. The user can browse the months by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by month
Navigation by month

Navigation by Year

The user triggers year navigation mode by clicking or tapping the year link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected year is highlighted. The user clicks a year to switch the date range interval to the selected year. The user can browse the years by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by year
Navigation by year


The calendar date interval control can be set up for single day selection, multiple day selection, or day range selection.

Single day

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day and deselect all previously selected days. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Only one day can be selected at a time. The selected day is highlighted.

Selection – Single day
Selection – Single day

Multiple days

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Multiple days can be selected. Selected days are highlighted.

Selection – Multiple days
Selection – Multiple days

Day range

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select the start date. Clicking a second unselected day selects the end date. Both start and end dates are then highlighted. The days in between are highlighted in a lighter color. The minimum range is one day and only one range can be selected at a time.

Selection – Day range
Selection – Day range


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


  • No links

Date Picker

The date picker lets users select a localized date using touch, mouse, or keyboard input. It consists of two parts: the date input field and the date picker.

Use this control if the user needs to enter a single date or a date range. The control also allows users to navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date picker if:

  • You need a range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should know what is selected and jump to the same selection.


The date picker provides responsive behavior that allows for simple operation on all devices. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode.

With one click on the input field, the date picker opens in full screen. To close the window, the user can select a date (which triggers the close event), or click Cancel without selecting a date.

Date picker on a smartphone
Date picker on a smartphone
Date picker on a desktop
Date picker on a desktop


The date picker has two components: the date input field and the date picker button. On all devices users can either use the input field to type a date or use the date picker button to open the date picker calendar.

Date picker with input field and button
Date picker with input field and button

Date Input Field

In the input field, the user can enter a date directly or select it using the date picker. The system validates the entry and provides the user with feedback. You can also show placeholder text in the field.

Date Picker

With the date picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click or tap the arrows to navigate to the previous and the next day, month, or year view depending on the current view.

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border.

Date picker with selected date and the current date
Date picker with selected date and the current date
Clickable areas of the date picker
Clickable areas of the date picker

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date

The user selects a date by clicking or tapping the date. After the user selects a day, the calendar closes and the date appears in the date input field.

Clickable areas
Clickable areas

Clicking or tapping the arrow shows the next day, month, or year view.

Navigating to the next month
Navigating to the next month

If the current month is clicked, the view changes to the month view and the user can change the month.

Switching to month view
Switching to month view

By clicking on a month, the user changes the month and the view changes to the day view.

Selecting another month
Selecting another month

The user can similarly change the year. By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. After the user selects a year, the view changes back to the day view.

Switching to year view
Switching to year view

After the user selects a year, the view changes back to the day view. The date in the date input field stays the same until the user selects a new date.

Selecting another year
Selecting another year


Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

Responsive Table

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format in table cells. Otherwise use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date Range Selection

The control for selecting the date range is a single-field input control. Users can enter a localized date range using touch, mouse, or keyboard input, or by selecting a date range in the calendar. They can also navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date range selection if:

  • You need a time range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should recognize the information and jump to the same selection.

Do not use the date range selection if:

  • You want to enter a date and a time. In this case, use the date picker or time picker instead.
  • The user’s primary goal is not to select ranges. If this is the case, use the simple date picker.


The date range selection is fully responsive. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode. For more information about cozy and compact modes, see the article on content density.

Date range selection (size S)
Date range selection (size S)
Date range selection (size L)
Date range selection (size L)


The date range selection consists of two components: the date range input field and the date range picker.

The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices
The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices

Date Range Input Field

The user can type the date directly into the input field, or use the date picker. You can also show a prompt text in the field (property: placeholder). The system validates the date and gives the user feedback.

Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day
Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day

Date Range Picker

With the date range picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click the arrows to view the previous and next days, months, or years (depending on the current view).

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border in the calendar.

Date range selection
Date range selection

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date Range

The user can type two dates into the date range input field or click the calendar icon to open the calendar and select a date. These two possibilities work for all devices – desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Switch View

Clicking an arrow shows the next or previous day, month, or year.

Clicking the month shows an overview of all months.

If the current month is clicked, the user can change the month. When the user selects a month, the view changes to the day view.

By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. When the user selects a year, the view changes to the day view.

Selecting an End Date

When the user selects an end date, the calendar closes.

Selecting a Range

After the user selects a range, the calendar closes and the range appears in the date input field.

Entering Single Dates

The date range selection also allows the user to input single dates. The user can type one date into the input field, or select the same day as a start and end date in the calendar.



The delimiter visualizes the start and end date. If no delimiter is given, the app uses the one defined for the used locale.


If no range is selected, show a placeholder text to indicate the correct format. If no placeholder is defined, the control shows the default locale placeholder format. You can define your own placeholder, but you must also take localized versions into account.

Date range picker with default placeholder
Date range picker with default placeholder


Use in-line validation to give the user feedback, especially in the form of errors and warnings. Possible warning states are warning, error, and success. The date range input field in question is highlighted by a frame in the corresponding color. If the focus is inside the field, an explanation is shown. Ensure that this explanation is as specific as possible.

Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus


Display Format

You can choose whether the displayed texts are to be shown in short, medium, or long format, or in another date format like dd–MM–yyyy. However, other date formats (besides short, medium, and long) should be used carefully due to local dependencies.

Long display format
Long display format
Medium display format
Medium display format
Short display format
Short display format

Input Types

The following input types are available. (Note: these examples show German date formats for January 14, 2014.)

  • Unicode CLDR short format: 14.01.14
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14.01.2014
  • ISO date format: 2014-01-14
  • ISO date format without delimiters: 20140114
  • Unicode CLDR short format without delimiters: 140114
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14012014

Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format within table cells. Otherwise, use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date/Time Picker

The date/time picker allows users to select date and time values in a combined input.


Use the date/time picker if:

  • You need a combined date and time input control.

Do not use the date time picker if:

  • You want to use either a date or a time value. In this case, use the date picker or the time picker instead.


The date/time picker runs on all form factors and fully adapts to all devices.

The date/time picker opens in a popover for sizes M and L (for a tablet or desktop, for example)
The date/time picker opens in a popover for sizes M and L (for a tablet or desktop, for example)
The date/time picker opens in a popover for mobile size (for a smartphone, for example)
The date/time picker opens in a popover for mobile size (for a smartphone, for example)

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting Date and Time Values

Sizes M and L/XL

The date/time picker appears as a popover when the user clicks or taps a date (input field) on the calendar,  The user can then select the desired date from the calendar, and the time from the rotating wheel.

When the user clicks or taps the OK button, the popover closes and the selected date and time appear in the input field. When the user selects Cancel, the action is aborted and the input field remains unchanged.

Date/time picker – Open
Date/time picker – Open
Date/time picker – Closed
Date/time picker – Closed

Size S and Mobile Size

On smaller devices, the user can choose the date and time value in arbitrary order by tapping the segmented button on top of the screen. Be aware that the popover is superimposed on the input field during the selection process for mobile/S sizes.

The user can select the desired date from the calendar, and the time from the rotating time wheel. Clicking a date in the calendar automatically leads the user to the time selection screen.

When the user selects OK, the popover closes and the selected date and time appear in the input field. When the user selects Cancel, the action is aborted and the input field remains unchanged.

Date/time picker opens in a popup for size S.
Date/time picker opens in a popup for size S.
Date/time picker opens in a popover for mobile size (for a smartphone, for example)
Date/time picker opens in a popover for mobile size (for a smartphone, for example)


Within the date/time input popover, each area can be scrolled individually by dragging and dropping the areas.
On large devices, the user can also use the standard scrolling mechanism.

Date/time input – Scrolling by swiping
Date/time input – Scrolling by swiping


Date Picker and Time Picker

In general, we recommend separating the date/time picker controls as the time picker supports the mask input function and the date picker allows the user to enter date in different formats. This makes it easier and more convenient for the user to enter the desired values. For additional guidelines and information on the individual controls, see the resources section below.

Default Values

Independently of the chosen control, set the default values of the date/time picker carefully to avoid unnecessary scrolling. It often makes sense to set the default for the time to the full or half hour, setting the minutes to 00 or 30. Sometimes, it may also make sense to use the current time and date.

Formatting Dates and Times

For guidelines and information on the SAPUI5 date formatters, see formatting dates.

For guidelines and information on the SAPUI5 time formatters, see formatting times.


AM and PM are locale-dependent. The locale can be set using the property “localeId”.

You can set the display format (property: displayFormat) to define the format in which the time input field and the time picker dropdown display the time.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Time Picker

The time picker allows the user to select a localized time. It can be used with touch, mouse, or keyboard input.


Use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a time.
  • You want the user to select a time range. In this case, one time picker can be used to set the starting time and a second one to set the end time.
  • You want the user to select a detailed time duration, such as 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Do not use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a duration such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours. In this case, use the select control instead.


The time picker comes with a cozy mode and a compact mode. In the compact mode, the time input field and the button are smaller than in the cozy mode. In the compact mode, there are also arrows that the user can click or tap to set hours, minutes, and so on. For more information, see the article on content density.

On desktop (size L/XL) and tablet (size M) devices, the user can enter a time in the input field of the time picker, or set a time via the time picker dropdown which opens when the user clicks the time picker button.

For mobile (size S) devices, the tap area is the same as for a tablet, and the user can type a time in the time input field. Unlike on a tablet or desktop, the time picker dropdown does not open below the time input field, but rather in a subview.

Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)
Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)


The time picker consists of a time input field and a time picker button. On desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, both elements have their own click area.  Clicking the time picker button opens the time picker dropdown.

Time picker input
Time picker input

Time Input Field

The time input field allows the user to enter a time directly in the field, or select it using the time picker dropdown. The input is validated and feedback is given to the user.

The time input field can also contain a placeholder (input prompt).

Time Picker Button

When the user clicks or taps the time picker button, the time picker dropdown opens to allow the user to choose a time.

Time Picker Dropdown

In the time picker dropdown, the user can select a time by setting hours, minutes, seconds and AM/PM or a subset of these (with hours and minutes only).

Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM

Behaviour and Interaction

Selecting a Time (Desktop Device)

The user clicks the time picker button, which opens the time picker dropdown. In the time picker dropdown, the user can set the time either with the mouse or by using the keyboard arrows. The Page Up and Page Down keys can also be used to set the current selection to the lowest or highest value, and the Home and End keys can be used to go to the first or last element of the picker.

When the desired time has been selected, the user can confirm this selection by clicking the OK button. If the user wants to close the dropdown without changing the time to the selected time, this can be done by clicking the Cancel button or by clicking outside the dropdown.

The user can also select a time by clicking the time picker input field and typing the desired time in the field. You can prevent users from making incorrect entries by not allowing them to type in certain characters. For example, if the user enters a time that has the correct format but is invalid (such as 12:60:85), the time picker displays a validation error.

Time picker dropdown and input field
Time picker dropdown and input field

Selecting a Time (Tablet or Mobile Device)

On tablets and mobile devices, users can select the time by tapping the time picker button. The timer picker dropdown opens beneath the input field (a subview is opened on mobile devices). The user sets the hour by touching the hour element and then swiping up or down. To set the minutes, seconds, and AM/PM, the user also touches the corresponding element and swipes up or down to set the right value.

To confirm the selected time, the user taps the OK button. Taping the Cancel button cancels the selection. On tablets, the selection can also be cancelled by tapping outside the time picker dropdown.

Set time by swiping up and down
Set time by swiping up and down


Disabled Time Picker

In the disabled state, the time picker input is grayed out and the button becomes invisible.
In the disabled state, the time picker input is grayed out and the button becomes invisible.

Validation Error

When an invalid time is typed in, the time picker's border turns red and an error message appears.
When an invalid time is typed in, the time picker's border turns red and an error message appears.


Time Formats

Only let the user select time in seconds if this information is really necessary.

If the user has to set a time that is timezone sensitive, always provide information about the timezone. For example, if you want the user to choose a time on a calendar for a meeting that might also involve people from other timezones, provide information about those timezones. Ideally, you should also display the local time in the other attendees’ timezones so that the user can choose a time that is convenient for everyone.

12-Hour System

In the 12-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM.

24-Hour System

In the 24-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, and seconds. AM/PM is not available in this mode.


For more information, see formatting time.


AM and PM are locale-dependent. Therefore, the locale can be set using the property “localeId”.

You can set the display format (property: displayFormat) to define the format in which the time input field and the time picker dropdown display the time. For more information about time formats, see the article on formatting dates.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Step Input

The step input control allows the user to change the input values in predefined increments (steps).


Use the step input if:

  • The user needs to adjust amounts, quantities, or other values quickly.
  • The user needs to adjust values for a specific step (for example, in a shopping cart).

Do not use the step input if:

  • The user needs to enter a static number (for example, postal code, phone number, or ID). In this case, use the regular input field control instead.
  • You want to display a value that rarely needs to be adjusted and does not pertain to a particular step. In this case, use the regular input field control instead.
  • You want the user to enter dates and times. In this case, use the date pickerdate range selectiontime picker, or date/time picker instead.


Size S and M (Smartphone and Tablet)

On smartphones and tablets, the step input is shown in cozy mode. When the focus is in the input field, the keyboard layout for numeric input is displayed.

Size L (Desktop)

On desktop devices, the step input is shown in compact mode.

For more information on the cozy and compact modes, see content density.

Step input - size S/M
Step input - size S/M
Step input - size L
Step input - size L


The step input consists of an input field and buttons with icons to decrease or increase the value.

Step input areas
Step input areas

Behavior and Interaction

Default Value

The step input always contains a value. When no value is set, the default value is generally 0. However, app developers can set a different default value (property: value).

If the minimum value is larger than 0, the generic value is the minimum value set by the app team.

Changing the Value

The user changes the value:

  • By pressing the increase/decrease buttons
  • By typing a number
  • With keyboard shortcuts (up/down, page up/down)
  • With the mouse scroll wheel

On desktop devices, clicking the input field places the cursor in the input field. On mobile devices, tapping the input field displays the numeric keyboard.

Clicking the buttons changes the value by a step and does not place the caret in the input field.

When the user clears the value and leaves the input field, the value in the field becomes 0 or the minimum if the minimum is larger than 0.

If the user enters an invalid value, the invalid value remains in the input field. An error state is displayed.

Increasing the Step

To allow the user to change values by a larger step with keyboard shortcuts, app developers can set a multiple of the step (property: largerStep). The default value is two times the set step.

Minimum and Maximum Values

App developers can set a maximum and minimum value for the step input.

When reaching the maximum/minimum values, the increase/decrease button and up/down keyboard navigation are disabled.

Step input at maximum value (max = 100)
Step input at maximum value (max = 100)
Step input at minimum value (min = -100)
Step input at minimum value (min = -100)


The step input has different styles for its four states: default, warning, error, and success.

Default state
Default state
Warning state with value state text
Warning state with value state text
Error state with value state text
Error state with value state text


Always provide a meaningful label for the step input.


By default the width of the step input is set to 100% of the container. Avoid setting a fixed width, but rather embed the control in a proper layout such as a form, simple form, or grid layout, and use the layout data property where the width is defined by the 12-column approach to define the responsive behavior for sizes S, M, and L.

When used in forms, the width of the step input control comes from the label:field ratio of the form. The app development team should be able to restrict the width to a proper number of columns (12-grid responsive layout) so that the step input is not too wide.

Ensure an appropriate width for the range of values to be entered for all the sizes S, M, and L. Avoid a larger width than necessary.

Keep in mind the varying lengths of decimals. Limit the number of digits after the floating point if possible in your use case. For more information, have a look at the article on formatting numbers.



Sets the minimum possible value of the defined range.


Sets the maximum possible value of the defined range.


Increases/decreases the value of the input. The step can be a floating-point value.

Larger Step

Increases/decreases the value with a larger value than the set step (only when using keyboard shortcuts). The default value is two times larger than the set step.


Determines the value of the step input. App developers can set default initial value.


Determines the width of the control.

Value States

The step input control offers the four value states listed below. For the error and warning states, you can show an additional value state text when the focus is on the input field.

  • None (default): No value state message is shown
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Success: No value state message is shown

For more guidance on when to use which state, see message handling. For more information on showing value states in a form, see form field validation.

Default state
Default state
Warning state
Warning state
Error state
Error state

Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The step input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.

Read-only state
Read-only state
Disabled state
Disabled state


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Planning Calendar

The planning calendar allows users to see different appointments at the same time and to create new appointments. It allows the user to display appointments for several objects, such as a team calendar, and compare them to each other.


Use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to compare objects of the same type with each other over a period of time.
  • You require responsive behavior.
  • You have less than 100 lines in the calendar.

Do not use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to show a calendar for one object and a detailed overview of appointments over a long time interval.
  • You want to show a complex or graphical representation. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.
  • You have more than 100 lines in the calendar. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.


In size S, the control provides pop-in behavior, which allows the user to see as many appointments as possible and to connect them with the corresponding object. If the toolbar contains too many actions for the space available, the overflow icon appears.

The interval section displaying the hours, days, and months is responsive and shows 12 values in size L, 8 values in size M, and 6 values in size S. You can override this behavior, but you should then check that the responsiveness is still working.

Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size S
Planning calendar - Size S


You can define what size of interval the calendar should show, and whether multi selection should be possible. Additionally, the row header and the interval appointments are optional.

The control allows multi-select mode to be shown for the list items. This can be used, for example, to delete multiple objects from the view.

An app development team must decide whether to show the planning calendar with or without multi-select mode, or whether users should be able to switch between the two modes. Hiding the interval appointments of every object is optional.

The example opposite shows what the interaction looks like if the user can trigger multi-select mode. When the user clicks or taps the button, a checkbox appears next to each list item and a Select All option is shown. Additional actions can appear or disappear in the calendar toolbar.

The planning calendar can also be shown in single-select mode. In this case, the row header disappears and only the appointments are visible. It can be used to show the calendar of one object. Note that the control was built mainly to compare time slots of different objects. For this reason, the time axis is shown horizontally and, depending on the interval, the appointments might shrink to smaller size. In this case, the text is cut off rather than truncated.

Switching to multi-select mode
Switching to multi-select mode


This section describes the various components of the planning calendar.

The control consists of different parts:

  1. Toolbar
  2. Header
  3. Calendar view
  4. List item
  5. Row header
  6. Row
  7. Appointment
  8. Interval appointment
Parts of the planning calendar
Parts of the planning calendar

1. Toolbar

The toolbar is optional and can contain a title as well as app-specific and generic actions.
If you have actions in the toolbar, we recommend that you use a title to describe the purpose of the planning calendar. For more information, check out the toolbar guideline article.

The generic actions are as follows:

  • Search
  • Add Appointment (icon: add)
  • Add New Contact (icon: add-contact)
  • Multi-sSelect Mode (icon: multi-select)
  • Legend (icon: legend)
  • Settings (icon: action-settings)
  • Full Screen (icon: full-screen/exit-full-screen)

2. Header

The calendar header comprises the left part, which includes an optional switch to see the calendar in a different view (day, month, year), and the right part, which contains the calendar view.

3. Calendar view

The calendar view defines the granularity of the appointments. You can decide what kind of view (Hours, Days, or Months or Week) the appointments display and how many values are shown. There is a default value for the number of values shown. App developers can change this value, but they should then ensure that the app is still responsive.

Week view always displays seven days in one screen. It can be found in the view select as a default view. When applications have this view available, we strongly recommended setting a different number of days displayed in the days view (more or less than seven). Otherwise, the user might be confused as the navigation the two views differs.

The start date is always the beginning of the week. This can be Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, depending on the locale data.

Users can also navigate to the next or previous view, and easily switch to another year, month, or day.

4. List item

The list item contains the row header, row, appointments, and interval appointments. Each row can show different working and non-working days. This is useful if users want to view calendars from different countries that have different weekends.

5. Row header

This identifies the object for which the appointments are shown. The row header pops in if there is not enough space. It can contain a picture or icon, a title, and a subtitle.

6. Row

All appointments that appear for an object are shown here.

7. Appointment

Appointments enable an icon or picture, a title, and a subtitle to be shown. If appointments appear simultaneously, they are shown under each other.

App developers can define the colors of different appointment types, and appointments can be shown as tentative. Appointments are fully colored.

The control can register the click event, and the app development team must define what happens next.

If the view changes and there are too many small appointments at one time, an aggregation is shown. Aggregations show a number indicating how many appointments are not fully visible in this view. This functionality will be improved in future releases. Otherwise, the click/touch area would be too small.

There are two sizes of appointments – regular and half size. The half-sized appointments can save space, but also note that they do not show a second line for details of the appointment.

8. Interval appointment

Each row can also have interval appointments. These are smaller and always appear at the top of the row. They can be used to show appointments that last for a prolonged period of time, such as vacations or workshops.

Developer Hint
To prevent waiting time, app developers should load the sap.ui.unified library.

Behavior and Interaction

To create an appointment, the user must trigger an action by clicking the Add   icon in the toolbar. Clicking directly on the row also created a new appointment.

The user can click on the appointment to see further details. The app development team must define what kind of information is then shown. For example, clicking on an appointment can trigger a popover with detailed information.

A multi-select toggle can also be provided in the toolbar. This can be used, for example, to select multiple people in order to delete them from the planning calendar.

Various tooltips can be shown, but you should not use them to show additional information because users cannot access this functionality on touch devices.

Depending on the current time interval, appointments might be smaller and the text might be cut off, not truncated. However, this should not be an issue because the main use case is to see whether there is a free time slot. Additionally, the user can click or tap the appointment to see the details.

In the month view, appointments may appear as aggregations due to lack of space for detailed visualization. Aggregations show a number indicating how many appointments are not fully visible in this view.

The “alternating rows” functionality gives users the possibility to row coloring on or off. By default, the alternating rows option is turned on.

Appointments in the calendar have two sizes, regular and half appointment. The exact sizes can be found in the visual specification. The app developer can choose the size that fits the use case, but keep in mind that the half-size appointment shows less information about the appointment.

With “hiding the interval header”, the user also has the option to hide the interval header and the space that is reserved for it. This option can be included as an icon in the toolbar.

1. Switch

The switch is optional and allows users to switch between different views. For example, a user can get an overview of a whole year by selecting the year view. The average length of appointments and the use case should decide which view is the most useful.

2. Today action

The user can trigger this action to go back to the current date.

3. Back and forward navigation

The arrows allow the user to navigate to the next or previous interval.

4. Day switch

The day switch is only available if the day view is selected. It enables the user to navigate to a different day.

5. Month switch

The month switch is available if the day or month view is selected. It allows the user to switch to a different month.

6. Year switch

Day, month, and year views enable the user to switch between different years.

Navigation parts
Navigation parts

Interaction Flow for Switching Days

There are two ways in which the user can switch to a different day:

  • Clicking or tapping the arrows to navigate to the next or previous interval.
  • Clicking or tapping the current day to open the date picker. When the user selects a day, the picker closes and navigates the user to the selected value.
Navigation flow - Switching a day
Navigation flow - Switching a day


Switching the Row Header

If you want the end user to be able to rearrange the planning calendar by switching the row header, you can implement a flexible row header. This is not done by the control and should be implemented by the app development team.

The list items in the row header can be a value of any attribute of an appointment. The appointment attributes are part of app-specific content, so they should be specified by the app development team. The control does not provide default attributes.

Our guideline is to use the select control in the place of the calendar title. The select control will contain all the attributes that can serve as the row header. When a different attribute is selected, the calendar is rearranged accordingly. You can also add a counter after the list items to indicate how many appointments fall into a specific group.

It is also possible to have both the calendar title and select control, in which case you should have first the title and then the select.

On small screen sizes, use select instead of the calendar title. If you want to keep the calendar title, place select in the overflow menu.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Rating Indicator

The rating indicator can be used to rate content or to indicate a rating. It enables users to rate an item on a numeric scale. The most popular scale is 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

Rating indicator
Rating indicator


The rating indicator runs on all form factors and therefore works on all devices. It is embedded in a container and thus behaves as part of it.

Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating indicator as part of a form



Use the rating indicator in forms, tables, or in a dialog box.

Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating Indicator as part of a table
Rating Indicator as part of a table
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box

Popover with Details

In collaborative rating scenarios, the rating indicator shows an average of all ratings. You may show the sum of ratings in brackets behind the rating indicator as a text or link. You may also add a popover that shows the detailed ratings for the average of all ratings.

Details for rating in popover
Details for rating in popover

Behavior and Interaction


When the user hovers over the rating indicator, a different icon or image is shown (property: iconHovered). This is an orange star by default.


If enabled for rating, the rating that the user previously selected is shown. When the user performs a rating, an event is triggered.


There are two types of rating indicators:

  • Interactive – used for rating an item
  • Disabled

As the non-interactive state (rating result preview) is not currently available, use the disabled state instead.

Types of rating indicator: Interactive and disabled
Types of rating indicator: Interactive and disabled


Rating Symbols

You can also specify the URLs for the images or icons that are used as rating symbols (property: iconUnselected). Five star symbols are used by default. Although you can use other images or icons, we generally recommend that you use the star symbol. You can only choose 1 symbol for the unselected and 1 for the hovered state.

Number of Rating Symbols

You can specify the number of rating symbols (property: maxValue). We recommend using a maximum of 7 symbols, although 5 symbols are preferred.

Float Values

Float values can be visualized as a half or full star (property: visualMode).

Size of Rating Symbols

The recommended sizes of the image or icon to be displayed are:

  • Small: 1 rem (16 px)
  • Medium: 1.375 rem (22 px) – default
  • Large: 2 rem (32 px)
Possible sizes of rating indicator: small, medium, large
Possible sizes of rating indicator: small, medium, large


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links


Input Field

This article was written for an earlier guideline release, and may contain outdated content. An update is in progress. If you have any questions in the meantime, please post them in our SAP User Experience Community forum. Thank you!

A text input field allows users to enter and edit text or numeric values in one line. To help users enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestion feature and the value help option.


Use the input field if:

  • The user needs to enter a short, single-line text or number.
  • The user needs to enter a password, URL, phone number, or email address.
  • The user needs to make a single selection from a large amount of data (for example, more than 200 items).
  • The user needs to find an object by searching for more than one attribute, such as an ID, city, and customer name. Use this control in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature and value help option. For a small set of values (for example, fewer than 20 items), consider using the select control. Otherwise, use the combo box (for 20–200 items).

Do not use the input field if:


In the examples below, the input field is shown in combination with the tabular autocomplete feature for different device sizes.

Size S (Smartphones)

Cozy mode:

When the user clicks or taps the input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which suggested items can be selected. Here, the pop-in feature of the responsive table is used.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone

Size M (Tablets)

Cozy mode:

The pop-in feature of the responsive table is used here, and defined columns are wrapped into a new line due to the limited space available.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet

Size L (Desktops)

Compact mode:

The full table is shown in the suggest feature.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop


Six input types are currently supported (API). Be sure to select the correct type for your use case. Depending on the input type, a different keyboard layout is displayed on a mobile device (see some sample input types).

Note: The control does not provide validation based on the type. The app development team must carry out format validation. If binding is used, validation is carried out by the model, but the error handling still needs to be taken care of on the UI.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering Text Using the Autocomplete Feature

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

Entering Text Using the Value Help Dialog

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

For information on how to manage leading and trailing whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


An input field can have four states: default, warning, error, or success.

Default state
Default state
Warning state
Warning state
Error state
Error state
Success state
Success state


Value State and Value State Message

The input control offers the four value states listed below. For the error and warning states, you can show an additional value state text when the focus is on the input field.

  1. None (default): No value state message is shown.
  2. Warning
  3. Error
  4. Success: No value state message is shown.

For more guidance on when to use which state, check out the article on message handling.


Maximum Length

Use this property to set the maximum number of characters allowed. There is no limit by default.


The placeholder, or input prompt, is a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.



You can provide an additional description on the input field, for example, for units or currency. The width of the input field and description is distributed equally by default. Although the default setting is 50%, you can change this with the fieldWidth property.

Input description
Input description


The width of the input field is set to 100% by default. Input fields are usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container that the input field is embedded in. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, and responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined by the 12-column approach.

Editable and Enabled States

The input field has three states (see examples of input states):

  1. Editable: This is the default setting.
  2. Not editable: The input field is not shown; only the value is shown. This is used in display-only forms.
  3. Disabled: The input field is shown with a visual indication that an edit is not possible, for example, due to missing editing rights.
Editable and enabled input states
Editable and enabled input states

Text Alignment

The input field offers six types of alignment for text values (API):

  • Begin
  • Center
  • End
  • Initial (default): Browser-configured alignment is used
  • Left
  • Right
Right alignment
Right alignment

Value Help

To help the user find the correct value, you can enable the value help option (propertyshowValueHelp). By enabling this option, a small value help icon is displayed in the input field on the right-hand side. Once this option is enabled, the click event can be registered and one of the following displayed:

If you want to force the user to select only existing values, you can enable the value-help-only option (see an example of the value-help-only option). In this case, the user cannot enter text in the input field. Instead, the value must be selected from the list of suggestions, or chosen using the select dialog or value help dialog.

Value help option
Value help option

The values can also be pasted into the input field by copying and pasting, or dragging and dropping, if the user prefers this. In this case, the values will be automatically transformed into conditional expressions. Example: Copying values “1234” and “5678” leads to the token generation “=1234” and “=5678”. Additionally, these values will be found within the conditions tab of the value help dialog.

Autocomplete Suggestion

The input control offers three different types of autocomplete suggestions: single, two-value, and tabular. The width of the autocomplete and the input fields are set by default, but you can change these via the maxSuggestionWidth property. The position of the suggestion box depends on the space available below the control. If there is not enough space, the suggest box is shown above the control.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Displays a list of suggestions with one left-aligned value. As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.Item is used.

See live example of single-value autocomplete suggestions.

Single value autocomplete suggestion feature
Single value autocomplete suggestion feature

Two Values with Autocomplete

The two-value autocomplete suggestion feature displays two attributes of a business object, such as an ID and a name.  As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.ListItem is used.

The text property is displayed first, left-aligned, and the additionalText property is right-aligned.

See live example of two-value autocomplete suggestions.

Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Tabular Autocomplete

This autocomplete feature displays the values in a table layout. The width of the columns is distributed equally by default.

To use the tabular autocomplete feature, use the suggestionColumns aggregation to define the columns and the correct responsive behavior for the pop-in. For more information, see the article on the responsive table.

With the showTableSuggestionValueHelp property, you can offer a Show All Items button at the end of the suggest result list. Because the number of results in the suggest functionality is limited, this option helps the user find the relevant item via an alternative dialog:

See a live example of tabular autocomplete suggestions.

Tabular autocomplete
Tabular autocomplete


Always provide a meaningful label for any input field.

Maximum Length

Limit the length of the input field. For example, if you expect the user to enter a two-digit number, limit the maximum length to two. The maximum permissible character length is not defined by default. If the backend has a limit, ensure that you set this property accordingly.


Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.


The description field should be used, for example, for displaying units or currency. Do not use a description for help text or as a label replacement. Note that the description is not placed in a new line in size S. Therefore, only use the description property for small input fields with a short description.


Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.

Text Align

Align left if:

  • Text is used. Also use left alignment for a phone number, URL, password, and email address.

Align right if:

  • Amounts and decimal numbers are used.
  • Values need to be added and compared.

Value Help

Show the value help option to help the user select the correct value (such as a customer ID) from a large data set via the:

Use this option in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature.

When the user clicks or taps the value help icon, the data entered into the input field must be transferred to the processing dialog so that the user does not have to enter the search term again. Likewise, data entered in the processing dialog must be transferred back to the input field.

Autocomplete Suggestion

Use the autocomplete suggestion feature to display real-time suggestions and to help the user enter information more accurately and efficiently. If you expect the suggest values to be longer than the input field itself, you can change the width via the maxSuggestionWidth property.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Use the single-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by only one attribute, such as an ID or a customer name.

Two Values with Autocomplete

Use the two-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by two attributes, such as a customer name and an ID. This ensures that the search is carried out for both attributes.

Tabular Autocomplete

If you need to display more than two attributes, use the tabular autocomplete feature. Try to keep the number of columns to a minimum, and focus on the columns that are really relevant for the use case. Define appropriate responsive behavior for sizes S and M. For more information, see responsive table.

The width of the columns is distributed equally by default. To avoid truncation, accurately estimate the primary attribute length and set a minimum width for this column.

Creating and Editing Objects

Sometimes a new object needs to be created if the user cannot find a specific item via autocomplete or value help. In this case, we recommend that you place the New action next to the input field.

If you want the user to be able to edit a selected object directly, you should place the Edit link next to the input field.

If both actions are needed, they should be toggled based on the content of the input field. If a valid object is selected, you should display Edit. If the input field is empty or the object is not valid, you should display New. This pattern can also be applied for the multi-input fieldcombo boxmulti-combo box, and select controls.

Input field – New and Edit actions
Input field – New and Edit actions


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Rating Indicator

The rating indicator can be used to rate content or to indicate a rating. It enables users to rate an item on a numeric scale. The most popular scale is 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

Rating indicator
Rating indicator


The rating indicator runs on all form factors and therefore works on all devices. It is embedded in a container and thus behaves as part of it.

Rating indicator as part of the form – Size S (for example, smartphone)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Size S (for example, smartphone)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Sizes M and L (for example, tablet and desktop)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Sizes M and L (for example, tablet and desktop)



Use the rating indicator in forms, tables, or in a dialog box.

Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating Indicator as part of a table
Rating Indicator as part of a table
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box

Popover with Details

In collaborative rating scenarios, the rating indicator shows an average of all ratings. You may show the sum of ratings in brackets behind the rating indicator as a text or link. You may also add a popover that shows the detailed ratings for the average of all ratings.

Details for rating in popover
Details for rating in popover

Behavior and Interaction


When the user hovers over the rating indicator, a different icon or image is shown (property: iconHovered). This is an orange star by default.


If enabled for rating, the rating that the user previously selected is shown. When the user performs a rating, an event is triggered.


There are two types of rating indicators:

  • Interactive – used for rating an item
  • Disabled

As the non-interactive state (rating result preview) is not available currently, use the disabled state instead.

Types of rating indicator: Interactive and disabled
Types of rating indicator: Interactive and disabled


Rating Symbols

You can also specify the URLs for the images or icons that are used as rating symbols (property: iconUnselected). Five star symbols are used by default. Although you can use other images or icons, we generally recommend that you use the star symbol. You can only choose 1 symbol for the unselected and 1 for the hovered state.

Number of Rating Symbols

You can specify the number of rating symbols (property: maxValue). We recommend using a maximum of 7 symbols, although 5 symbols are preferred.

Float Values

Float values can be visualized as a half or full star (property: visualMode). The rating indicator can display a half star only in preview mode (disabled).

Size of Rating Symbols

The recommended sizes of the image or icon to be displayed are:

  • Large: 2 rem (32 px)
  • Normal: 1.375 rem (22 px) – default
  • Small: 1 rem (16 px)
  • XS: 0.75rem (12px)
Possible sizes of rating indicator: Size L, size M, size S, and size XS
Possible sizes of rating indicator: Size L, size M, size S, and size XS


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A slider is a control that enables the user to adjust single values within a specified numerical range.

Slider in an input list item
Slider in an input list item


Use the slider to change values with graphical support.


The slider itself is not responsive. It adjusts to the responsiveness of its parent container by recalculating and resizing the width of the control.

The slider supports the cozy and compact form factors. The compact form factor is used for apps that run on a mouse and keyboard operated device.


Only a horizontal slider is available.

Behavior and Interaction

Changing the Value

  • If the slider is editable, the hand cursor appears when the grip is hovered.
  • The slider can be changed when the grip is adjusted via drag and drop.
  • The grip can be moved with or without increments based on the predefined steps.
  • The slider can be changed by clicking or tapping the bar. The grip then moves to this new position.
Changing the value
Changing the value

Slider with Text Fields

The slider can be used with text fields instead of tooltips. In this case, the value of the grip will be displayed.

Slider with text fields
Slider with text fields

Slider with Input Fields

The slider can be used with input fields instead of text fields – this allows the user to enter a specific value.

Slider with input fields
Slider with input fields

Slider with Tick Marks

You can apply tick marks to the slider. The tick marks are related to the step property. The tick marks are responsive. If the distance between 2 tick marks is less than 8px, all tick marks except for the first and last will disappear.

Slider with tick marks
Slider with tick marks


The slider can be shown with or without a progress bar. By default, the progress bar is shown.


Slider without progress bar
Slider without progress bar
Slider with progress bar
Slider with progress bar


  • The step property must be positive. If a negative number is provided, the default value 1 is used instead.
  • The minimum, maximum, and value properties can be decimals (float values). The slider automatically sets the minimum value to 0 and maximum value to 100 by default.
  • The width of the control can be provided in %, em, px, and all possible CSS units. The slider automatically sets the width of the slider to 100% by default.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A slider is a control that enables the user to adjust single values within a specified numerical range.

Slider in an input list item
Slider in an input list item


Use the slider to change values with graphical support.


The slider itself is not responsive. It adjusts to the responsiveness of its parent container by recalculating and resizing the width of the control.

The slider supports the cozy and compact form factors. The compact form factor is used for apps that run on a mouse and keyboard operated device.


Only a horizontal slider is available.

Behavior and Interaction

Changing the Value

  • If the slider is editable, the hand cursor appears when the grip is hovered.
  • The slider can be changed when the grip is adjusted via drag and drop.
  • The grip can be moved with or without increments based on the predefined steps.
  • The slider can be changed by clicking or tapping the bar. The grip then moves to this new position.
Changing the value
Changing the value

Slider with Text Fields

The slider can be used with text fields instead of tooltips. In this case, the value of the grip will be displayed.

Slider with text fields
Slider with text fields

Slider with Input Fields

The slider can be used with input fields instead of text fields – this allows the user to enter a specific value.

Slider with input fields
Slider with input fields


The slider can be shown with or without a progress bar. By default, the progress bar is shown.


Slider without progress bar
Slider without progress bar
Slider with progress bar
Slider with progress bar


  • The step property must be positive. If a negative number is provided, the default value 1 is used instead.
  • The minimum, maximum, and value properties can be decimals (float values). The slider automatically sets the minimum value to 0 and maximum value to 100 by default.
  • The width of the control can be provided in %, em, px, and all possible CSS units. The slider automatically sets the width of the slider to 100% by default.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control contains an Attachments header with a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right. You can overwrite both the default text Attachments and the counter (property: numberOfAttachmentsText).

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses

Technical Statuses

In contrast to the statuses mentioned above, technical statuses are not bound to a workflow or business process. Their main use is to show the current editing status of an object (Draft, Locked, Unsaved Changes). For further uses and more details see the object display components and draft handling articles.

Layout – Technical statuses
Layout – Technical statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

As long as no files have been added to the upload collection, applications need to show a mock-entry that provides users with a hint on how to upload their files.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (2)
Interaction – Upload (2)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog closes, the uploading progress is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (3)
Interaction – Upload (3)

Depending on the use case, the Add button (  ) can be either disabled or hidden.
If a user cannot upload any files at all, the button should be hidden completely.
If a user is only temporarily unable to upload files (for example, due to the server connection), the button should only be disabled to indicate that this state is temporary.

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename (  ) button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename  (  ) and Remove  buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction – Example of edit dialog
Interaction – Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Remove  button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Clickable Attributes

Object attributes can be made clickable. This can be very helpful to provide users with a direct way to access certain information such as a person’s profile, contact data, or the version history of a file.


Uploaded By: John Miller

Last Edited By: Donna Moore

Version 1.1

Do not use more than two or three linked attributes per item. Excessive use of clickable attributes will overload the UI with interactive elements and have a negative impact on usability.

If your attribute is a label or value pair, please notice that currently both label and value are linked (instead of just the value). We plan to separate them into a read-only label and clickable value.

Sorting and Filtering

Applications can enable sorting and filtering by placing the respective buttons next to the Add ) button. If both functions are provided separately, place Sort (  ) first, followed by Filter ). Each button should trigger the respective popover or dialog.

It is also possible to use the view settings dialog to handle both sorting and filtering in the same step. If you do this, use a combined button named Sort and Filter.

Interaction – Sort and Filter (1)
Interaction – Sort and Filter (1)

If a Filter is Set

Keep in mind to show the info bar if a filter is set. The sorting criteria should not be displayed in the info bar.

Clicking the info bar should bring up…
…the filter dialog if sorting and filtering are provided via separate buttons.
…the view settings dialog if only one Sort and Filter button is used.

Optionally, a button can be provided on the right hand side of the info bar to remove all filters.

Interaction – Sort and Filter (2)
Interaction – Sort and Filter (2)

Custom and Bulk Actions

App developers can introduce their own actions and apply an action to multiple objects (bulk actions).

Place both custom and bulk actions in the toolbar of the upload collection control. For the order of the actions, apply the same rules as for other toolbars.

If you want to use custom or bulk actions, you must use multiple selection (property: mode = MultiSelect). This mode removes the actions from each item. Instead, offer all necessary actions in the toolbar.

Interaction – Multi selection
Interaction – Multi selection

Uploading a New Version

With SAPUI5 version 1.38 and higher, the old version of an upload collection will be automatically replaced when the user uploads a newer version. This change no longer requires the user to delete the old version manually.

To upload a new version, the user needs to select a file and click Upload New Version. This button needs to be provided by the application as a custom action (see previous section). The following dialog (identical to standard uploading procedure) allows the user to pick a new file to replace the old one.

Developer Hint
The parameter UploadCollectionItem can be used to update a file with a newer version. The old version will be removed from the list automatically while the new version is uploaded. For more information, visit UI5 Explored.

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)

Placing the focus back on the field shows the error message (form field validation).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Remove buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar / Smart Filter Bar

The filter bar filters item lists and tables according to various filter criteria. You can use it for both simple and complex lists, regardless of their size. To handle complex lists with multiple filters, the filter bar provides predefined, customizable filter sets (variants).

From a UX point of view, the filter bar and the smart filter bar work in the same way even though they are generated differently. The filter bar is configured by app developers, while the smart filter bar is generated from data services and provides a variety of automatic functions. This article contains information about both filter bars.


Because tables appear in many apps, from simple to complex ones, the filter bar needs to be able to run on all form factors. While the main concept of the filter bar remains stable across the devices, its responsive design adapts the control’s behavior to match the ability of each device. The desktop mode (XL/L) and tablet mode (M) provide a special optimization (expanded filter bar) to make use of the desktop’s additional screen real estate.

Size S (Smartphones)

Filter bar (size S)
Filter bar (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Size M (Tablet)

Filter bar
Filter bar
Filter dialog (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)

Size L/XL (Desktops)

Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)


Filter Dialog

The filters inside the filter dialog are arranged in a vertical linear layout. If filter groups are maintained, the filters are visually grouped in sections with the filter group name at the top. The vertical layout of the filter dialog remains stable across all devices. To ensure a clean grid layout appearance, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters.
Filters dialog
Filters dialog

Expanded Filter Bar (Desktop and Tablet Only)

The expanded filter bar arranges the input fields in a simple horizontal linear layout. If the browser’s window size is reduced or the filters exceed the first line, a simple mechanism opens a new line of filters. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the filters that need to be shown. The label is always above the input field. As in the filter dialog, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters. This avoids having unstable and busy-looking grid layouts.
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)


Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving the bulk of the screen to display the actual results. However, the variant selector in the upper left corner is still available for switching between variants. On the right side, the user can expand or collapse the filter bar (Show Filter Bar), open the filter dialog to view all filters for the selected variant (Filters (x), where “x” stands for the number of active filters), and execute the current filter set by clicking the Go button. The collapsed filter bar is available across all devices. If required by the use case, the filter bar can be expanded by default.
Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

Expanded Filter Bar

Developer Hint
In addition to the collapsed filter bar, the expanded filter bar shows a user-defined filter subset of the currently selected variant. The expand mechanism is only available on desktop devices.
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Filter Dialog

Developer Hint

The filter dialog is the central component that shows all filters of the selected variant, allowing the user to add filters to the variant or remove then. Filters are arranged into their respective filter groups. The user can search for a specific filter by name by using the search bar at the top. Inside the filter dialog, a variant selector is available to quickly switch between variants (you can hide the variant selector if it does not fit the app’s use case). The variant name also indicates if a variant has been modified. The footer toolbar at the bottom of the dialog provides the following functions:

  • Save: Saves your modified variant filter set (Save and Save As can be provided).
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog and undoes all changes.
    Note: Due to technical challenges, a Close button appears instead of the Cancel button. As an interim solution, the Close button only closes the dialog, but does not undo any changes.
  • Clear: Clears all input fields/filters (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Restore: Restores the initial variant values (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Go: Executes the selected filter set.

On desktops, the user can add filters to the expanded filter bar by selecting the relevant checkbox next to the filter (for example, frequently-edited or important filters).

Filter dialog
Filter dialog

Variant Selector

The variant selector is used to select the current variant, and also provides access to variant management.
Variant selector
Variant selector

Filter/Input Controls

Developer Hint
For development information, see data types for the smart filter bar.
Filter/input controls
Filter/input controls

Which filter control is used in the filter dialog or the expanded filter bar depends on the use case. Use the value help control if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog. If there is a predefined list for single or multiple selection, use the combo box control. For temporal information you can use the date picker or date range selector.

Behavior and Interaction

The filter bar contains the following actions:

Selecting a Variant

The main use case for the filter bar is to select and execute variants that influence the list of items. In this example, the variant applies its filter set automatically. The item list is filtered without the user needing to click Go.

Adding Filters to a Variant

In the filter dialog the user can access more filters for every filter group. Filters can then be added or removed in a separate dialog. Once a filter has been added or removed, it appears or disappears from the filter dialog. Furthermore, the variant indicates its modified state with the variant selector. Note: Adding a filter to the variant (as shown) does not automatically add the new filter to the personalized expanded filter bar.

Personalize Expanded Filter Bar

Users can hide a filter on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the checkbox next to the relevant filter in the filter dialog. This allows the user to hide filters that are rarely changed from the extended filter bar, giving complex filters a more lightweight appearance.
Note: The expanded filter bar is only available on desktops.


Default Variant Filters

Only important and frequently used filters should be selected for the app-defined initial filter subset hosted inside the expanded filter bar. Which filter should be added to the expanded filter bar generally depends on the use case and the user’s personal preference.
Default variant
Default variant

Table Filtering and Table Searching

Because the filters of the filter bar and the filter option of the table can contain confusing or even contradictory entries, you must deactivate the filter option of the table.
Table without filtering option
Table without filtering option
Table with filtering option
Table with filtering option

Initial State


The filter bar can initially be collapsed or expanded, depending on the use case:

Initial State Collapsed

If the app has a default variant that is executed on loading, the table is prefilled, and the user seldom changes the filters, the app can start with a collapsed filter bar.

Initial State Expanded

If the app does not use a default variant and the user has to set a filter to obtain a first result set for the table, start with an expanded filter bar. Also, if a vast number of items are expected, include some mandatory filters. Since the user first has to enter values for these filters, start with an expanded filter bar. If you are in any doubt, start the app with an expanded filter bar.

Note: At least one filter must be defined to begin with. This filter is set within the basic group by app designers. If the use case allows, and depending on the size of the result set, provide a table that is initially filled.

Initial state collapsed
Initial state collapsed
Initial state expanded
Initial state expanded

Basic Search Field

The basic search field allows the user to filter the results by a given keyword. In contrast to the other input fields, the basic search field is located next to the variant management. If the filter bar is collapsed, the basic search field is the only input that is still visible. The basic search field is the only one that cannot be excluded from the filter bar via the filter dialog.
Note: If you need to provide a search field, use the basic search field. The search field within the table must be deactivated.
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed

Manual Update/Live Update

The filter bar is available in two separate modes: manual update mode and live update mode.

Manual Update

With manual update, the filter results are only updated when the user clicks or taps Go. A Go button is therefore essential in manual update mode. If a search field is used, it is only triggered by the Go button, and not instantly.

Live Update

With live update mode, the filter bar reacts instantly to every input change. The result table is updated every time the user changes a filter field or the search field. Therefore, a Go button is not necessary and is not shown if live update mode is used.

Additionally, the search is triggered with every letter that is entered. Starting with the first letter typed in, the table is updated with the results that match all set filters that include the search term.

Which One to Use

Use live update mode by default as it is more convenient for the user. If the user has to configure multiple filters to obtain a useful result set, or if the resulting traffic is expected to be excessively high, consider using manual update mode instead.

Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in live update mode
Filter bar in live update mode


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar / Smart Filter Bar

The filter bar filters item lists and tables according to various filter criteria. You can use it for both simple and complex lists, regardless of their size. To handle complex lists with multiple filters, the filter bar provides predefined, customizable filter sets (variants).

From a UX point of view, the filter bar and the smart filter bar work in the same way even though they are generated differently. The filter bar is configured by app developers, while the smart filter bar is generated from data services and provides a variety of automatic functions. This article contains information about both filter bars.


Because tables appear in many apps, from simple to complex ones, the filter bar needs to be able to run on all form factors. While the main concept of the filter bar remains stable across the devices, its responsive design adapts the control’s behavior to match the ability of each device. The desktop mode (XL/L) and tablet mode (M) provide a special optimization (expanded filter bar) to make use of the desktop’s additional screen real estate.

Size S (Smartphones)

Filter bar (size S)
Filter bar (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Size M (Tablet)

Filter bar
Filter bar
Filter dialog (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)

Size L/XL (Desktops)

Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)


Filter Dialog

The filters inside the filter dialog are arranged in a vertical linear layout. If filter groups are maintained, the filters are visually grouped in sections with the filter group name at the top. The vertical layout of the filter dialog remains stable across all devices. To ensure a clean grid layout appearance, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters.
Filters dialog
Filters dialog

Expanded Filter Bar (Desktop and Tablet Only)

The expanded filter bar arranges the input fields in a simple horizontal linear layout. If the browser’s window size is reduced or the filters exceed the first line, a simple mechanism opens a new line of filters. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the filters that need to be shown. The label is always above the input field. As in the filter dialog, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters. This avoids having unstable and busy-looking grid layouts.
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)


Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving the bulk of the screen to display the actual results. However, the variant selector in the upper left corner is still available for switching between variants. On the right side, the user can expand or collapse the filter bar (Show Filter Bar), open the filter dialog to view all filters for the selected variant (Filters (x), where “x” stands for the number of active filters), and execute the current filter set by clicking the Go button. The collapsed filter bar is available across all devices. If required by the use case, the filter bar can be expanded by default.
Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

Expanded Filter Bar

Developer Hint
In addition to the collapsed filter bar, the expanded filter bar shows a user-defined filter subset of the currently selected variant. The expand mechanism is only available on desktop devices.
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Filter Dialog

Developer Hint

The filter dialog is the central component that shows all filters of the selected variant, allowing the user to add filters to the variant or remove then. Filters are arranged into their respective filter groups. The user can search for a specific filter by name by using the search bar at the top. Inside the filter dialog, a variant selector is available to quickly switch between variants (you can hide the variant selector if it does not fit the app’s use case). The variant name also indicates if a variant has been modified. The footer toolbar at the bottom of the dialog provides the following functions:

  • Save: Saves your modified variant filter set (Save and Save As can be provided).
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog and undoes all changes.
    Note: Due to technical challenges, a Close button appears instead of the Cancel button. As an interim solution, the Close button only closes the dialog, but does not undo any changes.
  • Clear: Clears all input fields/filters (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Restore: Restores the initial variant values (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Go: Executes the selected filter set.

On desktops, the user can add filters to the expanded filter bar by selecting the relevant checkbox next to the filter (for example, frequently-edited or important filters).

Filter dialog
Filter dialog

Variant Selector

The variant selector is used to select the current variant, and also provides access to variant management.
Variant selector
Variant selector

Filter/Input Controls

Developer Hint
For development information, see data types for the smart filter bar.
Filter/input controls
Filter/input controls

Which filter control is used in the filter dialog or the expanded filter bar depends on the use case. Use the value help control if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog. If there is a predefined list for single or multiple selection, use the combo box control. For temporal information you can use the date picker or date range selector.

Behavior and Interaction

The filter bar contains the following actions:

Selecting a Variant

The main use case for the filter bar is to select and execute variants that influence the list of items. In this example, the variant applies its filter set automatically. The item list is filtered without the user needing to click Go.

Adding Filters to a Variant

In the filter dialog the user can access more filters for every filter group. Filters can then be added or removed in a separate dialog. Once a filter has been added or removed, it appears or disappears from the filter dialog. Furthermore, the variant indicates its modified state with the variant selector. Note: Adding a filter to the variant (as shown) does not automatically add the new filter to the personalized expanded filter bar.

Personalize Expanded Filter Bar

Users can hide a filter on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the checkbox next to the relevant filter in the filter dialog. This allows the user to hide filters that are rarely changed from the extended filter bar, giving complex filters a more lightweight appearance.
Note: The expanded filter bar is only available on desktops.


Default Variant Filters

Only important and frequently used filters should be selected for the app-defined initial filter subset hosted inside the expanded filter bar. Which filter should be added to the expanded filter bar generally depends on the use case and the user’s personal preference.
Default variant
Default variant

Table Filtering and Table Searching

Because the filters of the filter bar and the filter option of the table can contain confusing or even contradictory entries, you must deactivate the filter option of the table.
Table without filtering option
Table without filtering option
Table with filtering option
Table with filtering option

Initial State


The filter bar can initially be collapsed or expanded, depending on the use case:

Initial State Collapsed

If the app has a default variant that is executed on loading, the table is prefilled, and the user seldom changes the filters, the app can start with a collapsed filter bar.

Initial State Expanded

If the app does not use a default variant and the user has to set a filter to obtain a first result set for the table, start with an expanded filter bar. Also, if a vast number of items are expected, include some mandatory filters. Since the user first has to enter values for these filters, start with an expanded filter bar. If you are in any doubt, start the app with an expanded filter bar.

Note: At least one filter must be defined to begin with. This filter is set within the basic group by app designers. If the use case allows, and depending on the size of the result set, provide a table that is initially filled.

Initial state collapsed
Initial state collapsed
Initial state expanded
Initial state expanded

Basic Search Field

The basic search field allows the user to filter the results by a given keyword. In contrast to the other input fields, the basic search field is located next to the variant management. If the filter bar is collapsed, the basic search field is the only input that is still visible. The basic search field is the only one that cannot be excluded from the filter bar via the filter dialog.
Note: If you need to provide a search field, use the basic search field. The search field within the table must be deactivated.
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed

Manual Update/Live Update

The filter bar is available in two separate modes: manual update mode and live update mode.

Manual Update

With manual update, the filter results are only updated when the user clicks or taps Go. A Go button is therefore essential in manual update mode. If a search field is used, it is only triggered by the Go button, and not instantly.

Live Update

With live update mode, the filter bar reacts instantly to every input change. The result table is updated every time the user changes a filter field or the search field. Therefore, a Go button is not necessary and is not shown if live update mode is used.

Additionally, the search is triggered with every letter that is entered. Starting with the first letter typed in, the table is updated with the results that match all set filters that include the search term.

Which One to Use

Use live update mode by default as it is more convenient for the user. If the user has to configure multiple filters to obtain a useful result set, or if the resulting traffic is expected to be excessively high, consider using manual update mode instead.

Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in live update mode
Filter bar in live update mode


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar / Smart Filter Bar

The filter bar filters item lists and tables according to various filter criteria. You can use it for both simple and complex lists, regardless of their size. To handle complex lists with multiple filters, the filter bar provides predefined, customizable filter sets (variants).

From a UX point of view, the filter bar and the smart filter bar work in the same way even though they are generated differently. The filter bar is configured by app developers, while the smart filter bar is generated from data services and provides a variety of automatic functions. This article contains information about both filter bars.


Because tables appear in many apps, from simple to complex ones, the filter bar needs to run on all form factors. While the main concept of the filter bar remains stable across the devices, its responsive design adapts the control’s behavior to match the ability of each device.

Size S (Smartphones)

Expanded filter bar (size S)
Expanded filter bar (size S)
Collapsed filter bar (size S)
Collapsed filter bar (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Size M (Tablet)

Expanded filter bar (size M)
Expanded filter bar (size M)
Collapsed filter bar (size M)
Collapsed filter bar (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)

Size L/XL (Desktops)

Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)


Filter Dialog

The filters inside the filter dialog are arranged in a vertical linear layout. If filter groups are maintained, the filters are visually grouped in sections, with the filter group name at the top. A link at the end of each group allows the user to add or remove filters from that group. The link text is Change Filters if at least one filter is activated, indicating that filters can be added or removed. If no filters have been set for the group, the link text is More Filters, indicating that more filters can be added.
The first group is called “Basic” and contains the preset filters that come with the app. A checkbox next to each filter enables the user to show the corresponding filter on the expanded filter bar. If the checkbox is selected, the filter is shown on the expanded filter bar. If the checkbox is not selected, the filter is only visible within the filter dialog. In both cases, the filter is active if a value is entered.
The vertical layout of the filter dialog remains stable across all devices. To ensure a clean grid layout appearance, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters.
Filter dialog (size L)
Filter dialog (size L)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Expanded Filter Bar

The expanded filter bar arranges the input fields in a simple horizontal linear layout. If the browser’s window size is reduced or the filters exceed the first line, a simple mechanism opens a new line of filters. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the filters that need to be shown. The label is always above the input field. As in the filter dialog, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters. This avoids having unstable and busy-looking grid layouts.
Filter bar (size L) with one row of filters
Filter bar (size L) with one row of filters
Filter Bar (Size L) with more than one row of filters
Filter Bar (Size L) with more than one row of filters
Filter bar (size S) with vertical filters
Filter bar (size S) with vertical filters


Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving the bulk of the screen to display the actual results. However, the variant selector in the upper left corner is still available for switching between variants. The user can expand or collapse the filter bar by clicking on the header. If required by the use case, the filter bar can be expanded by default.
On desktop and tablet devices, the collapsed filter bar shows a summary of the filters currently applied. It shows Filtered By (x):, where “x” stands for the number of applied filters. This is followed by a comma-separated list of the filters currently applied. Up to 5 filters are listed. If more filters have been applied, an ellipsis (…) shows at the end of the string. If no filters have been applied, the summary text is Filtered By: None.
Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

Expanded Filter Bar

Developer Hint
In addition to the collapsed filter bar, the expanded filter bar shows a user-defined filter subset of the currently selected variant.
The Adapt Filters (x) link opens the filter dialog, and allows the user to add filters or hide them. The Go button triggers the filter. The Go button is only shown in manual mode.
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Filter Dialog

Developer Hint

The filter dialog is the central component that shows all filters of the selected variant, allowing the user to add filters to the variant or remove them. Filters are arranged into their respective filter groups. The user can search for a specific filter by name in the search bar at the top.

The footer toolbar at the bottom of the dialog provides the following functions:

  • Save: Saves your modified variant filter set (Save and Save As can be provided)
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog and undoes all changes
  • Restore: Restores the initial variant values (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case)
  • Go: Executes the selected filter set
  • Clear (optional): Clears all input fields/filters (this button should only be used if it fits the app’s use case)

The user can choose to hide filters on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the relevant checkbox next to the filter in the filter dialog (for example, if a filter is rarely edited, or unimportant).

Filter dialog
Filter dialog

Variant Selector

The variant selector is used to select the current variant, and also provides access to variant management.
Variant selector
Variant selector

Filter/Input Controls

Developer Hint
For development information, see data types for the smart filter bar.
Filter/input controls
Filter/input controls

Which filter control is used in the filter dialog or the expanded filter bar depends on the use case. Use the value help control if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog. If there is a predefined list for single or multiple selection, use the combo box control. For temporal information you can use the date picker or date range selector.

Behavior and Interaction

The filter bar contains the following actions:

Select a Variant

The main use case for the filter bar is to select and execute variants that influence the list of items. In this example, the variant applies its filter set automatically. The item list is filtered without the user needing to click Go.

Adding Filters to a Variant

In the filter dialog the user can access more filters for every filter group. Filters can then be added or removed in a separate dialog. Once a filter has been added or removed, it appears or disappears from the filter dialog. If the user selects the checkbox next to the filter, the filter is displayed on the extended filter bar.

Personalizing the Expanded Filter Bar

Users can hide a filter on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the checkbox next to the relevant filter in the filter dialog. This allows the user to hide filters that are rarely changed from the extended filter bar, giving complex filters a more lightweight appearance.


Default Variant Filters

For all filter bars, provide a set of predefined default filters that come with the app (“Basic” group in the filter dialog). Include filters that are:
  • Mandatory / crucial to the use case
  • Frequently used
  • Vital for reducing the number of items in the list
Users can hide filters in the “Basic” group, but cannot remove them from the filter dialog.
Default variant
Default variant "Basic"

Default Values

Provide a meaningful default value for as many filters as possible. Meaningful default values depend on your use case.

A default value for date ranges, for example, should reflect the time frame the user would normally apply. App designers need to decide which time frame is appropriate.

Appropriate default values are particularly crucial for filter sets and list reports that operate on large data sets. In this case, consider making certain default filters mandatory to help the user avoid loading very large datasets unnecessarily.

Filter without default value
Filter without default value
Filter with available Values
Filter with available Values
Filter with a default value
Filter with a default value

Table Filtering and Table Searching

Provide the user with a central location filtering and searching. If you use a filter bar, do not provide filter options or search options for the control below (for example, a table, chart, or list.). Avoiding multiple filter locations also helps to prevent confusing or contradictory entries (for example between the filter bar and a table filter).
Table without filtering option
Table without filtering option
Table with filtering option
Table with filtering option

Initial State

The filter bar can initially be collapsed or expanded, depending on the use case:

Initial State Collapsed

If the app has a default variant that is executed on loading, the table is prefilled, and the user seldom changes the filters, the app can start with a collapsed filter bar.

Initial State Expanded

If the app does not use a default variant and the user has to set a filter to obtain a first result set for the table, start with an expanded filter bar. Also, if a vast number of items are expected, include some mandatory filters. Since the user first has to enter values for these filters, start with an expanded filter bar. If you are in any doubt, start the app with an expanded filter bar.

Note: At least one filter must be defined to begin with. This filter is set within the basic group by app designers. If the use case allows, and depending on the size of the result set, provide a table that is initially filled.

Initial state collapsed
Initial state collapsed
Initial state expanded
Initial state expanded

Basic Search Field

The basic search field allows the user to filter the results by a given keyword. In contrast to the other input fields, the basic search field has a placeholder text instead of a label.
Note: If you need to provide a search field, use the basic search field. The search field within the table must be deactivated.
Filter bar with basic search field
Filter bar with basic search field

Manual Update/Live Update

The filter bar is available in two separate modes: manual update mode and live update mode.

Manual Update

With manual update, the filter results are only updated when the user clicks or taps Go. A Go button is therefore mandatory in manual update mode. Pressing enter on the keyboard also triggers the filter.

Live Update

With live update mode, the filter bar reacts instantly to every input change. The result table is updated every time the user changes a filter field or the search field. Therefore, a Go button is not necessary and is not shown if live update mode is used.

Additionally, the search is triggered with every letter that is entered. Starting with the first letter typed in, the table is updated with the results that match all set filters that include the search term.

Which One to Use

Use live update mode by default as it is more convenient for the user. If the user has to configure multiple filters to obtain a useful result set, or if the resulting traffic is expected to be excessively high, consider using manual update mode instead.

On mobile devices, only the Go button and manual mode are available.
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in live update mode
Filter bar in live update mode


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar / Smart Filter Bar

The filter bar filters item lists and tables according to various filter criteria. You can use it for both simple and complex lists, regardless of their size. To handle complex lists with multiple filters, the filter bar provides predefined, customizable filter sets (variants).

From a UX point of view, the filter bar and the smart filter bar work in the same way even though they are generated differently. The filter bar is configured by app developers, while the smart filter bar is generated from data services and provides a variety of automatic functions. This article contains information about both filter bars.


Because tables appear in many apps, from simple to complex ones, the filter bar needs to be able to run on all form factors. While the main concept of the filter bar remains stable across the devices, its responsive design adapts the control’s behavior to match the ability of each device. The desktop mode (XL/L) and tablet mode (M) provide a special optimization (expanded filter bar) to make use of the desktop’s additional screen real estate.

Size S (Smartphones)

Filter bar (size S)
Filter bar (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Size M (Tablet)

Filter bar (size M)
Filter bar (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)

Size L/XL (Desktops)

Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)


Filter Dialog

The filters inside the filter dialog are arranged in a vertical linear layout. If filter groups are maintained, the filters are visually grouped in sections with the filter group name at the top. The vertical layout of the filter dialog remains stable across all devices. To ensure a clean grid layout appearance, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters.
Filters dialog
Filters dialog

Expanded Filter Bar (Desktop and Tablet Only)

The expanded filter bar arranges the input fields in a simple horizontal linear layout. If the browser’s window size is reduced or the filters exceed the first line, a simple mechanism opens a new line of filters. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the filters that need to be shown. The label is always above the input field. As in the filter dialog, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters. This avoids having unstable and busy-looking grid layouts.
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)


Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving the bulk of the screen to display the actual results. However, the variant selector in the upper left corner is still available for switching between variants. On the right side, the user can expand or collapse the filter bar (Show Filter Bar), open the filter dialog to view all filters for the selected variant (Filters (x), where “x” stands for the number of active filters), and execute the current filter set by clicking the Go button. The collapsed filter bar is available across all devices. If required by the use case, the filter bar can be expanded by default.
Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

Expanded Filter Bar

In addition to the collapsed filter bar, the expanded filter bar shows a user-defined filter subset of the currently selected variant. The expand mechanism is only available on desktop devices.
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Filter Dialog

The filter dialog is the central component that shows all filters of the selected variant, allowing the user to add filters to the variant or remove then. Filters are arranged into their respective filter groups. The user can search for a specific filter by name by using the search bar at the top. Inside the filter dialog, a variant selector is available to quickly switch between variants (you can hide the variant selector if it does not fit the app’s use case). The variant name also indicates if a variant has been modified. The footer toolbar at the bottom of the dialog provides the following functions:

  • Save: Saves your modified variant filter set (Save and Save As can be provided).
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog and undoes all changes.
    Note: Due to technical challenges, a Close button appears instead of the Cancel button. As an interim solution, the Close button only closes the dialog, but does not undo any changes.
  • Clear: Clears all input fields/filters (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Restore: Restores the initial variant values (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Go: Executes the selected filter set.

On desktops, the user can add filters to the expanded filter bar by selecting the relevant checkbox next to the filter (for example, frequently-edited or important filters).

Filter dialog
Filter dialog

Variant Selector

The variant selector is used to select the current variant, and also provides access to variant management.
Variant selector
Variant selector

Filter/Input Controls

Filter/input controls
Filter/input controls

Which filter control is used in the filter dialog or the expanded filter bar depends on the use case. Use the value help control if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog. If there is a predefined list for single or multiple selection, use the combo box control. For temporal information you can use the date picker or date range selector.

Behavior and Interaction

The filter bar contains the following actions:

Selecting a Variant

The main use case for the filter bar is to select and execute variants that influence the list of items. In this example, the variant applies its filter set automatically. The item list is filtered without the user needing to click Go.

Adding Filters to a Variant

In the filter dialog the user can access more filters for every filter group. Filters can then be added or removed in a separate dialog. Once a filter has been added or removed, it appears or disappears from the filter dialog. Furthermore, the variant indicates its modified state with the variant selector. Note: Adding a filter to the variant (as shown) does not automatically add the new filter to the personalized expanded filter bar.

Personalize Expanded Filter Bar

Users can hide a filter on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the checkbox next to the relevant filter in the filter dialog. This allows the user to hide filters that are rarely changed from the extended filter bar, giving complex filters a more lightweight appearance.
Note: The expanded filter bar is only available on desktops.


Default Variant Filters

Only important and frequently used filters should be selected for the app-defined initial filter subset hosted inside the expanded filter bar. Which filter should be added to the expanded filter bar generally depends on the use case and the user’s personal preference.
Default variant
Default variant

Table Filtering and Table Searching

Because the filters of the filter bar and the filter option of the table can contain confusing or even contradictory entries, you must deactivate the filter option of the table.
Table without filtering option
Table without filtering option
Table with filtering option
Table with filtering option

Initial State


The filter bar can initially be collapsed or expanded, depending on the use case:

Initial State Collapsed

If the app has a default variant that is executed on loading, the table is prefilled, and the user seldom changes the filters, the app can start with a collapsed filter bar.

Initial State Expanded

If the app does not use a default variant and the user has to set a filter to obtain a first result set for the table, start with an expanded filter bar. Also, if a vast number of items are expected, include some mandatory filters. Since the user first has to enter values for these filters, start with an expanded filter bar. If you are in any doubt, start the app with an expanded filter bar.

Note: At least one filter must be defined to begin with. This filter is set within the basic group by app designers. If the use case allows, and depending on the size of the result set, provide a table that is initially filled.

Initial state collapsed
Initial state collapsed
Initial state expanded
Initial state expanded

Basic Search Field

The basic search field allows the user to filter the results by a given keyword. In contrast to the other input fields, the basic search field is located next to the variant management. If the filter bar is collapsed, the basic search field is the only input that is still visible. The basic search field is the only one that cannot be excluded from the filter bar via the filter dialog.
Note: If you need to provide a search field, use the basic search field. The search field within the table must be deactivated.
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed

Manual Update/Live Update

The filter bar is available in two separate modes: manual update mode and live update mode.

Manual Update

With manual update, the filter results are only updated when the user clicks or taps Go. A Go button is therefore essential in manual update mode. If a search field is used, it is only triggered by the Go button, and not instantly.

Live Update

With live update mode, the filter bar reacts instantly to every input change. The result table is updated every time the user changes a filter field or the search field. Therefore, a Go button is not necessary and is not shown if live update mode is used.

Additionally, the search is triggered with every letter that is entered. Starting with the first letter typed in, the table is updated with the results that match all set filters that include the search term.

Which One to Use

Use live update mode by default as it is more convenient for the user. If the user has to configure multiple filters to obtain a useful result set, or if the resulting traffic is expected to be excessively high, consider using manual update mode instead.

Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in live update mode
Filter bar in live update mode


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Filter Bar / Smart Filter Bar

The filter bar filters item lists and tables according to various filter criteria. You can use it for both simple and complex lists, regardless of their size. To handle complex lists with multiple filters, the filter bar provides predefined, customizable filter sets (variants).

From a UX point of view, the filter bar and the smart filter bar work in the same way even though they are generated differently. The filter bar is configured by app developers, while the smart filter bar is generated from data services and provides a variety of automatic functions. This article contains information about both filter bars.


Because tables appear in many apps, from simple to complex ones, the filter bar needs to be able to run on all form factors. While the main concept of the filter bar remains stable across the devices, its responsive design adapts the control’s behavior to match the ability of each device. The desktop mode (XL/L) and tablet mode (M) provide a special optimization (expanded filter bar) to make use of the desktop’s additional screen real estate.

Size S (Smartphones)

Filter bar (size S)
Filter bar (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)
Filter dialog (size S)

Size M (Tablet)

Filter bar
Filter bar
Filter dialog (size M)
Filter dialog (size M)

Size L/XL (Desktops)

Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Collapsed filter bar (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Filter dialog (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)
Expanded filter bar (size L/XL)


Filter Dialog

The filters inside the filter dialog are arranged in a vertical linear layout. If filter groups are maintained, the filters are visually grouped in sections with the filter group name at the top. The vertical layout of the filter dialog remains stable across all devices. To ensure a clean grid layout appearance, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters.
Filters dialog
Filters dialog

Expanded Filter Bar (Desktop and Tablet Only)

The expanded filter bar arranges the input fields in a simple horizontal linear layout. If the browser’s window size is reduced or the filters exceed the first line, a simple mechanism opens a new line of filters. The height of the expanded filter bar is not limited and adjusts to accommodate the filters that need to be shown. The label is always above the input field. As in the filter dialog, the size of the widest input field is inherited by all other filters. This avoids having unstable and busy-looking grid layouts.
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)
Expanded filter bar (desktop only)


Collapsed Filter Bar

The collapsed filter bar takes up very little space, leaving the bulk of the screen to display the actual results. However, the variant selector in the upper left corner is still available for switching between variants. On the right side, the user can expand or collapse the filter bar (Show Filter Bar), open the filter dialog to view all filters for the selected variant (Filters (x), where “x” stands for the number of active filters), and execute the current filter set by clicking the Go button. The collapsed filter bar is available across all devices. If required by the use case, the filter bar can be expanded by default.
Collapsed filter bar
Collapsed filter bar

Expanded Filter Bar

Developer Hint
In addition to the collapsed filter bar, the expanded filter bar shows a user-defined filter subset of the currently selected variant. The expand mechanism is only available on desktop devices.
Expanded filter bar
Expanded filter bar

Filter Dialog

Developer Hint

The filter dialog is the central component that shows all filters of the selected variant, allowing the user to add filters to the variant or remove then. Filters are arranged into their respective filter groups. The user can search for a specific filter by name by using the search bar at the top. Inside the filter dialog, a variant selector is available to quickly switch between variants (you can hide the variant selector if it does not fit the app’s use case). The variant name also indicates if a variant has been modified. The footer toolbar at the bottom of the dialog provides the following functions:

  • Save: Saves your modified variant filter set (Save and Save As can be provided).
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog and undoes all changes.
    Note: Due to technical challenges, a Close button appears instead of the Cancel button. As an interim solution, the Close button only closes the dialog, but does not undo any changes.
  • Clear: Clears all input fields/filters (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Restore: Restores the initial variant values (you can hide this button if it does not fit the app’s use case).
  • Go: Executes the selected filter set.

On desktops, the user can add filters to the expanded filter bar by selecting the relevant checkbox next to the filter (for example, frequently-edited or important filters).

Filter dialog
Filter dialog

Variant Selector

The variant selector is used to select the current variant, and also provides access to variant management.
Variant selector
Variant selector

Filter/Input Controls

Developer Hint
For development information, see data types for the smart filter bar.
Filter/input controls
Filter/input controls

Which filter control is used in the filter dialog or the expanded filter bar depends on the use case. Use the value help control if you want to offer an advanced function for selecting single or multiple items either inline (by entering text) or by means of a dialog. If there is a predefined list for single or multiple selection, use the combo box control. For temporal information you can use the date picker or date range selector.

Behavior and Interaction

The filter bar contains the following actions:

Selecting a Variant

The main use case for the filter bar is to select and execute variants that influence the list of items. In this example, the variant applies its filter set automatically. The item list is filtered without the user needing to click Go.

Adding Filters to a Variant

In the filter dialog the user can access more filters for every filter group. Filters can then be added or removed in a separate dialog. Once a filter has been added or removed, it appears or disappears from the filter dialog. Furthermore, the variant indicates its modified state with the variant selector. Note: Adding a filter to the variant (as shown) does not automatically add the new filter to the personalized expanded filter bar.

Personalize Expanded Filter Bar

Users can hide a filter on the expanded filter bar by deselecting the checkbox next to the relevant filter in the filter dialog. This allows the user to hide filters that are rarely changed from the extended filter bar, giving complex filters a more lightweight appearance.
Note: The expanded filter bar is only available on desktops.


Default Variant Filters

Only important and frequently used filters should be selected for the app-defined initial filter subset hosted inside the expanded filter bar. Which filter should be added to the expanded filter bar generally depends on the use case and the user’s personal preference.
Default variant
Default variant

Table Filtering and Table Searching

Because the filters of the filter bar and the filter option of the table can contain confusing or even contradictory entries, you must deactivate the filter option of the table.
Table without filtering option
Table without filtering option
Table with filtering option
Table with filtering option

Initial State


The filter bar can initially be collapsed or expanded, depending on the use case:

Initial State Collapsed

If the app has a default variant that is executed on loading, the table is prefilled, and the user seldom changes the filters, the app can start with a collapsed filter bar.

Initial State Expanded

If the app does not use a default variant and the user has to set a filter to obtain a first result set for the table, start with an expanded filter bar. Also, if a vast number of items are expected, include some mandatory filters. Since the user first has to enter values for these filters, start with an expanded filter bar. If you are in any doubt, start the app with an expanded filter bar.

Note: At least one filter must be defined to begin with. This filter is set within the basic group by app designers. If the use case allows, and depending on the size of the result set, provide a table that is initially filled.

Initial state collapsed
Initial state collapsed
Initial state expanded
Initial state expanded

Basic Search Field

The basic search field allows the user to filter the results by a given keyword. In contrast to the other input fields, the basic search field is located next to the variant management. If the filter bar is collapsed, the basic search field is the only input that is still visible. The basic search field is the only one that cannot be excluded from the filter bar via the filter dialog.
Note: If you need to provide a search field, use the basic search field. The search field within the table must be deactivated.
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar expanded
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed
Basic search field – Filter bar collapsed

Manual Update/Live Update

The filter bar is available in two separate modes: manual update mode and live update mode.

Manual Update

With manual update, the filter results are only updated when the user clicks or taps Go. A Go button is therefore essential in manual update mode. If a search field is used, it is only triggered by the Go button, and not instantly.

Live Update

With live update mode, the filter bar reacts instantly to every input change. The result table is updated every time the user changes a filter field or the search field. Therefore, a Go button is not necessary and is not shown if live update mode is used.

Additionally, the search is triggered with every letter that is entered. Starting with the first letter typed in, the table is updated with the results that match all set filters that include the search term.

Which One to Use

Use live update mode by default as it is more convenient for the user. If the user has to configure multiple filters to obtain a useful result set, or if the resulting traffic is expected to be excessively high, consider using manual update mode instead.

Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in manual update mode
Filter bar in live update mode
Filter bar in live update mode


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Combo Box

The multi-combo box control is commonly used to enable users to select one or more options from a predefined list. The control provides an editable input field to filter the list, and a dropdown arrow to open the list of available options. The select options in the list have checkboxes that permit multiselection.


Use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to select one or more options from a long list of options (maximum of approximately 200).
  • The values of the option list contain secondary information that does not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to choose between two options, such as ON or OFF and YES or NO. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using checkboxes instead.


The multi-combo box is optimized for keyboard and mouse interaction. On touch devices, not all functions are available yet (for example, filtering the list with more than one character).

Size S

 Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size S
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size S
Option list in full screen
Option list in full screen

Size M

Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box

Size L

Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box


Input Field

The input field (2) can display a placeholder text (6) when it’s empty, or a token (1) if a value is selected.

Dropdown Trigger

The dropdown button (3) collapses and expands the dropdown list.

Option List

The option list (7) contains a list of selectable options (5). Clicking the label of an entry closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. Every entry is accompanied by a checkbox (4) to allow multiselection. Clicking a checkbox creates a token. The option list remains open.

Components of the multi-combo box
Components of the multi-combo box

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  • Tick the checkbox (option list remains open).
  • Click or tap the label of a select option (option list is closed).
  • Use the keyboard (spacebar or Enter).

The user clicks or taps the input field to place the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow displays the list (2). As the user types into the input field, the list is filtered accordingly (3). The up and down arrows move the focus within the list (4). Selected options are automatically entered into the input field as tokens (5).

Input Field

Any character in the input field acts as a filter for the option list. The input field only allows users to type text that matches the items in the list. If a user tries to enter character combinations that are not in the option list, a visual feedback is provided to indicate that the combination of characters is invalid, while the input field suppresses the characters entered.

Behavior - Sizes M and L
Behavior - Sizes M and L

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all the available items that the user can choose from. Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. If there’s not enough space to display the dropdown list below the field, it’s displayed above the field instead.

Behavior for Mobile Devices

The control is still not optimized for use on mobile devices. The following sections describe how the multi-combo box interacts on mobile devices.

Tapping the arrow

Tapping the arrow opens the list on full screen (1). In this state, the input field is disabled (2), no tokens are available, and only direct selection is possible in the list (3).

Left: Form with multi-combo box. Right: Full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Left: Form with multi-combo box. Right: Full-screen multi-combo box selection.

Input field on collapsed list

If items have already been selected, the input field remains functional and the tokens remain visible (4). Tapping the Remove icon   in a token removes it (5). When the user taps the input field, the field becomes the focus and the mobile device’s keyboard opens(6). When the user types in the first character, the list opens to full screen (7). The list is filtered by this character (8), and at the same time, the input field is disabled. The input field only allows characters to be typed in that match the items in the list.

Left: Multi-combo box with token in the input field. Right: List for selection filtered by a character.
Left: Multi-combo box with token in the input field. Right: List for selection filtered by a character.

Multiple selected items

Not all the selected tokens can be displayed at the same time because the space is limited to the size of the input field (9). Swiping to the side scrolls horizontally to reveal a cropped token (10).

Swiping to display tokens
Swiping to display tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The control for the multi-combo box can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects an entire column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-combo box, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is then represented as a token. Only items that are part of the list are displayed as tokens.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


These are the styles of the multi-combo box and their respective states:

Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected on hover
Unselected on hover
In focus
In focus
Expanded selection
Expanded selection
Expanded multiselection
Expanded multiselection
Selected items shown as tokens
Selected items shown as tokens
Hover highlighting in list
Hover highlighting in list



The multi-combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you don’t need to define a second label. For more information about labels in SAP Fiori, see the label guidelines.


Don’t use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text will be overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary because they indicate the meaning of the form fields if the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint about what data to enter. Don’t repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. For more information about how to use the placeholder, see input field.

Option List

Keep the label of an entry in the select option list as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated. If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible. The multi-combo box cannot display columns. If you want to show two values in the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as Walldorf (Germany). Typing into the input field shows all items that start with the search text.


The option list contains all available items that the user can choose from. Choose one of the following styles depending on how you want the content to be arranged:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first followed by less common options.

Logical multi-combo box
Logical multi-combo box

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and so on into alphabetical order. We recommend this for lists with more than eight items.

Alphabetical multi-combo box
Alphabetical multi-combo box

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order with the lowest number first.

Numeric multi-combo box
Numeric multi-combo box

Chronological: Sort time-related information into chronological order with the most recent first (if applicable).

Chronological multi-combo box
Chronological multi-combo box


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The multi-combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which it is embedded. Therefore, we don’t recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers such as the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly. Keep in mind that there’s no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries that are too long are truncated and users won’t be able to read them.

If localized text isn’t an issue, such as with currency codes, use a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


  • No links

Multi-Combo Box

The multi-combo box control is commonly used to enable users to select one or more options from a predefined list. The control provides an editable input field to filter the list, and a dropdown arrow to open the list of available options. The select options in the list have checkboxes that permit multiselection.


Use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to select one or more options from a long list of options (maximum of approximately 200).
  • The values of the option list contain secondary information that does not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to choose between two options, such as ON or OFF and YES or NO. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using checkboxes instead.


The multi-combo box is optimized for keyboard and mouse interaction.

Size S

 Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size S
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size S
Option list in full screen - Size S
Option list in full screen - Size S

Size M

Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size M
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size M

Size L

Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size L
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size L
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size L
Filter bar with multi-combo box - Size L


Input Field

The input field (2) can display a placeholder text (6) when it’s empty, or a token (1) if a value is selected.

Dropdown Trigger

The dropdown button (3) collapses and expands the dropdown list.

Option List

The option list (7) contains a list of selectable options (5). Clicking the label of an entry closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. Every entry is accompanied by a checkbox (4) to allow multiselection. Clicking a checkbox creates a token. The option list remains open.

Components of the multi-combo box
Components of the multi-combo box

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  • Tick the checkbox (option list remains open).
  • Click or tap the label of a select option (option list is closed).
  • Use the keyboard (spacebar or Enter).

The user clicks or taps the input field to place the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow displays the list (2). As the user types into the input field, the list is filtered accordingly (3). The up and down arrows move the focus within the list (4). Selected options are automatically entered into the input field as tokens (5).

Input Field

Any character in the input field acts as a filter for the option list. The input field only allows users to type text that matches the items in the list. If a user tries to enter character combinations that are not in the option list, a visual feedback is provided to indicate that the combination of characters is invalid, while the input field suppresses the characters entered.

Behavior - Sizes M and L
Behavior - Sizes M and L

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all the available items that the user can choose from. Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. If there is not enough space to display the dropdown list below the field, it is displayed above the field instead.

Behavior for Mobile Devices

The following sections describe how the multi-combo box interacts on mobile devices.

Tapping the Arrow

Tapping the arrow opens the option list in a full screen dialog (1) with a title displayed in the header (2). The Close button (3) closes the dialog and cancels any selection changes in the option list. Clicking the label of an entry (4) closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. By selecting a checkbox (5), the option list remains open and allows multi-selection. The OK button (6) takes over the selection and closes the dialog.

Left: Filter bar with multi-combo box. Right: Full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Left: Filter bar with multi-combo box. Right: Full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Developer Hint

The title of the full-screen dialog could be customized by adding a label as ariaLabelledBy to the multi-combo box. If no label is associated with the multi-combo box, the default title “Select” is set.

As the user types into the input field (7), the list is filtered accordingly using the “starts with” approach. Pressing the button next to the input field (8) toggles the view between all options and the selected one only.

Left: Option list, filtered by user input. Right: Selected options from the list.
Left: Option list, filtered by user input. Right: Selected options from the list.

Input Field on Collapsed List

If items have already been selected, the input field remains functional and the tokens remain visible (1). Tapping the Remove icon   in a token removes it (2). When the user taps on the input field, the list opens to full screen (3). Tapping on the input field sets the focus on it (4) and the mobile device’s keyboard opens (5). When the user types in the first character, the list is filtered by this character (6) using the “starts with” approach. The input field only allows characters to be typed in that match the items in the list.

Left: Multi-combo box with tokens in the input field. Right: List for selection filtered by a character.
Left: Multi-combo box with tokens in the input field. Right: List for selection filtered by a character.

Multiple Selected Items

Not all the selected tokens can be displayed at the same time because the space is limited to the size of the input field (6). Swiping to the side scrolls horizontally to reveal a cropped token (7).

Swiping to display tokens
Swiping to display tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The control for the multi-combo box can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects an entire column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-combo box, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is then represented as a token. Only items that are part of the list are displayed as tokens.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


These are the styles of the multi-combo box and their respective states:

Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected on hover
Unselected on hover
In focus
In focus
Expanded selection
Expanded selection
Expanded multiselection
Expanded multiselection
Selected items shown as tokens
Selected items shown as tokens
Hover highlighting in list
Hover highlighting in list



The multi-combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you don’t need to define a second label. For more information about labels in SAP Fiori, see the label guidelines.


Don’t use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text will be overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary because they indicate the meaning of the form fields if the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint about what data to enter. Don’t repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. For more information about how to use the placeholder, see input field.

Option List

Keep the label of an entry in the select option list as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated. If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible. The multi-combo box cannot display columns. If you want to show two values in the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as Walldorf (Germany). Typing into the input field shows all items that start with the search text.


The option list contains all available items that the user can choose from. Choose one of the following styles depending on how you want the content to be arranged:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first followed by less common options.

Logical multi-combo box
Logical multi-combo box

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and so on into alphabetical order. We recommend this for lists with more than eight items.

Alphabetical multi-combo box
Alphabetical multi-combo box

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order with the lowest number first.

Numeric multi-combo box
Numeric multi-combo box

Chronological: Sort time-related information into chronological order with the most recent first (if applicable).

Chronological multi-combo box
Chronological multi-combo box


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The multi-combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which it is embedded. Therefore, we don’t recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers such as the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly. Keep in mind that there’s no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries that are too long are truncated and users won’t be able to read them.

If localized text isn’t an issue, such as with currency codes, use a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


  • No links

Multi-Combo Box

The multi-combo box control is commonly used to enable users to select one or more options from a predefined list. The control provides an editable input field to filter the list, and a dropdown arrow to open the list of available options. The select options in the list have checkboxes that permit multiselection.


Use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to select one or more options from a long list of options (maximum of approximately 200).
  • The values of the option list contain secondary information that does not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to choose between two options, such as ON or OFF and YES or NO. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using checkboxes instead.


The multi-combo box is optimized for keyboard and mouse interaction. On touch devices, not all functions are available yet (for example, filtering the list with more than one character).

Size S

Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Option list in full screen
Option list in full screen

Size M

Form with multi-combo box
Form with multi-combo box

Size L

Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder text (7) when it is empty, or a token (6) if a value is selected.

Dropdown Trigger

The dropdown button (2) collapses and expands the dropdown list.

Option List

The option list (3) contains a list of selectable options (4). Clicking the label of an entry closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. Every entry is accompanied by a checkbox (5) to allow multiselection. Clicking a checkbox creates a token. The option list remains open.

Components of the multi-combo box
Components of the multi-combo box

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  • Tick the checkbox (option list remains open).
  • Click or tap the label of a select option (option list is closed).
  • Use the keyboard (spacebar or Enter).

The user clicks or taps the input field to place the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow displays the list (2). As the user types into the input field, the list is filtered accordingly (3). The up and down arrows move the focus within the list (4). Selected options are automatically entered into the input field as tokens (5).

Input Field

Any character in the input field acts as a filter for the option list. The input field only allows users to type text that matches the items in the list. If a user tries to enter character combinations that are not in the option list, a visual feedback is provided to indicate that the combination of characters is invalid, while the input field suppresses the characters entered.

Behavior on sizes M and L
Behavior on sizes M and L

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all the available items that the user can choose from. Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. If there is not enough space to display the dropdown list below the field, it is displayed above the field instead.

Behavior for Mobile Devices

The control is still not optimized for use on mobile devices. The following sections describe how the multi-combo box interacts on mobile devices.

Tapping the arrow

Tapping the arrow opens the list on full screen (1). In this state, the input field is disabled (2), no tokens are available, and only direct selection is possible in the list (3).

Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.

Multiple selected items

Not all the selected tokens can be displayed at the same time because the space is limited to the size of the input field (9). Swiping to the side scrolls horizontally to reveal a cropped token (10).

Swiping to display tokens
Swiping to display tokens


These are the styles of the multi-combo box and their respective states:

Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected on hover
Unselected on hover
In focus
In focus
Expanded selection
Expanded selection
Expanded multiselection
Expanded multiselection
Selected items shown as tokens
Selected items shown as tokens
Hover highlighting in list
Hover highlighting in list



The multi-combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information about labels in SAP Fiori, see the label guidelines.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. For more information about how to use the placeholder, see input field.

Option List

Keep the label of an entry in the select option list as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated. If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible. The multi-combo box cannot display columns. If you want to show two values in the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as Walldorf (Germany). Typing into the input field shows all items that start with the search text.


The option list contains all available items that the user can choose from. Choose one of the following styles depending on how you want the content to be arranged:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options.

Logical multi-combo box
Logical multi-combo box

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and so on into alphabetical order. We recommend this for lists with more than eight items.

Alphabetical multi-combo box
Alphabetical multi-combo box

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Numeric multi-combo box
Numeric multi-combo box

Chronological: Sort time–related information into chronological order, with the most recent first (if applicable).

Chonological multi-combo box
Chonological multi-combo box


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The multi-combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which it is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers such as the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly. Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, use a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Combo Box

The multi-combo box control is commonly used to enable users to select one or more options from a predefined list. The control provides an editable input field to filter the list, and a dropdown arrow to open the list of available options. The select options in the list have checkboxes that permit multiselection.


Use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to select one or more options from a long list of options (maximum of approximately 200).
  • The values of the option list contain secondary information that does not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to choose between two options, such as ON or OFF and YES or NO. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using checkboxes instead.


The multi-combo box is optimized for keyboard and mouse interaction. On touch devices, not all functions are available yet (for example, filtering the list with more than one character).

Size S

Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Option list in full screen
Option list in full screen

Size M

Form with multi-combo box
Form with multi-combo box

Size L

Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder text (7) when it is empty, or a token (6) if a value is selected.

Dropdown Trigger

The dropdown button (2) collapses and expands the dropdown list.

Option List

The option list (3) contains a list of selectable options (4). Clicking the label of an entry closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. Every entry is accompanied by a checkbox (5) to allow multiselection. Clicking a checkbox creates a token. The option list remains open.

Components of the multi-combo box
Components of the multi-combo box

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  • Tick the checkbox (option list remains open).
  • Click or tap the label of a select option (option list is closed).
  • Use the keyboard (spacebar or Enter).

The user clicks or taps the input field to place the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow displays the list (2). As the user types into the input field, the list is filtered accordingly (3). The up and down arrows move the focus within the list (4). Selected options are automatically entered into the input field as tokens (5).

Input Field

Any character in the input field acts as a filter for the option list. The input field only allows users to type text that matches the items in the list. If a user tries to enter character combinations that are not in the option list, a visual feedback is provided to indicate that the combination of characters is invalid, while the input field suppresses the characters entered.

Behavior on sizes M and L
Behavior on sizes M and L

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all the available items that the user can choose from. Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. If there is not enough space to display the dropdown list below the field, it is displayed above the field instead.

Behavior for Mobile Devices

The control is still not optimized for use on mobile devices. The following sections describe how the multi-combo box interacts on mobile devices.

Tapping the arrow

Tapping the arrow opens the list on full screen (1). In this state, the input field is disabled (2), no tokens are available, and only direct selection is possible in the list (3).

Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.

Input field on collapsed list

If items have already been selected, the input field remains functional and the tokens remain visible (4). Tapping the Remove icon   in a token removes it (5). When the user taps the input field, the field becomes the focus and the mobile device’s keyboard is shown (6). When the user types in the first character, the list opens on full screen (7). The list is filtered by this character (8), and at the same time, the input field is disabled. The input field only allows characters to be typed in that match the items in the list.

Multiple selected items

Not all the selected tokens can be displayed at the same time because the space is limited to the size of the input field (9). Swiping to the side scrolls horizontally to reveal a cropped token (10).

Swiping to display tokens
Swiping to display tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The control for the multi-combo box can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects an entire column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-combo box, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is then represented as a token. Only items that are part of the list are displayed as tokens.


These are the styles of the multi-combo box and their respective states:

Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected on hover
Unselected on hover
In focus
In focus
Expanded selection
Expanded selection
Expanded multiselection
Expanded multiselection
Selected items shown as tokens
Selected items shown as tokens
Hover highlighting in list
Hover highlighting in list



The multi-combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information about labels in SAP Fiori, see the label guidelines.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. For more information about how to use the placeholder, see input field.

Option List

Keep the label of an entry in the select option list as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated. If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible. The multi-combo box cannot display columns. If you want to show two values in the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as Walldorf (Germany). Typing into the input field shows all items that start with the search text.


The option list contains all available items that the user can choose from. Choose one of the following styles depending on how you want the content to be arranged:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options.

Logical multi-combo box
Logical multi-combo box

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and so on into alphabetical order. We recommend this for lists with more than eight items.

Alphabetical multi-combo box
Alphabetical multi-combo box

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Numeric multi-combo box
Numeric multi-combo box

Chronological: Sort time–related information into chronological order, with the most recent first (if applicable).

Chonological multi-combo box
Chonological multi-combo box


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The multi-combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which it is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers such as the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly. Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, use a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Combo Box

The multi-combo box control is commonly used to enable users to select one or more options from a predefined list. The control provides an editable input field to filter the list, and a dropdown arrow to open the list of available options. The select options in the list have checkboxes that permit multiselection.


Use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to select one or more options from a long list of options (maximum of approximately 200).
  • The values of the option list contain secondary information that does not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the multi-combo box if:

  • The user needs to choose between two options, such as ON or OFF and YES or NO. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using checkboxes instead.


The multi-combo box is optimized for keyboard and mouse interaction. On touch devices, not all functions are available yet (for example, filtering the list with more than one character).

Size S

Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Form with multi-combo box - Size S
Option list in full screen
Option list in full screen

Size M

Form with multi-combo box
Form with multi-combo box

Size L

Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box
Filter bar with multi-combo box


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder text (7) when it is empty, or a token (6) if a value is selected.

Dropdown Trigger

The dropdown button (2) collapses and expands the dropdown list.

Option List

The option list (3) contains a list of selectable options (4). Clicking the label of an entry closes the option list and creates a token of the selected option. Every entry is accompanied by a checkbox (5) to allow multiselection. Clicking a checkbox creates a token. The option list remains open.

Components of the multi-combo box
Components of the multi-combo box

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  • Tick the checkbox (option list remains open).
  • Click or tap the label of a select option (option list is closed).
  • Use the keyboard (spacebar or Enter).

The user clicks or taps the input field to place the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow displays the list (2). As the user types into the input field, the list is filtered accordingly (3). The up and down arrows move the focus within the list (4). Selected options are automatically entered into the input field as tokens (5).

Input Field

Any character in the input field acts as a filter for the option list. The input field only allows users to type text that matches the items in the list. If a user tries to enter character combinations that are not in the option list, a visual feedback is provided to indicate that the combination of characters is invalid, while the input field suppresses the characters entered.

Behavior on sizes M and L
Behavior on sizes M and L

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all the available items that the user can choose from. Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. If there is not enough space to display the dropdown list below the field, it is displayed above the field instead.

Behavior for Mobile Devices

The control is still not optimized for use on mobile devices. The following sections describe how the multi-combo box interacts on mobile devices.

Tapping the arrow

Tapping the arrow opens the list on full screen (1). In this state, the input field is disabled (2), no tokens are available, and only direct selection is possible in the list (3).

Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.
Left: form with multi-combo box. Right: full-screen multi-combo box selection.

Input field on collapsed list

If items have already been selected, the input field remains functional and the tokens remain visible (4). Tapping the Remove icon   in a token removes it (5). When the user taps the input field, the field becomes the focus and the mobile device’s keyboard is shown (6). When the user types in the first character, the list opens on full screen (7). The list is filtered by this character (8), and at the same time, the input field is disabled. The input field only allows characters to be typed in that match the items in the list.

Multiple selected items

Not all the selected tokens can be displayed at the same time because the space is limited to the size of the input field (9). Swiping to the side scrolls horizontally to reveal a cropped token (10).

Swiping to display tokens
Swiping to display tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The control for the multi-combo box can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects an entire column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-combo box, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is then represented as a token. Only items that are part of the list are displayed as tokens.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


These are the styles of the multi-combo box and their respective states:

Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected predefined placeholder
Unselected on hover
Unselected on hover
In focus
In focus
Expanded selection
Expanded selection
Expanded multiselection
Expanded multiselection
Selected items shown as tokens
Selected items shown as tokens
Hover highlighting in list
Hover highlighting in list



The multi-combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information about labels in SAP Fiori, see the label guidelines.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. For more information about how to use the placeholder, see input field.

Option List

Keep the label of an entry in the select option list as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated. If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible. The multi-combo box cannot display columns. If you want to show two values in the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as Walldorf (Germany). Typing into the input field shows all items that start with the search text.


The option list contains all available items that the user can choose from. Choose one of the following styles depending on how you want the content to be arranged:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options.

Logical multi-combo box
Logical multi-combo box

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and so on into alphabetical order. We recommend this for lists with more than eight items.

Alphabetical multi-combo box
Alphabetical multi-combo box

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Numeric multi-combo box
Numeric multi-combo box

Chronological: Sort time–related information into chronological order, with the most recent first (if applicable).

Chonological multi-combo box
Chonological multi-combo box


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The multi-combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which it is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers such as the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly. Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, use a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A search is a means of accessing information quickly. If an amount of data is too large for users to find something just by scanning through it, you should consider providing a search function.

Search field
Search field


Use a search field (sap.m.SearchField) if you want to enable users to enter text to search for information. The search field is also the control of choice for filtering down a given amount of information.


On tablets (size M) and smartphones (size S), the master list’s search field is not initially visible. It only appears when the user pulls down the list. Its position is not fixed, so it scrolls away. On desktops (size L), the master list’s search field is visible from the start. Its position is fixed and it does not scroll away.

Master list with search field
Master list with search field
Searching in the master list
Searching in the master list


SAP Fiori comes with two different search types.

  1. The manual searchis triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search button or presses the Enter key.
  2. The live search(also known as “incremental search” or “search-as-you-type”) is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.

Queries that are entered are used to search the backend data for term matches (not case-sensitive). While a live search uses a “contains” approach, a manual search uses a “starts with” approach. “Contains” means that the result needs to match the query only partly to be a valid result. “Starts with” means that full terms of the result need to start with the entered query to be visualized.


The search input field (or search box) consists of two parts:

  1. The text input, which is left-aligned. Initially, the field shows a placeholder (Search). As soon as the user enters a character, this prompt text disappears. It appears again if the user deletes the entry.
  2. If a manual search is to be implemented, a search button with a magnifier icon is placed on the right side of this input control. The user clicks or taps this button to trigger the search. In live searches, the magnifier icon is also placed here, but it functions more like an additional indicator to signify that this is a search input field. It also functions as an explicit search button if the user wants to search again for a query that has already been entered.

All item attributes defined by the app development team are searched. When the results are displayed, the items found do not necessarily have to show the attribute through which the item was found. The results are displayed in the same list that contained the original item set. Initial grouping and the order of the list are not affected by the search.

When the split screen is used, the search field appears at the top of the master list. In full screen mode, the search field is placed at the top of the page.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering a Search Term

Search terms can be entered easily into the input field. The search box then displays all full-text search terms. There is no line break and no truncation if the query is longer than the input field. Results might also be displayed that do not match the query in their title or subtitle. This might be because details can also be searched for. The user can see the matching terms in the specific details section.

Deleting a Search Term

The user can click or tap the ex ( ) button to remove the text from the field. In the case of the live search, this also resets the search. In a manual search, deleting the search term and then triggering the search resets the search results.


If the Refresh button is available, the user can update the list without triggering a new search. This is usually needed when backend data changes quickly and often. If the currently selected item is no longer available after the list has been refreshed, the next item in the line is selected. If no next item is available, the first item in the line should be selected next.

Desktop – Search and Refresh combination
Desktop – Search and Refresh combination

On touch devices, the Refresh icon is not visible in the search field. In this case, Pull Down to Refresh is used instead. The Pull Down to Refresh arrow icon is animated and spins to signal that the user should release it.


The following methods are important.

For the live search:

  • attachLiveChange(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachLiveChange(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireLiveChange(mArguments?) Fire event liveChange to attached listeners.

For the manual search:

  • attachSearch(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachSearch(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireSearch(mArguments?) Fire event search to attached listeners.

If a Refresh button is needed:

To show the Search button:

To ensure the focus is set to input:


  • Implement the live search whenever possible.
  • Use a manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues.
  • Show an appropriate prompt text:Search if queries are sent to all connected services, or Search In: if the search is limited to a certain source or providing service.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A search is a means of accessing information quickly. If an amount of data is too large for users to find something just by scanning through it, you should consider providing a search function.

Search field
Search field


Use a search field (sap.m.SearchField) if you want to enable users to enter text to search for information. The search field is also the control of choice for filtering down a given amount of information.


On tablets (size M) and smartphones (size S), the master list’s search field is not initially visible. It only appears when the user pulls down the list. Its position is not fixed, so it scrolls away. On desktops (size L), the master list’s search field is visible from the start. Its position is fixed and it does not scroll away.

Master list with search field
Master list with search field
Searching in the master list
Searching in the master list


SAP Fiori comes with two different search types.

  1. The manual searchis triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search button or presses the Enter key.
  2. The live search(also known as “incremental search” or “search-as-you-type”) is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.

Queries that are entered are used to search the backend data for term matches (not case-sensitive). While a live search uses a “contains” approach, a manual search uses a “starts with” approach. “Contains” means that the result needs to match the query only partly to be a valid result. “Starts with” means that full terms of the result need to start with the entered query to be visualized.


The search input field (or search box) consists of two parts:

  1. The text input, which is left-aligned. Initially, the field shows a placeholder (Search). As soon as the user enters a character, this prompt text disappears. It appears again if the user deletes the entry.
  2. If a manual search is to be implemented, a search button with a magnifier icon is placed on the right side of this input control. The user clicks or taps this button to trigger the search. In live searches, the magnifier icon is also placed here, but it functions more like an additional indicator to signify that this is a search input field. It also functions as an explicit search button if the user wants to search again for a query that has already been entered.

All item attributes defined by the app development team are searched. When the results are displayed, the items found do not necessarily have to show the attribute through which the item was found. The results are displayed in the same list that contained the original item set. Initial grouping and the order of the list are not affected by the search.

When the split screen is used, the search field appears at the top of the master list. In full screen mode, the search field is placed at the top of the page.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering a Search Term

Search terms can be entered easily into the input field. The search box then displays all full-text search terms. There is no line break and no truncation if the query is longer than the input field. Results might also be displayed that do not match the query in their title or subtitle. This might be because details can also be searched for. The user can see the matching terms in the specific details section.

Deleting a Search Term

The user can click or tap the ex ( ) button to remove the text from the field. In the case of the live search, this also resets the search. In a manual search, deleting the search term and then triggering the search resets the search results.


If the Refresh button is available, the user can update the list without triggering a new search. This is usually needed when backend data changes quickly and often. If the currently selected item is no longer available after the list has been refreshed, the next item in the line is selected. If no next item is available, the first item in the line should be selected next.

Desktop – Search and Refresh combination
Desktop – Search and Refresh combination

On touch devices, the Refresh icon is not visible in the search field. In this case, Pull Down to Refresh is used instead. The Pull Down to Refresh arrow icon is animated and spins to signal that the user should release it.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


The following methods are important.

For the live search:

  • attachLiveChange(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachLiveChange(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireLiveChange(mArguments?) Fire event liveChange to attached listeners.

For the manual search:

  • attachSearch(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachSearch(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireSearch(mArguments?) Fire event search to attached listeners.

If a Refresh button is needed:

To show the Search button:

To ensure the focus is set to input:


  • Implement the live search whenever possible.
  • Use a manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues.
  • Show an appropriate prompt text:Search if queries are sent to all connected services, or Search In: if the search is limited to a certain source or providing service.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A search is a means of accessing information quickly. If an amount of data is too large for users to find something just by scanning through it, you should consider providing a search function.

Search field
Search field


Use a search field (sap.m.SearchField) if you want to enable users to enter text to search for information. The search field is also the control of choice for filtering down a given amount of information.


On tablets (size M) and smartphones (size S), the master list’s search field is not initially visible. It only appears when the user pulls down the list. Its position is not fixed, so it scrolls away. On desktops (size L), the master list’s search field is visible from the start. Its position is fixed and it does not scroll away.

Master list with search field
Master list with search field
Searching in the master list - Search field on focus
Searching in the master list - Search field on focus
Searching in the master list
Searching in the master list


SAP Fiori comes with two different search types.

  1. The manual searchis triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search button or presses the Enter key.
  2. The live search(also known as “incremental search” or “search-as-you-type”) is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.

Queries that are entered are used to search the backend data for term matches (not case-sensitive). While a live search uses a “contains” approach, a manual search uses a “starts with” approach. “Contains” means that the result needs to match the query only partly to be a valid result. “Starts with” means that full terms of the result need to start with the entered query to be visualized.


The search input field (or search box) consists of two parts:

  1. The text input, which is left-aligned. Initially, the field shows a placeholder (Search). As soon as the user enters a character, this prompt text disappears. It appears again if the user deletes the entry.
  2. If a manual search is to be implemented, a search button with a magnifier icon is placed on the right side of this input control. The user clicks or taps this button to trigger the search. In live searches, the magnifier icon is also placed here, but it functions more like an additional indicator to signify that this is a search input field. It also functions as an explicit search button if the user wants to search again for a query that has already been entered.

All item attributes defined by the app development team are searched. When the results are displayed, the items found do not necessarily have to show the attribute through which the item was found. The results are displayed in the same list that contained the original item set. Initial grouping and the order of the list are not affected by the search.

When the split screen is used, the search field appears at the top of the master list. In full screen mode, the search field is placed at the top of the page.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering a Search Term

Search terms can be entered easily into the input field. The search box then displays all full-text search terms. There is no line break and no truncation if the query is longer than the input field. Results might also be displayed that do not match the query in their title or subtitle. This might be because details can also be searched for. The user can see the matching terms in the specific details section.

Deleting a Search Term

The user can click or tap the ex ( ) button to remove the text from the field. In the case of the live search, this also resets the search. In a manual search, deleting the search term and then triggering the search resets the search results.


If the Refresh button is available, the user can update the list without triggering a new search. This is usually needed when backend data changes quickly and often. If the currently selected item is no longer available after the list has been refreshed, the next item in the line is selected. If no next item is available, the first item in the line should be selected next.

Desktop – Search and Refresh combination
Desktop – Search and Refresh combination

On touch devices, the Refresh icon is not visible in the search field. In this case, Pull Down to Refresh is used instead. The Pull Down to Refresh arrow icon is animated and spins to signal that the user should release it.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


The following methods are important.

For the live search:

  • attachLiveChange(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachLiveChange(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘liveChange’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireLiveChange(mArguments?) Fire event liveChange to attached listeners.

For the manual search:

  • attachSearch(oData?fnFunctionoListener?) Attach event handler fnFunction to the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • detachSearch(fnFunctionoListener) Detach event handler fnFunction from the ‘search’ event of this sap.m.SearchField.
  • fireSearch(mArguments?) Fire event search to attached listeners.

If a Refresh button is needed:

To show the Search button:

To ensure the focus is set to input:


  • Implement the live search whenever possible.
  • Use a manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues.
  • Show an appropriate prompt text:Search if queries are sent to all connected services, or Search In: if the search is limited to a certain source or providing service.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Input Field

A text input field allows users to enter and edit text or numeric values in one line. To help users enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestion feature and the value help option.


Use the input field if:

  • The user needs to enter a short, single-line text or number.
  • The user needs to enter a password, URL, phone number, or email address.
  • The user needs to make a single selection from a large amount of data (for example, more than 200 items).
  • The user needs to find an object by searching for more than one attribute, such as an ID, city, and customer name. Use this control in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature and value help option. For a small set of values (for example, fewer than 20 items), consider using the select control. Otherwise, use the combo box (for 20–200 items).

Do not use the input field if:


In the examples below, the input field is shown in combination with the tabular autocomplete feature for different device sizes.

Size S (Smartphones)

Cozy mode:

When the user clicks or taps the input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which suggested items can be selected. Here, the pop-in feature of the responsive table is used.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone

Size M (Tablets)

Cozy mode:

The pop-in feature of the responsive table is used here, and defined columns are wrapped into a new line due to the limited space available.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet

Size L (Desktops)

Compact mode:

The full table is shown in the suggest feature.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop


Six input types are currently supported (API). Be sure to select the correct type for your use case. Depending on the input type, a different keyboard layout is displayed on a mobile device (see some sample input types).

Note: The control does not provide validation based on the type. The app development team must carry out format validation. If binding is used, validation is carried out by the model, but the error handling still needs to be taken care of on the UI.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering Text Using the Autocomplete Feature

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

Entering Text Using the Value Help Dialog

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

For information on how to manage leading and trailing whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


An input field can have four states: default, warning, error, or success.

Default state
Default state
Warning state
Warning state
Error state
Error state
Success state
Success state


Value State and Value State Message

The input control offers the four value states listed below. For the error and warning states, you can show an additional value state text when the focus is on the input field.

  1. None (default): No value state message is shown.
  2. Warning
  3. Error
  4. Success: No value state message is shown.

For more guidance on when to use which state, check out the article on message handling.


Maximum Length

Use this property to set the maximum number of characters allowed. There is no limit by default.


The placeholder, or input prompt, is a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.



You can provide an additional description on the input field, for example, for units or currency. The width of the input field and description is distributed equally by default. Although the default setting is 50%, you can change this with the fieldWidth property.

Input description
Input description


The width of the input field is set to 100% by default. Input fields are usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container that the input field is embedded in. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, and responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined by the 12-column approach.

Editable and Enabled States

The input field has three states (see examples of input states):

  1. Editable: This is the default setting.
  2. Not editable: The input field is not shown; only the value is shown. This is used in display-only forms.
  3. Disabled: The input field is shown with a visual indication that an edit is not possible, for example, due to missing editing rights.
Editable and enabled input states
Editable and enabled input states

Text Alignment

The input field offers six types of alignment for text values (API):

  • Begin
  • Center
  • End
  • Initial (default): Browser-configured alignment is used
  • Left
  • Right
Right alignment
Right alignment

Value Help

To help the user find the correct value, you can enable the value help option (propertyshowValueHelp). By enabling this option, a small value help icon is displayed in the input field on the right-hand side. Once this option is enabled, the click event can be registered and one of the following displayed:

If you want to force the user to select only existing values, you can enable the value-help-only option (see an example of the value-help-only option). In this case, the user cannot enter text in the input field. Instead, the value must be selected from the list of suggestions, or chosen using the select dialog or value help dialog.

Value help option
Value help option

Autocomplete Suggestion

The input control offers three different types of autocomplete suggestions: single, two-value, and tabular. The width of the autocomplete and the input fields are set by default, but you can change these via the maxSuggestionWidth property. The position of the suggestion box depends on the space available below the control. If there is not enough space, the suggest box is shown above the control.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Displays a list of suggestions with one left-aligned value. As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.Item is used.

See live example of single-value autocomplete suggestions.

Single value autocomplete suggestion feature
Single value autocomplete suggestion feature

Two Values with Autocomplete

The two-value autocomplete suggestion feature displays two attributes of a business object, such as an ID and a name.  As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.ListItem is used.

The text property is displayed first, left-aligned, and the additionalText property is right-aligned.

See live example of two-value autocomplete suggestions.

Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Tabular Autocomplete

This autocomplete feature displays the values in a table layout. The width of the columns is distributed equally by default.

To use the tabular autocomplete feature, use the suggestionColumns aggregation to define the columns and the correct responsive behavior for the pop-in. For more information, see the article on the responsive table.

With the showTableSuggestionValueHelp property, you can offer a Show All Items button at the end of the suggest result list. Because the number of results in the suggest functionality is limited, this option helps the user find the relevant item via an alternative dialog:

See a live example of tabular autocomplete suggestions.

Tabular autocomplete
Tabular autocomplete


Always provide a meaningful label for any input field.

Maximum Length

Limit the length of the input field. For example, if you expect the user to enter a two-digit number, limit the maximum length to two. The maximum permissible character length is not defined by default. If the backend has a limit, ensure that you set this property accordingly.


Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.


The description field should be used, for example, for displaying units or currency. Do not use a description for help text or as a label replacement. Note that the description is not placed in a new line in size S. Therefore, only use the description property for small input fields with a short description.


Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.

Text Align

Align left if:

  • Text is used. Also use left alignment for a phone number, URL, password, and email address.

Align right if:

  • Amounts and decimal numbers are used.
  • Values need to be added and compared.

Value Help

Show the value help option to help the user select the correct value (such as a customer ID) from a large data set via the:

Use this option in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature.

When the user clicks or taps the value help icon, the data entered into the input field must be transferred to the processing dialog so that the user does not have to enter the search term again. Likewise, data entered in the processing dialog must be transferred back to the input field.

Autocomplete Suggestion

Use the autocomplete suggestion feature to display real-time suggestions and to help the user enter information more accurately and efficiently. If you expect the suggest values to be longer than the input field itself, you can change the width via the maxSuggestionWidth property.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Use the single-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by only one attribute, such as an ID or a customer name.

Two Values with Autocomplete

Use the two-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by two attributes, such as a customer name and an ID. This ensures that the search is carried out for both attributes.

Tabular Autocomplete

If you need to display more than two attributes, use the tabular autocomplete feature. Try to keep the number of columns to a minimum, and focus on the columns that are really relevant for the use case. Define appropriate responsive behavior for sizes S and M. For more information, see responsive table.

The width of the columns is distributed equally by default. To avoid truncation, accurately estimate the primary attribute length and set a minimum width for this column.

Creating and Editing Objects

Sometimes a new object needs to be created if the user cannot find a specific item via autocomplete or value help. In this case, we recommend that you place the New action next to the input field.

If you want the user to be able to edit a selected object directly, you should place the Edit link next to the input field.

If both actions are needed, they should be toggled based on the content of the input field. If a valid object is selected, you should display Edit. If the input field is empty or the object is not valid, you should display New. This pattern can also be applied for the multi-input fieldcombo boxmulti-combo box, and select controls.

Input field – New and Edit actions
Input field – New and Edit actions


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Input Field

A text input field allows users to enter and edit text or numeric values in one line. To help users enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestion feature and the value help option.


Use the input field if:

  • The user needs to enter a short, single-line text or number.
  • The user needs to enter a password, URL, phone number, or email address.
  • The user needs to make a single selection from a large amount of data (for example, more than 200 items).
  • The user needs to find an object by searching for more than one attribute, such as an ID, city, and customer name. Use this control in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature and value help option. For a small set of values (for example, fewer than 20 items), consider using the select control. Otherwise, use the combo box (for 20–200 items).

Do not use the input field if:


In the examples below, the input field is shown in combination with the tabular autocomplete feature for different device sizes.

Size S (Smartphones)

Cozy mode:

When the user clicks or taps the input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which suggested items can be selected. Here, the pop-in feature of the responsive table is used.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone

Size M (Tablets)

Cozy mode:

The pop-in feature of the responsive table is used here, and defined columns are wrapped into a new line due to the limited space available.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet

Size L (Desktops)

Compact mode:

The full table is shown in the suggest feature.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop


Six input types are currently supported (API). Be sure to select the correct type for your use case. Depending on the input type, a different keyboard layout is displayed on a mobile device (see some sample input types).

Note: The control does not provide validation based on the type. The app development team must carry out format validation. If binding is used, validation is carried out by the model, but the error handling still needs to be taken care of on the UI.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering Text Using the Autocomplete Feature

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

Entering Text Using the Value Help Dialog

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

For information on how to manage leading and trailing whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


An input field can have four states: default, warning, error, or success.

Default state
Default state
Warning state
Warning state
Error state
Error state
Success state
Success state


Value State and Value State Message

The input control offers the four value states listed below. For the error and warning states, you can show an additional value state text when the focus is on the input field.

  1. None (default): No value state message is shown.
  2. Warning
  3. Error
  4. Success: No value state message is shown.

For more guidance on when to use which state, check out the article on message handling.


Maximum Length

Use this property to set the maximum number of characters allowed. There is no limit by default.


The placeholder, or input prompt, is a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.



You can provide an additional description on the input field, for example, for units or currency. The width of the input field and description is distributed equally by default. Although the default setting is 50%, you can change this with the fieldWidth property.

Input description
Input description


The width of the input field is set to 100% by default. Input fields are usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container that the input field is embedded in. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, and responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined by the 12-column approach.

Editable and Enabled States

The input field has three states (see examples of input states):

  1. Editable: This is the default setting.
  2. Not editable: The input field is not shown; only the value is shown. This is used in display-only forms.
  3. Disabled: The input field is shown with a visual indication that an edit is not possible, for example, due to missing editing rights.
Editable and enabled input states
Editable and enabled input states

Text Alignment

The input field offers six types of alignment for text values (API):

  • Begin
  • Center
  • End
  • Initial (default): Browser-configured alignment is used
  • Left
  • Right
Right alignment
Right alignment

Value Help

To help the user find the correct value, you can enable the value help option (propertyshowValueHelp). By enabling this option, a small value help icon is displayed in the input field on the right-hand side. Once this option is enabled, the click event can be registered and one of the following displayed:

If you want to force the user to select only existing values, you can enable the value-help-only option (see an example of the value-help-only option). In this case, the user cannot enter text in the input field. Instead, the value must be selected from the list of suggestions, or chosen using the select dialog or value help dialog.

Value help option
Value help option

The values can also be pasted into the input field by copying and pasting, or dragging and dropping, if the user prefers this. In this case, the values will be automatically transformed into conditional expressions. Example: Copying values “1234” and “5678” leads to the token generation “=1234” and “=5678”. Additionally, these values will be found within the conditions tab of the value help dialog.

Autocomplete Suggestion

The input control offers three different types of autocomplete suggestions: single, two-value, and tabular. The width of the autocomplete and the input fields are set by default, but you can change these via the maxSuggestionWidth property. The position of the suggestion box depends on the space available below the control. If there is not enough space, the suggest box is shown above the control.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Displays a list of suggestions with one left-aligned value. As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.Item is used.

See live example of single-value autocomplete suggestions.

Single value autocomplete suggestion feature
Single value autocomplete suggestion feature

Two Values with Autocomplete

The two-value autocomplete suggestion feature displays two attributes of a business object, such as an ID and a name.  As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.ListItem is used.

The text property is displayed first, left-aligned, and the additionalText property is right-aligned.

See live example of two-value autocomplete suggestions.

Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Tabular Autocomplete

This autocomplete feature displays the values in a table layout. The width of the columns is distributed equally by default.

To use the tabular autocomplete feature, use the suggestionColumns aggregation to define the columns and the correct responsive behavior for the pop-in. For more information, see the article on the responsive table.

With the showTableSuggestionValueHelp property, you can offer a Show All Items button at the end of the suggest result list. Because the number of results in the suggest functionality is limited, this option helps the user find the relevant item via an alternative dialog:

See a live example of tabular autocomplete suggestions.

Tabular autocomplete
Tabular autocomplete


Always provide a meaningful label for any input field.

Maximum Length

Limit the length of the input field. For example, if you expect the user to enter a two-digit number, limit the maximum length to two. The maximum permissible character length is not defined by default. If the backend has a limit, ensure that you set this property accordingly.


Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.


The description field should be used, for example, for displaying units or currency. Do not use a description for help text or as a label replacement. Note that the description is not placed in a new line in size S. Therefore, only use the description property for small input fields with a short description.


Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.

Text Align

Align left if:

  • Text is used. Also use left alignment for a phone number, URL, password, and email address.

Align right if:

  • Amounts and decimal numbers are used.
  • Values need to be added and compared.

Value Help

Show the value help option to help the user select the correct value (such as a customer ID) from a large data set via the:

Use this option in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature.

When the user clicks or taps the value help icon, the data entered into the input field must be transferred to the processing dialog so that the user does not have to enter the search term again. Likewise, data entered in the processing dialog must be transferred back to the input field.

Autocomplete Suggestion

Use the autocomplete suggestion feature to display real-time suggestions and to help the user enter information more accurately and efficiently. If you expect the suggest values to be longer than the input field itself, you can change the width via the maxSuggestionWidth property.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Use the single-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by only one attribute, such as an ID or a customer name.

Two Values with Autocomplete

Use the two-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by two attributes, such as a customer name and an ID. This ensures that the search is carried out for both attributes.

Tabular Autocomplete

If you need to display more than two attributes, use the tabular autocomplete feature. Try to keep the number of columns to a minimum, and focus on the columns that are really relevant for the use case. Define appropriate responsive behavior for sizes S and M. For more information, see responsive table.

The width of the columns is distributed equally by default. To avoid truncation, accurately estimate the primary attribute length and set a minimum width for this column.

Creating and Editing Objects

Sometimes a new object needs to be created if the user cannot find a specific item via autocomplete or value help. In this case, we recommend that you place the New action next to the input field.

If you want the user to be able to edit a selected object directly, you should place the Edit link next to the input field.

If both actions are needed, they should be toggled based on the content of the input field. If a valid object is selected, you should display Edit. If the input field is empty or the object is not valid, you should display New. This pattern can also be applied for the multi-input fieldcombo boxmulti-combo box, and select controls.

Input field – New and Edit actions
Input field – New and Edit actions


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control contains an Attachments header with a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right. You can overwrite both the default text Attachments and the counter (property: numberOfAttachmentsText).

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses

Technical Statuses

In contrast to the statuses mentioned above, technical statuses are not bound to a workflow or business process. Their main use is to show the current editing status of an object (Draft, Locked, Unsaved Changes). For further uses and more details see the object display components and draft handling articles.

Layout – Technical statuses
Layout – Technical statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

As long as no files have been added to the upload collection, applications need to show a mock-entry that provides users with a hint on how to upload their files.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (2)
Interaction – Upload (2)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog closes, the uploading progress is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (4)
Interaction – Upload (4)

Depending on the use case, the Add button (  ) can be either disabled or hidden.
If a user cannot upload any files at all, the button should be hidden completely.
If a user is only temporarily unable to upload files (for example, due to the server connection), the button should only be disabled to indicate that this state is temporary.

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename (  ) button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename  (  ) and Remove  buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction – Example of edit dialog
Interaction – Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Remove  button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Clickable Attributes

Object attributes can be made clickable. This can be very helpful to provide users with a direct way to access certain information such as a person’s profile, contact data, or the version history of a file.


Uploaded By: John Miller

Last Edited By: Donna Moore

Version 1.1

Do not use more than two or three linked attributes per item. Excessive use of clickable attributes will overload the UI with interactive elements and have a negative impact on usability.

If your attribute is a label or value pair, please notice that currently both label and value are linked (instead of just the value). We plan to separate them into a read-only label and clickable value.

Sorting and Filtering

Applications can enable sorting and filtering by placing the respective buttons next to the Add ) button. If both functions are provided separately, place Sort (  ) first, followed by Filter ). Each button should trigger the respective popover or dialog.

It is also possible to use the view settings dialog to handle both sorting and filtering in the same step. If you do this, use a combined button named Sort and Filter.

Interaction – Sort and Filter (1)
Interaction – Sort and Filter (1)

If a Filter is Set

Keep in mind to show the info bar if a filter is set. The sorting criteria should not be displayed in the info bar.

Clicking the info bar should bring up…
…the filter dialog if sorting and filtering are provided via separate buttons.
…the view settings dialog if only one Sort and Filter button is used.

Optionally, a button can be provided on the right hand side of the info bar to remove all filters.

Interaction – Sort and Filter (2)
Interaction – Sort and Filter (2)

Custom and Bulk Actions

App developers can introduce their own actions and apply an action to multiple objects (bulk actions).

Place both custom and bulk actions in the toolbar of the upload collection control. For the order of the actions, apply the same rules as for other toolbars.

If you want to use custom or bulk actions, you must use multiple selection (property: mode = MultiSelect). This mode removes the actions from each item. Instead, offer all necessary actions in the toolbar.

Interaction – Multi selection
Interaction – Multi selection

Uploading a New Version

With SAPUI5 version 1.38 and higher, the old version of an upload collection will be automatically replaced when the user uploads a newer version. This change no longer requires the user to delete the old version manually.

To upload a new version, the user needs to select a file and click Upload New Version. This button needs to be provided by the application as a custom action (see previous section). The following dialog (identical to standard uploading procedure) allows the user to pick a new file to replace the old one.

Developer Hint
The parameter UploadCollectionItem can be used to update a file with a newer version. The old version will be removed from the list automatically while the new version is uploaded. For more information, visit UI5 Explored.

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)

Placing the focus back on the field shows the error message (form field validation).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Remove buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Input Field

A text input field allows users to enter and edit text or numeric values in one line. To help users enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestion feature and the value help option.


Use the input field if:

  • The user needs to enter a short, single-line text or number.
  • The user needs to enter a password, URL, phone number, or email address.
  • The user needs to make a single selection from a large amount of data (for example, more than 200 items).
  • The user needs to find an object by searching for more than one attribute, such as an ID, city, and customer name. Use this control in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature and value help option. For a small set of values (for example, fewer than 20 items), consider using the select control. Otherwise, use the combo box (for 20–200 items).

Do not use the input field if:


In the examples below, the input field is shown in combination with the tabular autocomplete feature for different device sizes.

Size S (Smartphones)

Cozy mode:

When the user clicks or taps the input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which suggested items can be selected. Here, the pop-in feature of the responsive table is used.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a smartphone

Size M (Tablets)

Cozy mode:

The pop-in feature of the responsive table is used here, and defined columns are wrapped into a new line due to the limited space available.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a tablet

Size L (Desktops)

Compact mode:

The full table is shown in the suggest feature.

Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop
Tabular autocomplete suggestion feature on a desktop


Six input types are currently supported (API). Be sure to select the correct type for your use case. Depending on the input type, a different keyboard layout is displayed on a mobile device (see some sample input types).

Note: The control does not provide validation based on the type. The app development team must carry out format validation. If binding is used, validation is carried out by the model, but the error handling still needs to be taken care of on the UI.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering Text Using the Autocomplete Feature

Have a look at the interaction flow below:

Entering Text Using the Value Help Dialog

Have a look at the interaction flow below:


An input field can have four states: default, warning, error, or success.

Default state
Default state
Warning state
Warning state
Error state
Error state
Success state
Success state


Value State and Value State Message

The input control offers the four value states listed below. For the error and warning states, you can show an additional value state text when the focus is on the input field.

  1. None (default): No value state message is shown.
  2. Warning
  3. Error
  4. Success: No value state message is shown.

For more guidance on when to use which state, check out the article on message handling.


Maximum Length

Use this property to set the maximum number of characters allowed. There is no limit by default.


The placeholder, or input prompt, is a short hint (a word or short phrase) to help the user with data entry. A hint can be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.



You can provide an additional description on the input field, for example, for units or currency. The width of the input field and description is distributed equally by default. Although the default setting is 50%, you can change this with the fieldWidth property.

Input description
Input description


The width of the input field is set to 100% by default. Input fields are usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container that the input field is embedded in. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, and responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined by the 12-column approach.

Editable and Enabled States

The input field has three states (see examples of input states):

  1. Editable: This is the default setting.
  2. Not editable: The input field is not shown; only the value is shown. This is used in display-only forms.
  3. Disabled: The input field is shown with a visual indication that an edit is not possible, for example, due to missing editing rights.
Editable and enabled input states
Editable and enabled input states

Text Alignment

The input field offers six types of alignment for text values (API):

  • Begin
  • Center
  • End
  • Initial (default): Browser-configured alignment is used
  • Left
  • Right
Right alignment
Right alignment

Value Help

To help the user find the correct value, you can enable the value help option (propertyshowValueHelp). By enabling this option, a small value help icon is displayed in the input field on the right-hand side. Once this option is enabled, the click event can be registered and one of the following displayed:

If you want to force the user to select only existing values, you can enable the value-help-only option (see an example of the value-help-only option). In this case, the user cannot enter text in the input field. Instead, the value must be selected from the list of suggestions, or chosen using the select dialog or value help dialog.

Value help option
Value help option

Autocomplete Suggestion

The input control offers three different types of autocomplete suggestions: single, two-value, and tabular. The width of the autocomplete and the input fields are set by default, but you can change these via the maxSuggestionWidth property. The position of the suggestion box depends on the space available below the control. If there is not enough space, the suggest box is shown above the control.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Displays a list of suggestions with one left-aligned value. As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.Item is used.

See live example of single-value autocomplete suggestions.

Single value autocomplete suggestion feature
Single value autocomplete suggestion feature

Two Values with Autocomplete

The two-value autocomplete suggestion feature displays two attributes of a business object, such as an ID and a name.  As a base for the aggregation suggestionItemssap.ui.core.ListItem is used.

The text property is displayed first, left-aligned, and the additionalText property is right-aligned.

See live example of two-value autocomplete suggestions.

Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature
Two-value autocomplete suggestion feature

Tabular Autocomplete

This autocomplete feature displays the values in a table layout. The width of the columns is distributed equally by default.

To use the tabular autocomplete feature, use the suggestionColumns aggregation to define the columns and the correct responsive behavior for the pop-in. For more information, see the article on the responsive table.

With the showTableSuggestionValueHelp property, you can offer a Show All Items button at the end of the suggest result list. Because the number of results in the suggest functionality is limited, this option helps the user find the relevant item via an alternative dialog:

See a live example of tabular autocomplete suggestions.

Tabular autocomplete
Tabular autocomplete


Always provide a meaningful label for any input field.

Maximum Length

Limit the length of the input field. For example, if you expect the user to enter a two-digit number, limit the maximum length to two. The maximum permissible character length is not defined by default. If the backend has a limit, ensure that you set this property accordingly.


Avoid using the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible.


The description field should be used, for example, for displaying units or currency. Do not use a description for help text or as a label replacement. Note that the description is not placed in a new line in size S. Therefore, only use the description property for small input fields with a short description.


Editable and Enabled States


Property settings: editable = true, enabled = true

The input control is enabled and editable by default. Set the control to editable to allow the user to enter a value.

Not Editable

Property settings: editable = false, enabled = true

Use this state, for example, to display data only.


Property settings: editable = not relevant, enabled = false

Set the control to disabled in an edit scenario to indicate that the user cannot change the control, for example, due to missing access rights or previous conditions not having been fulfilled or selected.

Text Align

Align left if:

  • Text is used. Also use left alignment for a phone number, URL, password, and email address.

Align right if:

  • Amounts and decimal numbers are used.
  • Values need to be added and compared.

Value Help

Show the value help option to help the user select the correct value (such as a customer ID) from a large data set via the:

Use this option in combination with the autocomplete suggestion feature.

When the user clicks or taps the value help icon, the data entered into the input field must be transferred to the processing dialog so that the user does not have to enter the search term again. Likewise, data entered in the processing dialog must be transferred back to the input field.

Autocomplete Suggestion

Use the autocomplete suggestion feature to display real-time suggestions and to help the user enter information more accurately and efficiently. If you expect the suggest values to be longer than the input field itself, you can change the width via the maxSuggestionWidth property.

Single Value with Autocomplete

Use the single-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by only one attribute, such as an ID or a customer name.

Two Values with Autocomplete

Use the two-value autocomplete feature if you want to search by two attributes, such as a customer name and an ID. This ensures that the search is carried out for both attributes.

Tabular Autocomplete

If you need to display more than two attributes, use the tabular autocomplete feature. Try to keep the number of columns to a minimum, and focus on the columns that are really relevant for the use case. Define appropriate responsive behavior for sizes S and M. For more information, see responsive table.

The width of the columns is distributed equally by default. To avoid truncation, accurately estimate the primary attribute length and set a minimum width for this column.

Creating and Editing Objects

Sometimes a new object needs to be created if the user cannot find a specific item via autocomplete or value help. In this case, we recommend that you place the New action next to the input field.

If you want the user to be able to edit a selected object directly, you should place the Edit link next to the input field.

If both actions are needed, they should be toggled based on the content of the input field. If a valid object is selected, you should display Edit. If the input field is empty or the object is not valid, you should display New. This pattern can also be applied for the multi-input fieldcombo boxmulti-combo box, and select controls.

Input field – New and Edit actions
Input field – New and Edit actions


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control contains an Attachments header with a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right. You can overwrite both the default text Attachments and the counter (property: numberOfAttachmentsText).

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog has been closed, the uploading process is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (3)
Interaction – Upload (3)

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename and Delete buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction - Example of edit dialog
Interaction - Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Delete button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Custom and Bulk Actions

App developers can introduce their own actions and apply an action to multiple objects (bulk actions).

Place both custom and bulk actions in the toolbar of the upload collection control. For the order of the actions, apply the same rules as for other toolbars.

If you want to use custom or bulk actions, you must use multiple selection (property: mode = MultiSelect). This mode removes the actions from each item. Instead, offer all necessary actions in the toolbar.

Interaction – Multiselection of files
Interaction – Multiselection of files

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Delete buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control contains an Attachments header with a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right. You can overwrite both the default text Attachments and the counter (property: numberOfAttachmentsText).

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog has been closed, the uploading process is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (3)
Interaction – Upload (3)

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename and Delete buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction - Example of edit dialog
Interaction - Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Delete button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Clickable Attributes

Object attributes can be made clickable. This can be very helpful to provide users with a direct way to access certain information such as a person’s profile, contact data, or the version history of a file.


Uploaded By: John Miller

Last Edited By: Donna Moore

Version 1.1

Do not use more than two or three linked attributes per item. Excessive use of clickable attributes will overload the UI with interactive elements and have a negative impact on usability.

If your attribute is a label or value pair, please notice that currently both label and value are linked (instead of just the value). We plan to separate them into a read-only label and clickable value.

Custom and Bulk Actions

App developers can introduce their own actions and apply an action to multiple objects (bulk actions).

Place both custom and bulk actions in the toolbar of the upload collection control. For the order of the actions, apply the same rules as for other toolbars.

If you want to use custom or bulk actions, you must use multiple selection (property: mode = MultiSelect). This mode removes the actions from each item. Instead, offer all necessary actions in the toolbar.

Interaction – Multiselection of files
Interaction – Multiselection of files

Uploading a New Version

With SAPUI5 version 1.38 and higher, the old version of an upload collection will be automatically replaced when the user uploads a newer version. This change no longer requires the user to delete the old version manually.

To upload a new version, the user needs to select a file and click Upload New Version. This button needs to be provided by the application as a custom action (see previous section). The following dialog (identical to standard uploading procedure) allows the user to pick a new file to replace the old one.

Developer Hint
The parameter UploadCollectionItem can be used to update a file with a newer version. The old version will be removed from the list automatically while the new version is uploaded. For more information, visit UI5 Explored.

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Delete buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control contains an Attachments header with a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right. You can overwrite both the default text Attachments and the counter (property: numberOfAttachmentsText).

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses

Technical Statuses

In contrast to the statuses mentioned above, technical statuses are not bound to a workflow or business process. Their main use is to show the current editing status of an object (Draft, Locked, Unsaved Changes). For further uses and more details see the object display components and draft handling articles.

Layout – Technical statuses
Layout – Technical statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

As long as no files have been added to the upload collection, applications need to show a mock-entry that provides users with a hint on how to upload their files.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (2)
Interaction – Upload (2)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog closes, the uploading progress is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (4)
Interaction – Upload (4)

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename (  ) button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename  (  ) and Remove  buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction – Example of edit dialog
Interaction – Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Remove  button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Clickable Attributes

Object attributes can be made clickable. This can be very helpful to provide users with a direct way to access certain information such as a person’s profile, contact data, or the version history of a file.


Uploaded By: John Miller

Last Edited By: Donna Moore

Version 1.1

Do not use more than two or three linked attributes per item. Excessive use of clickable attributes will overload the UI with interactive elements and have a negative impact on usability.

If your attribute is a label or value pair, please notice that currently both label and value are linked (instead of just the value). We plan to separate them into a read-only label and clickable value.

Custom and Bulk Actions

App developers can introduce their own actions and apply an action to multiple objects (bulk actions).

Place both custom and bulk actions in the toolbar of the upload collection control. For the order of the actions, apply the same rules as for other toolbars.

If you want to use custom or bulk actions, you must use multiple selection (property: mode = MultiSelect). This mode removes the actions from each item. Instead, offer all necessary actions in the toolbar.

Interaction – Multi selection
Interaction – Multi selection

Uploading a New Version

With SAPUI5 version 1.38 and higher, the old version of an upload collection will be automatically replaced when the user uploads a newer version. This change no longer requires the user to delete the old version manually.

To upload a new version, the user needs to select a file and click Upload New Version. This button needs to be provided by the application as a custom action (see previous section). The following dialog (identical to standard uploading procedure) allows the user to pick a new file to replace the old one.

Developer Hint
The parameter UploadCollectionItem can be used to update a file with a newer version. The old version will be removed from the list automatically while the new version is uploaded. For more information, visit UI5 Explored.

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (1)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (2)

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (3)

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (4)

Placing the focus back on the field shows the error message (form field validation).

Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)
Interaction – Validation for renaming (5)

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Remove buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection - Size S
Upload collection - Size S
Upload collection - Size M
Upload collection - Size M
Upload collection - Size L
Upload collection - Size L


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control has an Attachments header and a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right.

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog has been closed, the uploading process is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (3)
Interaction – Upload (3)
Before version 1.32, all uploads are bundled into a single request. As a result, all uploads show the same progress and, if one of them is cancelled, all of them are aborted. Version 1.32 fixes this.

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename and Delete buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction - Example of edit dialog
Interaction - Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Delete button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Delete buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Upload Collection

The upload collection control allows users to upload single or multiple files from a device (desktop, tablet, or phone) to the SAP Fiori app. Typically, uploaded files appear in an Attachments tab. However, files can also be displayed elsewhere.

The upload collection replaces the deprecated control. Please refrain from using the old CA control.


Use the upload collection control if:

  • You want to show a list of uploaded files that can be modified.
  • You want to allow users to add or remove files, and to change the file names.
  • You are still using the old control.

Do not use the upload collection control if:


The upload collection control supports small, medium, and large containers.

Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size S
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size M
Upload collection – Size L/XL
Upload collection – Size L/XL


The toolbar at the top of the upload collection control has an Attachments header and a counter on the left, and an Add button ( ) for adding new items on the right.

Files are listed vertically. Each item has a Rename ( ) and a Remove ( ) button.

While most file types have generic icons (for example documents, spreadsheets, or presentations), image files have a small thumbnail preview.

Layout – Items
Layout – Items

Attributes and Statuses

You can display additional attributes and statuses below the file name. Attributes can include the name of the person who uploaded the file, the upload date, the version number, file size, and so on.

App developers can also set individual statuses. These statuses usually refer to an object’s state in a workflow (such as Approved or Overdue).

If multiple attributes or statuses are displayed, they are separated by a bullet.

Layout – Attributes and statuses
Layout – Attributes and statuses


The upload collection control offers two different modes: UploadCollection and UploadCollectionForPendingUpload.

The classic upload collection allows users to upload single or multiple files directly to the app, where these files are displayed as a list.

In contrast, the upload collection for pending upload requires the user to first add multiple files to a list (usually presented in a dialog) and then explicitly trigger the upload for the entire list.

When the dialog with the list is confirmed, the user returns to the app screen with the upload collection set to busy until the upload is finished.

Behavior and Interaction

Uploading Files

The Add button ( ) triggers a native operating system dialog that allows users to select the files they want to upload. You can decide whether the dialogs should allow users to select multiple items, or only one item.

Interaction – Upload (1)
Interaction – Upload (1)

Once the files have been selected and the dialog has been closed, the uploading process is shown in the list.

Users can cancel individual uploads by pressing the Remove  button provided on each item.

Interaction – Upload (3)
Interaction – Upload (3)
Before version 1.32, all uploads are bundled into a single request. As a result, all uploads show the same progress and, if one of them is cancelled, all of them are aborted. Version 1.32 fixes this.

Opening Files

The user can click or tap the icons or thumbnails in front of the attachment. Opening files is handled differently depending on the operating system.

On a desktop device, clicking the file name or icon of a file opens the respective program that has been assigned to this file type. Mobile devices usually open a dialog in which the user can select an app that supports this file type.

Renaming Files

The rename function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

The user clicks or taps the Rename button.

The file name becomes an input field in which the existing name is highlighted. At the same time, the Rename and Delete buttons are replaced by two options: OK and Cancel.

When the user starts typing, the highlighted text is overwritten. Alternatively, the user can use the mouse or keyboard to change the selected text.

There are three ways in which to validate the new file name:

  • The user clicks or taps somewhere outside the input field to change the focus.
  • The user clicks OK.
  • The user presses ENTER.

Editing Files

If users need to edit more than just the name of uploaded files, applications can implement an edit dialog with all the elements that can be changed by the user.

The image shows an example of how to structure such a dialog. The fields depend entirely on the use case and can be freely determined by each application.

Further details about editing parts of an object in a dialog can be found in the article manage objects – parts of an object. If multiple files need to be edited simultaneously, make sure to follow the guidelines for mass editing.

Interaction - Example of edit dialog
Interaction - Example of edit dialog

Deleting Files

The delete function works identically on desktop and mobile devices.

As soon as the user clicks or taps the Delete button on a file, a dialog appears asking the user to confirm the deletion of the respective file.

The file name has to be specified in the dialog. Delete confirms the deletion and the file is removed from the list. Cancel aborts the process, closes the dialog, and brings the user back to the file list without making any changes.

Interaction – Delete
Interaction – Delete

Handling Duplicates

Some applications may allow duplicate files and file names. This section covers steps to prevent duplicates.

Duplicate File Name During Renaming

In this example, there are two different image files: Product Picture – Front and Product Picture – Back.

The user types in a name that is identical to one that already exists.

When the user clicks OK or tries to remove the focus from the input field, the field is highlighted (semantic color: error).

Duplicate Files During Upload

Duplicate files are not recognized by the upload control. If needed, this feature must be implemented manually.

If a duplicate is recognized during the upload process, a dialog appears that allows the user to do one of the following:

1) This text explains the current conflict (no actions possible).

2) With Upload and replace, the current file is replaced with the newly updated one.

3) With Upload and rename automatically, the current file is kept and an incrementally increasing number is added to the newly uploaded file, such as “Technical Specs_2”.

4) With Skip this file, the file is not uploaded and the current file is kept instead.

5) If Do this for all n conflicts is checked, the selected action is applied to all remaining conflicts.

6) The OK button confirms selected action(s).

7) The Cancel button cancels the entire upload process.

Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details
Interaction – Upload duplicate – Details


The showSeparators property allows you to display dividers between each item. The default value is All, meaning that all dividers are shown. We recommend that you only turn off the separators if you expect to have just a few items since they can help to maintain a better overview in long lists.

Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – Separators (default)
Styles – No separators
Styles – No separators


When to Show/Deactivate/Hide Actions

Apps can control the visibility and the active state for all actions at item level. This applies to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The properties are as follows:

  • VisibleEdit
  • VisibleDelete
  • EnableEdit
  • EnableDelete

All the properties are set to true by default.

If users are not allowed to edit uploaded files, all the Edit buttons should be set to invisible. The same applies to the Delete function.

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another.

Do not leave buttons enabled, only to show an error message informing the user that the function is not available.

Identical actions should always appear beneath one another.

Show identical actions beneath each other
Show identical actions beneath each other

If users are not allowed to use a certain function, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization
Hide functions if the user doesn't have authorization

If certain actions are unavailable in some cases, such as for files from other users, we recommended that you disable these actions.

Disable functions not available for a specific file
Disable functions not available for a specific file

Identical actions should be placed directly beneath one another. In the example opposite, the Delete buttons on the lower two items should be visible but disabled.

Do not position the same actions differently
Do not position the same actions differently

Do not disable all actions. If users are not allowed to use a certain action, these buttons should not be shown at all.

Don't disable all actions
Don't disable all actions
If you want users to be able to upload only specific file types, we recommend doing this via mime types.
You should also inform users on the UI about the file types they are allowed to upload.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Rating Indicator

The rating indicator can be used to rate content or to indicate a rating. It enables users to rate an item on a numeric scale. The most popular scale is 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

Rating indicator
Rating indicator


The rating indicator runs on all form factors and therefore works on all devices. It is embedded in a container and thus behaves as part of it.

Rating indicator as part of the form – Size S (for example, smartphone)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Size S (for example, smartphone)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Sizes M and L (for example, tablet and desktop)
Rating indicator as part of the form – Sizes M and L (for example, tablet and desktop)



Use the rating indicator in forms, tables, or in a dialog box.

Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating indicator as part of a form
Rating indicator as part of a table
Rating indicator as part of a table
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box
Rating indicator as part of a dialog box

Popover with Details

In collaborative rating scenarios, the rating indicator shows an average of all ratings. You may show the sum of ratings in brackets behind the rating indicator as a text or link. You may also add a popover that shows the detailed ratings for the average of all ratings.

Details for rating in popover
Details for rating in popover

Behavior and Interaction


When the user hovers over the rating indicator, a different icon or image is shown (property: iconHovered). This is an orange star by default.


If enabled for rating, the rating that the user previously selected is shown. When the user performs a rating, an event is triggered.


Rating Symbols

You can also specify the URLs for the images or icons that are used as rating symbols (property: iconUnselected). Five star symbols are used by default. Although you can use other images or icons, we generally recommend that you use the star symbol. You can only choose 1 symbol for the unselected and 1 for the hovered state.

Number of Rating Symbols

You can specify the number of rating symbols (property: maxValue). We recommend using a maximum of 7 symbols, although 5 symbols are preferred.

Float Values

Float values can be visualized as a half or full star (property: visualMode).

Size of Rating Symbols

The recommended sizes of the image or icon to be displayed are:

  • Small: 1 rem (16 px)
  • Normal: 1.375 rem (22 px) – default
  • Large: 2 rem (32 px)
Possible sizes of rating indicator: small, medium, large
Possible sizes of rating indicator: small, medium, large


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links



The select control (also known as a dropdown) is commonly used to enable users to select an item from a predefined list.


Use select if:

  • Users need to select one item exclusively from a short list of options (for example, fewer than 12 items).
  • The values of the option list are of secondary importance and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use select if:

  • Users need to choose between two options, such as On or Off and Yes or No. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a very large set of options. In this case, consider using the combo box instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the input field with a select dialog or a value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using radio buttons or a radio button group instead.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On smartphones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices, it appears as a popover.

Size S

Select option list in full screen (size S)
Select option list in full screen (size S)

Size M

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)

Size L

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)


The select control can be placed in toolbars, such as chart toolbarsfooter toolbars, or header toolbars, as well as in forms or tables:


Select Trigger

The trigger to open the option list is either the Select field (1), which also displays the current selection, or an icon (3).

Option List

The option list (2) displays all the items available to the user. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the selected option.

Anatomy of the select control
Anatomy of the select control

Behavior and Interaction


The Select field always displays the current selection. The user clicks or taps the field to display a list of options to choose from. Once the user selects an option, the list box closes and the selected option is displayed in the field. If there is no Select field but an icon, the user clicks the icon to open the list of options. The currently selected item is always highlighted in the list to help the user identify what has been selected.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated.

If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, or you need to allow the user not to select an option, provide (None) (1) as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If you need to indicate that all items apply, for example, as a list filter, provide All as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If your use case requires a blank input field instead of (None), use a combo box instead.

If the select control is placed in a toolbar as an icon-only version for grouping or filtering a set of items, consider the following guideline:

Sort, Group, and Filter:

  • (Not sorted)
    Note: In most cases, this option is not necessary; just show the default sort settings instead.
  • (Not filtered)
  • (Not grouped)

For more information about the toolbar, see toolbar overview.

Define a default selection whenever possible (2). If the selected item is not specified, the first one is selected.

(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected
(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected


The select control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label.


Do not provide a blank value to indicate that nothing is selected.


The sort option list contains all the items that are available to the user. Choose one of the following styles to order the content:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options. Sort the options alphabetically if more than eight select options are available. This helps the user find the right option quickly.

Example of logical sorting
Example of logical sorting

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and similar content alphabetically.

Example of alphabetical sorting
Example of alphabetical sorting

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Example of numeric sorting
Example of numeric sorting

Chronological: Sort time-related information into chronological order, with the most recent first.

Example of chronological sorting
Example of chronological sorting


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The width of the select control is set to Auto by default, while the maximum width is set to 100%. The option list adapts its length to the longest entry by default.

The select control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the select control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined.

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Do not allow the control to auto-adjust based on the selection.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, consider using a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



The select control (also known as a dropdown) is commonly used to enable users to select an item from a predefined list.


Use select if:

  • Users need to select one item exclusively from a short list of options (for example, fewer than 12 items).
  • The values of the option list are of secondary importance and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use select if:

  • Users need to choose between two options, such as On or Off and Yes or No. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a very large set of options. In this case, consider using the combo box instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the input field with a select dialog or a value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using radio buttons or a radio button group instead.
(Left) Sort items with more than eight entries alphabetically; (Right) Sort units into a logical order if the list does not exceed eight items.
(Left) Sort items with more than eight entries alphabetically; (Right) Sort units into a logical order if the list does not exceed eight items.
(Left) Incorrect alphabetical order instead of logical order; (Right) Incorrect control for selecting elements.
(Left) Incorrect alphabetical order instead of logical order; (Right) Incorrect control for selecting elements.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On smartphones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices, it appears as a popover.

Size S

Select option list in full screen (size S)
Select option list in full screen (size S)

Size M

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)

Size L

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)


The select control can be placed in toolbars, such as chart toolbarsfooter toolbars, or header toolbars, as well as in forms or tables:


Select Trigger

The trigger to open the option list is either the Select field (1), which also displays the current selection, or an icon (3).

Option List

The option list (2) displays all the items available to the user. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the selected option.

Anatomy of the select control
Anatomy of the select control

Select Trigger

The trigger to open the option list is either the Select field (1), which also displays the current selection, or an icon (3).

Option List

The option list (2) displays all the items available to the user. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the selected option.

Anatomy of the select control
Anatomy of the select control

Behavior and Interaction


The Select field always displays the current selection. The user clicks or taps the field to display a list of options to choose from. Once the user selects an option, the list box closes and the selected option is displayed in the field. If there is no Select field but an icon, the user clicks the icon to open the list of options. The currently selected item is always highlighted in the list to help the user identify what has been selected.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated.

If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, or you need to allow the user not to select an option, provide (None) (1) as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If you need to indicate that all items apply, for example, as a list filter, provide All as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If your use case requires a blank input field instead of (None), use a combo box instead.

If the select control is placed in a toolbar as an icon-only version for grouping or filtering a set of items, consider the following guideline:

Sort, Group, and Filter:

  • (Not sorted)
    Note: In most cases, this option is not necessary; just show the default sort settings instead.
  • (Not filtered)
  • (Not grouped)

For more information about the toolbar, see toolbar overview.

Define a default selection whenever possible (2). If the selected item is not specified, the first one is selected.

(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected
(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected


The select control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label.


Do not provide a blank value to indicate that nothing is selected.


The sort option list contains all the items that are available to the user. Choose one of the following styles to order the content:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options. Sort the options alphabetically if more than eight select options are available. This helps the user find the right option quickly.

Example of logical sorting
Example of logical sorting

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and similar content alphabetically.

Example of alphabetical sorting
Example of alphabetical sorting

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Example of numeric sorting
Example of numeric sorting

Chronological: Sort time-related information into chronological order, with the most recent first.

Example of chronological sorting
Example of chronological sorting


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The width of the select control is set to Auto by default, while the maximum width is set to 100%. The option list adapts its length to the longest entry by default.

The select control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the select control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined.

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Do not allow the control to auto-adjust based on the selection.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, consider using a smaller width.


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The select control (also known as a dropdown) is commonly used to enable users to select an item from a predefined list.


Use select if:

  • Users need to select one item exclusively from a short list of options (for example, fewer than 12 items).
  • The values of the option list are of secondary importance and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use select if:

  • Users need to choose between two options, such as On or Off and Yes or No. In this case, consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a very large set of options. In this case, consider using the combo box instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. In this case, consider using the input field with a select dialog or a value help dialog instead.
  • The user needs to search on multiple attributes. In this case, consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away, without any user interaction. In this case, consider using radio buttons or a radio button group instead.
(Left) Sort items with more than eight entries alphabetically; (Right) Sort units into a logical order if the list does not exceed eight items.
(Left) Sort items with more than eight entries alphabetically; (Right) Sort units into a logical order if the list does not exceed eight items.
(Left) Incorrect alphabetical order instead of logical order; (Right) Incorrect control for selecting elements.
(Left) Incorrect alphabetical order instead of logical order; (Right) Incorrect control for selecting elements.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On smartphones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices, it appears as a popover.

Size S

Select option list in full screen (size S)
Select option list in full screen (size S)

Size M

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size M)

Size L

Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)
Select option list – The option list opens above the field if there is not enough space below it (size L)


The select control can be placed in toolbars, such as chart toolbarsfooter toolbars, or header toolbars, as well as in forms or tables:

Select control placed in a chart toolbar
Select control placed in a chart toolbar
Select control placed in a form
Select control placed in a form
Pressed state in a footer toolbar (sizes M and L)
Pressed state in a footer toolbar (sizes M and L)
Pressed state in a header toolbar (sizes M and L)
Pressed state in a header toolbar (sizes M and L)
Select control placed in a table
Select control placed in a table


Select Trigger

The trigger to open the option list is either the Select field (1), which also displays the current selection, or an icon (3).

Option List

The option list (2) displays all the items available to the user. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the selected option.

Anatomy of the select control
Anatomy of the select control

Select Trigger

The trigger to open the option list is either the Select field (1), which also displays the current selection, or an icon (3).

Option List

The option list (2) displays all the items available to the user. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the selected option.

Anatomy of the select control
Anatomy of the select control

Behavior and Interaction


The Select field always displays the current selection. The user clicks or taps the field to display a list of options to choose from. Once the user selects an option, the list box closes and the selected option is displayed in the field. If there is no Select field but an icon, the user clicks the icon to open the list of options. The currently selected item is always highlighted in the list to help the user identify what has been selected.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. Values that are too long may be truncated.

If you need to indicate that none of the selection options are selected, or you need to allow the user not to select an option, provide (None) (1) as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If you need to indicate that all items apply, for example, as a list filter, provide All as an option and place it at the beginning of the list.

If your use case requires a blank input field instead of (None), use a combo box instead.

If the select control is placed in a toolbar as an icon-only version for grouping or filtering a set of items, consider the following guideline:

Sort, Group, and Filter:

  • (Not sorted)
    Note: In most cases, this option is not necessary; just show the default sort settings instead.
  • (Not filtered)
  • (Not grouped)

For more information about the toolbar, see toolbar overview.

Define a default selection whenever possible (2). If the selected item is not specified, the first one is selected.

(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected
(1) Selection option list with (None); (2) first value selected


The select control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label.


Do not provide a blank value to indicate that nothing is selected.


The sort option list contains all the items that are available to the user. Choose one of the following styles to order the content:

Logical: Sort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options. Sort the options alphabetically if more than eight select options are available. This helps the user find the right option quickly.

Example of logical sorting
Example of logical sorting

Alphabetical: Sort currencies, names, and similar content alphabetically.

Example of alphabetical sorting
Example of alphabetical sorting

Numeric: Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

Example of numeric sorting
Example of numeric sorting

Chronological: Sort time-related information into chronological order, with the most recent first.

Example of chronological sorting
Example of chronological sorting


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent. The width of the select control is set to Auto by default, while the maximum width is set to 100%. The option list adapts its length to the longest entry by default.

The select control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the select control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers, like the form, simple form, or responsive grid layout, and with the layout data property, where the width is defined.

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Do not allow the control to auto-adjust based on the selection.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long are truncated and users will not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, such as with currency codes, consider using a smaller width.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Select Dialog

The select dialog enables users to select one or more items from a comprehensive list. The select dialog comes with a list of entries and a search field to filter the list.

A more enhanced dialog for single selection and multiselection is the value help dialog as it offers range selection and excluding functions.


Use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to select one or more entries from a comprehensive list that contains multiple attributes or values.

Do not use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to pick one item from a predefined set of options that contains one attribute or value only such as languages. In this case, consider using the combo box or select instead.
  • Your use case requires more enhanced functionalities such as a selection based on ranges. For the selection of values, consider using the value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires tabs, filters, or an Add New functionality in the select dialog. In this case, use a standard dialog instead.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On phones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices it appears as a popover.

Size S

Single-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Single-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone

Size M

Single-select dialog on tablet
Single-select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet

Size L

Single-select dialog on desktop
Single-select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop


Dialog Header

You need to set the title of the dialog header (1). We recommend the following form:

Single selection

Select <Entity>

Example: Select Product


Select <Entities>

Example: Select Products


The first element in the dialog is a standard search field (2).

Info Toolbar

The info toolbar (3) is only available in multi-selection mode. It shows the number of selected items in the following form:

Selected <Entities>: <Number>

Example: Selected Products: 2


The content area (4) can be filled with any list content inherited from the list item base, such as standard list items, display list items, and feed list items. You can set the content to be displayed as grouped.

Button Toolbar

The button toolbar (5) contains two buttonsOK and Cancel. OK takes over the selection, while Cancel resets the selection to the state it was in when the dialog was opened. Do not use Add or Select instead of OK.

Components of the select dialog – Left: single select; right: multi select
Components of the select dialog – Left: single select; right: multi select

Behavior and Interaction

The select dialog can be called up from any control. The most common trigger is an input field with selection icon, also known as a “value help field”, or F4. Alternative triggers are buttons or icons, which add items to an existing list or the info bar in the master list in order to apply a contextual filter.

Single Select

Once users select an entry, the select dialog is closed and the selected entry is taken over. If applicable, the entry is displayed in the field from which the dialog was triggered.


In the multi-select version of the select dialog, checkboxes are provided for choosing multiple entries. The selection is taken over when the user closes the dialog via OK. Cancel closes the dialog without taking over the selected values. An infobar indicates the number of selected items.


The user can search items.


Search Behavior

There are two types of search behaviors available:

(1) A live search, also known as “search-as-you-type” (property: liveChange), which is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.

(2) A manual search, which is triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search icon or presses the Enter key.

App developers need to decide which search to use. We recommend implementing the live search whenever possible. Use the manual search only if the amount of data is too large and your app would otherwise run into performance issues. For more information, check out the article on searching.

Remembering Selections

If your use case requires the memorization of selections in a dialog in order to allow for corrections, you can set the rememberSelections function in the select dialog to true. When users exit the dialog with cancel, the selection is restored to the state when the dialog was opened.

Selection is remembered after reopening the dialog
Selection is remembered after reopening the dialog

By default, the selection is reset once the dialog is closed. This allows a new selection when opening the dialog again. As an example, this functionality makes sense when users need to add multiple items to a table.

Selection is reset after closing the dialog
Selection is reset after closing the dialog


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Select Dialog

The select dialog enables users to select one or more items from a comprehensive list. The select dialog comes with a list of entries and a search field to filter the list.

A more enhanced dialog for single selection and multiselection is the value help dialog as it offers range selection and excluding functions.


Use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to select one or more entries from a comprehensive list that contains multiple attributes or values.

Do not use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to pick one item from a predefined set of options that contains one attribute or value only such as languages. In this case, consider using the combo box or select instead.
  • Your use case requires more enhanced functionalities such as a selection based on ranges. For the selection of values, consider using the value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires tabs, filters, or an Add New functionality in the select dialog. In this case, use a standard dialog instead.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On phones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices it appears as a popover.

Size S

Single-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Single-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone

Size M

Single-select dialog on tablet
Single-select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet

Size L

Single-select dialog on desktop
Single-select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop


Dialog Header

You need to set the title of the dialog header (1). We recommend the following form:

Single selection

Select <Entity>

Example: Select Product


Select <Entities>

Example: Select Products


The first element in the dialog is a standard search field (2).

Info Toolbar

The info toolbar (3) is only available in multi-selection mode. It shows the number of selected items in the following form:

Selected <Entities>: <Number>

Example: Selected Products: 2


The content area (4) can be filled with any list content inherited from the list item base, such as standard list items, display list items, and feed list items. You can set the content to be displayed as grouped.

Button Toolbar

The button toolbar (5) contains two buttonsOK and Cancel. OK takes over the selection, while Cancel resets the selection to the state it was in when the dialog was opened. Do not use Add or Select instead of OK.

Components of the select dialog – Left: single select; right: multi select
Components of the select dialog – Left: single select; right: multi select

Behavior and Interaction

The select dialog can be called up from any control. The most common trigger is an input field with selection icon, also known as a “value help field”, or F4. Alternative triggers are buttons or icons, which add items to an existing list or the info bar in the master list in order to apply a contextual filter.

Single Select

Once users select an entry, the select dialog is closed and the selected entry is taken over. If applicable, the entry is displayed in the field from which the dialog was triggered.


In the multi-select version of the select dialog, checkboxes are provided for choosing multiple entries. The selection is taken over when the user closes the dialog via OK. Cancel closes the dialog without taking over the selected values. An infobar indicates the number of selected items.


The user can search items.


Search Behavior

Two types of search behavior are available:

(1) A live search, also known as “search-as-you-type” (property: liveChange), which is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes

(2) A manual search, which is triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search icon or presses the Enter key

App developers need to decide which search to use. We recommend implementing the live search whenever possible. Use the manual search only if the amount of data is too large and your app would otherwise run into performance issues. For more information, check out the Search article.

Remember Selections

If your use case requires selections in a dialog to be remembered so that the user can make corrections, you can set the rememberSelections function in the select dialog to ‘true’. When users exit the dialog by clicking or tapping Cancel, the selection is restored to the state it was in when the dialog was opened.

Selection is remembered after the dialog is reopened
Selection is remembered after the dialog is reopened

Once the dialog is closed, the selection is reset by default. This allows users to make a new selection when they reopen the dialog. This functionality makes sense, for example, when users need to add multiple items to a table.

Selection is reset after the dialog is closed
Selection is reset after the dialog is closed


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Select Dialog

The select dialog enables users to select one or more items from a comprehensive list. The select dialog comes with a list of entries and a search field to filter the list.

A more enhanced dialog for single selection and multiselection is the value help dialog as it offers range selection and excluding functions.


Use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to select one or more entries from a comprehensive list that contains multiple attributes or values.

Do not use the select dialog if:

  • Users need to pick one item from a predefined set of options that contains one attribute or value only such as languages. In this case, consider using the combo box or select instead.
  • Your use case requires more enhanced functionalities such as a selection based on ranges. For the selection of values, consider using the value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires tabs, filters, or an Add New functionality in the select dialog. In this case, use a standard dialog instead.


The display of the select control depends on the device. On phones, the selection list takes up the whole screen. On desktop and tablet devices it appears as a popover.

Size S

Single select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Single select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone
Multi-select dialog in full screen on smartphone

Size M

Single select dialog on tablet
Single select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet
Multi-select dialog on tablet

Size L

Single select dialog on desktop
Single select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop
Multi-select dialog on desktop


Dialog Header

You need to set the title of the dialog header (1). We recommend the following form:

Single selection

Select <Entity>

Example: Select Product


Select <Entities>

Example: Select Products


The first element in the dialog is a standard search field (2).

Info Toolbar

The info toolbar (3) is only available in multi-selection mode. It shows the number of selected items in the following form:

Selected <Entities>: <Number>

Example: Selected Products: 2


The content area (4) can be filled with any list content inherited from the list item base, such as standard list items, display list items, and feed list items. You can set the content to be displayed as grouped.

Button Toolbar

The button toolbar (5) contains two buttonsOK and Cancel. OK takes over the selection, while Cancel resets the selection to the state it was in when the dialog was opened. Do not use Add or Select instead of OK.

Components of the select dialog. Left: single select, right: multi select
Components of the select dialog. Left: single select, right: multi select

Behavior and Interaction

The select dialog can be called up from any control. The most common trigger is an input field with selection icon, also known as a “value help field”, or F4. Alternative triggers are buttons or icons, which add items to an existing list or the info bar in the master list in order to apply a contextual filter.

Single Select

Once users select an entry, the select dialog is closed and the selected entry is taken over. If applicable, the entry is displayed in the field from which the dialog was triggered.


In the multi-select version of the select dialog, checkboxes are provided for choosing multiple entries. The selection is taken over when the user closes the dialog via OK. Cancel closes the dialog without taking over the selected values. An info bar indicates the number of selected items.


The user can search items.


Search Behavior

Two types of search behavior are available:

(1) A live search, also known as “search-as-you-type” (property: liveChange), which is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes

(2) A manual search, which is triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps the Search icon or presses the Enter key

Although app developers need to decide themselves which search to use, we recommend implementing the live search whenever possible. Use the manual search only if the amount of data is too large and your app would otherwise run into performance issues. For more information, check out the article on search.

Remember Selections

If your use case requires selections in a dialog to be remembered so that the user can make corrections, you can set the rememberSelections function in the select dialog to ‘true’. When users exit the dialog by clicking or tapping Cancel, the selection is restored to the state it was in when the dialog was opened.

Selection is remembered after the dialog is reopened
Selection is remembered after the dialog is reopened

Once the dialog is closed, the selection is reset by default. This allows users to make a new selection when they reopen the dialog. This functionality makes sense, for example, when users need to add multiple items to a table.

Selection is reset after the dialog is closed
Selection is reset after the dialog is closed


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Multi-Input Field

A multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as tokens. These can be displayed in single and multiline mode. To help the user enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestions feature and the value help option.


Use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select multiple ranges (with the value help option and the value help dialog).
  • The data set to choose from is expected to increase over time (for example, to more than 200 values).
  • You need to provide the value help option to help users select or search multiple business objects.

Do not use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select one entry only. In this case, use the input field or combo box instead.
  • You want the user to select from a pre-defined set of options only. In this case, use the multi-combo box instead.


In the examples below, the autocomplete feature is shown in different sizes for single and multiline modes.

Single Line Mode (Default)

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the autocomplete suggestions can be selected. When the user makes a selection, the dialog closes and the token is displayed.
  • The user can review the tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • The user can review tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • The user can review tokens by pressing the right or left arrows on the keyboard.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)

Multiline Mode

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the suggested items can be selected. When the user makes a selection within that dialog, the token is displayed in the input field. When the user enters a new search term, the display area of the token is replaced by the autocomplete suggestions.
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps or focuses on the multi-input field, the single-line field expands to a multiline field. All tokens are displayed.
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • When the user focuses on the multi-input field, it expands to a multiline field.
  • The autocomplete suggestions open below the multi-input field.
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest


The input types of the multi-input are identical to those of the input field. For more information, see input field.

Behavior and Interaction

Single Line Mode

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. When an item is selected from the autocomplete box, the corresponding token is created. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other on one line.

Developer Hint
Values that are entered can also be tokenized when the user presses Enter. The app development team can perform a custom validation of the entered data and decide whether a token should be created.

Reviewing Tokens

The user can review tokens by using the left or right cursor keys on a desktop, or by swiping to the left or right on a smartphone or tablet.

Left/right keyboard cursor
Left/right keyboard cursor
Swiping left/right on a touch device
Swiping left/right on a touch device

Deleting Tokens

The user can delete tokens by pressing the Backspace or Delete button (when selected) on a desktop’s keyboard, or by tapping the Delete icon on a mobile device.

Using Value Help

You can enable the value help option to provide a more advanced dialog for finding the relevant business object. Two dialogs can be used at present:

Multiline Mode

Single line mode is active by default, so to activate multiline mode, you need to enable it (property: enableMultiLineMode).

Adding Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. The token is created by selecting an item from the autocomplete box. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other. If there is not enough space on one line, the control expands.

Reviewing Tokens

When the multi-input field is not focused, it is shown in collapsed mode. The token that was entered last is displayed. If there is more than one token, the number of hidden tokens is shown next to the last token.

When tokens are entered into the multi-input field, the control expands to show all tokens. On screen size S, a new dialog is opened to review the tokens.

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The multi-input control can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects a whole column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-input field, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is represented as a token.


  • Use the multiline mode instead of the single line mode (default). This provides greater flexibility for displaying multiple tokens.
  • Give the control a width that is appropriate for the range of values that are going to be entered. Try to avoid setting a fixed width on this control. Instead, embed it in a proper layout (such as a form, simple form, or grid layout) and work with the layout data property.
  • Provide meaningful labels for all input fields. Do not use the placeholder as a replacement for the label. The placeholder should only provide an additional hint.
  • The multi-input field can currently contain tokens and one free text value. If you allow only validated values, display an error or warning when the user tries to leave the field to indicate that the value entered is invalid, or remove the value.


Since the multi-input field is derived from the input field, refer to the properties in the input field article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Input Field

A multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as tokens. These can be displayed in single and multiline mode. To help the user enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestions feature and the value help option.


Use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select multiple ranges (with the value help option and the value help dialog).
  • The data set to choose from is expected to increase over time (for example, to more than 200 values).
  • You need to provide the value help option to help users select or search multiple business objects.

Do not use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select one entry only. In this case, use the input field or combo box instead.
  • You want the user to select from a pre-defined set of options only. In this case, use the multi-combo box instead.


In the examples below, the autocomplete feature is shown in different sizes for single and multiline modes.

Single Line Mode (Default)

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the autocomplete suggestions can be selected. When the user makes a selection, the dialog closes and the token is displayed.
  • The user can review the tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • The user can review tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • The user can review tokens by pressing the right or left arrows on the keyboard.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)

Multiline Mode

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the suggested items can be selected. When the user makes a selection within that dialog, the token is displayed in the input field. When the user enters a new search term, the display area of the token is replaced by the autocomplete suggestions.
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps or focuses on the multi-input field, the single-line field expands to a multiline field. All tokens are displayed.
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • When the user focuses on the multi-input field, it expands to a multiline field.
  • The autocomplete suggestions open below the multi-input field.
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest


The input types of the multi-input are identical to those of the input field. For more information, see input field.

Behavior and Interaction

Single Line Mode

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. When an item is selected from the autocomplete box, the corresponding token is created. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other on one line.

Developer Hint
Values that are entered can also be tokenized when the user presses Enter. The app development team can perform a custom validation of the entered data and decide whether a token should be created.

Reviewing Tokens

The user can review tokens by using the left or right cursor keys on a desktop, or by swiping to the left or right on a smartphone or tablet.

Left/right keyboard cursor
Left/right keyboard cursor
Swiping left/right on a touch device
Swiping left/right on a touch device

Deleting Tokens

The user can delete tokens by pressing the Backspace or Delete button (when selected) on a desktop’s keyboard, or by tapping the Delete icon on a mobile device.

Using Value Help

You can enable the value help option to provide a more advanced dialog for finding the relevant business object. Two dialogs can be used at present:

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Multiline Mode

Single line mode is active by default, so to activate multiline mode, you need to enable it (property: enableMultiLineMode).

Adding Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. The token is created by selecting an item from the autocomplete box. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other. If there is not enough space on one line, the control expands.

Reviewing Tokens

When the multi-input field is not focused, it is shown in collapsed mode. The token that was entered last is displayed. If there is more than one token, the number of hidden tokens is shown next to the last token.

When tokens are entered into the multi-input field, the control expands to show all tokens. On screen size S, a new dialog is opened to review the tokens.

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The multi-input control can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects a whole column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-input field, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is represented as a token.


  • Use the multiline mode instead of the single line mode (default). This provides greater flexibility for displaying multiple tokens.
  • Give the control a width that is appropriate for the range of values that are going to be entered. Try to avoid setting a fixed width on this control. Instead, embed it in a proper layout (such as a form, simple form, or grid layout) and work with the layout data property.
  • Provide meaningful labels for all input fields. Do not use the placeholder as a replacement for the label. The placeholder should only provide an additional hint.
  • The multi-input field can currently contain tokens and one free text value. If you allow only validated values, display an error or warning when the user tries to leave the field to indicate that the value entered is invalid, or remove the value.


Since the multi-input field is derived from the input field, refer to the properties in the input field article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Multi-Input Field

A multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as tokens. These can be displayed in single and multiline mode. To help the user enter a valid value, you can enable the autocomplete suggestions feature and the value help option.


Use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select multiple ranges (with the value help option and the value help dialog).
  • The data set to choose from is expected to increase over time (for example, to more than 200 values).
  • You need to provide the value help option to help users select or search multiple business objects.

Do not use the multi-input field if:

  • You want the user to select one entry only. In this case, use the input field or combo box instead.
  • You want the user to select from a pre-defined set of options only. In this case, use the multi-combo box instead.


In the examples below, the autocomplete feature is shown in different sizes for single and multiline modes.

Single Line Mode (Default)

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the autocomplete suggestions can be selected. When the user makes a selection, the dialog closes and the token is displayed.
  • The user can review the tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Autocomplete feature on a smartphone (size S)
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices
Users can review tokens by swiping left and right on touch devices

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • The user can review tokens by swiping them to the left or right.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)
Autocomplete on a tablet (size M)

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • The user can review tokens by pressing the right or left arrows on the keyboard.
  • The autocomplete suggestions appear below or above the multi-input field.
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)
Autocomplete on a desktop (size L)

Multiline Mode

Size S (Smartphones)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps the multi-input field, a new full-screen dialog opens in which the suggested items can be selected. When the user makes a selection within that dialog, the token is displayed in the input field. When the user enters a new search term, the display area of the token is replaced by the autocomplete suggestions.
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Closed
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Smartphone multiline mode – Open
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode
Autocomplete on smartphone - Multiline mode

Size M (Tablets)

  • Cozy mode.
  • When the user taps or focuses on the multi-input field, the single-line field expands to a multiline field. All tokens are displayed.
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode – No token selcted
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode active – Expanded
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest
Tablet multiline mode – Suggest

Size L (Desktops)

  • Compact mode.
  • When the user focuses on the multi-input field, it expands to a multiline field.
  • The autocomplete suggestions open below the multi-input field.
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode – Not focused
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode active – Expanded
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest
Desktop multiline mode – Suggest


The input types of the multi-input are identical to those of the input field. For more information, see input field.

Behavior and Interaction

Single Line Mode

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. When an item is selected from the autocomplete box, the corresponding token is created. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other on one line.

Developer Hint
Values that are entered can also be tokenized when the user presses ENTER. The app development team can perform a custom validation of the entered data and decide whether a token should be created.
Adding tokens
Adding tokens
Adding a second token
Adding a second token
For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Reviewing Tokens

The user can review tokens by using the left or right cursor keys on a desktop, or by swiping to the left or right on a smartphone or tablet.

Left/right keyboard cursor
Left/right keyboard cursor
Swiping left and right on a touch device
Swiping left and right on a touch device

Deleting Tokens

The user can delete tokens by pressing the Backspace or Del button (when selected) on a desktop’s keyboard, or by tapping the Delete icon on a mobile device.

Deleting tokens
Deleting tokens

Using Value Help

You can enable the value help option to provide a more advanced dialog for finding the relevant business object. Two dialogs can be used at present:

Value help with select dialog
Value help with select dialog
Value help with value help dialog
Value help with value help dialog

Multiline Mode

Single line mode is active by default, so to activate multiline mode, you need to enable it (property: enableMultiLineMode).

Adding a Token

The user can add a token via autocomplete suggestions or value help. The token is created by selecting an item from the autocomplete box. The input is ready for the next entry. Tokens are placed next to each other. If there is not enough space on one line, the control expands.

Adding a token
Adding a token

Reviewing Tokens

When the multi-input field is not focused, it is shown in collapsed mode. The token that was entered last is displayed. If there is more than one token, the number of hidden tokens is shown next to the last token.

When tokens are entered into the multi-input field, the control expands to show all tokens. On screen size S, a new dialog is opened to review the tokens.

Reviewing tokens
Reviewing tokens

Copying and Pasting Data from a Spreadsheet or Text File

The multi-input control can handle paste actions containing, for example, multiple items that have been selected in a column of a spreadsheet or text file. The user simply selects a whole column in the spreadsheet and copies it. When items are entered into the multi-input field, the user just pastes them from the clipboard and each item is represented as a token.


  • Use the multiline mode instead of the single line mode (default). This provides greater flexibility for displaying multiple tokens.
  • Give the control a width that is appropriate for the range of values that are going to be entered. Try to avoid setting a fixed width on this control. Instead, embed it in a proper layout (such as a form, simple form, or grid layout) and work with the layout data property.
  • Provide meaningful labels for all input fields. Do not use the placeholder as a replacement for the label. The placeholder should only provide an additional hint.
  • The multi-input field can currently contain tokens and one free text value. If you allow only validated values, display an error or warning when the user tries to leave the field to indicate that the value entered is invalid, or remove the value.


Since the multi-input field is derived from the input field, refer to the properties in the input field article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Combo Box

The combo box control allows users to select an item from a predefined list.

The control provides an editable input field for filtering the list, and a dropdown menu with a list of the available options.


Use the combo box if:

  • Users need to exclusively select one item from a long list of items (minimum 13, maximum 200 entries).
  • The values of the option list are secondary information and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the combo box if:

  • Users need to select from a list of two options, where one of the options can be implied as on and off or yes and no. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a small set of options, such as up to 12 entries. Consider using the select control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a large set of options, such as more than 200 entries. Consider using the input field control with value help instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Searching on multiple attributes is required. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Your use cases require that all available options should be displayed right away without any user interaction. Consider using radio buttons or a radio button group.


Size S

Size S
Size S

Size M

Size M
Size M

Size L

Size L
Size L


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder (2), or the selected value. Users can type any character to filter the option list.

Dropdown Arrow

The dropdown menu’s arrow (3) collapses and expands the option list.

Option List

The option list (4) contains a list of values (5) that users can choose from.

Two-Column Layout

Use the combo box with a two-column layout if you need to display additional information to your options, such as currencies for countries or abbreviations for systems.

Note: You can only filter for entries in the first column of the option list. Filtering  for the second column is not possible.

Combo box with two-column layout
Combo box with two-column layout

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  1. Select the item directly from the dropdown list.
  2. Type the item into the input field.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to navigate the list.

Clicking the input field places the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow opens the option list (2). Typing into the input field starts filtering the list accordingly; the first value is highlighted and auto-complete suggestions appear in the input field (3). Up/down moves the highlight in the list and populates the value in the field (4). Selecting a value closes the option list (5).


When the first few letters are typed in the input field, the control performs auto-complete to help users to easily select one item from the option list.

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all available items the user can choose from. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the newly selected option.

Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. An exception is made when there is not enough space to display the dropdown list. In this case, the list is displayed over the input field.

Selecting a value
Selecting a value


The width of the option list adapts to its content. The minimum width is the input field plus the dropdown arrow. The maximum width is the part of the screen furthest to the right. If the option list content requires even more width, entries become truncated.

Option list – Minimum width
Option list – Minimum width
Option list adapts to long entries
Option list adapts to long entries

Mobile Handling

The user can enter text into the input field (supported by auto-completion). When the user clicks or taps the dropdown arrow of the combo box (1), the option list opens in full width (2). Now the user can modify the selected entry by tapping the input field of the combo box. The keyboard is then displayed, and the user can begin to enter a new term to filter the option list, also supported by auto-completion (3). The option list closes when the user clicks or taps the Close button at the bottom of the list (4) or selects an item in the list (5).

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


A combo box has different styles for its different states. Here are some examples:

Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (on hover)
Unselected (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)



The combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information, see the article on how to use labels in SAP Fiori.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. Read more about how to use placeholders.


Option List

The option list contains only text values. Keep the text values short as the list is represented using only single lines. Values that are too long might be truncated.

If you need to express that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible.

The combo box list cannot display columns. If you want to show two values within the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as “Walldorf (Germany)”. Typing into the input field returns all items whose names start with the search text.


We recommend sorting options alphabetically to help users find the right option quickly. For more sorting rules, check out the guidelines for the select control.


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent.

The combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the combo box control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers that have a defined width, such as the following properties: “form”, “simpleform”, “responsivegridlayout”, and “layoutdata” .

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long become truncated and users may not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, consider using a smaller width.



When you select a value, there are two events:

  • Change: Occurs when the text in the input field is changed and the focus leaves the input field or the user presses the Enter key.
  • Selection change: Occurs when the user types something that matches an item in the list; also when the user clicks a list box item, or when navigating via keyboard.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Combo Box

The combo box control allows users to select an item from a predefined list.

The control provides an editable input field for filtering the list, and a dropdown menu with a list of the available options.


Use the combo box if:

  • Users need to exclusively select one item from a long list of items (minimum 13, maximum 200 entries).
  • The values of the option list are secondary information and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the combo box if:

  • Users need to select from a list of two options, where one of the options can be implied as on and off or yes and no. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a small set of options, such as up to 12 entries. Consider using the select control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a large set of options, such as more than 200 entries. Consider using the input field control with value help instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Searching on multiple attributes is required. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Your use cases require that all available options should be displayed right away without any user interaction. Consider using radio buttons or a radio button group.


Size S

Size S
Size S

Size M

Size M
Size M

Size L

Size L
Size L


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder (2), or the selected value. Users can type any character to filter the option list.

Dropdown Arrow

The dropdown menu’s arrow (3) collapses and expands the option list.

Option List

The option list (4) contains a list of values (5) that users can choose from.

Two-Column Layout

Use the combo box with a two-column layout if you need to display additional information to your options, such as currencies for countries or abbreviations for systems.

Note: You can only filter for entries in the first column of the option list. Filtering  for the second column is not possible.

Combo box with two-column layout
Combo box with two-column layout

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  1. Select the item directly from the dropdown list.
  2. Type the item into the input field.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to navigate the list.

Clicking the input field places the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow opens the option list (2). Typing into the input field starts filtering the list accordingly; the first value is highlighted and auto-complete suggestions appear in the input field (3). Up/down moves the highlight in the list and populates the value in the field (4). Selecting a value closes the option list (5).


When the first few letters are typed in the input field, the control performs auto-complete to help users to easily select one item from the option list.

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all available items the user can choose from. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the newly selected option.

Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. An exception is made when there is not enough space to display the dropdown list. In this case, the list is displayed over the input field.

Selecting a value
Selecting a value


The width of the option list adapts to its content. The minimum width is the input field plus the dropdown arrow. The maximum width is the part of the screen furthest to the right. If the option list content requires even more width, entries become truncated.

Option list – Minimum width
Option list – Minimum width
Option list adapts to long entries
Option list adapts to long entries

Mobile Handling

The user can enter text into the input field (supported by auto-completion). When the user clicks or taps the dropdown arrow of the combo box (1), the option list opens in full width (2). Now the user can modify the selected entry by tapping the input field of the combo box. The keyboard is then displayed, and the user can begin to enter a new term to filter the option list, also supported by auto-completion (3). The option list closes when the user clicks or taps the Close button at the bottom of the list (4) or selects an item in the list (5).

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


A combo box has different styles for its different states. Here are some examples:

Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (on hover)
Unselected (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)



The combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information, see the article on how to use labels in SAP Fiori.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. Read more about how to use placeholders.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values short because the list is represented using only single lines. Values that are too long might be truncated.

If you need to express that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible.


We recommend sorting options alphabetically to help users find the right option quickly. For more sorting rules, check out the guidelines for the select control.


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent.

The combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the combo box control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers that have a defined width, such as the following properties: “form”, “simpleform”, “responsivegridlayout”, and “layoutdata” .

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long become truncated and users may not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, consider using a smaller width.



When you select a value, there are two events:

  • Change: Occurs when the text in the input field is changed and the focus leaves the input field or the user presses the Enter key.
  • Selection change: Occurs when the user types something that matches an item in the list; also when the user clicks a list box item, or when navigating via keyboard.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Combo Box

The combo box control allows users to select an item from a predefined list.

The control provides an editable input field for filtering the list, and a dropdown menu with a list of the available options.


Use the combo box if:

  • Users need to exclusively select one item from a long list of items (minimum 13, maximum 200 entries).
  • The values of the option list are secondary information and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the combo box if:

  • Users need to select from a list of two options, where one of the options can be implied as on and off or yes and no. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a small set of options, such as up to 12 entries. Consider using the select control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a large set of options, such as more than 200 entries. Consider using the input field control with value help instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Searching on multiple attributes is required. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Your use cases require that all available options should be displayed right away without any user interaction. Consider using radio buttons or a radio button group.


Size S

Size S
Size S

Size M

Size M
Size M

Size L

Size L
Size L


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder (2), or the selected value. Users can type any character to filter the option list.

Dropdown Arrow

The dropdown menu’s arrow (3) collapses and expands the option list.

Option List

The option list (4) contains a list of values (5) that users can choose from.

Two-Column Layout

Use the combo box with a two-column layout if you need to display additional information to your options, such as currencies for countries or abbreviations for systems.

Note: You can only filter for entries in the first column of the option list. Filtering  for the second column is not possible.

Combo box with two-column layout
Combo box with two-column layout

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  1. Select the item directly from the dropdown list.
  2. Type the item into the input field.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to navigate the list.

Clicking the input field places the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow opens the option list (2). Typing into the input field starts filtering the list accordingly; the first value is highlighted and auto-complete suggestions appear in the input field (3). Up/down moves the highlight in the list and populates the value in the field (4). Selecting a value closes the option list (5).


When the first few letters are typed in the input field, the control performs auto-complete to help users to easily select one item from the option list.

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all available items the user can choose from. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the newly selected option.

Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. An exception is made when there is not enough space to display the dropdown list. In this case, the list is displayed over the input field.

Selecting a value
Selecting a value


The width of the option list adapts to its content. The minimum width is the input field plus the dropdown arrow. The maximum width is the part of the screen furthest to the right. If the option list content requires even more width, entries become truncated.

Option list – Minimum width
Option list – Minimum width
Option list adapts to long entries
Option list adapts to long entries

Mobile Handling

The user can enter text into the input field (supported by auto-completion). When the user clicks or taps the dropdown arrow of the combo box (1), the option list opens in full width (2). Now the user can modify the selected entry by tapping the input field of the combo box. The keyboard is then displayed, and the user can begin to enter a new term to filter the option list, also supported by auto-completion (3). The option list closes when the user clicks or taps the Close button at the bottom of the list (4) or selects an item in the list (5).

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


A combo box has different styles for its different states. Here are some examples:

Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (on hover)
Unselected (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)



The combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information, see the article on how to use labels in SAP Fiori.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. Read more about how to use placeholders.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values short because the list is represented using only single lines. Values that are too long might be truncated.

If you need to express that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible.


We recommend sorting options alphabetically to help users find the right option quickly. For more sorting rules, check out the guidelines for the select control.


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent.

The combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the combo box control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers that have a defined width, such as the following properties: “form”, “simpleform”, “responsivegridlayout”, and “layoutdata” .

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long become truncated and users may not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, consider using a smaller width.



When you select a value, there are two events:

  • Change: Occurs when the text in the input field is changed and the focus leaves the input field or the user presses the Enter key.
  • Selection change: Occurs when the user types something that matches an item in the list; also when the user clicks a list box item, or when navigating via keyboard.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Combo Box

The combo box control allows users to select an item from a predefined list.

The control provides an editable input field for filtering the list, and a dropdown menu with a list of the available options.


Use the combo box if:

  • Users need to exclusively select one item from a long list of items (minimum 13, maximum 200 entries).
  • The values of the option list are secondary information and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the combo box if:

  • Users need to select from a list of two options, where one of the options can be implied as on and off or yes and no. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a small set of options, such as up to 12 entries. Consider using the select control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a large set of options, such as more than 200 entries. Consider using the input field control with value help instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Searching on multiple attributes is required. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Your use cases require that all available options should be displayed right away without any user interaction. Consider using radio buttons or a radio button group.


Size S

Size S
Size S

Size M

Size M
Size M

Size L

Size L
Size L



A descriptive heading (1).

Input Field

The input field (2) can display the selected value. Users can type any character to filter the option list.

Dropdown Arrow

The dropdown menu’s arrow (3) collapses and expands the option list.

Option List

The option list (4) contains a list of values (5) that users can choose from.

Size S
Size S
Size M/L
Size M/L

Two-Column Layout

Use the combo box with a two-column layout if you need to display additional information to your options, such as currencies for countries or abbreviations for systems.

Note: You can only filter for entries in the first column of the option list. Filtering  for the second column is not possible.

Combo box with two-column layout
Combo box with two-column layout

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  1. Select the item directly from the dropdown list.
  2. Type the item into the input field.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to navigate the list.

Clicking the input field places the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow opens the option list (2). Typing into the input field starts filtering the list accordingly; the first value is highlighted and auto-complete suggestions appear in the input field (3). Up/down moves the highlight in the list and populates the value in the field (4). Selecting a value closes the option list (5).


When the first few letters are typed in the input field, the control performs auto-complete to help users to easily select one item from the option list.

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all available items the user can choose from. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the newly selected option.

Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. An exception is made when there is not enough space to display the dropdown list. In this case, the list is displayed over the input field.

Selecting a value
Selecting a value


The width of the option list adapts to its content. The minimum width is the input field plus the dropdown arrow. The maximum width is the part of the screen furthest to the right. If the option list content requires even more width, entries become truncated.

Option list – Minimum width
Option list – Minimum width
Option list adapts to long entries
Option list adapts to long entries

Mobile Handling

The user can enter text into the input field (supported by auto-completion). When the user clicks or taps the dropdown arrow of the combo box (1), the option list opens in full width (2). Now the user can modify the selected entry by tapping the input field of the combo box. The keyboard is then displayed, and the user can begin to enter a new term to filter the option list, also supported by auto-completion (3). The option list closes when the user clicks or taps the Close button at the bottom of the list (4) or selects an item in the list (5).

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


A combo box has different styles for its different states. Here are some examples:

Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (on hover)
Unselected (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)



The combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information, see the article on how to use labels in SAP Fiori.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. Read more about how to use placeholders.


Option List

The option list contains text values only. Keep the text values short because the list is represented using only single lines. Values that are too long might be truncated.

If you need to express that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible.


We recommend sorting options alphabetically to help users find the right option quickly. For more sorting rules, check out the guidelines for the select control.


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent.

The combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the combo box control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers that have a defined width, such as the following properties: “form”, “simpleform”, “responsivegridlayout”, and “layoutdata” .

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long become truncated and users may not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, consider using a smaller width.



When you select a value, there are two events:

  • Change: Occurs when the text in the input field is changed and the focus leaves the input field or the user presses the Enter key.
  • Selection change: Occurs when the user types something that matches an item in the list; also when the user clicks a list box item, or when navigating via keyboard.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Combo Box

The combo box control allows users to select an item from a predefined list.

The control provides an editable input field for filtering the list, and a dropdown menu with a list of the available options.


Use the combo box if:

  • Users need to exclusively select one item from a long list of items (minimum 13, maximum 200 entries).
  • The values of the option list are secondary information and do not need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the combo box if:

  • Users need to select from a list of two options, where one of the options can be implied as on and off or yes and no. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a small set of options, such as up to 12 entries. Consider using the select control instead.
  • Users need to pick one item from a large set of options, such as more than 200 entries. Consider using the input field control with value help instead.
  • You need to display more than one attribute. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Searching on multiple attributes is required. Consider using the input field with select dialog or value help dialog.
  • Your use cases require that all available options should be displayed right away without any user interaction. Consider using radio buttons or a radio button group.


Size S

Size S
Size S

Size M

Size M
Size M

Size L

Size L
Size L


Input Field

The input field (1) can display a placeholder (2), or the selected value. Users can type any character to filter the option list.

Dropdown Arrow

The dropdown menu’s arrow (3) collapses and expands the option list.

Option List

The option list (4) contains a list of values (5) that users can choose from.

Two-Column Layout

Use the combo box with a two-column layout if you need to display additional information to your options, such as currencies for countries or abbreviations for systems.

Note: You can only filter for entries in the first column of the option list. Filtering  for the second column is not possible.

Combo box with two-column layout
Combo box with two-column layout

Behavior and Interaction

Select a Value

There are three ways to select an item from the list:

  1. Select the item directly from the dropdown list.
  2. Type the item into the input field.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to navigate the list.

Clicking the input field places the cursor in the field (1). Clicking the arrow opens the option list (2). Typing into the input field starts filtering the list accordingly; the first value is highlighted and auto-complete suggestions appear in the input field (3). Up/down moves the highlight in the list and populates the value in the field (4). Selecting a value closes the option list (5).


When the first few letters are typed in the input field, the control performs auto-complete to help users to easily select one item from the option list.

Choose from Option List

The option list displays all available items the user can choose from. The selection is always highlighted. Selecting another option from the list moves the highlight to the newly selected option.

Clicking the arrow opens the option list below the field. An exception is made when there is not enough space to display the dropdown list. In this case, the list is displayed over the input field.

Selecting a value
Selecting a value


The width of the option list adapts to its content. The minimum width is the input field plus the dropdown arrow. The maximum width is the part of the screen furthest to the right. If the option list content requires even more width, entries become truncated.

Option list – Minimum width
Option list – Minimum width
Option list adapts to long entries
Option list adapts to long entries

Mobile Handling

The user can enter text into the input field (supported by auto-completion). When the user clicks or taps the dropdown arrow of the combo box (1), the option list opens in full width (2). Now the user can modify the selected entry by tapping the input field of the combo box. The keyboard is then displayed, and the user can begin to enter a new term to filter the option list, also supported by auto-completion (3). The option list closes when the user clicks or taps the Close button at the bottom of the list (4) or selects an item in the list (5).


A combo box has different styles for its different states. Here are some examples:

Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (predefined placeholder)
Unselected (on hover)
Unselected (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)
Arrow (on hover)



The combo box control can be displayed with or without a label. If the field is attached to another field, you do not need to define a second label. For more information, see the article on how to use labels in SAP Fiori.


Do not use the placeholder attribute as an alternative to a label. This is important because the placeholder text is overwritten as soon as the form is filled out. Labels are necessary to indicate the meaning of the form fields when the placeholders are no longer visible. Show a placeholder only if the user needs a hint on data entry. Do not repeat the content of the label. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. Read more about how to use placeholders.


Option List

The option list contains only text values. Keep the text values short as the list is represented using only single lines. Values that are too long might be truncated.

If you need to express that none of the selection options are selected, show a blank input field. Define a default selection whenever possible.

The combo box list cannot display columns. If you want to show two values within the option list, show the leading information first, followed by the secondary information in parentheses, such as “Walldorf (Germany)”. Typing into the input field returns all items whose names start with the search text.


We recommend sorting options alphabetically to help users find the right option quickly. For more sorting rules, check out the guidelines for the select control.


You can adjust the width of the option list to some extent.

The combo box control is usually used in forms, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the combo box control is embedded. Therefore, we do not recommend defining a fixed width, but rather working with proper layout containers that have a defined width, such as the following properties: “form”, “simpleform”, “responsivegridlayout”, and “layoutdata” .

If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, set the width accordingly.

Keep in mind that there is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. Entries in the list that are too long become truncated and users may not be able to read them.

If localized text is not an issue, consider using a smaller width.



When you select a value, there are two events:

  • Change: Occurs when the text in the input field is changed and the focus leaves the input field or the user presses the Enter key.
  • Selection change: Occurs when the user types something that matches an item in the list; also when the user clicks a list box item, or when navigating via keyboard.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Value Help Dialog

The value help dialog is a UI pattern that helps the user find and select single and multiple values. The user can also define and select multiple ranges. The value help dialog is generally called from an input field or a multi-input field by clicking the selection icon (value help icon) of the input field.


Use the value help dialog if:

  • The user needs to use different attributes (such as city, company name, and so on) to find an object.
  • The user is searching within a dataset containing more than 200 items.
  • The user needs to define and select ranges and exclusions.


The behavior of the value help dialog on a phone differs from its behavior on a tablet or desktop device. Both the navigation and the positioning of the selection area differ depending on the device.

Size S – Value help dialog
Size S – Value help dialog
Size M – Value help dialog
Size M – Value help dialog
Size L – Value help dialog
Size L – Value help dialog


The value help dialog contains the following components:

  • Header bar
  • Icon tab bar and list control
  • Search template (optional)
  • Basic search
  • Items row (selected items, excluded items)
  • Footer toolbar
  • Include/exclude areas for range selection

Header Bar (1)

The header bar contains the dialog title. For guidelines on the dialog title, see the Guidelines section of this article.

Icon Tab Bar on Tablet/Desktop and List Control on Phone (2)

Depending on the device, the following controls are used to display the content of the value help dialog:

  • Smartphones: The start dialog provides a list (sap.m.List) with the standard list items (sap.m.StandardListItemSelect from List and
    Define Conditions to navigate between the different dialogs.
  • Tablet and desktop devices: The value help dialog contains an icon tab bar (sap.m.IconTabBar) to navigate between the Select from List and the Define Conditions tab.

Search Template (3)

Search templates allow the user to display different or additional fields in the advanced search field and the results list. Depending on the use case, the user can switch between the different search templates in order to use different fields when searching. For example, the search template “Customer (by company code)” displays the additional field “Company code” in the advanced search and result list.

Basic Search (4)

It’s mandatory to display the basic search in the value help dialog. Position the basic search on the right of the search template control. If there’s no search template control, the basic search is displayed left-aligned.

Advanced Search (5)

  • The advanced search offers all columns of the result list.
  • The value help icon of the business object ID field and description field for the business object that opened the current value help dialog will open only the Define Conditions screen. The entire value help dialog is not shown in order to prevent endless loops. For example, the value help icon of the customer ID or description field in a Select: Customer value help dialog will navigate directly to the Define Conditions screen.

For implementation of the basic and advanced search, the filter bar (sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar) is used in advanced mode. Advanced mode differs from basic mode in the following ways:

  • There is no Filters link or a dialog to make additional filter fields visible. All filter fields/advanced search fields are added automatically to the advanced search area.
  • There is a toggle link to show and hide the advanced search.
  • On desktops, the advanced search should be expanded by default.
  • On tablets, the advanced search should be collapsed by default.

Result List (6)

  • You can prefill the result list of the value help dialog by default.
  • If you transferred values from the input field to the basic search field of the value help dialog, the results are filtered accordingly.
  • If available, display the ID and description of the business object in the first and second columns. Display additional information in the next columns.
  • We recommend a maximum of five columns in the results list.

Selected/Excluded Items Row (7)

The selected/excluded item row is displayed in the panel container (see panel for more information). Each item or range that is selected or excluded is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

  • On desktops, the selection area with the selected and excluded items row is expanded initially.
  • On tablets and phones, the selection area with the selected and excluded item row is collapsed initially.

Footer Toolbar (8)

The footer bar includes OK and Cancel buttons.

Include/Exclude Area for Range Selection (9)

In the Include and Exclude areas of the Define Conditions tab, you can define single and multiple ranges with the following operators:

  • Equal to
  • Between
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to

Each range is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Behavior and Interaction

Basic and Advanced Search

  • The basic search (mandatory) and advanced search (optional) are triggered by clicking the Go button. The search results are shown in the result list.
  • If the input field where the user is coming from contains data, it’s transferred to the basic search of the value help dialog and the results are then filtered accordingly.
  • The basic search performs a search in all fields that are displayed in the advanced search and the result list.

Item and Range Selection

The user can select single and multiple items, as well as single and multiple ranges. Items and ranges can also be excluded.

1. Single Selection

A single item or a range can be selected in single selection cases:

Single Item Selection on Smartphones

For the selection of a single item, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Select from List tab is then displayed. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog closes automatically.

Value help dialog – Single item selection on a smartphone
Value help dialog – Single item selection on a smartphone

Single Item Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For the selection of a single item, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. In this case only, the content of the Select from List tab is displayed. The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog closes automatically.

Value help dialog – Single item selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Single item selection on desktop

Single Range Selection on Smartphones

For the selection of a single range, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Define Condition tab is then displayed.

Value help dialog – Single range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Single range selection on smartphone

Single Range Selection for Smartphones

For the selection of a single range, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.  In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed.

The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. The Add and Delete icons for adding and deleting ranges are also hidden.

Value help dialog – Single range selection
Value help dialog – Single range selection

2. Multi-selection

Users can select multiple items and ranges in range selection cases:

Multi-Item and Multi-Range Selections on Smartphones

For selection of multiple items and multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The start dialog is then displayed.

Use the Select from List tab to select multiple items. Use the Define Conditions tab to select and exclude ranges. Both are added as tokens to the selected/excluded items row on the bottom of the start dialog.

Value help dialog – Start dialog for multi-item and multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Start dialog for multi-item and multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Advanced search on smartphone
Value help dialog – Advanced search on smartphone

Multi-Item and Multi-Range Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For selection of multiple items and multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The icon tab bar with the Select from List tab and the Define Conditions tab are displayed.

Use the Select from List tab to select multiple items. Use the Define Conditions tab to select and exclude ranges. Both are added as tokens to the selected/excluded items row on the bottom of the screen.

Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop

3.  Multi-Range Selection

Multi-Range Selection on Smartphones

For selection of multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.

In this case only, the start dialog and the Define Conditions tab are displayed.

Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone

Multi-Range Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For selection of multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.

In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed. The icon tab bar is hidden and the selected/excluded item row is displayed.

Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on desktop

Selected/Excluded Items Row

  • Each item that is selected from the result list on the Select from List tab is displayed as a token in the selected item row.
  • Each range that is selected or excluded on the Define Conditions tab is displayed as a token in the selected/excluded item row.

Copying and Pasting Multiple Values

The Include and Exclude areas on the Define Conditions tab allow the user to enter multiple values (copied from clipboard) at once.

In both areas, the Value input field allows the user to paste more than one value into an input field. In this case, the condition row will be repeated with the previously selected condition and shows one value per row.

If there are more than 10 rows of conditions, pagination will be added to the screen, displaying a toolbar to allow the user to navigate back and forth between the different pages. A token will appear next to each pasted value on the selected/excluded items row at the bottom of the value help dialog.

Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values


Dialog Title

The dialog title differs depending on the device and whether multiple or single selection is used.

For smartphones:

  • Starting dialog: <BO Name>. For example, “Company”.
  • Select from list dialog: “Select from List”.
  • Advanced search dialog: “Advanced Search”
  • For single range selection: “Define Condition”.
  • For multiple range selection, show Define Conditions”.

For tablets and desktops:

  • For multiple items combined with multiple ranges selection, show <BO Name>. For example, “Company”.
  • For single item selection, show Select: <BO Name>. For example, “Select Company”.
  • For single range selection, display Define Condition: <BO Name>. For example, “Define Condition: Company”.
  • For multiple range selection, display Define Conditions: <BO Name>. For example, “Define Conditions: Company.

Advanced Search

If necessary, also provide value help for fields offered in the advanced search. However, do not provide the full value help dialog for the ID and description fields of the business object that is being selected. For these two fields, make sure that the value help icon opens only the Define Conditions screen (range selection).

For example, in a value help dialog for selecting the customer, do not offer full value help for the Customer ID and Customer Name fields. Instead, try to use the value help in combination with a helpful suggestion.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Value Help Dialog

The value help dialog is a UI pattern that helps the user find and select single and multiple values. The user can also define and select multiple ranges. The value help dialog is generally called from an input field or a multi-input field by clicking the selection icon (value help icon) of the input field.


Use the value help dialog if:

  • The user needs different attributes to find an object, such as the customer name, country, and city to search for a customer.
  • The user is searching in a data set with more than 200 items.
  • The user needs to define and select ranges and exclusions.

Do not use the value help dialog if:

  • Smartphones should be supported. In this case, use the select dialog (simple version of the value help dialog) instead by using the sap.m.SelectDialog control.


The value help dialog control is currently not responsive and only available for desktop and tablet devices!
For smartphones, use the select dialog (sap.m.SelectDialog) as a simple version of the value help dialog.

Value help dialog - Size S
Value help dialog - Size S
Value help dialog - Size M
Value help dialog - Size M
Value help dialog - Size L
Value help dialog - Size L


The value help dialog contains an icon tab bar with the following two tabs:

  • The Select From List tab to select single and multiple items
  • The Define Conditions tab to include and exclude ranges
Value help dialog - Select From List tab
Value help dialog - Select From List tab
Value help dialog - Define Conditions tab
Value help dialog - Define Conditions tab

Header Bar (1)

The header bar contains the dialog title. For guidelines on the dialog title, see the Guidelines section of this article.

Search Template (2)

Search templates allow the user to display different or additional fields in the advanced search field and the results list. Depending on the use case, the user can switch between the different search templates in order to use different fields when searching. For example, the search template “Customer (by company code)” displays the additional field “Company code” in the advanced search and result list.

Basic Search (3)

  • It is mandatory to display the basic search in the value help dialog.
  • Position the basic search on the right of the search template control. If there is no search template control, the basic search is displayed left-aligned.

Advanced Search (4)

  • The advanced search offers all columns of the result list.
  • The value help icon of the business object ID field and description field for the business object that opened the current value help dialog will open only the Define Conditions screen. The entire value help dialog is not shown in order to prevent endless loops. For example, the value help icon of the customer ID or description field in a Select: Customer value help dialog will directly navigate to the Define Conditions screen.
  • For implementation of the basic and advanced search, the filter bar (sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar) is used in advanced mode. Advanced mode differs from basic mode in the following ways:
    • The text Dynamic Selection is replaced by Advanced Search.
    • All filter fields are added to the advanced area.
    • The restore button is hidden.
    • The advanced area is expanded.

Result List (5)

  • You can display the result list of the value help dialog by default . If you transferred values from the input field to the basic search field of the value help dialog, the results are filtered accordingly.
  • If available, the display ID and description of the business object appear in the first and second columns. Additional information is displayed after them. A maximum of five columns in the results list is recommended.

Selected/Excluded Items Row (6)

  • The selected/excluded item row is displayed in the panel container (sap.m.Panel).  For more information, see Panel.
  • On desktops, the selection area with the  selected and excluded items row is initially expanded.
  • On tablets, the selection area with the  selected and excluded item row is initially collapsed.
  • Each item or range that is selected or excluded is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

Footer Toolbar (7)

The footer bar includes OK and Cancel buttons.

Include/Exclude Area for Range Selection (8)

In the Include and Exclude areas of the Define Conditions tab, you can define single and multiple ranges with the following operators:

  • equal to
  • between
  • less than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to

Each range is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

Behavior and Interaction

Basic and Advanced Search

  • The basic search (mandatory) and advanced search (optional) are triggered by clicking the Go button. The search results are shown in the result list below the search area.
  • If the input field where the user is coming from contains data, it is transferred to the basic search of the value help dialog and the results are filtered accordingly.
  • The basic search searches in all fields that are displayed in the advanced search and the result list.

Item and Range Selection

The user can select single and multiple items, as well as single and multiple ranges. Items and ranges can also be excluded.

1. Single Selection

A single item or a range can be selected in single selection cases:

1.1  Single Item Selection

For the selection of a single item, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. In this case only, the content of the Select From List tab is displayed.

The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog closes automatically.

Value help dialog - Single item selection
Value help dialog - Single item selection

1.2 Single Range Selection

For the selection of a single range, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed.

The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. The Add and Delete icons for adding and deleting ranges are also hidden.

Value help dialog - Single range selection
Value help dialog - Single range selection

2. Multi Selection

Users can select multiple items and ranges in range selection cases:

2.1 Multi Item and Multi Range Selection

For selection of multiple items and multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The icon tab bar with the Select From List tab and the Define Conditions tab are displayed.

Use the Select From List tab to select multiple items. Use the Define Conditions tab to select and exclude ranges. Both are added as tokens to the selected/excluded items row at the bottom of the screen.

Value help dialog - Multi item selection
Value help dialog - Multi item selection
Value help dialog - Multi range selection
Value help dialog - Multi range selection

2.2 Multi Range Selection

For selection of multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.

In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed. The icon tab bar is hidden and the selected/excluded item row is displayed.

Value help dialog - Multiple range selection
Value help dialog - Multiple range selection

Selected/Excluded Items Row

  • Each item that is selected from the result list on the Select From List tab is displayed as a token in the selected item row.
  • Each range that is selected or excluded on the Define Conditions tab is displayed as a token in the selected/excluded item row.


Dialog Title

The dialog title differs for multiple and single selection:

  • For multiple items combined with multiple range selection, show <BO Name>. For example, Company.
  • For single item selection, show Select: <BO Name>. For example, Select: Company.
  • For single range selection, show Define Condition: <BO Name>. For example, Define Condition: Company.
  • For multiple range selection, show Define Conditions: <BO Name>. For example, Define Conditions: Company.

Advanced Search

If necessary, also provide value help for fields offered in the advanced search. However, do not provide the full value help dialog for the ID and description fields of the business object that is being selected. For these two fields, make sure that the value help icon opens only the Define Conditions screen (range selection).

Example: In a value help dialog for selecting the customer, do not provide full value help for the Customer ID and Customer Name fields.

Try to use the value help in combination with a suggest.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Value Help Dialog

The value help dialog is a UI pattern that helps the user find and select single and multiple values. The user can also define and select multiple ranges. The value help dialog is generally called from an input field or a multi-input field by clicking the selection icon (value help icon) of the input field.


Use the value help dialog if:

  • The user needs to use different attributes (such as city, company name, and so on) to find an object.
  • The user is searching within a data set containing more than 200 items.
  • The user needs to define and select ranges and exclusions.


The behavior of the value help dialog on a phone differs from its behavior on a tablet or desktop device. Both the navigation and the positioning of the selection area differ depending on the device.

Size S – Value help dialog
Size S – Value help dialog
Size M – Value help dialog
Size M – Value help dialog
Size L – Value help dialog
Size L – Value help dialog


The value help dialog contains the following components:

  • Header bar
  • Icon tab bar and list control
  • Search template (optional)
  • Basic search
  • Items row (selected items, excluded items)
  • Footer toolbar
  • Include/exclude areas for range selection

Header Bar (1)

The header bar contains the dialog title. For guidelines on the dialog title, see the Guidelines section of this article.

Icon Tab Bar on Tablet/Desktop and List Control on Phone (2)

Depending on the device, the following controls are used to display the content of the value help dialog:

  • Smartphones: The start dialog provides a list (sap.m.List) with the standard list items (sap.m.StandardListItemSelect from List and
    Define Conditions to navigate between the different dialogs.
  • Tablet and desktop devices: The value help dialog contains an icon tab bar (sap.m.IconTabBar) to navigate between the Select from List and the Define Conditions tab.

Search Template (3)

Search templates allow the user to display different or additional fields in the advanced search field and the results list. Depending on the use case, the user can switch between the different search templates in order to use different fields when searching. For example, the search template “Customer (by company code)” displays the additional field “Company code” in the advanced search and result list.

Basic Search (4)

It’s mandatory to display the basic search in the value help dialog. Position the basic search on the right of the search template control. If there’s no search template control, the basic search is displayed left-aligned.

Advanced Search (5)

  • The advanced search offers all columns of the result list.
  • The value help icon of the business object ID field and description field for the business object that opened the current value help dialog will open only the Define Conditions screen. The entire value help dialog is not shown in order to prevent endless loops. For example, the value help icon of the customer ID or description field in a Select: Customer value help dialog will navigate directly to the Define Conditions screen.

For implementation of the basic and advanced search, the filter bar (sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar) is used in advanced mode. Advanced mode differs from basic mode in the following ways:

  • There is no Filters link or a dialog to make additional filter fields visible. All filter fields/advanced search fields are added automatically to the advanced search area.
  • There is a toggle link to show and hide the advanced search.
  • On desktops, the advanced search should be expanded by default.
  • On tablets, the advanced search should be collapsed by default.

Result List (6)

  • You can prefill the result list of the value help dialog by default.
  • If you transferred values from the input field to the basic search field of the value help dialog, the results are filtered accordingly.
  • If available, display the ID and description of the business object in the first and second columns. Display additional information in the next columns.
  • We recommend a maximum of five columns in the results list.

Selected/Excluded Items Row (7)

The selected/excluded item row is displayed in the panel container (see panel for more information). Each item or range that is selected or excluded is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

  • On desktops, the selection area with the selected and excluded items row is expanded initially.
  • On tablets and phones, the selection area with the selected and excluded item row is collapsed initially.

Footer Toolbar (8)

The footer bar includes OK and Cancel buttons.

Include/Exclude Area for Range Selection (9)

In the Include and Exclude areas of the Define Conditions tab, you can define single and multiple ranges with the following operators:

  • Equal to
  • Between
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to

Each range is displayed as a token in the selected or excluded item row.

For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Behavior and Interaction

Basic and Advanced Search

  • The basic search (mandatory) and advanced search (optional) are triggered by clicking the Go button. The search results are shown in the result list.
  • If the input field where the user is coming from contains data, it is transferred to the basic search of the value help dialog and the results are filtered accordingly.
  • The basic search performs a search in all fields that are displayed in the advanced search and the result list.

Item and Range Selection

The user can select single and multiple items, as well as single and multiple ranges. Items and ranges can also be excluded.

1. Single Selection

A single item or a range can be selected in single selection cases:

Single Item Selection on Smartphones

For the selection of a single item, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Select From List tab is then displayed. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog closes automatically.

Value help dialog – Single item selection on a smartphone
Value help dialog – Single item selection on a smartphone

Single Item Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For the selection of a single item, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. In this case only, the content of the Select From List tab is displayed. The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog closes automatically.

Value help dialog – Single item selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Single item selection on desktop

Single Range Selection on Smartphones

For the selection of a single range, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Define Condition tab is then displayed.

Value help dialog – Single range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Single range selection on smartphone

Single Range Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For the selection of a single range, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed.

The icon tab bar and the selected/excluded item row are hidden. The Add and Delete icons for adding and deleting ranges are also hidden.

Value help dialog – Single range selection
Value help dialog – Single range selection

2. Multiselection

Users can select multiple items and ranges in range selection cases:

Multi-Item and Multi-Range Selection on Smartphones

For selection of multiple items and multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The start dialog is then displayed.

Use the Select From List tab to select multiple items. Use the Define Conditions tab to select and exclude ranges. Both are added as tokens to the selected/excluded items row on the bottom of the start dialog.

Value help dialog – Start dialog for multi-item and multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Start dialog for multi-item and multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-item selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Advanced search on smartphone
Value help dialog – Advanced search on smartphone

Multi-Item and Multi-Range Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For selection of multiple items and multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The icon tab bar with the Select From List tab and the Define Conditions tab are displayed.

Use the Select From List tab to select multiple items. Use the Define Conditions tab to select and exclude ranges. Both are added as tokens to the selected/excluded items row on the bottom of the screen.

Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-item and multi-range selection on desktop

3. Multi-Range Selection

Multi-Range Selection on Smartphones

For selection of multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.

In this case only, the start dialog and the Define Conditions tab are displayed.

Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on smartphone

Multi-Range Selection on Tablets and Desktops

For selection of multiple ranges, the value help dialog is opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field.

In this case only, the content of the Define Conditions tab is displayed. The icon tab bar is hidden and the selected/excluded item row is displayed.

Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on desktop
Value help dialog – Multi-range selection on desktop

Selected/Excluded Items Row

  • Each item that is selected from the result list on the Select From List tab is displayed as a token in the selected item row.
  • Each range that is selected or excluded on the Define Conditions tab is displayed as a token in the selected/excluded item row.

Copying and Pasting Multiple Values

The Include and Exclude areas on the Define Conditions tab allow the user to enter multiple values (copied from clipboard) at once.

In both areas, the Value input field allows the user to paste more than one value into an input field. In this case, the condition row will be repeated with the previously selected condition and shows one value per row.

If there are more than 10 rows of conditions, pagination will be added to the screen, displaying a toolbar to allow the user to navigate back and forth between the different pages. A token will appear next to each pasted value on the selected/excluded items row at the bottom of the value help dialog.

Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values
Copying and pasting multiple values


Dialog Title

The dialog title differs depending on the device and whether multiple or single selection is used.

For smartphones:

  • Starting dialog: <BO Name>. For example, “Company”.
  • Select from list dialog: “Select from List”.
  • Advanced search dialog: “Advanced Search”
  • For single range selection: “Define Condition”.
  • For multiple range selection, show Define Conditions”.

For tablets and desktops:

  • For multiple items combined with multiple ranges selection, show <BO Name>. For example, “Company”.
  • For single item selection, show Select: <BO Name>. For example, “Select Company”.
  • For single range selection, display Define Condition: <BO Name>. For example, “Define Condition: Company”.
  • For multiple range selection, display Define Conditions: <BO Name>. For example, “Define Conditions: Company.

Advanced Search

If necessary, also provide value help for fields offered in the advanced search. However, do not provide the full value help dialog for the ID and description fields of the business object that is being selected. For these two fields, make sure that the value help icon opens only the Define Conditions screen (range selection).

For example, in a value help dialog for selecting the customer, do not offer full value help for the Customer ID and Customer Name fields. Instead, try to use the value help in combination with a helpful suggestion.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Value Help Dialog

The value help dialog is a UI pattern that helps the user find and select single and multiple values. The user can also define and select multiple ranges. The value help dialog is generally called from an input field or a multi-input field by clicking the selection icon (value help icon) of the input field.


Use the value help dialog if:

  • The user needs different attributes to find an object, such as the customer name, country, and city to search for a customer.
  • The user is searching in a data set with more than 200 items.
  • The user needs to define and select ranges and exclusions.

Do not use the value help dialog if:

  • Smartphones should be supported. In this case, use the select dialog (simple version of the value help dialog) instead by using the sap.m.SelectDialog control.


The value help dialog control is currently not responsive and only available for desktop devices!
For smartphones, use the select dialog (sap.m.SelectDialog) as a simple version of the value help dialog.

Value help dialog - Size S
Value help dialog - Size S
Value help dialog - Size L
Value help dialog - Size L


The value help dialog has two screens:

  • The main search screen
  • An embedded dialog for entering conditions
Value help dialog overview
Value help dialog overview

Users can navigate between the two screens using links in the header area (in-place navigation):

  • Define Conditions takes the user from the main search screen to the conditions screen.
  • Back to Search returns the user from the conditions screen to the main search screen.

The sections below describe how to implement the different components of the value help dialog.

Header Bar (1)

Dialog Title

  • Use the title format: Select: <BO Name>
    Example: “Select: Customer”
  • If you are using the optional search template feature in the value help dialog,  it is displayed in front of the basic search.

Define Conditions

On the Define Conditions screen, users can select multiple ranges and define exclusions. Depending on the use case, you can show or hide this link and corresponding page.

Basic Search (2)

  • It is mandatory to display the basic search on top of the screen
  • If the input field from where the user is coming from contains data, it is transferred to the basic search of the value help dialog
  • The basic search is searching in all fields which are displayed in the advanced search and the result list

Advanced Search (3)

  • Depending on the use case it is optional to show or hide the advanced search.
  • For implementation of the basic and advanced search the sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar will be used in advanced mode. The advanced mode overwrites the following standard behavior:
    • the text “dynamic selection” is replaced by “advanced search”
    • all filter fields are added to the advanced area
    • the restore button is hidden
    • the advanced area is expanded
  • Also offer all columns of the result list in the advanced search.
  • The value help icon of the business object ID field and description field for the business object, which has opened the current value help dialog, will open the Define Conditions screen only. The reason not to show the whole value help dialog is to prevent endless loops. For example: the value help icon of the customer ID or description field in a “select: customer” value help dialog will directly navigate to the Define Conditions screen.

Result List (4)

  • You can prefill the result list of the value help dialog by default . If you have transferred values from the input field to the basic search field of the value help dialog, the results are filtered accordingly.
  • If available, display ID and description of the business object in the first and second column. Display additional information after them. A maximum of 5 columns in the results list is recommended, less than 5 columns is always fine.

Selected/ Excluded Items Row (5)

Each item and range which is selected or excluded on the Define Conditions screen will be displayed as token in the selected/ excluded item row.

Footer Toolbar (6)

The footer bar will show an OK and Cancel button.

Behavior and Interaction

Basic and Advanced Search

The basic search (mandatory) and advanced search (optional) will be triggered by clicking the search button. The search results will be shown in the result list below the search area.

Item Selection

The user can select items out of the list. All selected items will appear as token in the selected items row.

Single Selection

A single item or a range can be selected in single selection cases:

For selection of a single item the value help dialog will be opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Define Conditions link in the header bar, as well as the selected/ excluded item row will be hidden. As soon as one item is selected, the value help dialog will be closed automatically.

Value help dialog for single item selection
Value help dialog for single item selection

For selection of a single range, the Define Conditions screen will be opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field without the back navigation in the header bar.

Value help dialog for single range selection
Value help dialog for single range selection

Multi Selection

For multi selection it is possible to select more than one item, range and exclusion.

For selection of multiple items the value help dialog will be opened by clicking the value help icon of the input field. The Define Conditions link in the header will navigate to the Define Conditions screen.

Value help dialog for multiple selection
Value help dialog for multiple selection
Define multiple conditions
Define multiple conditions

Define and Select Ranges/ Exclusions

By clicking the Define Conditions link in the header bar, the Define Conditions screen will be displayed to define and select ranges as well as exclusions. Both will also be added to the selected/ excluded items row on the bottom of the screen.


If necessary, also provide value help for fields offered in the advanced search. However, do not provide the full value help dialog for the ID and description fields of the business object that is being selected. For these two fields, make sure that the value help icon only opens the Define Conditions screen (range selection).

Example: In a value help dialog for selecting the customer, do not offer full value help for the “Customer ID” and “Customer Name” fields.

Try to use the value help in combination with suggest.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A slider is a control that enables the user to adjust values in a specified numerical range.

Slider in an input list item
Slider in an input list item


Use the slider to change values with graphical support.


The slider itself is not responsive. It adjusts to the responsiveness of its parent container by recalculating and resizing the width of the control.

The slider supports the cozy and compact form factors. The compact form factor is used for apps that run on a mouse and keyboard operated device.


Only a horizontal slider is available.

Behavior and Interaction

Changing the Value

  • If the slider is editable, the hand cursor appears when the grip is hovered.
  • The slider can be changed when the grip is adjusted via drag and drop.
  • The grip can be moved with or without increments based on the predefined steps.
  • The slider can be changed by clicking or tapping the bar. The grip then moves to this new position.


The slider can be shown with or without a progress bar. By default, the progress bar is shown.


Slider without progress bar
Slider without progress bar
Slider with progress bar
Slider with progress bar


  • The step property must be positive. If a negative number is provided, the default value 1 is used instead.
  • The minimum, maximum, and value properties can be decimals (float values). The slider automatically sets the minimum value to 0 and maximum value to 100 by default.
  • The width of the control can be provided in %, em, px, and all possible CSS units. The slider automatically sets the width of the slider to 100% by default.


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  • No links


Date Picker

The date picker lets users select a localized date using touch, mouse, or keyboard input. It consists of two parts: the date input field and the date picker.

Use this control if the user needs to enter a single date or a date range. The control also allows users to navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date picker if:

  • You need a range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should know what is selected and jump to the same selection.


The date picker provides responsive behavior that allows for simple operation on all devices. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode.

With one click on the input field, the date picker opens in full screen. To close the window, the user can select a date (which triggers the close event), or click Cancel without selecting a date.

Date picker on a smartphone
Date picker on a smartphone
Date picker on a desktop
Date picker on a desktop


The date picker has two components: the date input field and the date picker button. On all devices users can either use the input field to type a date or use the date picker button to open the date picker calendar.

Date picker with input field and button
Date picker with input field and button

Date Input Field

In the input field, the user can enter a date directly or select it using the date picker. The system validates the entry and provides the user with feedback. You can also show placeholder text in the field.

Date Picker

With the date picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click or tap the arrows to navigate to the previous and the next day, month, or year view depending on the current view.

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border.

Date picker with selected date and the current date
Date picker with selected date and the current date
Clickable areas of the date picker
Clickable areas of the date picker

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date

The user selects a date by clicking or tapping the date. After the user selects a day, the calendar closes and the date appears in the date input field.

Clickable areas
Clickable areas

Clicking or tapping the arrow shows the next day, month, or year view.

Navigating to the next month
Navigating to the next month

If the current month is clicked, the view changes to the month view and the user can change the month.

Switching to month view
Switching to month view

By clicking on a month, the user changes the month and the view changes to the day view.

Selecting another month
Selecting another month

The user can similarly change the year. By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. After the user selects a year, the view changes back to the day view.

Switching to year view
Switching to year view

After the user selects a year, the view changes back to the day view. The date in the date input field stays the same until the user selects a new date.

Selecting another year
Selecting another year


Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

Responsive Table

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format in table cells. Otherwise use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date Picker

The date picker lets users select a localized date using touch, mouse, or keyboard input. It consists of two parts: the date input field and the date picker.

Use this control if the user needs to enter a single date or a date range. The control also allows users to navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date picker if:

  • You need a range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should know what is selected and jump to the same selection.


The date picker provides responsive behavior that allows for simple operation on all devices. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode.

With one click on the input field, the date picker opens in full screen. To close the window, the user can select a date (which triggers the close event), or click Cancel without selecting a date.

Date picker on a smartphone or tablet
Date picker on a smartphone or tablet
Date picker on a desktop
Date picker on a desktop


The date picker has two components: the date input field and the date picker button. On all devices, users can either use the input field to type a date or use the date picker button to open the date picker calendar.

Date picker with input field and button
Date picker with input field and button

Date Input Field

In the input field, the user can enter a date directly or select it using the date picker. The system validates the entry and provides the user with feedback. You can also show placeholder text in the field.

Date Picker

With the date picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click or tap the arrows to navigate to the previous and the next day, month, or year view depending on the current view.

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border.

Date picker with selected date and the current date
Date picker with selected date and the current date
Clickable areas of the date picker
Clickable areas of the date picker

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date

The user selects a date by clicking or tapping the date.

The user selects a date by tapping or clicking
The user selects a date by tapping or clicking

Clicking or tapping the arrow shows the next day, month, or year view.

Date picker selection - view by day, month, or year
Date picker selection - view by day, month, or year

After the user selects a day, the calendar closes and the date appears in the date input field.

Selecting a day
Selecting a day

If the current month is clicked, the user can change the month. By clicking on a month, the view changes to the day view.

Selecting another month
Selecting another month

After the user selects a day, the year view closes and the date appears in the date input field.

Selecting a date
Selecting a date

By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. After the user selects a year, the view changes to the day view.

Changing view (day, month, year)
Changing view (day, month, year)


Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

Responsive Table

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format in table cells. Otherwise use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date/Time Input

The date/time input control allows users to select a date, time, or both, from a corresponding pad. However, SAP Fiori uses this control for time input only. Do not use this control for entering a date or a combination of date and time (see the Usage section below).


Use the date/time input if:

  • You want a control to enter the time.

Do not use the date/time input if:

  • You want a control to enter a date. In this case, use the date picker as it supports keyboard entry.


The date/time input runs on all form factors and therefore works on all devices.

Date/time input opens in a popup for size S (for a smartphone, for example)
Date/time input opens in a popup for size S (for a smartphone, for example)
Date/time input in a popover for sizes M and L (for a tablet or desktop, for example)
Date/time input in a popover for sizes M and L (for a tablet or desktop, for example)

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Time

By clicking or tapping the date/time input field, the date/time input appears. The user can select a time by rotating the wheel.

When the user clicks the OK button, the popup/popover closes and the selected date and/or time appears in the input field. When the user clicks Cancel, the action is aborted and the input field remains unchanged.

Date time/input – Closed
Date time/input – Closed
Date/time input – Open
Date/time input – Open


Within the date/time input popup/popover, each area can be scrolled individually by dragging and dropping the areas.

Date/time input – Scrolling by swiping
Date/time input – Scrolling by swiping

When moving to the respective area in a desktop scenario, the user can also scroll by clicking the arrows that appear on hover. In a touch scenario, this functionality is disabled.

Date/time input – Scrolling by arrows
Date/time input – Scrolling by arrows


Set the default values of the date/time input carefully to avoid unnecessary scrolling. It often makes sense to set the default for the time to the full or half hour, setting the minutes to 00 or 30. Sometimes it may also make sense to use the current time.


The control may only be used to display and select a time or a duration (property: type).


If you need a control to enter a date/time combination and two separate fields are not enough, you can use the date/time input to support this combined input.

Keyboard Entry

Keyboard entry is not supported by the date/time input control.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Text Area

The text area is an input control that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.


Use the text area if you want to enter multiple lines of text. If you only want to enter a single line of text, use the text control instead.


You can set the maximum number of lines to be shown. The amount of text depends on the size of the screen. On smaller screens, the user can scroll down the text area to see the entire text. To indicate that the text continues, the control shows only half of the last line. This also applies for mobile devices.


The text area allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.

Text area – Default
Text area – Default
Text area – Active state
Text area – Active state

You can also set a placeholder (input prompt), which is inherited from sap.m.InputBase; property: placeholder. The prompt text is displayed when the input field is empty.

Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)
Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)

Behavior and Interaction

Entering and Removing Text

The user can enter text. As soon as the user starts typing, the placeholder disappears. It appears again when the user removes all the content from the text area.

You can also limit the number of characters a user can enter. In this case, the text area prevents the user from adding more characters than the maximum value defined (property: maxLength).

Text area – Limited
Text area – Limited

Making Text Non-Editable

You can set the text area to non-editable (property: editable). This mode still allows the user to scroll to the text that is currently hidden.

Text area – Not editable
Text area – Not editable

Disabling Text

You can also set the text area to disabled. In this case, the user cannot edit or scroll (property: enabled).

Text area – Not enabled
Text area – Not enabled
Text area – Not enabled (long text)
Text area – Not enabled (long text)


As with any other input control, you can validate the fields and show the result as a value state (property: valueState) of the control (such as error, warning, success, or none).

For more information, see form field validation.

Text area – Error state
Text area – Error state


  • As with other input fields in general, use a label. For exceptions regarding label usage, see the Exceptions section of the label article.
  • The placeholder does not substitute a label. It can be used to give an additional hint, but should not repeat the label in long format.
  • If you want to use the text area with a fixed text length (property: maxLength), for example, inside a form, use text beside the text area to indicate the number of remaining characters and a countdown while the user is typing.


  • You can provide a width by using the average character width (property: cols).
  • You can define the height of the text area via the lines of text (property: rows). You can also set the height of the text area (property: height), which would override the rows property.
  • Additionally, you can define the type of wrapping for the text area (property: wrapping) as Soft, Hard, or Off.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Text Area

The text area is an input control that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.


Use the text area if you want to enter multiple lines of text. If you only want to enter a single line of text, use the text control instead.


You can set the maximum number of lines to be shown. The amount of text depends on the size of the screen. On smaller screens, the user can scroll down the text area to see the entire text. To indicate that the text continues, the control shows only half of the last line. This also applies for mobile devices.


The text area allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.

Text area – Default
Text area – Default
Text area – Active state
Text area – Active state

You can also set a placeholder (input prompt), which is inherited from sap.m.InputBase; property: placeholder. The prompt text is displayed when the input field is empty.

Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)
Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)

Behavior and Interaction

Entering and Removing Text

The user can enter text. As soon as the user starts typing, the placeholder disappears. It appears again when the user removes all the content from the text area.

You can also limit the number of characters a user can enter. In this case, the text area prevents the user from adding more characters than the maximum value defined (property: maxLength).

Text area – Limited
Text area – Limited

Making Text Non-Editable

You can set the text area to non-editable (property: editable). This mode still allows the user to scroll to the text that is currently hidden.

Text area – Not editable
Text area – Not editable

Disabling Text

You can also set the text area to disabled. In this case, the user cannot edit or scroll (property: enabled).

Text area – Not enabled
Text area – Not enabled
Text area – Not enabled (long text)
Text area – Not enabled (long text)
For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.


As with any other input control, you can validate the fields and show the result as a value state (property: valueState) of the control (such as error, warning, success, or none).

For more information, see form field validation.

Text area – Error state
Text area – Error state


  • As with other input fields in general, use a label. For exceptions regarding label usage, see the Exceptions section of the label article.
  • The placeholder does not substitute a label. It can be used to give an additional hint, but should not repeat the label in long format.
  • If you want to use the text area with a fixed text length (property: maxLength), for example, inside a form, use text beside the text area to indicate the number of remaining characters and a countdown while the user is typing.


  • You can provide a width by using the average character width (property: cols).
  • You can define the height of the text area via the lines of text (property: rows). You can also set the height of the text area (property: height), which would override the rows property.
  • Additionally, you can define the type of wrapping for the text area (property: wrapping) as Soft, Hard, or Off.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Text Area

The text area is an input control that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.


Use the text area if you want to enter multiple lines of text. If you only want to enter a single line of text, use the text control instead.


You can set the maximum number of lines to be shown. The amount of text depends on the size of the screen. On smaller screens, the user can scroll down the text area to see the entire text. To indicate that the text continues, the control shows only half of the last line. This also applies for mobile devices.


The text area allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.

Text area – Default
Text area – Default
Text area – Active state
Text area – Active state

You can also set a placeholder (input prompt), which is inherited from sap.m.InputBase; property: placeholder. The prompt text is displayed when the input field is empty.

Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)
Text area – With placeholder (input prompt)
Text area – Selected state
Text area – Selected state
For information on how to manage leading and treading whitespace (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing whitespace.

Behavior and Interaction

Entering and Removing Text

The user can enter text. As soon as the user starts typing, the placeholder disappears. It appears again when the user removes all the content from the text area.

You can also limit the number of characters a user can enter. In this case, the text area prevents the user from adding more characters than the maximum value defined (property: maxLength).

Text area – Limited
Text area – Limited

Making Text Non-Editable

You can set the text area to non-editable (property: editable). This mode still allows the user to scroll to the text that is currently hidden.

Text area – Read-only
Text area – Read-only

Disabling Text

You can also set the text area to disabled. In this case, the user cannot edit or scroll (property: enabled).

Text area – Disabled state
Text area – Disabled state

Growing behavior

With SAPUI5 version 1.38, the text area control acquired a growing property. It gives the control the ability to automatically grow and shrink with its content while the user is typing.

The maximum height of the text area is configurable but should be defined properly, that is, according to the space where the control will be located.

Growing text area: The text is aligned to the top of the text area; A new line is added to the bottom of the text area.
Growing text area: The text is aligned to the top of the text area; A new line is added to the bottom of the text area.


As with any other input control, you can validate the fields and show the result as a value state (property: valueState) of the control (error, warning, success, or none).

For more information, see form field validation.

Text area – Warning state
Text area – Warning state
Text area – Error state
Text area – Error state


  • As with other input fields in general, use a label. For exceptions regarding label usage, see the Exceptions section of the label article.
  • The placeholder does not substitute a label. It can be used to give an additional hint, but should not repeat the label in long format.
  • If you want to use the text area with a fixed text length (property: maxLength), for example, inside a form, use text beside the text area to indicate the number of remaining characters and a countdown while the user is typing.
  • If you are applying the growing behavior of the text area, have in mind that its maximum height should not exceed the height of the screen.


  • You can provide a width by using the average character width (property: cols).
  • You can define the height of the text area via the lines of text (property: rows). You can also set the height of the text area (property: height), which would override the rows property.
  • Additionally, you can define the type of wrapping for the text area (property: wrapping) as Soft, Hard, or Off.
  • Since 1.38 the sap.m.TextArea has a growing property that enables text area’s height to change dynamically while the user is typing.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date Range Selection

The control for selecting the date range is a single-field input control. Users can enter a localized date range using touch, mouse, or keyboard input, or by selecting a date range in the calendar. They can also navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date range selection if:

  • You need a time range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should recognize the information and jump to the same selection.

Do not use the date range selection if:

  • You want to enter a date and a time. In this case, use the date picker or time picker instead.
  • The user’s primary goal is not to select ranges. If this is the case, use the simple date picker.


The date range selection is fully responsive. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode. For more information about cozy and compact modes, see the article on content density.

Date range selection (size S)
Date range selection (size S)
Date range selection (size L)
Date range selection (size L)


The date range selection consists of two components: the date range input field and the date range picker.

The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices
The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices

Date Range Input Field

The user can type the date directly into the input field, or use the date picker. You can also show a prompt text in the field (property: placeholder). The system validates the date and gives the user feedback.

Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day
Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day

Date Range Picker

With the date range picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click the arrows to view the previous and next days, months, or years (depending on the current view).

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border in the calendar.

Date range selection
Date range selection

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date Range

The user can type two dates into the date range input field or click the calendar icon to open the calendar and select a date. These two possibilities work for all devices – desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Switch View

Clicking an arrow shows the next or previous day, month, or year.

Clicking the month shows an overview of all months.

If the current month is clicked, the user can change the month. When the user selects a month, the view changes to the day view.

By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. When the user selects a year, the view changes to the day view.

Selecting an End Date

When the user selects an end date, the calendar closes.

Selecting a Range

After the user selects a range, the calendar closes and the range appears in the date input field.

Entering Single Dates

The date range selection also allows the user to input single dates. The user can type one date into the input field, or select the same day as a start and end date in the calendar.



The delimiter visualizes the start and end date. If no delimiter is given, the app uses the one defined for the used locale.


If no range is selected, show a placeholder text to indicate the correct format. If no placeholder is defined, the control shows the default locale placeholder format. You can define your own placeholder, but you must also take localized versions into account.

Date range picker with default placeholder
Date range picker with default placeholder


Use in-line validation to give the user feedback, especially in the form of errors and warnings. Possible warning states are warning, error, and success. The date range input field in question is highlighted by a frame in the corresponding color. If the focus is inside the field, an explanation is shown. Ensure that this explanation is as specific as possible.

Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus


Display Format

You can choose whether the displayed texts are to be shown in short, medium, or long format, or in another date format like dd–MM–yyyy. However, other date formats (besides short, medium, and long) should be used carefully due to local dependencies.

Long display format
Long display format
Medium display format
Medium display format
Short display format
Short display format

Input Types

The following input types are available. (Note: these examples show German date formats for January 14, 2014.)

  • Unicode CLDR short format: 14.01.14
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14.01.2014
  • ISO date format: 2014-01-14
  • ISO date format without delimiters: 20140114
  • Unicode CLDR short format without delimiters: 140114
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14012014

Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format within table cells. Otherwise, use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Date Range Selection

The control for selecting the date range is a single-field input control. Users can enter a localized date range using touch, mouse, or keyboard input, or by selecting a date range in the calendar. They can also navigate directly from one month or year to another.


Use the date range selection if:

  • You need a time range and know that your user is a power user who has to input lots of data. If the keyboard is the primary device used for navigating the app, use two input fields. This allows the user to quickly jump from field to field. By selecting a date in one of the fields, the other field should recognize the information and jump to the same selection.

Do not use the date range selection if:

  • You want to enter a date and a time. In this case, use the date/time input instead.
  • The user’s primary goal is not to select ranges. If this is the case, use the simple date picker.


The date range selection is fully responsive. It is smaller in compact mode and provides a touch-friendly size in cozy mode. For more information about cozy and compact modes, see the article on content density.


The date range selection consists of two components: the date range input field and the date range picker.

The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices
The two clickable areas of the date range selection on all devices

Date Range Input Field

The user can type the date directly into the input field, or use the date picker. You can also show a prompt text in the field (property: placeholder). The system validates the date and gives the user feedback.

Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day
Clickable areas: The dates November 9–17 are selected, and November 27 is shown as the current day

Date Range Picker

With the date range picker, the user can see a day view, month view, or year view. The current day and the selected date are highlighted. The calendar week is also visible in the day view. The calendar closes when a final day is selected. The user can click the arrows to view the previous and next days, months, or years (depending on the current view).

The selected date is shown with a blue background. The current day is indicated with a purple border in the calendar.

Date range selection
Date range selection

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Date Range

The user can type two dates into the date range input field or click the calendar icon to open the calendar and select a date. These two possibilities work for all devices – desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Selecting a date range on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone
Selecting a date range on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone

Switch View

Clicking an arrow shows the next or previous day, month, or year.

Clicking the month shows an overview of all months.

If the current month is clicked, the user can change the month. When the user selects a month, the view changes to the day view.

By clicking the current year, the view changes to the year view. When the user selects a year, the view changes to the day view.

Selecting an End Date

When the user selects an end date, the calendar closes.

Selecting a Range

After the user selects a range, the calendar closes and the range appears in the date input field.

Entering Single Dates

The date range selection also allows the user to input single dates. The user can type one date into the input field, or select the same day as a start and end date in the calendar.



The delimiter visualizes the start and end date. If no delimiter is given, the app uses the one defined for the used locale.


If no range is selected, show a placeholder text to indicate the correct format. If no placeholder is defined, the control shows the default locale placeholder format. You can define your own placeholder, but you must also take localized versions into account.

Date range picker with default placeholder
Date range picker with default placeholder


Use in-line validation to give the user feedback, especially in the form of errors and warnings. Possible warning states are warning, error, and success. The date range input field in question is highlighted by a frame in the corresponding color. If the focus is inside the field, an explanation is shown. Ensure that this explanation is as specific as possible.

Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Visible frame that shows an error when the field is out of focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus
Error state with meaningful text; the date range input field is in focus


Display Format

You can choose whether the displayed texts should be shown in short, medium, or long format, or in another date format such as dd–MM–yyyy. However, other date formats (besides short, medium, and long) should be used carefully due to local dependencies.

Long display format
Long display format
Medium display format
Medium display format
Short display format
Short display format

Input Types

The following input types are available. (Note: these examples show German date formats for January 14, 2014.)

  • Unicode CLDR short format: 14.01.14
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14.01.2014
  • ISO date format: 2014-01-14
  • ISO date format without delimiters: 20140114
  • Unicode CLDR short format without delimiters: 140114
  • Unicode CLDR medium format: 14012014

Date Formats

Long Date Format

Use the long date format for master list/object list item/title and object header/title. Here are some examples:

  • English (US): January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): 16. Januar 2022
  • Danish (DK): 16. Jan. 2022

Short Date Format

Use the short date format for master list/object list item/list of object attributes if space is a concern. For example, you might need to save space if there is a label with the date. Here are some examples of the short date format:

  • English (US): 1/16/22
  • German (DE): 16.01.22
  • Japanese (JP): 22/01/16

Relative and Medium Date Format

If appropriate, use a relative format for master list/object list item/list of object status. For example: today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, and so on up to 6 days ago. After 6 days, use an absolute date with the medium format.

Use the absolute date with medium format in the corresponding object header in the details area. Do not use the relative format here.

If screen space is at a premium (for example, if there are too many columns), use the short date format within table cells. Otherwise, use the medium format.

If you need to display the weekday, use the full format. For example:

  • English (US): Sunday, January 16, 2022
  • German (DE): Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022
  • French (FR): dimanche 16 janvier 2022


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Action Select

The action select control allows you to offer actions within a selection dialog. The action can refer to the selected element.

The action select control is based on the select and action list item controls.

The action select control was formerly used for variant management, but this is no longer the case. If you would like to use this control, contact us for further advice.


Size S
Size S
Size M
Size M
Size L
Size L


Action select is a combination of the select control and the action list item control.

Action select – Layout
Action select – Layout

Behavior and Interaction


The actions are available within the scrollable content area.

Action select – Actions within scrollable content
Action select – Actions within scrollable content

Message Handling

After the user executes an action, a corresponding message appears.

Action select – Message handling
Action select – Message handling


Use a reasonable number of actions within the action select control. Depending on the use case and the device, you may want to include fewer actions.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

Select (guidelines) Action List Item (guidelines)


Action Select (SAPUI5 Explored) Select (SAPUI5 Explored) Action List Item (SAPUI5 Explored) Action Select (API) Select (API) Action List Item (API)

Feed and Notes

Feeds and notes are commonplace in many SAP Fiori applications. The sap.m.FeedInput control allows users to input and post plain text, while the sap.m.FeedListItem control handles and displays this text. Both can be used individually, but they also complement each other well to create a simple feed or notes control.


Feed Input

Use the feed input if:

  • A user needs to input small amounts of text without formatting.
  • You expect multiple instances, such as notes or feed entries.

Do not use the feed input if:

  • The user needs to format the text (rich text editor).
  • You need only a single text box instance. In this case, use the text area (for multiple lines) or the text control (for a single line).

Feed List Item

Use the feed list item if:

  • You need to show unformatted text with a user’s name in front, such as for a feed control or notes control.

Do not use the feed list item if:

  • You need to display formatted text.
  • You need to display large amounts of text.

Combination of Both Controls (as Feed or Notes Control)

Use both controls if:

  • You need a feed to show textual posts.
  • Your users need to input notes.

Do not use both controls if:

  • You expect extensive social interaction in the feed.
  • Users need to reply at item level instead of creating a new post.
  • You want to display SAP Jam feeds.

In these cases, use the social timeline instead (requires SAP Jam).


Due to their responsive behavior, both controls can be used in small and large view ports or screens.

Feed – Size S
Feed – Size S
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size L
Feed – Size L

When the width of the available space falls below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on smartphones), the two controls respond as follows:

  • If a user image previously appeared in the feed input, it will be omitted in narrow screens to give the text field more space.
  • If there is no user image, there will be no visual change.
Feed input – Responsiveness
Feed input – Responsiveness

In the feed list item, the user’s name, image, and the time stamp move on top of the text. If there is no image, the name and time stamp are left-aligned together with the text.

Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image


Feed Input

The feed input consists of:

  • A text input field with a placeholder (input prompt)
    Example: Add a comment
  • A Send button
  • An optional user image

You can also choose not to show user images at all. In this case, the size of the input area increases automatically.

Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image

Feed List Item

The feed list item consists of the user’s name and an optional picture of the user who wrote the note or update. The name can contain a link that triggers a quick overview of the user’s profile data. The actual text written by the user follows the name. Below it is a separate byline that can contain a time stamp and an attribute in the form of free text. This allows you to put in your own attribute, such as Approval, Internal, or External. Both the time stamp and the attribute are optional.

If the name is a link, the picture should also be linked with the same attributes.

Feed list item – With user image and linked name
Feed list item – With user image and linked name

If the user does not have a picture assigned, a placeholder is shown instead:

Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name
Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name

The name (and picture) can also be read-only, that is, without a link:

Feed list item – With user image but without links
Feed list item – With user image but without links

If the app does not support user images, they can be omitted:

Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name
Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name

Here, too, the name can be read-only:

Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name

It’s also possible to display rich text (formatted text) in the feed list item. This feature should be handled with care as it allows for countless custom layouts.

Please see that you use it responsibly and provide your users with a consistent experience. Only deviate from the default layout and font if absolutely required by the use case.

Example use case: Render URLs as links.

Feed list item – Layout – Rich text
Feed list item – Layout – Rich text
The items in the feed list must be homogeneous. This means that they must contain the same layout and visualization. For example, it is not possible to have a feed containing both linked and plain names, or both user images and default images.

Special Case: Multiple Types of Notes

Apps sometimes need to discern between different types of notes. There is an easy way to allow users to choose which type they want to see or add to the list.

You can place a toolbar containing a select control at the top of the feed input control. From there, users can select the type of notes, such as Internal Notes or External Notes. The list of notes must contain only the type selected. If the user adds a note via the feed input, the type must be set automatically according to the selection.

Interaction – Note types (1)
Interaction – Note types (1)
Interaction – Note types (2)
Interaction – Note types (2)
Interaction – Note types (3)
Interaction – Note types (3)


The feed input and feed list item do not contain subcontrols. However, you can easily combine them to create a simple feed or notes control.

Although the feed input counts as a single control, the input area inherits its behavior from the sap.m.TextArea control.

Behavior and Interaction

Send Message

Initially, the feeder contains a placeholder (input prompt), and the Send button is disabled, with reduced opacity.

Clicking into the input field puts the focus on the field and allows to start typing.

When the user starts to type, the placeholder disappears and the Send button becomes active and more prominent.

If the available width is below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on a smartphone), the picture is removed.

To send the text, the user must explicitly click or tap the Send button. Pressing Enter on the keyboard (on-screen or physical) results in a line break.

Feed input – Behavior
Feed input – Behavior

Show More Text

When the text exceeds a certain number of characters (you can overwrite the default value), the rest of the text is truncated and a MORE link appears after the truncated section.

Initially, the MORE link is gray, so it does not divert the user’s attention away from the actual text. When the user moves the mouse over the feed text, the MORE link is highlighted. Hovering over the link underlines it.

Show Less Text

When the user expands the text, the name of this link changes to LESS,  but still behaves the same way as before.

Feed and Notes in Tables

In tables, users sometimes need to see if an object has a comment (or feed or note) without further navigation, and even be able to add/edit right from the table.

Add an additional row, named according to the type of user input, such as Comment, Note, or Feed.

Place a link inside each cell with the appropriate action (row: Comment, link: Comment/ row: Feed, link: Post).
If there can be more than one item, add a counter after the text as well (see example on the right).

This solution works with every table control.

Feed and notes in tables (1)
Feed and notes in tables (1)

Depending on the use case, it might help users if they can see the latest note. The responsive table allows the feed list item (sap.m.FeedListItem) to be used inside a cell.

Reduce the property “maxCharacters” to an amount that your table can handle.
Note that once the maximum number of characters has been reached, a MORE link allows users to expand the text. Technically, this is no problem for the responsive table, but you need to ensure that the layout of your page allows this kind of expansion.

Place a link below the feed list item to allow users to add something (as described above).

Feed and notes in tables (2)
Feed and notes in tables (2)

When the user clicks a link, such as Comment or Note, display a dialog showing all comments (notes, feed entries, and so on) along with possible actions, such as Add or Edit, depending on your use case.

There are several ways to show notes (comments, feed entries, and so on) in a dialog:

  • You can use the feed list item (and feed input) as described in this article.
  • If only one single note is allowed, you can use the text area.
  • For a large feed, you can use the timeline control (SAP Jam is required for social features).


Because the feed list item is built on the basis of the standard list item, it inherits multiple properties that may not make sense in a feed use case.

Use only properties that are described in this article. Especially making the entire feed list item clickable can lead to functional issues and usability problems.

If you display formatted text (rich text) in the feed list item, only use formatting that is beneficial to users, and not for decorative purposes. See that you use it responsibly and provide your users with a consistent experience. Only deviate from the default layout and font if absolutely required by the use case (example: render URLs as links).


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links.


Feed and Notes

Feeds and notes are commonplace in many SAP Fiori applications. The sap.m.FeedInput control allows users to input and post plain text, while the sap.m.FeedListItem control handles and displays this text. Both can be used individually, but they also complement each other well to create a simple feed or notes control.


Feed Input

Use the feed input if:

  • A user needs to input small amounts of text without formatting.
  • You expect multiple instances, such as notes or feed entries.

Do not use the feed input if:

  • The user needs to format the text (rich text editor).
  • You need only a single text box instance. In this case, use the text area (for multiple lines) or the text control (for a single line).

Feed List Item

Use the feed list item if:

  • You need to show unformatted text with a user’s name in front, such as for a feed control or notes control.

Do not use the feed list item if:

  • You need to display formatted text.
  • You need to display large amounts of text.

Combination of Both Controls (as Feed or Notes Control)

Use both controls if:

  • You need a feed to show textual posts.
  • Your users need to input notes.

Do not use both controls if:

  • You expect extensive social interaction in the feed.
  • Users need to reply at item level instead of creating a new post.
  • You want to display SAP Jam feeds.

In these cases, use the social timeline instead (requires SAP Jam).


Due to their responsive behavior, both controls can be used in small and large view ports or screens.

Feed – Size S
Feed – Size S
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size L
Feed – Size L

When the width of the available space falls below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on smartphones), the two controls respond as follows:

  • If a user image previously appeared in the feed input, it will be omitted in narrow screens to give the text field more space.
  • If there is no user image, there will be no visual change.
Feed input – Responsiveness
Feed input – Responsiveness

In the feed list item, the user’s name, image, and the time stamp move on top of the text. If there is no image, the name and time stamp are left-aligned together with the text.

Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image


Feed Input

The feed input consists of:

  • A text input field with a placeholder (input prompt)
    Example: Add a comment
  • A Send button
  • An optional user image

You can also choose not to show user images at all. In this case, the size of the input area increases automatically.

Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image

Feed List Item

The feed list item consists of the user’s name and an optional picture of the user who wrote the note or update. The name can contain a link that triggers a quick overview of the user’s profile data. The actual text written by the user follows the name. Below it is a separate byline that can contain a time stamp and an attribute in the form of free text. This allows you to put in your own attribute, such as Approval, Internal, or External. Both the time stamp and the attribute are optional.

If the name is a link, the picture should also be linked with the same attributes.

Feed list item – With user image and linked name
Feed list item – With user image and linked name

If the user does not have a picture assigned, a placeholder is shown instead:

Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name
Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name

The name (and picture) can also be read-only, that is, without a link:

Feed list item – With user image but without links
Feed list item – With user image but without links

If the app does not support user images, they can be omitted:

Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name
Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name

Here, too, the name can be read-only:

Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
The items in the feed list must be homogeneous. This means that they must contain the same layout and visualization. For example, it is not possible to have a feed containing both linked and plain names, or both user images and default images.

Special Case: Multiple Types of Notes

Apps sometimes need to discern between different types of notes. There is an easy way to allow users to choose which type they want to see or add to the list.

You can place a toolbar containing a select control at the top of the feed input control. From there, users can select the type of notes, such as Internal Notes or External Notes. The list of notes must contain only the type selected. If the user adds a note via the feed input, the type must be set automatically according to the selection.


The feed input and feed list item do not contain subcontrols. However, you can easily combine them to create a simple feed or notes control.

Although the feed input counts as a single control, the input area inherits its behavior from the sap.m.TextArea control.

Behavior and Interaction

Send Message

Initially, the feeder contains a placeholder (input prompt), and the Send button is disabled, with reduced opacity.

Clicking into the input field puts the focus on the field and allows to start typing.

When the user starts to type, the placeholder disappears and the Send button becomes active and more prominent.

If the available width is below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on a smartphone), the image is removed.

To send the text, the user must explicitly click or tap the Send button. Pressing Enter on the keyboard (on-screen or physical) results in a line break.

Show More Text

When the text exceeds a certain number of characters (you can overwrite the default value), the rest of the text is truncated and a MORE link appears after the truncated section.

Initially, the MORE link is gray, so it does not divert the user’s attention away from the actual text. When the user moves the mouse over the feed text, the MORE link is highlighted. Hovering over the link underlines it.

Show Less Text

When the user expands the text, the name of this link changes to LESS,  but still behaves the same way as before.

Feed and Notes in Tables

In tables, users sometimes need to see if an object has a comment (or feed or note) without further navigation, and even be able to add/edit right from the table.

Add an additional row, named according to the type of user input, such as Comment, Note, or Feed.

Place a link inside each cell with the appropriate action (row: Comment, link: Comment/ row: Feed, link: Post).
If there can be more than one item, add a counter after the text as well (see example on the right).

This solution works with every table control.

Feed and notes in tables_01
Feed and notes in tables_01

Depending on the use case, it might help users if they can see the latest note. The responsive table allows the feed list item (sap.m.FeedListItem) to be used inside a cell.

Reduce the property “maxCharacters” to an amount that your table can handle.
Note that once the maximum number of characters has been reached, a MORE link allows users to expand the text. Technically, this is no problem for the responsive table, but you need to ensure that the layout of your page allows this kind of expansion.

Place a link below the feed list item to allow users to add something (as described above).

Feed and notes in tables_02
Feed and notes in tables_02

When the user clicks a link, such as Comment or Note, display a dialog showing all comments (notes, feed entries, and so on) along with possible actions, such as Add or Edit, depending on your use case.

There are several ways to show notes (comments, feed entries, and so on) in a dialog:

  • You can use the feed list item (and feed input) as described in this article.
  • If only one single note is allowed, you can use the text area.
  • For a large feed, you can use the timeline control (SAP Jam is required for social features).


Because the feed list item is built on the basis of the standard list item, it inherits multiple properties that may not make sense in a feed use case.

Use only properties that are described in this article. Especially making the entire feed list item clickable can lead to functional issues and usability problems.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links.


Feed and Notes

Feeds and notes are commonplace in many SAP Fiori applications. The sap.m.FeedInput control allows users to input and post plain text, while the sap.m.FeedListItem control handles and displays this text. Both can be used individually, but they also complement each other well to create a simple feed or notes control.


Feed Input

Use the feed input if:

  • A user needs to input small amounts of text without formatting.
  • You expect multiple instances, such as notes or feed entries.

Do not use the feed input if:

  • The user needs to format the text (rich text editor).
  • You need only a single text box instance. In this case, use the text area (for multiple lines) or the text control (for a single line).

Feed List Item

Use the feed list item if:

  • You need to show unformatted text with a user’s name in front, such as for a feed control or notes control.

Do not use the feed list item if:

  • You need to display formatted text.
  • You need to display large amounts of text.

Combination of Both Controls (as Feed or Notes Control)

Use both controls if:

  • You need a feed to show textual posts.
  • Your users need to input notes.

Do not use both controls if:

  • You expect extensive social interaction in the feed.
  • Users need to reply at item level instead of creating a new post.
  • You want to display SAP Jam feeds.

In these cases, use the social timeline instead (requires SAP Jam).


Due to their responsive behavior, both controls can be used in small and large view ports or screens.

Feed – Size S
Feed – Size S
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size L
Feed – Size L

When the width of the available space falls below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on smartphones), the two controls respond as follows:

  • If a user image previously appeared in the feed input, it will be omitted in narrow screens to give the text field more space.
  • If there is no user image, there will be no visual change.
Feed input – Responsiveness
Feed input – Responsiveness

In the feed list item, the user’s name, image, and the time stamp move on top of the text. If there is no image, the name and time stamp are left-aligned together with the text.

Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image


Feed Input

The feed input consists of:

  • A text input field with a placeholder (input prompt)
    Example: Add a comment
  • A Send button
  • An optional user image

You can also choose not to show user images at all. In this case, the size of the input area increases automatically.

Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image

Feed List Item

The feed list item consists of the user’s name and an optional picture of the user who wrote the note or update. The name can contain a link that triggers a quick overview of the user’s profile data. The actual text written by the user follows the name. Below it is a separate byline that can contain a time stamp and an attribute in the form of free text. This allows you to put in your own attribute, such as Approval, Internal, or External. Both the time stamp and the attribute are optional.

If the name is a link, the picture should also be linked with the same attributes.

Feed list item – With user image and linked name
Feed list item – With user image and linked name

If the user does not have a picture assigned, a placeholder is shown instead:

Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name
Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name

The name (and picture) can also be read-only, that is, without a link:

Feed list item – With user image but without links
Feed list item – With user image but without links

If the app does not support user images, they can be omitted:

Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name
Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name

Here, too, the name can be read-only:

Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
The items in the feed list must be homogeneous. This means that they must contain the same layout and visualization. For example, it is not possible to have a feed containing both linked and plain names, or both user images and default images.

Special Case: Multiple Types of Notes

Apps sometimes need to discern between different types of notes. There is an easy way to allow users to choose which type they want to see or add to the list.

You can place a toolbar containing a select control at the top of the feed input control. From there, users can select the type of notes, such as Internal Notes or External Notes. The list of notes must contain only the type selected. If the user adds a note via the feed input, the type must be set automatically according to the selection.

Interaction – Note types (1)
Interaction – Note types (1)
Interaction – Note types (2)
Interaction – Note types (2)
Interaction – Note types (3)
Interaction – Note types (3)


The feed input and feed list item do not contain subcontrols. However, you can easily combine them to create a simple feed or notes control.

Although the feed input counts as a single control, the input area inherits its behavior from the sap.m.TextArea control.

Behavior and Interaction

Send Message

Initially, the feeder contains a placeholder (input prompt), and the Send button is disabled, with reduced opacity.

Clicking into the input field puts the focus on the field and allows to start typing.

When the user starts to type, the placeholder disappears and the Send button becomes active and more prominent.

If the available width is below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on a smartphone), the picture is removed.

To send the text, the user must explicitly click or tap the Send button. Pressing Enter on the keyboard (on-screen or physical) results in a line break.

Feed input – Behavior
Feed input – Behavior

Show More Text

When the text exceeds a certain number of characters (you can overwrite the default value), the rest of the text is truncated and a MORE link appears after the truncated section.

Initially, the MORE link is gray, so it does not divert the user’s attention away from the actual text. When the user moves the mouse over the feed text, the MORE link is highlighted. Hovering over the link underlines it.

Show Less Text

When the user expands the text, the name of this link changes to LESS,  but still behaves the same way as before.

Feed and Notes in Tables

In tables, users sometimes need to see if an object has a comment (or feed or note) without further navigation, and even be able to add/edit right from the table.

Add an additional row, named according to the type of user input, such as Comment, Note, or Feed.

Place a link inside each cell with the appropriate action (row: Comment, link: Comment/ row: Feed, link: Post).
If there can be more than one item, add a counter after the text as well (see example on the right).

This solution works with every table control.

Feed and notes in tables (1)
Feed and notes in tables (1)

Depending on the use case, it might help users if they can see the latest note. The responsive table allows the feed list item (sap.m.FeedListItem) to be used inside a cell.

Reduce the property “maxCharacters” to an amount that your table can handle.
Note that once the maximum number of characters has been reached, a MORE link allows users to expand the text. Technically, this is no problem for the responsive table, but you need to ensure that the layout of your page allows this kind of expansion.

Place a link below the feed list item to allow users to add something (as described above).

Feed and notes in tables (2)
Feed and notes in tables (2)

When the user clicks a link, such as Comment or Note, display a dialog showing all comments (notes, feed entries, and so on) along with possible actions, such as Add or Edit, depending on your use case.

There are several ways to show notes (comments, feed entries, and so on) in a dialog:

  • You can use the feed list item (and feed input) as described in this article.
  • If only one single note is allowed, you can use the text area.
  • For a large feed, you can use the timeline control (SAP Jam is required for social features).


Because the feed list item is built on the basis of the standard list item, it inherits multiple properties that may not make sense in a feed use case.

Use only properties that are described in this article. Especially making the entire feed list item clickable can lead to functional issues and usability problems.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links.



A checkbox lets the user set a binary value (such as “true/false”). When the user clicks or taps the checkbox, it toggles between checked and unchecked.

Checked means that the state described by the checkbox text applies, or that the item has been chosen.

The checkbox text describes the positive action (as in “true” or “yes”).

The text can be either a label control to the left of the checkbox, or a checkbox text that appears to the right of the box.

  • If there is only one checkbox, you can use a label or text depending on the form format.
  • If there is more than one checkbox, the label describes the whole group of checkboxes. In this case, use the text property of the checkbox to describe the individual checkboxes.

Within a group of checkboxes, each checkbox can be checked or unchecked. The user can check multiple options.

Enabled/Disabled checkboxes
Enabled/Disabled checkboxes


Use the checkbox control if:

  • Only one option can be selected or deselected, for example to accept terms of use. Use it only if the meaning is obvious (single checkbox).
  • You have a group or a list of options that can be selected independently of each other (checkbox group).
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away without any user interaction (also in read-only cases).
  • The values of the option list are primary information and need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the checkbox control if:

  • The user needs to choose multiple options from a large list. Use a multi-combo box instead.
  • The user can choose only one option from a list. For a small list, use a radio button group instead. For a large list, use the select control or a list with multi-selection functionality.
  • You want to offer two options for a “yes/no” or “on/off” type of decision. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • There is not enough space available on the screen. Use the combo box control instead.


A checkbox can appear in two different sizes. In cozy mode, it is bigger than it is in compact mode. This makes the checkbox easier to select on touch devices. For more information on cozy and compact modes, see the article on content density.

Cozy/Compact mode
Cozy/Compact mode

In both sizes, the touch/click area around the checkbox is bigger than the checkbox itself, making the checkbox easier to select. Touching/clicking inside this area toggles the checkbox.

Note: Because the touch/click area does not include the label on the left, clicking this label will not toggle the checkbox.

Checkbox click area in compact mode
Checkbox click area in compact mode
Checkbox touch/click area in cozy mode with Label
Checkbox touch/click area in cozy mode with Label


The checkbox control consists of a box and a text that describes the purpose of the checkbox.

If the checkbox is checked, an indicator is shown inside the box.

Although the clickable area to select/deselect a checkbox covers a wider area than the box (see the Responsiveness section), the focus is indicated by a dotted line that surrounds only the box.

If the checkbox appears alone inside a form, the text can be omitted if the label in front of the checkbox takes over its function.

Note: Because the touch/click area does not include the label on the left, clicking this label does not toggle the checkbox.

If there are several options to choose from in a form, the label describes the entire checkbox group, and the texts describe the individual checkboxes.

Checkbox texts are also a type of label, so they should be written in title case to be consistent with other labels.

Exception: If one or several of the checkbox texts is very long, or is formulated as a phrase, use sentence style and appropriate ending punctuation.

For forms with labels above the fields, place the label above the checkbox group, or do not use a label. For a single checkbox, use only a checkbox text.

For forms with labels on the left of the field, place the label next to the group, aligned with the first checkbox field, or do not use a label. For a single checkbox, use only a label, or only a checkbox text.
Do not use empty labels to arrange the checkboxes. Creating a label in front of each checkbox and leaving the text empty looks fine – nobody sees the label, and the checkboxes are aligned correctly underneath each other. However, the screen reader will notice these labels and read each of them as “label”. Instead, use the layout data property (layoutData) for the checkbox. In this property, force a line break (linebreak) and set the value of the indents in sizes L and M (indentL, indentM) according to the value of the label span in the simple form (labelSpanL, labelSpanM).

Checkbox layout
Checkbox layout
Checkbox 1: Short text in title case; Checkbox 2: Long text in sentence style
Checkbox 1: Short text in title case; Checkbox 2: Long text in sentence style
Checkbox group with label on top or to the left
Checkbox group with label on top or to the left
Checkbox group without label
Checkbox group without label
Single checkbox with label or with text
Single checkbox with label or with text

Behavior and Interaction

Clicking or tapping a checkbox toggles the state of the checkbox between checked and unchecked.


You can set the width of the element containing the checkbox and the text manually (property: width).

If the text exceeds the available width, it is truncated. The touchable area for toggling the checkbox ends where the text ends.

If the width allows more space than the text requires, white space is added. The touchable area for toggling the checkbox is increased according to the manually-set width.

The text can be positioned manually in this space (property: textAlign). However, we do not recommend using the right-align option, which can result in a large amount of white space between the checkbox and the checkbox text.

If a checkbox is part of an editable form, but you don’t want users to edit the checkbox setting, disable the checkbox (enabled = false).

If the checkbox appears in a read-only form, set the checkbox to read-only (editable = false).

Do not combine the settings “disabled” and “read-only”. This is technically possible, but does not make any sense.

Checkbox text - Incorrect positioning
Checkbox text - Incorrect positioning
Checkbox interaction states
Checkbox interaction states


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



A checkbox lets the user set a binary value (such as “true/false”). When the user clicks or taps the checkbox, it toggles between checked and unchecked.

Checked means that the state described by the checkbox text applies, or that the item has been chosen.

The checkbox text describes the positive action (as in “true” or “yes”).

The text can be either a label control to the left of the checkbox, or a checkbox text that appears to the right of the box.

  • If there is only one checkbox, you can use a label or text depending on the form format.
  • If there is more than one checkbox, the label describes the whole group of checkboxes. In this case, use the text property of the checkbox to describe the individual checkboxes.

Within a group of checkboxes, each checkbox can be checked or unchecked. The user can check multiple options.

Enabled/Disabled checkboxes
Enabled/Disabled checkboxes


Use the checkbox control if:

  • Only one option can be selected or deselected, for example to accept terms of use. Use it only if the meaning is obvious (single checkbox).
  • You have a group or a list of options that can be selected independently of each other (checkbox group).
  • Your use case requires all available options to be displayed right away without any user interaction (also in read-only cases).
  • The values of the option list are primary information and need to be displayed right away.

Do not use the checkbox control if:

  • The user needs to choose multiple options from a large list. Use a multi-combo box instead.
  • The user can choose only one option from a list. For a small list, use a radio button group instead. For a large list, use the select control or a list with multi-selection functionality.
  • You want to offer two options for a “yes/no” or “on/off” type of decision. Consider using a switch control instead.
  • There is not enough space available on the screen. Use the combo box control instead.


A checkbox can appear in two different sizes. In cozy mode, it is bigger than it is in compact mode. This makes the checkbox easier to select on touch devices. For more information on cozy and compact modes, see the article on content density.

Compact mode
Compact mode
Cozy mode
Cozy mode

In both sizes, the touch/click area around the checkbox is bigger than the checkbox itself, making the checkbox easier to select. Touching/clicking inside this area toggles the checkbox.

Note: Because the touch/click area does not include the label on the left, clicking this label will not toggle the checkbox.

Checkbox click area in compact mode
Checkbox click area in compact mode
Checkbox touch/click area in cozy mode
Checkbox touch/click area in cozy mode
Checkbox click area within form in compact mode
Checkbox click area within form in compact mode
Checkbox touch/click area within form in cozy mode
Checkbox touch/click area within form in cozy mode


The checkbox control consists of a box and a text that describes the purpose of the checkbox.

If the checkbox is checked, an indicator is shown inside the box.

Although the clickable area to select/deselect a checkbox covers a wider area than the box (see the Responsiveness section), the focus is indicated by a dotted line that surrounds only the box.

If the checkbox appears alone inside a form, the text can be omitted if the label in front of the checkbox takes over its function.

Note: Because the touch/click area does not include the label on the left, clicking this label does not toggle the checkbox.

If there are several options to choose from in a form, the label describes the entire checkbox group, and the texts describe the individual checkboxes.

Checkbox texts are also a type of label, so they should be written in title case to be consistent with other labels.

Exception: If one or several of the checkbox texts is very long, or is formulated as a phrase, use sentence style and appropriate ending punctuation.

For forms with labels above the fields, place the label above the checkbox group, or do not use a label. For a single checkbox, use only a checkbox text.

For forms with labels on the left of the field, place the label next to the group, aligned with the first checkbox field, or do not use a label. For a single checkbox, use only a label, or only a checkbox text.
Do not use empty labels to arrange the checkboxes. Creating a label in front of each checkbox and leaving the text empty looks fine – nobody sees the label, and the checkboxes are aligned correctly underneath each other. However, the screen reader will notice these labels and read each of them as “label”. Instead, use the layout data property (layoutData) for the checkbox. In this property, force a line break (linebreak) and set the value of the indents in sizes L and M (indentL, indentM) according to the value of the label span in the simple form (labelSpanL, labelSpanM).

Unchecked checkbox
Unchecked checkbox
Checked checkbox
Checked checkbox
Focused checkbox
Focused checkbox
Checkbox with label
Checkbox with label
Checkbox group with label
Checkbox group with label
Checkbox 1: Short text in title case; Checkbox 2: Long text in sentence style
Checkbox 1: Short text in title case; Checkbox 2: Long text in sentence style
Checkbox group with label on top or to the left
Checkbox group with label on top or to the left
Checkbox group without label
Checkbox group without label
Single checkbox with label
Single checkbox with label
Single checkbox with text
Single checkbox with text

Behavior and Interaction

Clicking or tapping a checkbox toggles the state of the checkbox between checked and unchecked.


You can set the width of the element containing the checkbox and the text manually (property: width).

If the text exceeds the available width, it is truncated. The touchable area for toggling the checkbox ends where the text ends.

Checkbox not as wide as required by the text length
Checkbox not as wide as required by the text length

If the width allows more space than the text requires, white space is added. The touchable area for toggling the checkbox is increased according to the manually-set width.

Checkbox wider than is required by text length
Checkbox wider than is required by text length

The text can be positioned manually in this space (property: textAlign). However, we do not recommend using the right-align option, which can result in a large amount of white space between the checkbox and the checkbox text.

Checkbox wider than is required by text length and text is right-aligned
Checkbox wider than is required by text length and text is right-aligned

If a checkbox is part of an editable form, but you don’t want users to edit the checkbox setting, disable the checkbox (enabled = false).

Disabled checkbox
Disabled checkbox

If the checkbox appears in a read-only form, set the checkbox to read-only (editable = false).

Read-only checkbox
Read-only checkbox

Do not combine the settings “disabled” and “read-only”. This is technically possible, but does not make any sense.

Disabled read-only checkbox
Disabled read-only checkbox


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Table Personalization Dialog

The table personalization dialog allows you to display and modify table settings. It is a UI pattern that defines column order and visibility.


Use the table personalization dialog if:

  • You have small tables.
  • You have a manageable number of columns.

Do not use the table personalization dialog if:

  • You have large tables.
  • You have a lot of columns to manage.

For larger tables you can use the P13n dialog (sap.m.P13nDialog) instead.


On a desktop and tablet, the control appears as a dialog window.

The table personalization dialog should always be displayed in full screen mode on a smartphone device.

Table personalization dialog - Smartphone - Size S
Table personalization dialog - Smartphone - Size S
Table personalization dialog - Tablet - Size M
Table personalization dialog - Tablet - Size M
Table personalization dialog - Desktop - Size L/XL
Table personalization dialog - Desktop - Size L/XL


Position on the Screen

The dialog always opens in a modal window in the center of the screen.

For smartphones, stretch the dialog to fill the entire screen. For tablet and desktop devices, keep the modal window.

Layout of the Dialog

The table personalization dialog comprises the following five areas:

(1) Header

(2) Toolbar

(3) Subtoolbar

(4) Column list

(5) Footer toolbar

Table personalization dialog – Overview
Table personalization dialog – Overview


The table personalization dialog contains the following sections:


The header displays the dialog title.

Table personalization dialog – Header
Table personalization dialog – Header


The toolbar displays the Move Column Up and Move Column Down buttons and the Search field.

Table personalization dialog – Toolbar
Table personalization dialog – Toolbar


The subtoolbar displays the All checkbox for selecting all columns, and an Undo Personalization button.

Table personalization dialog – Subtoolbar
Table personalization dialog – Subtoolbar

Column list

The column list displays the result list of columns. The user can use the search field in the toolbar to filter the selection.

Table personalization dialog – Column list
Table personalization dialog – Column list

Footer toolbar

The footer toolbar displays an OK and a Cancel button.

Table personalization dialog – Footer toolbar
Table personalization dialog – Footer toolbar

Behavior and Interaction

Open the Dialog

To open the table personalization dialog, the user must click on the Settings button on the right-hand side of the table toolbar.

Table personalization dialog - Table
Table personalization dialog - Table
Table personalization dialog - Open dialog
Table personalization dialog - Open dialog

Show or Hide Columns

To show or hide columns, the user only needs to select or deselect the checkbox of a column (list item).

(1) Columns are visible in the table.

(2) Columns are hidden in the table.

Table personalization dialog – Show/Hide
Table personalization dialog – Show/Hide

The user can show or hide all columns with just one click. A checkbox on the left-hand side of the subtoolbar enables all list items to be selected or deselected.

(1) Columns are visible in the table.

(2) Columns are hidden in the table.

Move Columns

Two buttons in the toolbar on the left-hand side enable a selected column to be moved up or down.

Table personalization dialog – Move buttons
Table personalization dialog – Move buttons

Move Column Up

(1) Select a column (by clicking on the list item).

(2) Use the Move Column Up button to move the column to the left in the table.

  • If the first position has been reached, the Move Column Up button is disabled.
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Up
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Up

Move Column Down

(1) Select a column (by clicking on the list item).

(2) Use the Move Column Down button to move the column to the right in the table.

  • If the last position has been reached, the Move Column Down button is disabled.
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Down
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Down

Search/Filter Columns

A search field in the toolbar on the right-hand side enables columns to be searched/filtered.

Table personalization dialog – Search field
Table personalization dialog – Search field

The user can type any character into the search field to filter the columns to match the input.

Table personalization dialog – Search column
Table personalization dialog – Search column

To reset a search, the user must delete all the characters that have been entered, or simply presses the Cancel button in the search field.

All the columns are shown again in the list.

Table personalization dialog – Search reset
Table personalization dialog – Search reset

Undo Personalization

The Undo Personalization button in the subtoolbar on the right-hand side resets all settings to the initial state.

If the table personalization dialog is used together with variant management, the button resets the changes to the initial state of the selected variant.

Table personalization dialog – Undo
Table personalization dialog – Undo

Confirm/Cancel Changes

The changes are adopted when the user closes the dialog via the OK button.

The Cancel button closes the dialog without adopting the changes.

Table personalization dialog – OK/Cancel
Table personalization dialog – OK/Cancel


Search Behavior

The search is a live search (also known as “search-as-you-type”), which is triggered by each character the user enters or deletes. For more information, see search.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Table Personalization Dialog

The table personalization dialog allows you to display and modify table settings. It is a UI pattern that defines column order and visibility.


Use the table personalization dialog if:

  • You have small tables.
  • You have a manageable number of columns.

Do not use the table personalization dialog if:

  • You have large tables.
  • You have a lot of columns to manage.

For larger tables you can use the P13n dialog (sap.m.P13nDialog) instead.


On a desktop and tablet, the control appears as a dialog window.

The table personalization dialog should always be displayed in full screen mode on a smartphone device.

Table personalization dialog - Smartphone - Size S
Table personalization dialog - Smartphone - Size S
Table personalization dialog - Tablet - Size M
Table personalization dialog - Tablet - Size M
Table personalization dialog - Desktop - Size L/XL
Table personalization dialog - Desktop - Size L/XL


Position on the Screen

The dialog always opens in a modal window in the center of the screen.

For smartphones, stretch the dialog to fill the entire screen. For tablet and desktop devices, keep the modal window.

Layout of the Dialog

The table personalization dialog comprises the following five areas:

(1) Header

(2) Toolbar

(3) Subtoolbar

(4) Column list

(5) Footer toolbar

Table personalization dialog – Overview
Table personalization dialog – Overview


The table personalization dialog contains the following sections:


The header displays the dialog title.

Table personalization dialog – Header
Table personalization dialog – Header


The toolbar displays the Move Column Up and Move Column Down buttons and the Search field.

Table personalization dialog – Toolbar
Table personalization dialog – Toolbar


The subtoolbar displays the All checkbox for selecting all columns, and an Undo Personalization button.

Table personalization dialog – Subtoolbar
Table personalization dialog – Subtoolbar

Column list

The column list displays the result list of columns. The user can use the search field in the toolbar to filter the selection.

Table personalization dialog – Column list
Table personalization dialog – Column list

Footer toolbar

The footer toolbar displays an OK and a Cancel button.

Table personalization dialog – Footer toolbar
Table personalization dialog – Footer toolbar

Behavior and Interaction

Open the Dialog

To open the table personalization dialog, the user must click on the Personalize button on the right-hand side of the table toolbar.

Table personalization dialog – Table
Table personalization dialog – Table
Table personalization dialog – Open dialog
Table personalization dialog – Open dialog

Show or Hide Columns

To show or hide columns, the user only needs to select or deselect the checkbox of a column (list item).

(1) Columns are visible in the table.

(2) Columns are hidden in the table.

Table personalization dialog – Show/Hide
Table personalization dialog – Show/Hide

The user can show or hide all columns with just one click. A checkbox on the left-hand side of the subtoolbar enables all list items to be selected or deselected.

(1) Columns are visible in the table.

(2) Columns are hidden in the table.

Table personalization dialog – Show all
Table personalization dialog – Show all
Table personalization dialog – Hide all
Table personalization dialog – Hide all

Move Columns

Two buttons in the toolbar on the left-hand side enable a selected column to be moved up or down.

Table personalization dialog – Move buttons
Table personalization dialog – Move buttons

Move Column Up

(1) Select a column (by clicking on the list item).

(2) Use the Move Column Up button to move the column to the left in the table.

  • If the first position has been reached, the Move Column Up button is disabled.
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Up
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Up

Move Column Down

(1) Select a column (by clicking on the list item).

(2) Use the Move Column Down button to move the column to the right in the table.

  • If the last position has been reached, the Move Column Down button is disabled.
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Select
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Down
Table personalization dialog – Move Column Down

Search/Filter Columns

A search field in the toolbar on the right-hand side enables columns to be searched/filtered.

Table personalization dialog – Search field
Table personalization dialog – Search field

The user can type any character into the search field to filter the columns to match the input.

Table personalization dialog – Search column
Table personalization dialog – Search column

To reset a search, the user must delete all the characters that have been entered, or simply presses the Cancel button in the search field.

All the columns are shown again in the list.

Table personalization dialog – Search reset
Table personalization dialog – Search reset

Undo Personalization

The Undo Personalization button in the subtoolbar on the right-hand side resets all settings to the initial state.

If the table personalization dialog is used together with variant management, the button resets the changes to the initial state of the selected variant.

Table personalization dialog – Undo
Table personalization dialog – Undo

Confirm/Cancel Changes

The changes are adopted when the user closes the dialog via the OK button.

The Cancel button closes the dialog without adopting the changes.

Table personalization dialog – OK/Cancel
Table personalization dialog – OK/Cancel


Search Behavior

The search is a live search (also known as “search-as-you-type”), which is triggered by each character the user enters or deletes. For more information, see search.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Calendar Date Interval

The calendar date interval displays a range of days in a single row. The control allows the user to select a single day, multiple days, or a range of days. Content corresponding to the date selection is usually displayed below the control. The user can navigate the date intervals by browsing through them (using the previous and next arrows), or by going directly to a specific month or year.

Compared to the regular date range selection control, this control offers a flexible date range and consumes very little horizontal space.

Calendar date interval
Calendar date interval

The current day is highlighted by a colored frame. Weekends are shaded in a slightly darker gray.

Special day markup
Special day markup

You can mark special days, such as public holidays, with a colored line along the lower edge.

Alternative start date
Alternative start date

You can configure the number of days displayed in a single interval (property: days) as well as the start date (property: startDate).


The horizontal space occupied by the control is already minimal, so the responsiveness is limited to the width of the control.

Sizes M and L
Sizes M and L

On small screens, the maximum number of days per range interval is automatically reduced to eight.

Size S
Size S


The date interval control is divided into two main areas: date interval navigation, and date interval display and selection.

The navigation area contains two arrows (one to the left, one to the right), which allow the user to navigate easily to the previous and following date ranges. This area also contains month and year indicators, which naturally display the currently selected month and year. These indicators also trigger the month and year navigation mode of the control.

The display and selection area is primarily used to display the range of days in the current date interval. When the user triggers month or year navigation, a range of months or years is displayed in this section to enable easy interval navigation.

Schematic visualization of calendar date interval
Schematic visualization of calendar date interval

Behavior and Interaction

The behavior and interaction of the calendar date interval control can be divided into two parts: navigation and selection.



The user clicks or taps the previous or next arrow to replace the currently displayed date interval with the previous or next date respectively. Previous and next navigation can be used while the user is in selection mode, as well as in month or year navigation mode.

Navigation by Month

The user triggers month navigation mode by clicking or tapping the month link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected month is highlighted. The user clicks a month to switch the date range interval to the selected month. The user can browse the months by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by month
Navigation by month

Navigation by Year

The user triggers year navigation mode by clicking or tapping the year link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected year is highlighted. The user clicks a year to switch the date range interval to the selected year. The user can browse the years by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by year
Navigation by year


The calendar date interval control can be set up for single day selection, multiple day selection, or day range selection.

Single day

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day and deselect all previously selected days. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Only one day can be selected at a time. The selected day is highlighted.

Selection – Single day
Selection – Single day

Multiple days

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Multiple days can be selected. Selected days are highlighted.

Selection – Multiple days
Selection – Multiple days

Day range

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select the start date. Clicking a second unselected day selects the end date. The start and end dates are highlighted. The days in between are highlighted in a lighter color. The minimum range is one day. Only one range can be selected at a time.

Selection – Day range
Selection – Day range


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Calendar Date Interval

The calendar date interval displays a range of days in a single row. The control allows the user to select a single day, multiple days, or a range of days. Content corresponding to the date selection is usually displayed below the control. The user can navigate the date intervals by browsing through them (using the previous and next arrows), or by going directly to a specific month or year.

Compared to the regular date range selection control, this control offers a flexible date range and consumes very little horizontal space.

Calendar date interval
Calendar date interval

The current day is highlighted by a colored frame. Weekends are shaded in a slightly darker gray.

Special day markup
Special day markup

You can mark special days, such as public holidays, with a colored line along the lower edge.

Alternative start date
Alternative start date

You can configure the number of days displayed in a single interval (property: days) as well as the start date (property: startDate).


The horizontal space occupied by the control is already minimal, so the responsiveness is limited to the width of the control.

Sizes M and L
Sizes M and L

On small screens, the maximum number of days per range interval is automatically reduced to eight.

Size S
Size S


The date interval control is divided into two main areas: date interval navigation, and date interval display and selection.

The navigation area contains two arrows (one to the left, one to the right), which allow the user to navigate easily to the previous and following date ranges. This area also contains month and year indicators, which naturally display the currently selected month and year. These indicators also trigger the month and year navigation mode of the control.

The display and selection area is primarily used to display the range of days in the current date interval. When the user triggers month or year navigation, a range of months or years is displayed in this section to enable easy interval navigation.

Schematic visualization of calendar date interval
Schematic visualization of calendar date interval

Behavior and Interaction

The behavior and interaction of the calendar date interval control can be divided into two parts: navigation and selection.



The user clicks or taps the previous or next arrow to replace the currently displayed date interval with the previous or next date, respectively. Previous and next navigation can be used while the user is in selection mode, as well as in month or year navigation mode.

Navigation by Month

The user triggers month navigation mode by clicking or tapping the month link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected month is highlighted. The user clicks a month to switch the date range interval to the selected month. The user can browse the months by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by month
Navigation by month

Navigation by Year

The user triggers year navigation mode by clicking or tapping the year link displayed at the top of the date range interval. The currently selected year is highlighted. The user clicks a year to switch the date range interval to the selected year. The user can browse the years by clicking the previous and next arrows.

Navigation by year
Navigation by year


The calendar date interval control can be set up for single day selection, multiple day selection, or day range selection.

Single day

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day and deselect all previously selected days. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Only one day can be selected at a time. The selected day is highlighted.

Selection – Single day
Selection – Single day

Multiple days

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select that particular day. Clicking a selected day a second time removes the selection. Multiple days can be selected. Selected days are highlighted.

Selection – Multiple days
Selection – Multiple days

Day range

The user clicks or taps an unselected day to select the start date. Clicking a second unselected day selects the end date. Both start and end dates are then highlighted. The days in between are highlighted in a lighter color. The minimum range is one day and only one range can be selected at a time.

Selection – Day range
Selection – Day range


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


  • No links

Table Select Dialog

Table select is a commonly-used dialog that helps users to make a selection from a comprehensive table containing multiple attributes or values. With the dialog, users are also able to access additional information about the objects in the table without needing to select them first.

The dialog provides a responsive table layout with additional search, filter, and selection functionalities in the header. A footer toolbar provides actions for canceling or confirming the process.


Use the table select dialog if:

  • You need to help users select one or more items from a comprehensive list that contains multiple attributes or values.

Do not use the table select dialog if:

  • You need to help users pick one item from a predefined set of options that contains only one value. In this case, use the dropdown box instead.
  • You need to help users with query-based range selection and enhanced filter options. In this case, use the value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires tabs, filters, or actions in a select dialog.In this case, use a standard dialog instead.
  • Your use case only requires filtering without selection. In this case, use the filter toolbar instead.


The table inside the table select dialog behaves like the responsive table. On smaller screens, the columns wrap and build a list that shows all the information. All other elements in the control are also responsive.

On bigger screens, the table select dialog also provides columns
On bigger screens, the table select dialog also provides columns
The table in the dialog is responsive and wraps on smaller screens to show a list
The table in the dialog is responsive and wraps on smaller screens to show a list

Behavior and Interaction

The table select dialog can be called up from any control. The trigger is usually a button with a selection icon in an input field, or an Add button in a toolbar.

Input trigger: This trigger can be useful if users need to select, for example, one customer from a large customer register.

Example of a trigger: the selection icon in the input field
Example of a trigger: the selection icon in the input field

Add button: This trigger can be useful if users need to add, for example, a product to a list. The dialog would help users select the product from a large product catalog. If the user clicked OK in the dialog footer toolbar, the product would then appear in the list.

Example of a trigger: Add button in a table
Example of a trigger: Add button in a table

Single Select

The single-select version does not need an OK button in the footer toolbar because the selected entry is taken over and closed as soon as a user selects an item from the table. If applicable, the entry is displayed in the field from which the dialog was triggered. Alternatively, a toast message can be shown if necessary.


The multi-select version of the table select dialog provides checkboxes for users to choose multiple items. The blue infobar above the table indicates the number of selected items. The selection is taken over when the user closes the dialog via the OK button in the footer toolbar. Clicking or tapping Cancel closes the dialog without taking over the selected values.

Remembering Selections

If selections need to be memorized in order to help users make corrections, you can set the RememberSelections property to true. This restores the selection to the state it was in when the dialog was last opened as soon as users exit the dialog via OK or Cancel. The interaction flow of the RememberSelections property is shown and explained in the select dialog article.


The list can also be displayed as grouped. Group headers divide the table into segments. A pregrouped table is useful for tables with many entries, which can be sorted by a single attribute.

A responsive table with group headers
A responsive table with group headers


Set the information provided in the table select dialog from top to bottom as follows:

Dialog Header

Set the title of the dialog header in the following form:

  • For single selection:Select <Entity>. For example: Select Product.
  • For multiple selection:Select <Entities>. For example: Select Products.


The first interactive element in the dialog is a standard search field. Two types of search behavior are available:

  • live search, also known as “search-as-you-type,” which is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.
  • A manual search, which is triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps theSearch icon or presses the ENTER key. As soon as the user hits the Search button, a Delete icon appears at the end of the input field to delete the keyword and cancel the result list.

App developers need to decide which search to use. We recommend implementing the live search whenever possible. Use the manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues. For more information, check out the article on searching.


In multiselection mode, an infobar shows the number of selected items in the following form:

Selected <Entities>: Number. For example: Selected Products: 2.

The infobar does not remain in the header when the user scrolls to view details further down the list, but instead scrolls out of the screen.


The content area provides a table. This behaves like the responsive table, so the columns wrap on smaller screens and display a list.

Footer Toolbar

In the multi-select version, the footer toolbar contains the OK and Cancel buttons. OK takes over the selection, while Cancel resets the selection to the state it was in when the user opened the dialog. Do not use Add or Select instead of OK.

In the single-select version, only provide Cancel in the footer toolbar because the dialog takes over the selection as soon as the user chooses one.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Table Select Dialog

Table select is a commonly-used dialog that helps users to make a selection from a comprehensive table containing multiple attributes or values. With the dialog, users are also able to access additional information about the objects in the table without needing to select them first.

The dialog provides a responsive table layout with additional search, filter, and selection functionalities in the header. A footer toolbar provides actions for canceling or confirming the process.


Use the table select dialog if:

  • You need to help users select one or more items from a comprehensive list that contains multiple attributes or values.

Do not use the table select dialog if:

  • You need to help users pick one item from a predefined set of options that contains only one value. In this case, use the dropdown box instead.
  • You need to help users with query-based range selection and enhanced filter options. In this case, use the value help dialog instead.
  • Your use case requires tabs, filters, or actions in a select dialog.In this case, use a standard dialog instead.
  • Your use case only requires filtering without selection. In this case, use the filter toolbar instead.


The table inside the table select dialog behaves like the responsive table. On smaller screens, the columns wrap and build a list that shows all the information. All other elements in the control are also responsive.

On bigger screens, the table select dialog also provides columns
On bigger screens, the table select dialog also provides columns
The table in the dialog is responsive and wraps on smaller screens to show a list
The table in the dialog is responsive and wraps on smaller screens to show a list

Behavior and Interaction

The table select dialog can be called up from any control. The trigger is usually a button with a selection icon in an input field, or an Add button in a toolbar.

Input trigger: This trigger can be useful if users need to select, for example, one customer from a large customer register.

Example of a trigger: the selection icon in the input field
Example of a trigger: the selection icon in the input field

Add button: This trigger can be useful if users need to add, for example, a product to a list. The dialog would help users select the product from a large product catalog. If the user clicked OK in the dialog footer toolbar, the product would then appear in the list.

Example of a trigger: Add button in a table
Example of a trigger: Add button in a table

Single Select

The single-select version does not need an OK button in the footer toolbar because the selected entry is taken over and closed as soon as a user selects an item from the table. If applicable, the entry is displayed in the field from which the dialog was triggered. Alternatively, a toast message can be shown if necessary.


The multi-select version of the table select dialog provides checkboxes for users to choose multiple items. The blue info bar above the table indicates the number of selected items. The selection is taken over when the user closes the dialog via the OK button in the footer toolbar. Clicking or tapping Cancel closes the dialog without taking over the selected values.

Remembering Selections

If selections need to be memorized in order to help users make corrections, you can set the RememberSelections property to true. This restores the selection to the state it was in when the dialog was last opened as soon as users exit the dialog via OK or Cancel. The interaction flow of the RememberSelections property is shown and explained in the select dialog article.


The list can also be displayed as grouped. Group headers divide the table into segments. A pregrouped table is useful for tables with many entries, which can be sorted by a single attribute.

A responsive table with group headers
A responsive table with group headers


Set the information provided in the table select dialog from top to bottom as follows:

Dialog Header

Set the title of the dialog header in the following form:

  • For single selection:Select <Entity>. For example: Select Product.
  • For multiple selection:Select <Entities>. For example: Select Products.


The first interactive element in the dialog is a standard search field. Two types of search behavior are available:

  • live search, also known as “search-as-you-type,” which is triggered by each character that the user enters or deletes.
  • A manual search, which is triggered explicitly after the user enters text in the search field and clicks or taps theSearch icon or presses the ENTER key. As soon as the user hits the Search button, a Delete icon appears at the end of the input field to delete the keyword and cancel the result list.

App developers need to decide which search to use. We recommend implementing the live search whenever possible. Use the manual search only if the amount of data is too large and if your app would otherwise run into performance issues. For more information, check out the article on searching.

Info bar

In multiselection mode, an info bar shows the number of selected items in the following form:

Selected <Entities>: Number. For example: Selected Products: 2.

The info bar does not remain in the header when the user scrolls to view details further down the list, but instead scrolls out of the screen.


The content area provides a table. This behaves like the responsive table, so the columns wrap on smaller screens and display a list.

Footer Toolbar

In the multi-select version, the footer toolbar contains the OK and Cancel buttons. OK takes over the selection, while Cancel resets the selection to the state it was in when the user opened the dialog. Do not use Add or Select instead of OK.

In the single-select version, only provide Cancel in the footer toolbar because the dialog takes over the selection as soon as the user chooses one.


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Elements and Controls


Radio Button

Radio buttons provide users with a set of mutually exclusive options. They allow a user to select only one option from two or more choices. Each option is represented by a radio button. Consequently, radio buttons only work in groups.


Use the radio button if:

  • You need to help users choose quickly between at least two clearly different choices.

Do not use the radio button if:

  • You need to offer the user the option of multiple selection. In this case, use checkboxes instead because radio buttons are for single-selection contexts only.
  • You want to allow the user to select list items. Instead, let the user tab the list item to make a single selection (consider a message toast for confirmation) and provide checkboxes to select multiple list items.
  • The default option is recommended for most users in most situations. In this case, consider a dropdown list instead, which uses less space by not showing all options straightaway.
  • You need to present more than 8 options. Use a dropdown box or list view.
  • In special cases, there are only two mutually exclusive options. Combine them into a single checkbox or toggle switch. For example, use a checkbox for “I agree” (for example, to terms and conditions) instead of two radio buttons for “I agree” and “I don’t agree”.
  • The options are numbers with fixed steps. Use a slider control.


The radio button group control is not responsive. A horizontal radio button group should be displayed as a vertical group on smartphones because a horizontal group should never break into two lines.

Also note that the control does not handle long labels in horizontal groups. Such labels do not break and are not truncated. Therefore, check label lengths and padding in horizontal groups on desktop and tablets.

A horizontal radio button group does not match the size of mobile phone screens
A horizontal radio button group does not match the size of mobile phone screens
On smartphones, a horizontal group should always break into a vertical button group
On smartphones, a horizontal group should always break into a vertical button group

Behavior and Interaction


The user taps a radio button to activate the related option. Note that tapping an activated option does not deactivate it, but tapping a different option transfers activation to that option. Therefore, a user can select only one option from a group of radio buttons.

A group of radio buttons behaves like a single control: Only the selected choice is accessible using the tab key, but users can cycle through the group using the arrow keys.


The radio button attributes set various states. The value state attribute sets one of four states: default, read-only, error, and warning. Radio buttons display the state depending on the interaction.

Radio button interaction states
Radio button interaction states

Column Attribute

The radio button attributes also set arrangement so that you do not have to implement this for every single control. The column attribute adds or removes n-columns to a set of radio buttons.

Three columns – the example shows background color settings
Three columns – the example shows background color settings
One column – the example shows a customer survey
One column – the example shows a customer survey


The radio button control serves the purpose of exclusive selection and adds clarity and weight to very important options in your app. Use radio buttons when the options being presented are important enough to occupy more screen space. They should only be used if the user needs to see all available options instantly and side by side. Radio buttons draw more attention to the options as they emphasize all options equally.


A label to indicate the option is mandatory for each radio button. Limit the radio button’s label to a single line.


List the options in a logical order, such as lowest to highest risk, simplest to most complex operation, or most to least likely to be selected.

Alphabetical ordering is less recommended as it is language-dependent and therefore not localizable.


Try to align radio buttons vertically instead of horizontally, especially for long labels. Horizontal alignment is harder to read and localize. Consider horizontal alignment in cases of one-word labels, such as in the background color settings example above.

In forms, always align radio buttons vertically instead of horizontally as the length of the labels may vary for different languages.

Do not put two radio button groups right next to each other as it is difficult to determine which buttons belong to which group. Use group labels and padding to separate them.

Offering “No Choice”

If the user is also able to select none of the options, be sure to add this option to the control as well (as this option is generally not offered in the control). Add a radio button that offers None or Does not apply.

Default State

Because radio buttons do not generally offer “no choice”, the app should show the less risky option (most likely the first option in the group) as preselected by default.

Exceptional Case: No Preselection by Default

In rare cases, preselection might result in incorrect inputs or assumptions. One such example is gender selection in a form. In this case, you should offer no preselection and decide whether a user input is mandatory or not depending on the use case.

If a choice is mandatory, set an error state if validation proves that a user did not select an option.

Offer no selection by default in this case of gender selection because a preselection might be misleading
Offer no selection by default in this case of gender selection because a preselection might be misleading


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Elements and Controls



The toggle switch mimics a physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off. With the swtich, single settings options such as personalization or display settings can be switched on or off. The initial state of the control (On or Off) should be made clear from the corresponding inline label.


Use the switch if:

  • You need to emphasize the On/Off characteristic within a dialog.
  • You need to clearly show the mode or state that a setting is in.
  • You need a toggle switch for binary settings when changes become effective immediately after the user changes them. For example, if the user needs to set data transmission or accept/reject business objects.

Do not use the switch if:

  • The user has to choose several options or perform extra steps for changes to become effective. In this case, provide checkboxes to choose options and a Submit or Next button to apply the changes. Also use checkboxes or a list view if the user can select multiple items.


The switch provides attributes to customize its appearance.

Default switch
Default switch

Inline Label

The default type allows custom text input. We recommend that you avoid labels comprising more than 4 letters. Otherwise, the text becomes truncated and loses its meaning.

Default switch with custom label
Default switch with custom label

Inline Icon for Accepting and Rejecting

The Accept and Reject switch type allows you to use the check and cross icons. Do not use other icons in this context.

Accept and Reject switch with icon and color coding
Accept and Reject switch with icon and color coding

Behavior and Interaction


The user can switch between two values, such as On and Off.


Depending on their usage, switches come in different states and markups, but are always active or inactive. The interaction states are as follows:

Switch interaction states
Switch interaction states


Replace the On and Off labels if there are more specific labels for the setting. Use any short labels (3–4 characters) that represent binary opposites if they are more appropriate for a particular setting. For example, you might use Show and Hide if the setting is “Show images.”

Do not replace the On or Off label unless you really have to. Use the default labels unless there are other labels that are more specific for the setting.

Do not use labels that are longer than three or four characters. Otherwise, the text becomes truncated and loses its meaning.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



The toggle switch mimics a physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off. With the swtich, single settings options such as personalization or display settings can be switched on or off. The initial state of the control (On or Off) should be made clear from the corresponding inline label.


Use the switch if:

  • You need to emphasize the On/Off characteristic within a dialog.
  • You need to clearly show the mode or state that a setting is in.
  • You need a toggle switch for binary settings when changes become effective immediately after the user changes them. For example, if the user needs to set data transmission or accept/reject business objects.

Do not use the switch if:

  • The user has to choose several options or perform extra steps for changes to become effective. In this case, provide checkboxes to choose options and a Submit or Next button to apply the changes. Also use checkboxes or a list view if the user can select multiple items.


The switch provides attributes to customize its appearance.

Default switch
Default switch

Inline Label

The default type allows custom text input. We recommend that you avoid labels comprising more than 4 letters. Otherwise, the text becomes truncated and loses its meaning.

Default switch with custom label
Default switch with custom label

Inline Icon for Accepting and Rejecting

The Accept and Reject switch type allows you to use the check and cross icons. Do not use other icons in this context.

Accept and Reject switch with icon and color coding
Accept and Reject switch with icon and color coding

Behavior and Interaction


The user can switch between two values, such as On and Off.


Depending on their usage, switches come in different states and markups, but are always active or inactive. The interaction states are as follows:

Switch interaction states
Switch interaction states
Switch Interaction states - Semantic Colors
Switch Interaction states - Semantic Colors


Replace the On and Off labels if there are more specific labels for the setting. Use any short labels (3–4 characters) that represent binary opposites if they are more appropriate for a particular setting. For example, you might use Show and Hide if the setting is “Show images.”

Do not replace the On or Off label unless you really have to. Use the default labels unless there are other labels that are more specific for the setting.

Do not use labels that are longer than three or four characters. Otherwise, the text becomes truncated and loses its meaning.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Time Picker

The time picker allows the user to select a localized time. It can be used with touch, mouse, or keyboard input.


Use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a time.
  • You want the user to select a time range. In this case, one time picker can be used to set the starting time and a second one to set the end time.
  • You want the user to select a detailed time duration, such as 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Do not use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a duration such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours. In this case, use the select control instead.


The time picker comes with a cozy mode and a compact mode. In the compact mode, the time input field and the button are smaller than in the cozy mode. In the compact mode, there are also arrows that the user can click or tap to set hours, minutes, and so on. For more information, see the article on content density.

On desktop (size L/XL) and tablet (size M) devices, the user can enter a time in the input field of the time picker, or set a time via the time picker dropdown which opens when the user clicks the time picker button.

For mobile (size S) devices, the tap area is the same as for a tablet, and the user can type a time in the time input field. Unlike on a tablet or desktop, the time picker dropdown does not open below the time input field, but rather in a subview.

Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)
Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)


The time picker consists of a time input field and a time picker button. On desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, both elements have their own click area.  Clicking the time picker button opens the time picker dropdown.

Time picker input
Time picker input

Time Input Field

The time input field allows the user to enter a time directly in the field, or select it using the time picker dropdown. The input is validated and feedback is given to the user.

The time input field can also contain a placeholder (input prompt).

Time Picker Button

When the user clicks or taps the time picker button, the time picker dropdown opens to allow the user to choose a time.

Time Picker Dropdown

In the time picker dropdown, the user can select a time by setting hours, minutes, seconds and AM/PM or a subset of these (with hours and minutes only).

Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM

Behaviour and Interaction

Select a Time (Desktop Device)

Selecting a Time (Desktop Device)

The user clicks the time picker button, which opens the time picker dropdown. In the time picker dropdown, the user can set the time either with the mouse or by using the keyboard arrows. The Page Up and Page Down keys can also be used to set the current selection to the lowest or highest value, and the Home and End keys can be used to go to the first or last element of the picker.

When the desired time has been selected, the user can confirm this selection by clicking the OK button. If the user wants to close the dropdown without changing the time to the selected time, this can be done by clicking the Cancel button or by clicking outside the dropdown.

The user can also select a time by clicking the time picker input field and typing the desired time in the field. You can prevent users from making incorrect entries by not allowing them to type in certain characters. For example, if the user enters a time that has the correct format but is invalid (such as 12:60:85), the time picker displays a validation error.

Time picker dropdown and input field
Time picker dropdown and input field

Selecting a Time (Tablet or Mobile Device)

On tablets and mobile devices, users can select the time by tapping the time picker button. The timer picker dropdown opens beneath the input field (a subview is opened on mobile devices). The user sets the hour by touching the hour element and then swiping up or down. To set the minutes, seconds, and AM/PM, the user also touches the corresponding element and swipes up or down to set the right value.

To confirm the selected time, the user taps the OK button. Taping the Cancel button cancels the selection. On tablets, the selection can also be cancelled by tapping outside the time picker dropdown.

Set time by swiping up and down
Set time by swiping up and down


Disabled Time Picker

In the disabled state, the time picker input is grayed out and the button becomes invisible.
In the disabled state, the time picker input is grayed out and the button becomes invisible.

Validation Error

When an invalid time is typed in, the time picker's border turns red and an error message appears.
When an invalid time is typed in, the time picker's border turns red and an error message appears.


Time Formats

Only let the user select time in seconds if this information is really necessary.

If the user has to set a time that is timezone sensitive, always provide information about the timezone. For example, if you want the user to choose a time on a calendar for a meeting that might also involve people from other timezones, provide information about those timezones. Ideally, you should also display the local time in the other attendees’ timezones so that the user can choose a time that is convenient for everyone.

12-Hour System

In the 12-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM.

24-Hour System

In the 24-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, and seconds. AM/PM is not available in this mode.


For more information, see formatting time.


AM and PM are locale-dependent. Therefore, the locale can be set using the property “localeId”.

You can set the display format (property: displayFormat) to define the format in which the time input field and the time picker dropdown display the time. For more information about time formats, see the article on formatting dates.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Time Picker

The time picker allows the user to select a localized time. It can be used with touch, mouse, or keyboard input.


Use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a time.
  • You want the user to select a time range. In this case, one time picker can be used to set the starting time and a second one to set the end time.
  • You want the user to select a detailed time duration, such as 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Do not use the time picker if:

  • You want the user to select a duration such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours. In this case, use the select control instead.


The time picker comes with a cozy mode and a compact mode. In the compact mode, the time input field and the button are smaller than in the cozy mode. In the compact mode, there are also arrows that the user can click or tap to set hours, minutes, and so on. For more information, see the article on content density.

On desktop (size L/XL) and tablet (size M) devices, the user can enter a time in the input field of the time picker, or set a time via the time picker dropdown which opens when the user clicks the time picker button.

For mobile (size S) devices, the tap area is the same as for a tablet, and the user can type a time in the time input field. Unlike on a tablet or desktop, the time picker dropdown does not open below the time input field, but rather in a subview.

Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)
Comparison of cozy mode (left) and compact mode (right)


The time picker consists of a time input field and a time picker button. On desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, both elements have their own click area.  Clicking the time picker button opens the time picker dropdown.

Time picker input
Time picker input

Time Input Field

The time input field allows the user to enter a time directly in the field, or select it using the time picker dropdown. The input is validated and feedback is given to the user.

The time input field can also contain a placeholder (input prompt).

Time Picker Button

When the user clicks or taps the time picker button, the time picker dropdown opens to allow the user to choose a time.

Time Picker Dropdown

In the time picker dropdown, the user can select a time by setting hours, minutes, seconds and AM/PM or a subset of these (with hours and minutes only).

Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours and minutes
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM option
Dropdown with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM option

Behavior and Interaction

Selecting a Time (Desktop Device)

The user clicks the time picker button, which opens the time picker dropdown. In the time picker dropdown, the user can set the time either with the mouse or by using the keyboard arrows. The Page Up and Page Down keys can also be used to set the current selection to the lowest or highest value, and the Home and End keys can be used to go to the first or last element of the picker.

When the desired time has been selected, the user can confirm this selection by clicking the OK button. If the user wants to close the dropdown without changing the time to the selected time, this can be done by clicking the Cancel button or by clicking outside the dropdown.

The user can also select a time by clicking the time picker input field and typing the desired time in the field. You can prevent users from making incorrect entries by not allowing them to type in certain characters. For example, if the user enters a time that has the correct format but is invalid (such as 12:60:85), the time picker displays a validation error.

Time picker dropdown and input field
Time picker dropdown and input field

Selecting a Time (Tablet or Mobile Device)

On tablets and mobile devices, users can select the time by tapping the time picker button. The timer picker dropdown opens beneath the input field (a subview is opened on mobile devices). The user sets the hour by touching the hour element and then swiping up or down. To set the minutes, seconds, and AM/PM, the user also touches the corresponding element and swipes up or down to set the right value.

To confirm the selected time, the user taps the OK button. Taping the Cancel button cancels the selection. On tablets, the selection can also be cancelled by tapping outside the time picker dropdown.

Set time by swiping up and down
Set time by swiping up and down


Disabled Time Picker

In the disabled state, the time picker input is grayed out and the button becomes invisible.

Disabled time picker
Disabled time picker

Validation Error

When an invalid time is typed in, the time picker’s border turns red and an error message appears.

Validation error
Validation error


Time Formats

Only let the user select time in seconds if this information is really necessary.

If the user has to set a time that is timezone sensitive, always provide information about the timezone. For example, if you want the user to choose a time on a calendar for a meeting that might also involve people from other timezones, provide information about those timezones. Ideally, you should also display the local time in the other attendees’ timezones so that the user can choose a time that is convenient for everyone.

12-Hour System

In the 12-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM.

24-Hour System

In the 24-hour system, the date picker can contain selections for hours, minutes, and seconds. AM/PM is not available in this mode.


For more information, see formatting time.


AM and PM are locale-dependent. Therefore, the locale can be set using the property “localeId”.

You can set the display format (property: displayFormat) to define the format in which the time input field and the time picker dropdown display the time. For more information about time formats, see the article on formatting dates.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



The p13n dialog control provides a dialog for tables that allows the user to personalize one or more of the following attributes:

  • Columns (visibility and order of columns)
  • Sort (sorting of table values)
  • Filter (filtering of table values)
  • Group (grouping for specific attributes)

These tabs can be shown in any combination as the use case requires.

The P13n dialog is intended for complex tables with a large number of columns and the need for complex queries for sorting, grouping, and filtering.
For simple tables, see view settings dialog and table personalization dialog)

The P13n dialog can be triggered in the table toolbar on the top right-hand corner of the table.

The dialog is shown centered, either as a dialog (on desktop and tablet devices) or as a full-screen dialog (on mobile devices).

The P13n dialog can be triggered in the table toolbar on the top right-hand corner of the table.

The dialog is shown centered, either as a dialog (on desktop and tablet devices) or as a full-screen dialog (on mobile devices).

The dialog button within the table toolbar
The dialog button within the table toolbar


Use the P13n dialog if:

  • The user is able to personalize more than 20 or so columns.
  • You need several functions for sorting, grouping, and so on.
  • You are using the analytical table.
  • Complex queries have to be built for the relevant table.

Do not use the P13n dialog if:

  • The user is able to personalize fewer than about 20 columns.
  • You only need a simple column show/hide feature.


The P13n dialog is available for all display sizes. For sizes L/XL (desktop) and M (tablet), the dialog is shown as a dialog. For size S (smartphones), the P13n dialog is displayed as a full-screen dialog.

Size S – Overview
Size S – Overview
Size S – Columns
Size S – Columns
Size M
Size M
Size L
Size L


The P13n dialog consists of four different tabs that can be used separately or combined, as required by the use case:

  • Sort
  • Filter
  • Group
  • Columns

App developers can add more tabs manually.

Behavior and Interaction


The first tab is the Columns tab. It allows the user to change the table columns that are shown and the order in which they are displayed.

The list contains all of the table’s possible columns in the form of list items with checkboxes. The checkboxes of the currently displayed columns are selected.

Another button next to the search field in the table toolbar allows the user to toggle between showing all columns and only those that are currently selected in the list.


To show or hide a column, select or deselect the appropriate checkbox.


To change the order of the columns, simply mark one list item and use the buttons on the right-hand side of the table toolbar to move them up or down. The order of the columns from top to bottom corresponds to the order on the table from left to right.


If the table has numerous columns, the user can use the search field in the table toolbar to find a specific column more quickly. As soon as the user enters the first letter, the resulting columns are displayed instantly.

The Columns tab of the P13n dialog
The Columns tab of the P13n dialog


The second tab is the Sort tab, which allows the user to sort the table content according to the chosen attributes, and also in either ascending or descending order.

The sort criterion consists of two input fields. In the first field, the user can choose a column by which the table is to be sorted. In the second field, the user chooses the sort order (ascending or descending).

For more complex sorting needs, the user can add the required number of criteria by clicking the plus “ ” sign at the end of the line.

The order of the criteria is exactly the same as the order in which sorting is applied to the table.

The Sort tab of the P13n dialog
The Sort tab of the P13n dialog
Using the sort feature on column headers replaces ALL sort options in the dialog!


The third tab is the Filter tab, which allows the user to filter the table information according to specific criteria.

The filter criteria can be included or excluded in the relevant section of the filter.


In the first input field, the user selects the column to be filtered. Any of the columns can be selected; even those that are not currently visible.


The second field offers an operator for specifying the filter in more detail. The operators that are available depends on the data type of the selected column:

The Filter tab of the P13n dialog
The Filter tab of the P13n dialog


  • between
  • contains
  • equal to
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • empty
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to


  • between
  • contains
  • equal to
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • empty
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to


  • between
  • equal to
  • after
  • on or after
  • before
  • before or on
  • empty


The last field contains the value by which the selected column is filtered. The kind of input field that is provided depends on the data type of the selected column.

Two or even more fields can be provided as required by the use case.

For more complex cases, the user can add filters by clicking the plus “ ” button or remove them by clicking the Remove button at the end of each filter item.

If there is a filter bar, use its filter functionality and deactivate the filter feature of the P13n dialog.


The third tab is the Group tab, which offers the functionality to group the table data by one or more columns.

In the first selection field, all columns are provided for selection. The user can select a checkbox on the right of the column selection field if the selected field is to be displayed as a column anyway.

For more complex grouping scenarios, the user can add more grouping options by clicking the plus “ ” button on the right-hand side of each grouping line. This option only works with the analytical table.

The grouped table shows the selected field as the group header, which can be expanded or collapsed.

Under the group headers, all subgroup headers and all applicable table entries are displayed.

The Group tab of the P13n dialog
The Group tab of the P13n dialog
To group by a specific column, that particular column must be marked as visible on the Columns tab!


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



The p13n dialog control provides a dialog for tables that allows the user to personalize one or more of the following attributes:

  • Columns (visibility and order of columns)
  • Sort (sorting of table values)
  • Filter (filtering of table values)
  • Group (grouping for specific attributes)

These tabs can be shown in any combination as the use case requires.

The P13n dialog is intended for complex tables with a large number of columns and the need for complex queries for sorting, grouping, and filtering.
For simple tables, see view settings dialog and table personalization dialog)

The P13n dialog can be triggered in the table toolbar on the top right-hand corner of the table.

The dialog is shown centered, either as a dialog (on desktop and tablet devices) or as a full-screen dialog (on mobile devices).

The P13n dialog can be triggered in the table toolbar on the top right-hand corner of the table.

The dialog is shown centered, either as a dialog (on desktop and tablet devices) or as a full-screen dialog (on mobile devices).

The dialog button within the table toolbar
The dialog button within the table toolbar


Use the P13n dialog if:

  • The user is able to personalize more than 20 or so columns.
  • You need several functions for sorting, grouping, and so on.
  • You are using the analytical table.
  • Complex queries have to be built for the relevant table.

Do not use the P13n dialog if:

  • The user is able to personalize fewer than about 20 columns.
  • You only need a simple column show/hide feature.


The P13n dialog is available for all display sizes. For sizes L/XL (desktop) and M (tablet), the dialog is shown as a dialog. For size S (smartphones), the P13n dialog is displayed as a full-screen dialog.

Size S – Overview
Size S – Overview
Size S – Columns
Size S – Columns
Size M
Size M
Size L
Size L


The P13n dialog consists of four different tabs that can be used separately or combined, as required by the use case:

  • Sort
  • Filter
  • Group
  • Columns

App developers can add more tabs manually.

Behavior and Interaction


The first tab is the Columns tab. It allows the user to change the table columns that are shown and the order in which they are displayed.

The list contains all of the table’s possible columns in the form of list items with checkboxes. The checkboxes of the currently displayed columns are selected.

Another button next to the search field in the table toolbar allows the user to toggle between showing all columns and only those that are currently selected in the list.


To show or hide a column, select or deselect the appropriate checkbox.


To change the order of the columns, simply mark one list item and use the buttons on the right-hand side of the table toolbar to move them up or down. The order of the columns from top to bottom corresponds to the order on the table from left to right.


If the table has numerous columns, the user can use the search field in the table toolbar to find a specific column more quickly. As soon as the user enters the first letter, the resulting columns are displayed instantly.

The Columns tab of the P13n dialog
The Columns tab of the P13n dialog


The second tab is the Sort tab, which allows the user to sort the table content according to the chosen attributes, and also in either ascending or descending order.

The sort criterion consists of two input fields. In the first field, the user can choose a column by which the table is to be sorted. In the second field, the user chooses the sort order (ascending or descending).

For more complex sorting needs, the user can add the required number of criteria by clicking the plus “ ” sign at the end of the line.

The order of the criteria is exactly the same as the order in which sorting is applied to the table.

The Sort tab of the P13n dialog
The Sort tab of the P13n dialog
Using the sort feature on column headers replaces ALL sort options in the dialog!


The third tab is the Filter tab, which allows the user to filter the table information according to specific criteria.

The filter criteria can be included or excluded in the relevant section of the filter.


In the first input field, the user selects the column to be filtered. Any of the columns can be selected; even those that are not currently visible.


The second field offers an operator for specifying the filter in more detail. The operators that are available depends on the data type of the selected column.

The Filter tab of the P13n dialog
The Filter tab of the P13n dialog


  • between
  • contains
  • equal to
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • empty
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to


  • between
  • contains
  • equal to
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • empty
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to


  • between
  • equal to
  • after
  • on or after
  • before
  • before or on
  • empty


The last field contains the value by which the selected column is filtered. The kind of input field that is provided depends on the data type of the selected column.

Two or even more fields can be provided as required by the use case.

For more complex cases, the user can add filters by clicking the plus “ ” button or remove them by clicking the Remove button at the end of each filter item.

If there is a filter bar, use its filter functionality and deactivate the filter feature of the P13n dialog.


The third tab is the Group tab, which offers the functionality to group the table data by one or more columns.

In the first selection field, all columns are provided for selection. The user can select a checkbox on the right of the column selection field if the selected field is to be displayed as a column anyway.

For more complex grouping scenarios, the user can add more grouping options by clicking the plus “ ” button on the right-hand side of each grouping line. This option only works with the analytical table.

The grouped table shows the selected field as the group header, which can be expanded or collapsed.

Under the group headers, all subgroup headers and all applicable table entries are displayed.

The Group tab of the P13n dialog
The Group tab of the P13n dialog
To group by a specific column, that particular column must be marked as visible on the Columns tab!


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls
