Object List Item

The object list item offers a quick overview of an object within a list. Typically, it is used in the list of a list-detail application using the flexible column layout. The object list items usually allow the user to navigate to the details of an object. Therefore, the object list item should only contain essential information that is necessary for the user to identify which object to work on first.

Object list item
Object list item


The object list item’s text sizes are limited due to truncation. The title wraps once and truncates after two lines. The key attribute also truncates if it does not have enough space. Apps therefore need to use formatters, for example, to transform 1,659,963,900.42 into 1.7 B. (Note that this transformation is language-specific.)

Status texts (on the right) and object attributes (on the left) do not wrap, but only truncate. Status texts can have a semantic color (to reflect the state) and an optional icon. The object attributes are placed next to the status texts. If they do not have a neighboring status text, they use the full width available for the list item.


The object list item provides the following optional data:

  • Title of the object instance, which acts as the main identifier (title)
  • Key attribute (number) + unit (numberUnit)
  • Object status (sap.m.ObjectStatus)
  • List of object attributes (sap.m.ObjectAttribute)
  • Introductory text indicating the origin of the object, such as Forwarded by… or On Behalf of… (intro)
  • Icon that identifies the object (icon)

The first status line can contain indicator icons for locked items, favorites, or items that have been flagged for follow-up.

Object list item examples (with attributes, status, locking, flag, and favorites)
Object list item examples (with attributes, status, locking, flag, and favorites)

Behavior and Interaction

List item behavior and interaction is similar for all list item variants and is therefore described in the list overview article.


  • An icon in front of the title requires a lot of space. Ensure there is sufficient space available if you are planning to use one.
  • This control can only throw one event. Therefore, object list items cannot contain an additional link.
  • Display the date  within the title in the long format and within the attributes in the medium format.
  • Avoid long descriptive texts. They may not be displayed due to truncation.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Standard List Item

The standard list item is a type of list item used in simple lists. You can use it to display a simple data point (title) or a set of data, such as a product title and a few product attributes.

Standard list item with title only
Standard list item with title only
Standard list item with image, title, and short description
Standard list item with image, title, and short description


Use the standard list item if:

  • You want to display a simple set of data in a list.
  • You want to display a simple set of data as part of a list within the select dialog.

Do not use the standard list item if:


The standard list item can consist of the following parts:

  • Title (mandatory). By default, the title font is larger if there’s no description. If you have list items with and without a description, this results in differently sized titles that are harder to read. In this case, switch off the title size adaptation (property: AdaptTitleSize).
  • Visual: icon or image (optional): Either displayed in the form of an icon from the SAP icon font or as an image.
  • Short description (optional).
  • Status (optional): This semantic information is equivalent to the object status. It’s usually displayed as colored text and displays the status. Keep the status text as short as possible.
    As an alternative, you can invert the display to place a stronger focus on the status
    (property: infoState). Use the inverted display only if the status is critical for your use case and requires immediate action.
Standard list item with all options (image, title, short description, status)
Standard list item with all options (image, title, short description, status)


The title and short description can wrap and truncate. However, we recommend keeping the text as short as possible. The semantic information text is always displayed in full.

Standard list item with a truncated title
Standard list item with a truncated title
Standard list item with wrapped and truncated title and description
Standard list item with wrapped and truncated title and description

Behavior and Interaction

The list item behavior is identical for all list item types. For more information, see the interaction details in the list overview article.


Here are a few examples of standard list items:

Standard list items in a list
Standard list items in a list
Standard list item with a title and status
Standard list item with a title and status
Standard list item with a title and short description
Standard list item with a title and short description
Standard list item with a counter in list selection
Standard list item with a counter in list selection
Standard list item with an icon, title, and short description
Standard list item with an icon, title, and short description
Standard list item with an icon, title, short description, and checkbox for selection
Standard list item with an icon, title, short description, and checkbox for selection
Borderless standard list item
Borderless standard list item


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Input List Item

The input list item contains a label and any sort of input UI element.

Single input list item
Single input list item


In input list items, only the labels become truncated if the text is too long for the space available.

Behavior and Interaction

Input list items are mainly used for entering data in a similar way to entering data in forms.

Therefore, the general behavior of list items, such as navigation, is usually not enabled when input list items are used.


The input list item was introduced with the original mobile-focused version of SAPUI5. However, SAP Fiori applications currently run across multiple devices and therefore tend to use the form for input purposes rather than the now rarely used input list item.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Display List Item

The display list item is the simplest list item. It shows content in the form of labels and text.

As forms are generally the preferred control for combining labels and fields, display list items are seldom used.

Display list items
Display list items


Labels and text generally occupy 100% of the space they need. If a combination of the label and text is too long for the total space available, one or both are truncated so that each occupies a maximum of 50% of the space.

Truncated display list item
Truncated display list item

Behavior and Interaction

List item behavior and interaction is similar for all list item variants and is therefore described in the list overview article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



In SAP Fiori, we distinguish between tables and lists. Both usually contain homogeneous data, but lists generally have rather basic data, whereas the data in tables tends to be more complex. Lists are mostly used in list-detail scenarios using the flexible column layout, as well as in popovers or dialogs. For certain use cases, lists can also be used in the dynamic page layout.


Use the list if:

  • You want to display a homogeneous set of basic data.
  • You need to sort, group, or filter simple datasets.
  • You need to display a single-level hierarchy rather than using a complex tree table to support this simple use case.

Do not use the list if:

  • You want to manage complex datasets that need to be extensively sorted, grouped, filtered, or edited. In this case, use a table.
  • You work with complex hierarchies. In this case, use a tree.


The list is like a layout container. You can change its width, but you must also ensure that the items contained in the list adapt whenever the list is resized.

All list item variants available in SAP Fiori already adapt to the respective screen size.

List Item Variants

The list contains various list items. These items can be of various types depending on the use case and on the content they have. SAPUI5 already provides the most common list items in SAP Fiori in the form of controls, although custom list items can also be created if necessary.

All the available list item types behave responsively and adapt to changing screen sizes out of the box. Most of them use truncation if size becomes too limited, since they are usually used to navigate to the item details. For custom list items, you can also wrap the texts, if required.

Object List Item

The object list item is the list item variant used most frequently in SAP Fiori applications. Consisting of a title, key figure, attributes, and a status, it contains the most important information about an object.

The space available for the attributes and status is limited as it should only show crucial information that allows the user to decide which items should be dealt with first.

All essential information about an object is usually provided when the user navigates to the item details.

For more information, see object list item.

Object list items
Object list items

Standard List Item

The standard list item is used for less complex entries, such as when the user selects an item in a dialog. This list item contains an optional image, a title, description, and a single info text (which can contain semantic information).

For more information, see standard list item.

Standard list items
Standard list items

Display List Item

The display list item is the simplest form of a list item and is only capable of showing a label and values. It is seldom used.

For more information, see display list item.

Display list items
Display list items

Action List Item

The action list item allows various actions to be triggered in a dialog. The action list item is not used in the content area.

For more information, see action list item.

Action list item
Action list item

Feed List Item

The feed list item is mainly used in feeds and notes.

For more information, see feed list item.

Feed with feed list items
Feed with feed list items

Input List Item

The input list item allows the user to enter data in a list item. It is seldom used in SAP Fiori apps as forms are usually the preferable method for entering data.

For more information, see input list item.

Input list item
Input list item


The list control comes with the following main properties:


The header text contains the title of the list. It is usually only used when the list is in the content area.


The footer text is the last entry in the list, and as such, it scrolls away with the content. Therefore, this property is also seldom used.

Lazy Loading

Like the table, the list also allows lazy loading. The “growing” list property is used for this purpose.

List with header and footer
List with header and footer

Empty List

Avoid empty lists. If necessary, provide instructions on how to fill the list with data (sap.m.List/ sap.m.ListBase, properties: noDataText, showNoData).


  • If a list is initially empty, provide at least a basic text:
    No items available.
    Overwrite this whenever a hint can be provided on how to fill the list with data.
  • If a list is used together with a filter bar (as in the list report), and is initially empty, use the following text:
    No filters set. To start, enter your search and filter settings and run the search.
  • If a list is used together with a filter bar and the filter does not return results, use the following text:
    No items found. Check the search and filter settings.

Adapt the texts above if:

  • The standard text is not precise enough for your use case (for example, no search is offered, only the search is offered).
  • You are using the live search (no Go button in the filter bar). In this case, leave out “run the search”.
  • The standard text is misleading (for example, if the data is filled based on a list-detail pattern instead of search and filter settings).
Empty list
Empty list


List items can have a count, which is located on the far right of a row. You can use the count in simple lists, such as those that contain standard list items, to indicate how many subitems the user can expect when navigating to the item.

Standard list items with counter
Standard list items with counter


You can set an indicator to highlight unread items, making it easier for the user to discover them (property: showUnread = true). If you set this indicator, all texts for the unread items are shown in bold font.

By default, this indicator is switched off, and all list items are displayed in normal font.

Display list item with read and unread items
Display list item with read and unread items

Highlight Items

To show that an item needs attention, a highlight indicator can be shown in front of the item. The highlight indicator can be used to indicate:

  • A semantic state, such as red or orange for an error or warning. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Additional information, such as blue to highlight newly added items. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Industry-specific or process-specific states, such as “out of stock” or “excess of inventory”. In this case, use indication colors.

Be aware that the highlight is just an indication. It does not tell users exactly what is wrong. Make sure that you provide this information within the table row, ideally in the same color.

For details on the use of highlight colors, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

(sap.m.ListItemBase, property: highlight)

Highlighted items using status colors
Highlighted items using status colors
Highlighted items using indication colors
Highlighted items using indication colors

Behavior and Interaction

There are several ways to interact with the list and its list items:

List Level


The height of the list is defined by the number of items it contains. It does not have its own scroll container, but is scrolled together with the app.

If the list works in a “growing” mode, it only loads a few items at first. Additional items are only loaded (and rendered) on request. The “request” can either be triggered by scrolling (preferred), or by clicking the More button.

When the user scrolls, the title and the filter infobar can stick to the top of the surrounding layout container (sap.m.List, property: sticky).

The “sticky” feature comes with some limitations:

  • It is not available on all browsers. In non-supporting browsers, the corresponding areas are not fixed on top of the surrounding layout container while scrolling.
  • Certain layout containers suppress the sticky behavior, such as the grid layout. The same happens if the list is placed within the object page.
  • If the focus is set to a sticky area, the list is automatically scrolled to top.

Sticky title
Sticky title


The list can have several modes. The respective property (Mode) allows the following selection methods:

  • None
  • SingleSelectMaster (used to pick one item with no additional indicator, as in the list-detail scenario with the flexible column layout)
  • SingleSelectLeft (used to pick one item using a radio button on the far left)
  • MultiSelect (used to pick several items from the list using checkboxes on the far left). The Shift key can be used to select a range.
  • Users can (de)select all items using CTRL+A. Select All (de)selects all items that the user can reach by scrolling.
  • Delete (used to delete items from the list using a delete indicator on the far right)

  • Never disable the selection checkbox. If an action can’t be performed on a specific item, inform the user after the corresponding action has been triggered. For more information, see Enabling/Disabling Actions.
  • For single-selection list-detail scenarios within the flexible column layout, use the mode “single select master”. Do not show an additional “navigated” indicator.
  • Avoid the mode “single select left”. It removes the option to click somewhere on the item to select it. Use this mode only if you really need two different click areas; a small one for a selection, and the rest of the item for something else.
  • For all single selection modes, make sure that one item is initially selected. Otherwise, the user cannot return to the initial state. A selected item can only be deselected by selecting another item.
  • If selecting / deselecting all items is important for your app, add a button with the text Select All to the toolbar. Change the button text to Deselect All if all items are selected.

Developer Hint
In multiple selection mode, users can (de)select all items using the shortcut Ctrl+A. This only affects items that have already been loaded to the front-end server. All other items are not (de)selected before they are loaded (for example, items added via lazy loading with growingScrollToLoad). This conflicts with the guideline that all items the user can reach by scrolling must be (de)selected.

To process all items, listen to the selectionChange event and to its flag selectAll. This indicates whether Ctrl+A was triggered. As soon as an action is triggered, process the items accordingly. Depending on the number of items, consider processing them in the back end.

List with explicit single selection
List with explicit single selection
List with multiple selection
List with multiple selection
List with delete mode
List with delete mode


List items can be grouped. The group header is a visually separate line at the top of the items it groups. It does not currently provide an interaction of its own.

Grouped list
Grouped list

Line Item Level


The list item type defines the interaction of the list item, which is accompanied by a visual cue.

The items can be one of the following:

  • Active (click event; cursor changes to indicate that)
  • Inactive (no click event; cursor does not change)
  • Navigation (a small arrow appears on the far right, indicating that clicking would navigate)
  • Detail (a pencil appears on the far right, indicating that something can be changed. The user can only click the pencil.)
  • Detail and active (same as “detail”, but the item itself is also clickable)

The example shows how all these types are visualized.

All list item types: inactive, detail, navigation, active, detail and active
All list item types: inactive, detail, navigation, active, detail and active

Indicate Navigated Item

When multi-selection is used in a list-detail scenario, it is not clear which item was last opened (for example, which item is currently shown in the second column of a flexible column layout). In this case only (multi-selection list with navigable items), you can display a “navigated” indicator to mark the item that is currently open (sap.m.ListItemBase, property: navigated).

Navigated item
Navigated item


You can provide a swipe feature (sap.m.List, properties: swipeDirection, swipeContent) for approving or deleting items quickly without having to look at the details. Swiping is possible in both directions (left to right / right to left). You can provide different actions for each direction. Because swiping is only available on touch devices, only offer it as an additional feature. Swiping should never be the only way to perform the action.

List with swipe action
List with swipe action

Context Menu

The context menu can be triggered for the list or per item.

It gives users an alternative way of modifying the focused elements by giving access to context-specific functions.

Context menus are opened by right-clicking (desktop), long press (mobile), the CONTEXT MENU KEY, or Shift+F10.

Be aware that using the context menu overrides the browser context menu, which can no longer be opened.

List - context menu
List - context menu

Drag and Drop

One or several items can be repositioned within a list or moved to other UI elements using drag and drop operations (sap.m.ListBase, aggregation: dragDropConfig). While being dragged, the items are shown as ghost elements on the mouse cursor.

Drop targets can be on items, between items, or both (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition). On a drop target, the mouse cursor changes to either a “copy”, “link”, “move”, or “none” cursor. “None” indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped in the current position (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect).

Drag and drop is only available on supporting browsers.

Drag and drop
Drag and drop
Whole item as drop target
Whole item as drop target


The list items can have a header when they are used in a content area. It is also technically possible to change the background of the header and of the list itself. Depending on the use case, the lines between the list items and around the list can be shown or hidden.

The property Show Separators (All, Inner, None) allows only the outer lines (Inner) or all the lines (None) to be hidden when the list is used as a more structural element within a content area.

List without separators
List without separators


Text Length

When you use the list in the first column of the flexible column layout, keep the texts as short as possible and only as long as necessary. If you expect large numbers, use formatting instead.

Design for Performance

To optimize performance, we recommend showing no more than 200 items at once in the list. For larger datasets (up to 1,000 items), use the “growing” mechanism to limit the number of displayed items, and make sure that users can filter the data.

The limits above are only recommendations. For a specific app context, the number of manageable items might be far higher or lower.

The actual limits depend on your concrete scenario, including:

  • The number of rows in the table
  • The number of displayed columns
  • The complexity of the cell content (for example, simple text vs. complex charts)
  • Other elements on the page (for example, multiple pages in a flexible column layout, or several tables/elements with more complex rendering on one page)
  • The browser being used

Custom List Items

If none of the list items provided suits the requirements of your app, you can also create a custom list. If you choose this option, ensure that your custom list item is responsive when resized.

When creating custom list items, take the following guidelines into account, as needed:

Radio Button

Only use radio buttons if they are absolutely necessary. One example would be if you want to distinguish single selection from navigation. This is a rare case in which visible radio buttons for single selection are allowed.

Errors and Warnings

To indicate that the list contains items with errors or warnings, show a message strip above the list. On the message strip, provide information about errors or warnings. When issues are solved or when new issues appear, update the message strip accordingly.

For details on displaying errors, warnings, and other messages, see Message Handling.

Developer Hint
The sap.m.plugins.DataStateIndicator displays a message strip above the table, which shows binding-related messages.
List containing errors
List containing errors


To trigger actions on single items, show the actions on a toolbar above the list. Do not offer actions on multiple items if the list is expected to have fewer than 10 items in most cases.

The following actions on single items must always be inline:

  • Delete: Use “Delete” mode (sap.m.Tree / sap.m.ListBase, property: mode, value: sap.m.ListMode.Delete). This places a Delete  button at the end of each item.
  • Navigation: Use the “Navigation” item type (sap.m.StandardTreeItem / sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Navigation). This places a navigation indicator at the end of the corresponding items. Use this to navigate to a new page containing item details.
  • Edit: Use the “Detail” item type (sap.m.TreeItem / sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Detail). This places an Edit   icon at the end of the corresponding items.

You can combine delete and edit actions, or delete and navigation actions. However, edit and navigation actions cannot be combined.

To trigger actions that are independent of the selection, show the actions on a toolbar above the list. For example: AddCollapse AllExpand All, … .

To trigger a default action on the entire item, use the “Active” or “DetailAndActive” item type (sap.m.TreeItem / sap.m.ListItemBase, property: type, value: sap.m.ListType.Active). When clicked, active items trigger an event that can be handled by the app (for example, to open a dialog). Selection of items and expanding/collapsing a node do not trigger the event, and are handled by the tree. Do not use the active item type for navigation, to switch the line item to an edit state, or to delete the item.

Active can be combined with edit and delete, but not with navigation. Do not combine active with the single selection master.

Add Items

For adding items, place an Add or Create text button on the toolbar.

  • Use Create if the button adds a brand new item that doesn’t yet exist on the database.
  • Use Add if the item already exists and is merely added or assigned to the current object.

Show new items as the first item of the list, with a visual highlight at the beginning of the row.

Enable the shortcut Ctrl+Enter (and ideally Enter in addition) to trigger the Add or Create button.

There are three options for adding an item. In order of priority, these are:

  • Add the item inline. Create an empty, editable item as the first item of the list. Show the Save button on the toolbar of the list. This option is recommended for simple scenarios where just a few input fields have to be filled.
  • Open a dialog for items with up to 8 input fields. Save the new item at dialog level.
  • Navigate to a new page. Only use this behavior for very complex scenarios that cannot be handled by a dialog (for example, creating complex objects). When the user presses Save in the footer toolbar of the create page, navigate back to the list.

Depending on the flow, an item can be in one of three different states:

  • New: The item was just created inline and is in edit mode (for example, after pressing the Create button). It is highlighted with a visual indicator (information state).
  • Recent: The item was just created and is in read-only mode (for example, if Create leads to a dialog, and Save was triggered within the dialog). In this case, keep the item highlighted and display it as the first item of the list. Ignore current sort, filter and grouping criteria to keep the item visible.
  • Added: The item has been fully added. It follows the sort, filter, and grouping settings and also loses the visual highlight. This state is used after:
    • Inline creation: After Save was triggered on the toolbar or at page level
    • Create with dialog: A list showing one or several items with the state “Recent” gets updated (for example, after sorting, filtering, or grouping, or when the browser is refreshed).

In the context of draft handling new items are not saved on list level, but rather with the entire draft.

Context Menu

Use the context menu only to give users a quick way of accessing functions that are already available elsewhere (for example, as buttons in the toolbar).

Don’t just offer actions in the context menu itself, as users might not realize that these actions are available at all.

Drag and Drop

To comply with the WCAG 2.2 accessibility standard, the control must offer an alternative to the drag and drop feature. Use the  Move Up and  Move Down buttons on the toolbar.

Drag and drop is “invisible” on the UI: users can’t see where dragging is available and where it isn’t. In addition there is no generic keyboard interaction. Drag and drop is also not available on all browsers. For these reasons, provide it only in addition to existing (and visible) UI elements that fulfill the same purpose, provide the corresponding keyboard support, and are available for all browsers.

Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements
Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements

If you offer drag and drop for rearranging items within the list, use drop targets that are between items (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition.Between). This provides better feedback on where the item will be inserted. Show the “move” mouse cursor (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect.Move).

Drop targets in between items
Drop targets in between items

Do not combine rearranging items and sorting. If you really need to do so, make sure that there is a dedicated sort criterion for the user-defined sort order, and only offer options for rearranging items if this sort order is set.

When combining rearranging items with grouping, be aware that moving items to another group also means that a value of the dropped item changes: because grouping is based on values, the dropped item needs to take on the corresponding value of the target group. If this is not wanted, do not allow users to rearrange items in grouped lists.



A list is grouped by availability. An item is moved from the group “Not Available” to the group “In Stock”. In this case, the moved item needs to change its availability to “In Stock” to match the target group. If changing the value doesn’t make sense, only allow users to rearrange the items within the same group, or don’t allow rearranging at all.

Do not combine rearranging items with grouping, unless you know exactly what you're doing
Do not combine rearranging items with grouping, unless you know exactly what you're doing

View Settings

  • Provide individual buttons for each of the following settings on the toolbar of the list: sort, filter, group.
  • Clicking one of these buttons opens the view settings dialog or P13nDialog dialog with just the relevant page inside.
  • When closed, apply the settings to the list accordingly.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Do not offer any of these features if the list is expected to have only a small number of entries (up to 20 in most cases).
  • If filtering is a main use case, do not offer filtering on the toolbar of the list. Use the filter bar instead.
  • Only use the view settings which are really needed. For example, do not offer grouping if it does not support your use case well.
  • Keep the view settings consistent. When a user reopens the app, show the list with the same sort, filter, and group settings as last defined by this user.


  • For the default sort setting, sort by the item title, which is usually the identifier of an item.
  • If you offer sorting, offer it for each data point available in the item. Allow sorting in both directions, ascending and descending. The descending sort order must always be the exact reverse of the ascending sort order.
  • For each data point, provide a meaningful sort order. For example:
    • Sort text alphabetically
    • Sort numbers by their value
    • Sort status information by the severity of the status:
      • Ascending: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last.
      • Descending: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first.
      • Ascending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.
      • Descending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.


  • To display the current filter state, use the infobar below the title. Clicking the infobar opens the filter page of the corresponding dialog.
  • Show the infobar only if the filter settings are not shown somewhere else. For example, do not show the infobar for settings located in the filter bar or in a select control placed in the toolbar of the list.
  • If the infobar is shown, provide an option to reset all corresponding filters on the infobar.
  • Keep the infobar sticky (sap.m.List, property: sticky).

Export to Spreadsheet

Apps can provide a menu button for exporting list data to a spreadsheet (for example, on the relevant toolbar). For the export, use the export to spreadsheet function.

'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button
'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Action List Item

The action list item control lets the user trigger actions directly from a list. It is used mainly within dialog boxes and popovers.

Action list items
Action list items

The following figure shows examples of popovers for a chart with one and three related actions.

Chart popovers using action list items
Chart popovers using action list items

Behavior and Interaction

List item behavior and interaction is similar for all list item variants and is therefore described in the list overview article.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Tree Table

A tree table contains a hierarchical set of data structured in rows and columns and grouped into nodes. The analytical table (also know as ALV) can provide additional details in several non-hierarchical columns per line item. 


Trees are used to display and work with large amounts of hierarchical data. They have a high data density and therefore convey an immediate feeling of complexity. Ideally, you should only show trees with a lot of hierarchical data as a last resort. Try the following instead:

  • Break down the data into manageable chunks and allow the user to navigate or drill down between them.
  • Use charts with drilldown functionality until the amount of data is more manageable.


A tree table is available for desktops and tablets, but not in smartphone sizes. It supports touch interaction devices, but is not optimized for small screens. For smartphones, you need to take an adaptive approach by offering an additional UI.

Possible solutions are as follows:

  • Use navigation to different pages instead of a tree structure. This works well for structures that are no more than four levels deep.
  • Remove levels until only one or two remain. Replace a single-level tree by a table, and a two-level tree by a grouped table or a split-screen layout.
  • Use filtering instead of a tree structure.

You can try to create a fallback based on these ideas, but a completely different solution, such as showing charts in a read-only case, might be more appropriate.

Tree table shown on a desktop
Tree table shown on a desktop
Tree table shown on a tablet
Tree table shown on a tablet


Like all SAP Fiori controls, the tree table is shown in compact mode on a desktop and in cozy mode on tablets.

For a desktop, you can also display even more rows on the same screen height by adding the condensed mode in addition to the compact mode. This renders less white space for each item.

Note that the condensed content density has always to be set in addition to compact. Do not use condensed on its own. Do not mix condensed with cozy. Doing so could lead to unpredictable and / or unwanted results, e.g. cozy sized controls in condensed sized containers, missing paddings, etc.

Note that neither compact mode nor condensed mode can be interacted with touch. Even on a desktop with a touch screen, users will have difficulty selecting rows or using controls inside the cells when using their fingers.

Furthermore, condensed mode is not available for Internet Explorer 9. If condensed mode is to be used, please provide a fallback.

For more information on cozy and compact modes, see content density.

Compact Mode

Tree table – Compact mode
Tree table – Compact mode

Condensed Mode

Tree table – Condensed mode
Tree table – Condensed mode


Column Header

The column header provides the label for the corresponding column and access to the column header menu.

Resizing columns works in the following ways:

  • Mouse interaction: Dragging the separator line between two columns (sap.ui.table. Column, property: Resizable). Double-clicking optimizes the column according to the length of the currently visible data and the label of the column header (sap.ui.table.Column, property: Autoresizable).
  • Touch interaction: The user taps the column header to reveal two buttons: one for showing the column header menu and one for resizing. Drag the latter to resize the column.
  • Keyboard interaction: The width of the focused column header can be increased with Shift+Right and decreased with Shift+Left.

After resizing a column, the adaptation of the column widths depends on how the column width is set:

  • If column widths are set in pixel-based units (px, em, rem), the corresponding column is adapted and following columns are moved accordingly. The width of all other columns is not affected.
    If all the columns together take up less width than the table control, an empty space is added. If all the columns together take up more width than the table control, a scrollbar appears.
  • If all column widths are set in percentage or “auto”, resizing one column might also lead to the automatic resizing of some or all other columns. The position of the resized column might also be affected. This is done to ensure that the whole table width is used and no white space is added. A scrollbar appears only, if all or most of the columns get very small. To avoid the unintended side effect of undersized columns, a minimum width can be set per column. Please be aware that this minimum width is only taken into account if columns are automatically resized. End users are still able to reduce the column width below the provided minimum. (sap.ui.table.Column, properties: width, minWidth)

Columns can be rearranged by dragging the column header to another position (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, property: enableColumnReordering). Keyboard: the focused column header can be moved by one position to the corresponding direction with Shift+Left / Shift+Right.

Tree table – Column header
Tree table – Column header
Opening the column header menu on touch devices
Opening the column header menu on touch devices
Fewer columns than space available
Fewer columns than space available

Line Item

A line item contains a set of cells and provides options for selecting the item.

To prevent adverse side effects when scrolling vertically, all line items must have the same height (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, property: rowHeight).

Tree table – Line item
Tree table – Line item

In rare cases, show the actions within the line item. One example would be an Add to Cart button in a shopping application. Since these actions are repeated in every line and thus use a lot of screen real estate, do this only for a maximum of one or two actions. Provide a separate column per action. Use a button, unless the action trigger belongs to a link. Hide the action in rows for which it is not applicable.

Tree Column

The first colum (tree column) provides the hierarchical structure.

Tree table – Tree column
Tree table – Tree column

Expand/Collapse Button

The expand/collapse button is offered on container nodes to allow the child items of the corresponding container to be shown or hidden.

Tree table – Collapse
Tree table – Collapse
Tree table – Expand
Tree table – Expand

Container Node

A container node is a line item that contains child elements.

Tree table – Container node
Tree table – Container node

Leaf Node

A leaf node is a line item that does not contain child elements.

Tree table – Leaf node
Tree table – Leaf node


Each cell provides one data point. It can contain one of the following controls to display the data point:

While it is technically possible to also use other controls, doing so could lead to issues in regards to alignment, condensed mode, screen reader support, and keyboard support.

If you use text, use only single-line text to keep the same row height. Truncate if necessary as this prevents adverse side effects when scrolling vertically (sap.m.Text, property: wrapping, value: false).

Tree table – Cell
Tree table – Cell

Tree Cell

A tree cell is a cell inside the tree column. Besides its data point, it provides a collapse/expand button on container nodes, and it indents the different hierarchy levels.

Tree table – Tree cell
Tree table – Tree cell

Column Header Menu

For the tree column, the column header menu can contain the menu item Freeze and a Filter field, in which the user enters free text.
For all other columns, only the free text filter is available.

Tree table – Tree column header menu
Tree table – Tree column header menu

Selection Cells

For multiselection tree tables, the first column contains checkboxes for selecting line items. Besides multiselection, the tree table offers a single-selection mode and also a read-only mode, in which line items are not selectable.

Tree table – Selection cells
Tree table – Selection cells

Select All

For multiselection tree tables, the column header can contain a checkbox above the selection cells for selecting or deselecting all line items.

Tree table – Select all
Tree table – Select all


The tree table allows horizontal and vertical scrolling. You can add any number of line items to the tree table, which uses “lazy loading”.

To prevent adverse side effects when scrolling vertically, all line items must have the same height (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, property: rowHeight).

The tree table is optimized to allow faster scrolling within the first 1000 items.

Tree table – Vertical scrollbar
Tree table – Vertical scrollbar

Behavior and Interaction


The tree provides the following possibilities:

No selection: Items cannot be selected. (property: selectionMode = None)

Tree table – No selection
Tree table – No selection

Single selection: One item in the tree table can be selected. A row selector column is shown. (property: selectionMode = Single)

Tree table – Single selection
Tree table – Single selection

Multiple selection: One or more items can be selected. The tree table provides a column with checkboxes on the left-hand side. Clicking a checkbox toggles the state of the corresponding row from deselected to selected and back. The Shift key can be used to select a range.

For multiple selection, you can choose between two variants.

  • Multi-toggle mode (property: selectionMode = MultiToggle)
  • Multi-selection plug-in (sap.ui.table.plugins.MultiSelectionPlugin)

These variants behave differently when the user selects more items than are currently loaded in the front end.


In multi-toggle mode, you can offer a Select All checkbox to the left of the column header (property: enableSelectAll). Selecting this checkbox selects or deselects all items that are currently loaded in the front end (keyboard: Ctrl+A). All other items are not selected/deselected. If the application data is stored in the back end, scrolling down further can reveal additional unselected items. The same can happen with range selections if not all items in the selected range have been loaded to the front end.

Multi-selection plug-in

If you use this plug-in instead of the multi-toggle selection mode, the behavior for range selection and Select All changes:

  • By default, a dedicated Deselect All button replaces the Select All checkbox. There is no default UI element for selecting all items.
  • You can set a limit for the number of items that can be selected (sap.ui.table.plugins.MultiSelectionPlugin, property: limit). This limit has the following effect:
    • The range that can be selected using the Shift key is limited to the specified number of items (default = 200). The table automatically scrolls back to the last selected item and a message can appear (sap.ui.table.plugins.MultiSelectionPlugin, property: enableNotification). Users can select more items by selecting additional ranges (the specified limit applies each time).
    • If the selection limit is set to 0, a Select All checkbox is shown. There is also no limit on the number of items that can be selected in a range. All selected items are loaded, which can lead to performance issues for large data sets (Keyboard: Ctrl+A).
  • If selected items are not already available in the front end, they are loaded automatically by the plug-in and set as selected.
When setting a limit for the number of items that can be selected, keep the following boundaries in mind:

  • The performance of your service: How many items can be loaded at once in a reasonable time? Does this also apply if an end-user shows all available columns?
  • The “minimum limit”: Internally, the grid table loads blocks of items as the user scrolls down. Because this block size (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, property: threshold) is usually also based on the performance of the service, it should be safe to assume that the minimum selection limit is twice this size. In this case, loading the data would take as long as scrolling down and loading exactly one more block. Nevertheless, we recommend using larger limits if your service allows.

Tree table – Multiple selection
Tree table – Multiple selection
Multi-selection plug-in with a limit
Multi-selection plug-in with a limit

Selection Behavior

An item can be selected in different ways, depending on the configuration of the tree table (sap.ui.table.Table, property: selectionBehavior):

  • Row: An item is selected by clicking the checkbox or the row. Use this option for multi-selection tree tables if clicking a row or a cell is not used for anything else.
  • RowSelector: An item is selected only by clicking the checkbox in the selector cell. Use this option if clicking the row (or a cell inside the row) is used for something else, such as navigation.
  • RowOnly: An item is selected only by clicking the row, and not using checkboxes in the selector cells. Use this for single-selection tree tables if clicking a row or a cell is not used for another purpose, such as navigation.

Set the property collapseRecursive to “false” in order to keep the selection on subnodes even after collapsing and expanding the root node.

Drag and Drop

One or several items can be repositioned within a table or moved to other UI elements using drag and drop operations (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, aggregation: dragDropConfig). While being dragged, the items are shown as ghost elements on the mouse cursor.

Drop targets can be on items, between items, or both (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition). On a drop target, the mouse cursor changes to either a “copy”, “link”, “move”, or “none” cursor. “None” indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped in the current position  (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect).

Drag and drop is only available on supporting browsers.

Drag and drop
Drag and drop

Column Header Menu


The column header menu can provide two sort options (sap.ui.table.Column, properties: sortProperty, showSortMenuEntry):

  • Sort Ascending
  • Sort Descending

The user selects one of these options to sort the corresponding column accordingly (sap.ui.table.Column, properties: sorted, sortOrder, sortProperty).

Sort settings in column header menu
Sort settings in column header menu


The column header menu can provide a search field for entering free text. If the user enters a term in the input field and triggers the search by pressing Enter, the tree is filtered by the tree column and the corresponding value. If no items match the filter values, the filtered tree table may be empty.

Tree table – Filter
Tree table – Filter

Freeze Columns

The Freeze/Unfreeze option is provided in the column header menu of all columns. Using Freeze on one column freezes all columns from the first one to the selected one.

Tree table – Freeze
Tree table – Freeze

Column Handling

Show/Hide Columns

Columns can be shown and hidden. If the tree column is hidden, the following column is the tree column.

Rearrange Columns

The user rearranges columns by dragging and dropping the corresponding column header. The tree column is always the first column and cannot be dragged. Keyboard: the focused column header can be moved by one position to the corresponding direction with Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right.

Resize Columns

Columns are resized as follows:

  • Mouse interaction: The user drags the separator line between two columns (sap.ui.table. Column, property: Resizable). Double-clicking the line optimizes the column according to the length of the currently visible data and the label of the column header (sap.ui.table.Column, property: Autoresizable). Note that auto-resizing works only if the cells in this column contain one of the following controls: text, label, link, or input.
  • Touch interaction: The user clicks or taps the column header to reveal two buttons: One to show the column header menu, and one for resizing. The user drags the latter to resize the column.
  • Keyboard interaction: The width of the focused column header can be increased with Shift+Right and decreased with Shift+Left.

Context Menu

You can attach a context menu (sap.m.Menu) to a table. The context menu gives users an alternative way to modify the focused elements by giving them access to context-specific functions.

When opened, the context menu gets the row and column context, except for special columns (such as the selection column) or special rows (like group headers). Context menus can be implemented for a specific table, row, or cell (not recommended for editable cells).

Context menus are opened by right-clicking (desktop), long press (mobile), the context menu key, or Shift+F10.

Be aware that using the context menu overrides the browser context menu, which can no longer be opened.

If a control inside a table is the “click target”, and the control also provides a context menu, the control context menu “wins”.

Tree table with context menu
Tree table with context menu

Cell Content

The tree is traditional in that each cell can contain only one data point in one single line.

Apart from plain read-only text, cells can contain the following:

While it is technically possible to also use other controls, doing so could lead to issues in regards to alignment, condensed mode, screen reader support, and keyboard support.

If you use text, use only single-line text to keep the same row height. Truncate if necessary as this prevents adverse side effects when scrolling vertically (sap.m.Text, property: wrapping, value: false).



What exactly needs to stay or be removed is highly dependent on the kind of structure and data your tree table displays. For many trees, the following approach works well if you want to apply filters only to the leaves of a tree:

  • Remove all leaves that don’t fit the filter criteria
  • Remove empty nodes

Where nodes need to be filtered, keep the following in mind:

  • A node may or may not fit the filter criteria.
  • A node can contain items (nodes and/or leaves) that fit the filter criteria.

Because of this, the results might contain more nodes than those that are relevant for the filter criteria.

Developer Hint
The tree table itself has no influence on the filter result. It sends a filter request and displays whatever comes back. Make sure that the result set is meaningful.


First of all: Is sorting meaningful in your tree? If so, decide on a meaningful default sort order.

If sorting is meaningful, is it meaningful on all levels? Or does the tree structure need to be stable? In the latter case, sort only leaves, but not nodes.

Always sort the table in a meaningful way when it first loads. In most cases, this means sorting by the column that identifies the row. This is usually the tree column.

To display the current sort state, an icon is shown in the column header of the most recently sorted column. This icon indicates the sort direction (sap.ui.table.Column, properties: sorted, sortOrder, sortProperty).

The descending sort order must always be the exact reverse of the ascending sort order. For each column, provide a meaningful sort order. For example:

  • Sort text alphabetically
  • Sort numbers by their value
  • Sort status information by the severity of the status:
    • Ascending: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last.
    • Descending: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first.
    • Ascending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from positive to negative, with neutral last. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.
    • Descending with different values per severity level: Sort status information from negative to positive, with neutral first. Sort different values within a severity level (semantic color) alphabetically.

Loading Data

To indicate that the table is currently loading items, use the busy state (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, property: busy). Do not show any items or text. As soon as the data has been loaded, remove the busy state and show all items.

Initital Display

Think of the initial expand / collapse state of a tree: If your structure contains many items on the root level, it might make sense to collapse the whole tree in the beginning.

In contrast, if the main items to work with are displayed on a deeper level (e.g. the parent nodes are just some kind of categorization), the tree should be expanded up to the first level where the needed items appear.

Errors and Warnings

To indicate that the tree table contains items with errors or warnings, show a message strip above the tree table. On the message strip, provide information on errors or warnings. When issues are solved or when new issues appear, update the message strip accordingly.

For details on displaying errors, warnings, and other messages, see Message Handling.

Developer Hint
The sap.m.plugins.DataStateIndicator displays a message strip above the table, which shows binding-related messages.


  • We strongly recommend using the multi-selection plug-in. This ensures that all items selected using Select All or as part of a range are included – even if some items were not initially loaded in the front end. This is not the case if you use the multi-toggle option.
  • Do not limit the range selection for the multi-selection plug-in unless you have to.
    • If the dataset is small and/or completely available in the front-end, set the limit property to 0 to enable the Select All option and allow users to select any range.
    • If you have a large dataset, set a limit on the number of selected items to avoid performance issues. Also bear in mind that some actions won’t be helpful if the dataset is too big (for example, a delete operation on 2 million database entries).
  • When setting a limit, also display the corresponding message when the user selects more items at once than the limit allows (sap.ui.table.plugins.MultiSelectionPlugin, property: enableNotification).
  • For single-selection list-detail scenarios within the flexible column layout, do not show an additional “navigated” indicator.
  • In multiple selection mode, do not show checkboxes in the first data column in the default delivery to avoid confusion.
  • Never disable the selection checkbox. If an action can’t be performed on a specific item, inform the user after the corresponding action has been triggered. For more information, see Enabling/Disabling Actions.

Empty Table

Try to avoid empty tables. If necessary, provide instructions on how to fill the tree table with data.

Remove the item count in the table title if there are zero items.

Add Items

For adding items, place an Add or Create text button on the table toolbar.

  • Use Create if the button adds a brand new item that doesn’t yet exist on the database.
  • Use Add if the item already exists and is merely added or assigned to the current object.

Enable the shortcut Ctrl+Enter (and ideally Enter in addition) to trigger the Add or Create button.

Show new items as the first item of the tree table or node:

  • If nothing is selected, add the new item to the root.
  • If a single node is selected, add the new item to the selected node.
  • If a single leaf is selected, add the new item as child of this leaf. The original selected item becomes a node.

If your tree doesn’t support adding items to the root, selected node, or selected leaf, disable Create or Add for the corresponding levels.

Disable Create or Add if more than one item is selected.

There are three options for adding an item. In order of priority (most recommended first), these are:

  1. Add the item inline. Create an empty, editable row as the first item of the selected node. Show the Save button on the tree toolbar. This option is recommended for simple scenarios with just a few columns and no option to hide columns.
  2. Open a dialog for larger tree tables with up to 8 editable columns. Save the new item at dialog level.
  3. Navigate to a new page. This behavior should only be used for very complex scenarios that cannot be handled by a dialog (for example, tree tables with more than 8 columns). When the user presses Save in the footer toolbar of the create page, navigate back to the tree table.

Depending on the flow, an item can be in one of three different states:

  • New: The item was just created inline and is in edit mode (for example, after pressing the Create button). It is highlighted with a visual indicator (information state).
  • Recent: The item was just created and is in read-only mode (for example, if Create leads to a dialog, and Save was triggered within the dialog). In this case, keep the item highlighted and display it as the first item of the corresponding node. Ignore current sort, filter, and grouping criteria to keep the item visible.
  • Added: The item has been fully added. It follows the sort, filter, and grouping settings and also loses the visual highlight. This state is used after:
    • Inline creation: After Save was triggered on the tree toolbar or at page level.
    • Create with dialog: A tree table showing one or several items with the state “Recent” gets updated (for example, after sorting, filtering, or grouping, or when the browser is refreshed).

In the context of draft handling new items are not saved at tree table level, but rather with the entire draft.

For more details, see the guidelines for managing objects (including subarticles).


Minimize the number of columns. Avoid the need to scroll horizontally in the default delivery. In the first column, show the hierarchical data, which should identify the line item. Choose the name over the ID, but if both are needed, show the name first, then the ID.

The tree table assigns the same width to each column by default. It is recommended that you overwrite this default to provide optimal space for your content (sap.ui.table.Column, property: width).

If you define the column width in pixels or rems, resizing a column affects only the width of this specific column. Reducing the browser window size results in a scrollbar. After resizing a column, a scrollbar appears if the width of the table is not enough to show all columns. If the columns use less space than is available, white space appears on the right side of the last column.

If you define the column width as a percentage, resizing one column affects the width of several or all columns. Text becomes truncated when the browser window size is reduced. This is done to make sure that all columns together fill the space of the table. A scrollbar appears only in case the automatic change of the column widths is not enough to display all columns. To avoid the side effect of undersized columns, a minimum width can be set per column. Please be aware that this minimum width is only taken into account if columns are automatically resized. End users are still able to reduce the column width below the provided minimum. (sap.ui.table.Column, properties: width, minWidth)

If you define the column width as “auto”, the behavior is the same as for “percentage”. In contrast to percentage, “auto” distributes the columns equally.

To decide on how to set the column width (pixel/rem/em vs. percent/auto), keep the following tips in mind:

  • For tables with only 2 to 3 columns, use pixel-based units. This ensures that on wide screens the values in the columns are not spread over the whole screen, which improves readability of line items.
  • For tables with many columns, where a horizontal scrollbar is usually needed, use pixel-based units. This avoids unintended side effects when resizing columns.
  • For all other tables, use whatever fits your case better.

Be cautious with mixing columns with pixel-based and percentage-based widths. While this can be helpful in some cases, it could also cause even more unintended side effects when resizing a column. When using percentage-based widths for one or more columns, think of the possibility to not allow end users to resize columns at all.

Alignment of Cell Content

Align column headers according to their cell content:

  • Texts are left-aligned.
  • Numbers (except for IDs), dates, and times are right-aligned.
  • Icons are centered.
  • Micro charts are left-aligned.

In addition, align amounts with currencies to the decimal point. You can do this with the sap.ui.unified.Currency control.

Note that most currencies have two digits after the decimal point, but there are exceptions, for example:

  • The Tunisian dinar has three digits.
  • The Japanese yen has no digits.

In tree tables with mixed currencies, all amounts still have to be aligned to the decimal point.

To enable positive and negative values to be identified more easily, position the minus sign to the right of the number. It is placed in the same position in every row.

For more information, see currency.

Formatting Cell Content

  • Note that there are different locale formats, so show dates, times, and numbers in the correct format for the user’s language/country.
  • If you show both a a text and an ID, consider the requirements for sorting, grouping and filtering:
    • If users need to sort, group, and/or filter by both text and ID, show the text and ID in two separate columns.
    • If users only need to sort, group, and/or filter by either text or ID, show the ID in parentheses after the corresponding text.
  • If the unit of measurement is the same for all rows, show the unit of measurement in the column header. Otherwise, show the unit of measurement within the row.
  • If you want to let users sort, filter, or group by amount and by unit of measure independently, put both in different columns. If you combine them in one column, offer only sorting, filtering, and grouping by amount.

Tree vs. Table

Trees are more complex than tables due to their hierarchical view. Users tend to have more problems finding items in hierarchical views than in flat lists, except where the hierarchical view is natural. By natural we mean that every child node should be part of only one parent, and this relationship between the child and parent is clear and well known.

Example of an acceptable use of tree tables
Example of an acceptable use of tree tables
A clear parent-child relationship
A clear parent-child relationship

When you use trees, you should choose broad hierarchies over deep hierarchies. Deep hierarchies make finding items more complicated. So try to reduce hierarchical levels where possible, especially if the hierarchy is not natural. Ideally, a tree should have a maximum of four levels, the first two of which should contain the most important items.

Avoid unnecessary depth in the hierarchy
Avoid unnecessary depth in the hierarchy
Favor breadth over depth in the hierarchy
Favor breadth over depth in the hierarchy

You can use the following methods to reduce hierarchy levels:

  • Avoid single root nodes. A single root node is often used to provide a Select All feature. Since the tree control provides an extra space for a Select All feature, the root node is not usually needed.
  • When you use only two levels, choose a grouped table or grouped ALV over a tree table control. Expand all groups for the default delivery.
  • Container nodes at the top level can usually be replaced by tabs or value pickers.
  • Eliminate unnecessary mid-level containers, for example, by combining redundant ones.
  • Exercise care when using a tree due to its overall complexity. The hierarchical structure of the data does not necessarily mean that a tree control is required.

Design Concepts

The tree table can be used to display large amounts of hierarchical data. Unfortunately, tree tables have a high data density and therefore convey an immediate feeling of complexity. Ideally, tree tables with large amounts of data should only be shown if there is no other option. You should instead try the following:

  • Flatten the data. A list, table, or ALV is still complex, but less so than a tree table.
  • Break down the data into manageable chunks. Allow the user to navigate or drill down between them.
  • Use charts with drilldown functionality until the amount of data is more manageable.

Try to avoid horizontal scrolling in the default delivery.


To trigger navigation on line item level, choose one of the following options:

  • Use a link for the attribute that identifies the row. Clicking the link triggers the navigation. This is the preferred option.
  • Add the RowActions column and show the navigation arrow (  ) at the end of the row. No column header text is required. The navigation column is fixed and will not scroll away. Users also cannot personalize this column. The navigation arrow triggers the navigation.
    Do not use the RowActions column for actions other than navigation and deletion.

Special case: Multi-selection in a list-detail scenario
When a multi-selection table is used in a list-detail scenario, it is not clear which item was last opened (for example, which item is currently shown in the second column of a flexible column layout). In this case, you can display a “navigated” indicator to show which item is currently open.

Examples of Incorrect and Correct Usage

When you use trees:

  • Choose breadth over depth.
  • Emphasize important values. Do not let the user run into a wall of text without guidance. You can use bold text for this.
  • Try to minimize the number of columns, especially if there is a large number of rows.
  • Optimize column width for its initial visible content. Do not automatically adjust column width based on content changes.
  • Do not wrap content, truncate it. End users can easily change the column width to see the full text.
Avoid truncating the initial visible content in the default delivery
Avoid truncating the initial visible content in the default delivery
Never wrap texts
Never wrap texts
  • Maintain a fixed layout, except when the user wants to change it.
  • In the default layout, use the tree column for the item name or data that identifies the row. This helps the user to choose between different items.
  • Create a clear and immediately understandable hierarchy. Use clear parent-child relationships. If this is not possible, add a child in different nodes to help the user find the element.
Acceptable: repeat entries to optimize finding items
Acceptable: repeat entries to optimize finding items
  • Consider persisting the layout settings. When a user reopens the app, show the tree table with the same column sizes, column order, and view settings as last defined by this user.
  • Use the Select All feature only if it makes sense. Note that selecting a lot of data also takes time and might not be appropriate for all use cases. For example, a delete operation on two million database entries might not be very helpful in many cases.
  • Set the property collapseRecursive to “false” in order to keep the selection on subnodes even after collapsing and expanding the root node.

Empty Tree Tables

Avoid empty tree tables. If necessary, provide instructions on how to fill the tree table with data (sap.ui.table.TreeTable, properties: noDataText, showNoData).


  • If a tree table is initially empty, provide at least a basic text:
    No items available.
    Overwrite this whenever a hint can be provided on how to fill the tree table with data.
  • If a tree table is used together with a filter bar (as in the list report), and is initially empty, use the following text:
    No filters set. To start, enter your search and filter settings and run the search.
  • If a tree table is used together with a filter bar and the filter does not return results, use the following text:
    No items found. Check the search and filter settings.

Adapt the texts above if:

  • The standard text is not precise enough for your use case (for example, no search is offered, only the search is offered).
  • You are using the live search (no Go button in the filter bar). In this case, leave out “run the search”.
  • The standard text is misleading (for example, if the data is filled based on a list-detail pattern instead of search and filter settings).

Highlight Items

To show that an item needs attention, a highlight indicator can be shown in front of the item. The highlight indicator can be used to indicate:

  • A semantic state, such as red or orange for an error or warning. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Additional information, such as blue to highlight newly added items. In this case, use semantic colors.
  • Industry-specific or process-specific states, such as “out of stock” or “excess of inventory”. In this case, use indication colors.

Be aware that the highlight is just an indication. It does not tell users exactly what is wrong. Make sure that you provide this information within the table row, ideally in the same color.

For details on the use of highlight colors, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

(sap.ui.table.TreeTable, aggregation: rowSettingsTemplate)

Highlighted items
Highlighted items

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop is “invisible” on the UI: users can’t see where dragging is available and where it isn’t. In addition, there is no generic keyboard interaction. Drag and drop is also not available on all browsers. For these reasons, provide it only in addition to existing (and visible) UI elements that fulfill the same purpose. For example, offer (toolbar) buttons for moving or for copying and pasting items. These are keyboard operable and available on all browsers.

Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements
Use drag and drop only in addition to existing visible UI elements

If you offer drag and drop for rearranging items within a tree table, use the following options:

  • For dropping items as a child, use whole nodes as drop targets (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition.On).
  • For dropping items on the same level, use the space between items as drop targets (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition.Between).
  • If you want to allow users to drop items as a child or sibling, offer both drop targets (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropPosition.OnOrBetween).

This provides better feedback on where the item will be inserted. Show the “move” mouse cursor (sap.ui.core.dnd.DropEffect.Move).

Drop target on an item
Drop target on an item

Do not combine rearranging items within one level and sorting. If you really need to do so, make sure there is a dedicated sort criterion for the user-defined sort order, and only offer options for rearranging items if this sort order is set.

Moving items from one node to another can be combined with sorting without any issues.

Do not combine rearranging items on the same level with sorting
Do not combine rearranging items on the same level with sorting

Visible Alternatives to Drag and Drop

Depending on the functionality you need, use one or more of the following alternatives:

  • To move items up or down within a node:
    Use the  Move Up and  Move Down buttons on the toolbar. These buttons move the selected items until the first selected item can’t be moved up / the last selected item can’t be moved down any further.
    Depending on your tree, this can make sense for both leaves and nodes, only for leaves, or only for nodes. When moving a node, move the whole node and (if applicable) all its children up or down to the next position within the parent node.
    Always make sure that when the user moves an item in one direction and then moves it back, the order is the same as it was before.
    Do not combine the option to move items up and down with sorting.
  • To move items to another node:
    Use Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.
    Alternatively, offer a Move To button. Clicking Move To opens a dialog that shows all the nodes of the tree, but no leaves. Selecting an item in this dialog closes the dialog and moves the corresponding items to the selected node.
  • To change the level of an item:
    In some trees, such as document structures, users can change the level of an item without affecting the level of parent or child items. In this case, use left and right arrow buttons (   ).

Context Menu

Use the context menu only to give users a quick way of accessing functions that are already available elsewhere (for example, as buttons in the toolbar). Don’t just offer actions in the context menu itself, as users might not realize that these actions are available at all.

The context menu can be triggered for the table, row, or cell. However, we do not recommend using context menus for cells: because the content of a cell is a different touch target than the cell itself, opening a cell context menu via touch is quite hard, even in cozy mode.

Do not combine context menus with condensed mode: editable controls fill the entire space inside a cell. Because of this, context menus cannot be opened at all with touch or mouse interaction.

Tables in Object Pages

In the object page, you can use a  responsive table or grid table and offer navigation to a list report with the previously mentioned table types. We advise you to use the analytical and tree tables in tab mode.

For more information on the use of tables within the object page, see the Tables section of the Object Page article.

Export to Spreadsheet

On the table toolbar, apps can provide a menu button for exporting table data to a spreadsheet. For the export, use the export to spreadsheet function.

'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button
'Export to Spreadsheet' menu button


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls



The timeline control shows entries (such as objects, events, or posts) in chronological order.

A common use case is to provide information about changes to an object, or events related to an object. These entries can be added manually or generated by the system (for example, value XY changed from A to B). The latest entry is always on top.

Another use case is a feed that is driven by user updates and comments. This feed can also be entirely devoid of machine-generated content.

Do not confuse the timeline control with the similar-looking group feed component. While the group feed component was created explicitly for integration with SAP Jam, the timeline is more flexible, fully responsive, and not restricted to a specific source. However, the timeline control doesn’t offer any integration with social collaboration platforms out of the box.


The timeline does not have a fixed location on the UI. Where you place it depends on your use case.

For example:

  • If the timeline is closely related to the content and needs to be seen in parallel, you can use the dynamic side content floorplan. Alternatively, you can create a separate page with the timeline as the central element and show it next to the main content using the flexible column layout.
  • If the timeline contains only secondary information, or only needs to be accessed occasionally, you can embed it in a tab.
  • If you are using the object page floorplan, you can use the horizontal layout to integrate the timeline (see Orientation in the Styles section below).

These are just some of the ways you can position the timeline on a page.

If you also require social collaboration features, you have two options: For integration with SAP Jam, you can use the group feed component, which offers similar features to the timeline. For integration with other social collaboration solutions, you can use the timeline control, but the integration does not come out of the box and needs to be provided by the app team.

Use the timeline if:

  • You want to display read-only content, such as an object history.
  • Your customers do not use SAP Jam.
  • You expect a long list of posts triggered by the system, the users, or both.
  • You want users to be able to create their own posts.
  • You want to offer custom actions for individual items.

Do not use the timeline if:

  • You expect only a few entries. In this case, use a simple feed.
  • You want to provide a way to upload files. Use the upload set control instead. You can still use the timeline to show automated updates about the user’s uploads.
  • You need SAP Jam integration. In this case, use the group feed component.


The timeline control is fully responsive and works well with multiple screen sizes.

For better usability, both the single-sided and the double-sided layouts have a maximum width. This prevents the control from being excessively stretched.

For size S (smartphone), we highly recommend using the single-sided layout combined with narrow containers, such as the dynamic side panel. Also use the single-sided layout if the column in the flexible layout is too narrow for the double-sided layout. As soon as you have enough screen real estate, switch to the double-sided version to fully utilize the available space.

The single-sided version has a maximum width of 30 rem, while the double-sided layout has 57.5 rem.


The timeline control consists of:

  • A header (optional, but highly recommended)
  • A chronological axis
  • Posts/entries

The following optional features can be added:

  • Filter
  • Group
  • Add entries


The title describes the content displayed along the timeline axis. 


Along the axis, the entries are arranged chronologically. The distance does not correspond to the time between each occurrence.

You can use a vertical or horizontal axis. The timeline can be scrolled along its axis.

By default, the latest entries appear on top. Replies are sorted the other way round.

Post (Entry/Feed Update)

Posts can be entered manually or generated by the system (for example, “Object ABC was changed by Mr. X”). The entry should include information about who changed what, and when (depending on the use case). Typically, posts in the timeline consist of four sections:

  1. A node
    Using icons on a node is optional. Use icons for either all or none of the posts.
  1. A header section, which can contain:
  • An avatar, showing a circular or square image, or an icon.
    (See avatar control for more details.)
  • Text(s) and/or link(s)
  • A time stamp (use SAP Fiori formatting)
  1. An (expandable) content section, which can contain:
  • Text(s) and/or link(s)
  • Structured or unstructured information
  • Images
  1. An optional action section containing actions that can be performed on an item, such as Edit or Delete. Actions are provided by the application.

Note: If a section is not used, it should not take up any space within the bubble.

Timeline – Layout
Timeline – Layout

Here are just a few examples of different visualizations. Because the timeline control is very flexible, there are also numerous other possibilities.

Timeline – Layout examples
Timeline – Layout examples

Posts can originate from three sources:

  • Manual post: A person actively posts to the timeline (or to another place that supplies updates to the timeline).

Julie Armstrong: Can someone please have a look at these numbers?

  • Post triggered by user action: The post is triggered by something a person does (such as creating an object, adding a note, or uploading an attachment).


Julie Armstrong created sales order 4815162342.
(Followed by an optional preview of the header data)

John Miller uploaded the document Sales-Revenue_Q4.xls
(Followed by an optional preview of the document, if available)

Donna Moore added a note:
(Followed by an optional preview of the note)

Julie Armstrong added the picture our_team.jpg
(Followed by an optional preview of the image)

  • Post triggered by a technical source: Posts can also originate from a purely technical source (for example, if a threshold has been exceeded, or a deadline has been reached).


Boiler BB-258/80 has exceeded its maximum temperature.

Server DS209 is running out of space.

Order #052690 is overdue.

Notes vs. Posts: 

Notes are not the same as timeline posts. They must be kept separate and visualized differently. Like attachments, users create notes in the context of a business object, typically within a Notes tab.

In the context of a business object, notes have the same character as attachments.

The difference is even more apparent if you compare posts to complex notes created with a rich text editor. These notes are fundamentally different from timeline posts.

To show notes on the timeline, trigger a feed post with a teaser text. For example, “Julie Armstrong added a new note: Lorem ipsum…”.


The timeline offers many levels of expansion, ranging from a simple read-only history to a highly interactive mode. This flexibility allows the timeline to cater for a wide range of use cases.

For example, you could use a read-only version to show system-generated posts that don’t require any user interaction. Nevertheless, this timeline could still be used to show actions the user has taken within the app (like creating notes and attachments, or making calls). These actions appear in the timeline as application-generated posts.

Example of a basic read-only use case
Example of a basic read-only use case
Example of a highly interactive history feed
Example of a highly interactive history feed

Behavior and Interaction


Because a timeline can contain a vast number of entries, always offer a search. A search helps users to find what they are looking for without having to scroll through all the posts and updates.

Interaction – Timeline search
Interaction – Timeline search

Expand and Collapse

Some updates might be too lengthy to show in full. For these cases, applications can decide to show only a preview and let users expand the post if they want to read it. You can set a limit for the number of lines to be shown (recommended), or for the number of characters.

This example shows a post that previews 3 lines before truncating and showing a more button in the next line. Clicking this button expands the post to its full length and changes the button text to less. Clicking this button again collapses the post to its previous height.

Interaction – Expand/collapse
Interaction – Expand/collapse

Filter (Optional)

For timelines with several entries or entry types, it makes sense to enable filtering. You can let users filter the timeline by entry type and by other useful attributes (such as bookmarked). Users can even filter by time range to find posts between two specific dates, months, quarters, or years.

The filter is triggered with the filter icon  icon in the toolbar.

Timeline interaction – Filter
Timeline interaction – Filter

Depending on the complexity of the timeline, you can offer different kinds of filter dialog:

  • Single selection
Timeline interaction – Filter with single selection
Timeline interaction – Filter with single selection
  • Multi-selection
Timeline interaction – Filter with multi-selection
Timeline interaction – Filter with multi-selection
  • Multi-faceted filter
    To implement this combination of feed source and filter, use the view settings dialog.
Timeline interaction – Filter with view settings dialog
Timeline interaction – Filter with view settings dialog

If a filter is set, inform the user in the infobar.

Timeline interaction – Set filter
Timeline interaction – Set filter
Developer Hint
As of SAPUI5 version 1.48, sorting and filtering is no longer restricted to the front end. The timeline offers full filter and sorting support for model binding.


The timeline offers endless scrolling. As soon as the user reaches the end of the pre-loaded list, more posts are fetched from the back end.

Developer Hint
To enable infinite scrolling, set the properties GetLazyLoading and EnableScroll to “true”.

In exceptional cases, it might be more useful to let users trigger the fetching process manually. Once the number of entries displayed in the timeline exceeds the number of entries set, a Show More button appears at the bottom of the list for loading additional posts.

Each app team can determine the number of entries displayed before the Show More button appears, based on the specific use case and app performance.

Use the Show More button instead of infinite scrolling if you expect users to look at only the most recent posts and do not expect them to scroll through longer lists of posts.


The timeline allows applications to group posts by certain criteria (for example, by year). Groups can be expanded and collapsed for a better overview.

Grouping is supported by all timeline types and layouts: vertical and horizontal as well as left-, right- and double-sided.

The following example shows two collapsed groups (2021 and 2020) and an expanded group (2019).

Timeline interaction – Grouping
Timeline interaction – Grouping


The timeline supports click events on item level. This is needed for timeline cards, where a click on a timeline list item navigates to the corresponding object directly.

Custom Actions

You can introduce custom actions for timeline posts. Keep in mind that the available space is limited and translated words can take up much more space than their English counterparts. Only offer actions that are essential to your users and reduce the number of actions to a minimum. If more actions or more complex interaction is required, let your users navigate to a separate page for the item they need to work on (such as an object page).

In the first example, the custom actions Edit (1) and Delete (2) have been added to the post.

Behavior – Custom actions 'Edit' and 'Delete'
Behavior – Custom actions 'Edit' and 'Delete'

In the second example, the custom action Download (3) enables the user to quickly download an attachment directly from the post.

Behavior – Custom action 'Download'
Behavior – Custom action 'Download'


Instead of showing new posts as soon as they arrive (which would interrupt users while they are reading), the timeline offers a very subtle way of notifying users about new posts.

You can place a message strip directly below the toolbar to show how many new posts are waiting to be retrieved from the back end.

Behavior – Refresh
Behavior – Refresh

If a filter is active, the message strip shows alongside the filter infobar.

Behavior – Refresh and filter
Behavior – Refresh and filter

Social Actions

The timeline does not offer integrated social collaboration features out of the box. For integration with SAP Jam, see the group feed component.

If you want to build your own social platform or integrate an existing service other than SAP Jam, the timeline is flexible enough to handle most social collaboration features. The following section gives some guidance on how to design the interaction.

Adding a Post

You can allow users to add their own posts by offering a Post a Comment button in the toolbar on top of the timeline.

Use the Post a Comment button to trigger a popover containing a text area. Set the focus inside the text area to enable the user to start typing right away.

Post sends the user’s text, which then appears in the timeline. To prevent empty posts, keep the button inactive until the user has typed something.

Interaction – Adding a post
Interaction – Adding a post

Replying to a Post

Alongside the Post function, Reply is probably the most basic and essential social feature. Unlike feed controls (sap.m.FeedInput and sap.m.FeedListItem), the timeline enables communication at item level. Feed controls always add entries to the top of the list; there are no inline replies within the feed. By contrast, the timeline lets users reply directly to a specific entry. The number of replies is shown next to the Reply action, for example, Reply (5).

When the user clicks the Reply link, the app needs to trigger a popover that shows all previous replies, as well as a text area for posting a reply.

Interaction – Reply
Interaction – Reply



There are various layout options. When you choose the layout, consider the type of content and the screen real estate available for displaying the control.
(See guidelines section for more details.)


Use the vertical timeline for narrow containers or on smartphones (in portrait mode).

Styles – Vertical (single-sided), right
Styles – Vertical (single-sided), right
Styles – Vertical (single-sided), left
Styles – Vertical (single-sided), left
Styles – Vertical (double-sided)
Styles – Vertical (double-sided)


You can use the horizontal timeline on wide screens, the object pageor even on smartphones in landscape mode.

You can display both the vertical and horizontal timelines with or without icons.

Styles – Horizontal (single-sided), bottom
Styles – Horizontal (single-sided), bottom
Styles – Horizontal (single-sided), top
Styles – Horizontal (single-sided), top
Styles – Horizontal (double-sided)
Styles – Horizontal (double-sided)

Icons vs. Nodes

When you design your application, you can choose between two visualizations for listing posts on the timeline: icons or nodes.

You can use icons if all entry types that will appear in the timeline can be represented by an icon.

If you cannot find icons for all post types, use nodes instead.

Styles – Vertical without icons
Styles – Vertical without icons
Styles – Vertical with icons
Styles – Vertical with icons


You can use colors to highlight entries in the timeline and to convey semantic information (for example, to indicate the status or urgency of an entry).
Styles – Timeline with icons and semantic colors
Styles – Timeline with icons and semantic colors


  • Only use the speech bubble icon   for posts entered manually by users.
    CSS name: icon-post
    HTML Unicode: & # xe 0 a b ; (remove the spaces)
  • Do not use colors for decoration. Only use colors to convey semantic information (for example, warnings or errors).
  • When using the vertical timeline, use single-sided (right) or double-sided layout, unless the use case calls for the left-sided version.
  • When using the horizontal layout, use the single-sided (bottom) or double-sided version, unless the use case is better supported by the top-sided version.
  • When you choose the layout, consider the type of content and the screen real estate available for displaying the control. For example:
    • In a vertically-oriented dynamic side content container, also use vertical orientation for the timeline. Likewise, if the container is oriented horizontally (either by design or due to responsive behavior), the timeline should also be horizontal.
    • If sections on an object page offer more horizontal than vertical space, use a horizontal timeline. This can be either single-sided (bottom) or double-sided.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Micro Chart

Micro charts help you visualize a small number of data points in a small, non-interactive way. They can be embedded in tiles, SAP Smart Business drilldowns, and any SAPUI5 container (such as SAPUI5 tables).


Use the micro chart if:

  • You want to provide tracking at a glance.
  • You want to display changes in the data in an easy and condensed way.

Do not use the micro chart if:

  • You are looking for interactive analytics. Use the analytical card instead.
  • You want to display extensive data. Use the vizFrame chart instead.


All micro charts are fully responsive. The size of the control adapts automatically to the size of the parent container and does not have a defined width or height.


The following micro charts are currently available:

Choosing the Correct Chart Type

Charts are used to visually represent the relationships between numeric values. In order to choose the correct chart type, it’s important to define the type of relationship you want to illustrate.


If you want to rank items from highest to lowest, or vice versa, we recommend using the comparison (bar) micro chart. For time-based categories, the column micro chart is more appropriate.

Micro charts for ranking
Micro charts for ranking


To compare items that don’t have a particular order, you can use the comparison micro chart (offering category and value labels for each part) or the column micro chart.

Sometimes it can also be useful to show when a certain value reaches or exceeds a reference point (for example, when an actual value is compared to a target or forecast). In such cases, use a bullet micro chart. Keep in mind that the bullet micro chart shows data points for given points in time. Do not use it to show a time series.

To compare value totals within and across different categories, you can use the stacked bar micro chart.

Micro charts for comparison
Micro charts for comparison

Variation over Time

By convention, time is represented horizontally from left to right which means it’s best to use the horizontal axis to represent the time in chart visualizations.

To show changes in measures over time, you can use the line micro chart, the column micro chart, and the area micro chart. The exact chart type depends on the type of change you want to visualize.

If you want to emphasize the trend over time, use the area micro chart (which provides information for actual and target values, visualized and compared to threshold areas) or the line micro chart. If you want to emphasize the values themselves, use the column micro chart.

Micro charts for variation over time
Micro charts for variation over time

Part to Whole

You can use several chart types that depict the contribution of individual values to a whole.

The typical chart for visualizing part of a whole is the Harvey ball micro chart. This is most suitable if you want to display a single value compared to its total. To show a single percentage value, use the radial micro chart.

The stacked bar micro chart works best for visualizing different values as part of one whole; its bars are shown next to each other. The comparison micro chart is better if you want to compare parts to each other and display category labels and value labels associated with each part.

Micro charts for part to whole
Micro charts for part to whole


These chart types visualize the difference or variance between two values (or two sets of values).

To show a time-related deviation between sets of values, use the area micro chart (for example, to show the difference between actual expenses and target expenses), or the line micro chart.

If you want to emphasize the deviating values, use the column micro chart (suitable for showing variances), or the comparison micro chart (offering category and value labels).

The bullet micro chart shows the difference between two values (actual and target) or three values (actual, target, and forecast) at a given point in time.

The delta micro chart helps to visualize a delta value (difference) between two main key figures, which can be time-related or category-based.

Micro charts for deviation
Micro charts for deviation


To visualize how values are distributed within a set, we recommend using the column micro chart or the comparison micro chart (offering category and value labels). The stacked bar micro chart shows the distribution of values as part of a whole.

If you want to emphasize the shape of the distribution over time, use the line micro chart.

Micro charts for distribution
Micro charts for distribution

Behavior and Interaction

Clicking (Optional)

The micro charts include one interaction: a click event that can be switched on or off.

“No data” Text

When data is missing, a white rectangular placeholder with the text “No data” is shown instead of the chart. The size of the placeholder depends on the size of the chart. No labels and tooltips are shown. The “No data” placeholder can be focused, but it’s not possible to attach a click event to it.

Area micro chart without data
Area micro chart without data
Comparison micro chart without data
Comparison micro chart without data
Line micro chart without data
Line micro chart without data
Bullet micro chart without data
Bullet micro chart without data
Delta micro chart without data
Delta micro chart without data
Radial micro chart without data
Radial micro chart without data
Column micro chart without data
Column micro chart without data
Harvey Ball micro chart without data
Harvey Ball micro chart without data
Stacked bar micro chart without data
Stacked bar micro chart without data



Never truncate numeric labels, as this could be misleading for the user. If there is not enough space for the label, hide it.

“No data” Text

If the micro chart is placed in the cell of a table and there is no data for the chart, leave the cell blank (empty).

Micro charts without data in table cells
Micro charts without data in table cells

If the chart is used in the micro chart facet of the object page header and data is missing, make sure the footer of the facet is removed as well if it doesn’t add any value for the user.

Micro charts without data in the object page header
Micro charts without data in the object page header


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Feed and Notes

Feeds and notes are commonplace in many SAP Fiori applications. The sap.m.FeedInput control allows users to input and post plain text, while the sap.m.FeedListItem control handles and displays this text. Both can be used individually, but they also complement each other well to create a simple feed or notes control.


Feed Input

Use the feed input if:

  • A user needs to input small amounts of text without formatting.
  • You expect multiple instances, such as notes or feed entries.

Do not use the feed input if:

  • The user needs to format the text (rich text editor).
  • You need only a single text box instance. In this case, use the text area (for multiple lines) or the text control (for a single line).

Combination of Both Controls (as Feed or Notes Control)

Use both controls if:

  • You need a feed to show textual posts.
  • Your users need to input notes.

Do not use both controls if:

  • You expect extensive social interaction in the feed.
  • Users need to reply at item level instead of creating a new post.
  • You want to display SAP Jam feeds.

In these cases, use the social timeline instead (requires SAP Jam).


Due to their responsive behavior, both controls can be used in small and large view ports or screens.

For better usability, we highly recommend that you do not stretch the controls across the full width on large screens – 2/3 or even 1/2 works just fine. This can easily be achieved using the grid layout .

Feed – Size S
Feed – Size S
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size M
Feed – Size L
Feed – Size L

When the width of the available space falls below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on smartphones), the two controls respond as follows:

  • If a user image previously appeared in the feed input, it will be omitted in narrow screens to give the text field more space.
  • If there is no user image, there will be no visual change.
Feed input – Responsiveness
Feed input – Responsiveness

In the feed list item, the user’s name, image, and the time stamp move on top of the text. If there is no image, the name and time stamp are left-aligned together with the text.

Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – With image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image
Feed list item – Responsiveness – Without image


Feed Input

The feed input consists of:

  • A text input field with a placeholder (input prompt)
    Example: Add a comment
  • A Send button
  • An optional user image

You can also choose not to show user images at all. In this case, the size of the input area increases automatically.

Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – With generic user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image
Feed input – Layout – Without user image

Feed List Item

The feed list item consists of the user’s name and an optional picture of the user who wrote the note or update. The name can contain a link that triggers a quick overview of the user’s profile data. The actual text written by the user follows the name. Below it is a separate byline that can contain a time stamp and an attribute in the form of free text. This allows you to put in your own attribute, such as Approval, Internal, or External. Both the time stamp and the attribute are optional.

If the name is a link, the picture should also be linked with the same attributes.

Feed list item – With user image and linked name
Feed list item – With user image and linked name

If the user does not have a picture assigned, a placeholder is shown instead:

Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name
Feed list item – With generic user image and linked name

The name (and picture) can also be read-only, that is, without a link:

Feed list item – With user image but without links
Feed list item – With user image but without links

If the app does not support user images, they can be omitted:

Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name
Feed list item – Without user image but with linked name

Here, too, the name can be read-only:

Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name
Feed list item – Without user image and read-only name

It’s also possible to display rich text (formatted text) in the feed list item. This feature should be handled with care as it allows for countless custom layouts.

Please see that you use it responsibly and provide your users with a consistent experience. Only deviate from the default layout and font if absolutely required by the use case.

Example use case: Render URLs as links.

Feed list item – Layout – Rich text
Feed list item – Layout – Rich text
The items in the feed list must be homogeneous. This means that they must contain the same layout and visualization. For example, it is not possible to have a feed containing both linked and plain names, or both user images and default images.

Special Case: Multiple Types of Notes

Apps sometimes need to discern between different types of notes. There is an easy way to allow users to choose which type they want to see or add to the list.

You can place a toolbar containing a select control at the top of the feed input control. From there, users can select the type of notes, such as Internal Notes or External Notes. The list of notes must contain only the type selected. If the user adds a note via the feed input, the type must be set automatically according to the selection.

Interaction – Note Types


The feed input and feed list item do not contain subcontrols. However, you can easily combine them to create a simple feed or notes control.

Although the feed input counts as a single control, the input area inherits its behavior from the sap.m.TextArea control.

Behavior and Interaction

Send Message

Initially, the feeder contains a placeholder (input prompt), and the Send button is disabled, with reduced opacity.

Clicking into the input field puts the focus on the field and allows to start typing.

When the user starts to type, the placeholder disappears and the Send button becomes active and more prominent.

If the available width is below 25 rem (for example, in portrait mode on a smartphone), the picture is removed.

To send the text, the user must explicitly click the Send button. Pressing Enter on the keyboard (on-screen or physical) results in a line break.

Feed input – Behavior
Feed input – Behavior

Show More Text

When the text exceeds a certain number of characters (you can overwrite the default value), the rest of the text is truncated and a MORE link appears after the truncated section.

The MORE link indicates the possibility of expanding the section of the feed list item itself. Hovering over the link underlines it.

Show Less Text

When the user expands the text, the name of this link changes to LESS,  but still behaves the same way as before.

Modify “MORE” / “LESS” links to “More / Less” to be consistent with other components.

More link
More link

Feed and Notes in Tables

In tables, users sometimes need to see if an object has a comment (or feed or note) without further navigation, and even be able to add/edit right from the table.

Add an additional column, named according to the type of user input, such as Comment, Note, or Feed.

Place a link inside each cell with the appropriate action (row: Comment, link: Comment / row: Feed, link: Post).
If there can be more than one item, add a counter after the text as well (see example on the right).

This solution works with every table control.

Feed and notes in tables (1)
Feed and notes in tables (1)

Depending on the use case, it might help users if they can see the latest note. The responsive table allows the feed list item (sap.m.FeedListItem) to be used inside a cell.

Reduce the property “maxCharacters” to an amount that your table can handle.
Note that once the maximum number of characters has been reached, a MORE link allows users to expand the text. Technically, this is no problem for the responsive table, but you need to ensure that the layout of your page allows this kind of expansion.

Place a link below the feed list item to allow users to add something (as described above).

Feed and notes in tables (2)
Feed and notes in tables (2)

When the user clicks a link, such as Comment or Note, display a dialog showing all comments (notes, feed entries, and so on) along with possible actions, such as Add or Edit, depending on your use case.

There are several ways to show notes (comments, feed entries, and so on) in a dialog:

  • You can use the feed list item (and feed input) as described in this article.
  • If only one single note is allowed, you can use the text area.
  • For a large feed, you can use the timeline control (SAP Jam is required for social features).

Actions On Feed List Items

Applications can define actions that users can perform on individual feed posts. The two most typical actions are Edit and Delete. Other actions can be introduced as required by the use case. To keep the feed as lightweight as possible, don’t overwhelm users with too many actions or complicated actions (max. 5 per post).

Interaction - Actions
Interaction - Actions


By default, feed entries are separated by divider lines. We recommend that these separators remain enabled, since they help distinguish between individual posts. However, if your list is expected to hold only a handful of entries, you can disable the separators by setting the showSeparators property at list level (not at list item level) to none.


Because the feed list item is built on the basis of the standard list item, it inherits multiple properties that may not make sense in a feed use case.

Use only properties that are described in this article. Especially making the entire feed list item clickable can lead to functional issues and usability problems.

Don’t stretch the feed input or the feed list items across large screens (size L and beyond). This will have a negative effect on usability and readability. Instead, only use 1/3 or even 1/2 of the screen. Implement this with the grid layout .

If you display formatted text (rich text) in the feed list item, use formatting that is beneficial to users, not decorative formatting. Use formatting responsibly, and provide your users with a consistent experience. Deviate from the default layout and font only if absolutely required by the use case (example: render URLs as links).


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls

  • No links.



Tokens are small items of information (similar to tags) that mainly serve to visualize previously selected items. The tokenizer is the container that handles the tokens. Tokens can be added, removed, selected, or deselected.



Use tokens only in the multi-combo boxmulti-input control, or value help dialog.


The tokenizer is an invisible container that can display multiple tokens.

Tokens have the following properties:

  • They usually contain single text items.
  • They may also contain key-value pairs, such as John Miller (ID1234567).
  • They contain a    (Remove) icon, which is only visible if the token is in edit mode.
Tokens with a surrounding tokenizer
Tokens with a surrounding tokenizer

Behavior and Interaction


Users can interact with tokens using a mouse, keyboard, and/or touch input. In size L (desktop) only, hovering with the mouse over the token produces a tooltip with the entire content of the token (on a maximum of two lines).

Selecting and Deselecting Tokens

Users can select tokens by clicking them, or by using the keyboard. The selected tokens are then indicated. Users can select multiple tokens separately by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the relevant tokens.

The user can select a series of tokens by placing the cursor in an initial position (which can also be a token), holding down the SHIFT key, and clicking a new position. The tokens between these two cursor positions are then selected.

Adding Tokens

The user can add tokens to the multi-combo box and multi-input control. New tokens are added in the order in which they are entered.

For information on how to manage leading and trailing white space (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing white space.

Removing Tokens

The user can instantly remove tokens via the keyboard, or by clicking the Remove  icon.


There are five different styles of tokens: regularon hover, selected, selected on hover and read-only. These styles correspond to the type of interaction being used.

On hover
On hover
Read only
Read only
Hover selected
Hover selected


  • The tokenizer can also be used as a tag container.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls
