Multi-Instance Layout

The multi-instance layout allows the user to display and edit multiple objects within one page.

Beforehand, the user selects the objects from another page, usually a list report or a table. Each object then appears on a separate tab.

As a result, the user can work on several objects simultaneously and switch between them easily.

1. Select items in a list report
1. Select items in a list report
2. New page with several editable tabs
2. New page with several editable tabs
3. Tab in edit mode
3. Tab in edit mode
The multi-instance layout must be implemented by the app team.


Use the multi-instance layout if users need to open and edit multiple objects simultaneously.

Do not use this layout if your users need a side-by-side display on the same page. Use the comparison pattern instead.


The multi-instance layout uses a tab container.

The content of each tab is managed using an embedded object page floorplan.

Components of the multi-instance layout
Components of the multi-instance layout

The tab container holds:

  1. Opened tabs
  2. Scroll buttons and overview list (if not all tabs can be shown on the screen)
  3. A Create button (optional)


Each tab represents one object. One tab is always active, while the others are inactive.

The tab contains a title and a Close button:

  • Title
    ID or name of the object. If the title text exceeds 25 characters, it is truncated.
    An asterisk next to the tab title indicates that the object was changed but not saved.
     Guideline: Use the same title as in the object page.
  • Close button ( )
    The Close button is shown on all tabs.
     Guideline: If the user closes a tab without saving first, display a warning. See Handling Unsaved Changes.

Scroll Buttons and Overview List

The tab container has an overflow mechanism for cases where there are too many tabs to display on the screen:

  • Horizontal scroll buttons (  and  ) can be used to scroll back and forth through the tabs.
  • An overflow menu lists all the tabs, including the hidden tabs.

“Create” Button

You can offer a Create button on the far right of the tab container. Selecting this button opens a new tab containing an empty object page.

 Guideline: Only use this button if the application allows users to create new objects.

Behavior and Interaction

Opening Tabs

The multi-instance layout is always triggered from another page, such as a list report.

To work on multiple objects, users select the relevant objects and choose a triggering action, such as Open in Tabs (3). This opens a new page, in which the selected objects appear as tabs.

Closing Tabs

To close a tab, the user can click the Close ( ) button on the tab itself, or close the tab from the overflow menu.

Closing the Last Tab

When the last remaining tab is closed, the complete page is closed and the user is returned to the page from which the items were selected.

Handling Unsaved Changes

If objects have unsaved changes, the corresponding tabs show an asterisk (*) next to the title.

To prevent data loss, show a warning message in the following cases:

Case 1: The user tries to close a tab with unsaved changes.

Message type: Warning
Message text: Your changes will be lost when you close this tab.
Buttons: Close, Cancel

Warning: Closing a tab with unsaved changes
Warning: Closing a tab with unsaved changes

Case 2: The user tries to leave the page when one or more tabs have unsaved changes (by clicking the Back button or navigating to a different page).

Message type: Warning
Message text: If you leave this page, your changes to the following [objects] will be lost:
[Object 1]
[Object 2]
Buttons: Leave Page, Cancel 

Warning: Leave page when tabs have unsaved changes
Warning: Leave page when tabs have unsaved changes


The multi-instance layout is controlled by the sap.m.TabContainer control.

The tab container supports all three SAP Fiori responsive sizes: small, medium, and large.

Size L
Size L

Size M
Size M
Size S
Size S

Top Tips

  • To open the page containing the tabs, use a meaningful button text with the number of selected objects in brackets.
    Recommended label: Open in Tabs (number of objects)
    Example: Open in Tabs (3).
  • Use the same tab title as the object page title.
  • Always use an object page floorplan to display the content of a tab.
  • Only offer a Create button if the application allows users to create new objects.

Related Topics

Elements and Controls


Cumulation (Waterfall Chart)

Waterfall charts are used to analyze a cumulative value. They show how the cumulative value changes from an initial state to a final state by representing the accumulation of successive values.


Profit and Loss

The margin is a cumulative value equal to the sum of all revenues (positive) and all costs (negative).

Waterfall chart - Profit and loss
Waterfall chart - Profit and loss

Inventory over Time

The stock level is equal to the sum of all incoming stocks (positive) and outgoing stocks (negative).

Waterfall chart - Stock level over time
Waterfall chart - Stock level over time

Chart Types

The orientation of the waterfall chart (horizontal or vertical) should follow best practices of the business area from which the application is designed.

Waterfall Chart Without Time Dimension

If the chart does not represent changes over time, use a horizontal waterfall chart with horizontal bars. This way, you will avoid unnecessarily truncating the category labels.

Horizontal waterfall chart
Horizontal waterfall chart

Waterfall Chart with Time Dimension

If the chart represents the change of a cumulative value over time, use a vertical waterfall chart with vertical bars, with the horizontal axis representing the temporal dimension.

For the horizontal axis, you can choose between a categorical axis or a time axis:

  • Choose a categorical axis if you need to display the total and subtotal. But be aware that the dates might be displayed at a 45° angle in the categorical axis, and that you must manage the localization of the date and time by yourself.
Horizontal waterfall chart with categorical time axis
Horizontal waterfall chart with categorical time axis
  • Choose the time axis if you do not need to display the total and subtotal. With the time axis, the dates will be correctly displayed in the horizontal axis and correctly localized. Also, with the time axis, the physical spacing between your data points accurately respects the time scale being displayed, as opposed to just rendering all your data points equidistantly.
Waterfall chart with time axis
Waterfall chart with time axis
  • With the time axis, you can also display multiple measures in the so-called “periodic waterfall chart”. In the periodic waterfall chart, all measures are cumulated for each period.
Periodic waterfall chart
Periodic waterfall chart

Total and Subtotal

Total and subtotal are not supported when using a time axis.

The initial and the final values are usually represented by an entire column starting from the zero axis. An intermediate total can be added.

Waterfall chart with an intermediate total
Waterfall chart with an intermediate total

You can also add intermediate subtotals that are the sum of previous values.

Waterfall chart with an intermediate subtotal
Waterfall chart with an intermediate subtotal


Default Colors

By default, the chart use three colors based on the following semantic:
  • Positive values use a color defined by the property: plotArea.dataPoint.color.positive.
  • Negative values use a color defined by the property: plotArea.dataPoint.color.negative
  • Totals use a color defined by the property:
By default, these three colors are:
  • Blue (@sapUiChartPaletteSequentialHue1Light1)
  • Orange (@sapUiChartPaletteSequentialHue2Light1)
  • Gray (@sapUiChartPaletteSequentialNeutral)

These colors are defined by the sequential palette, but can be customized.

Waterfall chart with default colors
Waterfall chart with default colors

Custom Colors

You can customize the colors in two ways:
  • Change the colors, or
  • Use your own rules.

Changing Colors

The colors color.positive, color.negative and can be changed to any color from the chart palette. The chart will use these three colors based on the rules defined above.

Example: Positive and negative are blue, and total by gray.

Waterfall chart with custom colors
Waterfall chart with custom colors
Example: Positive are green and negative are red. Total is gray.
Waterfall chart with semantic colors
Waterfall chart with semantic colors

Using your Own Rules

You can set any color to any bar based on your own rules. To define the rules, use the property dataPointStyle:rules.

Use dataPointStyle:others to define the colors for all data points that are not covered by the rules. If the color of a data point is not defined, the data point will be displayed with a black color to indicate that no color has been defined.

Example: Direct costs and indirect costs use different shades of orange from the sequential palette.
Waterfall chart with colors based on business rules
Waterfall chart with colors based on business rules


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out the SAPUI5 implementation.

Elements and Controls


Planning Calendar

The planning calendar allows users to see different appointments at the same time and to create new appointments. It allows the user to display appointments for several objects, such as a team calendar, and compare them to each other.


Use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to compare objects of the same type with each other over a period of time.
  • You require responsive behavior.
  • You have less than 100 lines in the calendar.

Do not use the planning calendar if:

  • You want to show a calendar for one object and a detailed overview of appointments over a long time interval.
  • You want to show a complex or graphical representation. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.
  • You have more than 100 lines in the calendar. In this case, please use the Gantt chart.


In size S, the control provides pop-in behavior, which allows the user to see as many appointments as possible and to connect them with the corresponding object. If the toolbar contains too many actions for the space available, the overflow icon appears.

The interval section displaying the hours, days, and months is responsive and shows 12 values in size L, 8 values in size M, and 6 values in size S. You can override this behavior, but you should then check that the responsiveness is still working.

Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size L
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size M
Planning calendar - Size S
Planning calendar - Size S


You can define what size of interval the calendar should show, and whether multi selection should be possible. Additionally, the row header and the interval appointments are optional.

The control allows multi-select mode to be shown for the list items. This can be used, for example, to delete multiple objects from the view.

An app development team must decide whether to show the planning calendar with or without multi-select mode, or whether users should be able to switch between the two modes. Hiding the interval appointments of every object is optional.

The planning calendar can also be used without a row header. In this case, the row header disappears and only the appointments are visible. It can be used to show the calendar of one object. Note that the control was built mainly to compare time slots of different objects. For this reason, the time axis is shown horizontally and, depending on the interval, the appointments might shrink to smaller size. In this case, the text is cut off rather than truncated.


This section describes the various components of the planning calendar.

Parts of the planning calendar
Parts of the planning calendar

The control consists of different parts:

  1. Header
  2. Toolbar
  3. View switch
  4. Navigation
  5. Time strip for hours/days/months
  6. Row header
  7. Row
  8. List item
  9. Interval appointment
  10. Appointment

1. Header

The header contains the toolbar and the navigation.

2. Toolbar

The toolbar consists of the calendar title (optional) and the toolbar actions, including a default view switch. You can add generic and app-specific actions that are relevant for your use case (such as creating an appointment, search, settings, showing the calendar legend, and so on). Always place actions that affect the entire calendar in the toolbar.

For more information, check out the toolbar guideline article.

The generic actions are as follows:

Create Appointment
Add New Contact (icon: add-contact)
Multi-Select Mode (icon: multi-select)
Legend (icon: legend)
Settings (icon: action-settings)
Full Screen (icon: full-screen/exit-full-screen)

3. View switch

The view switch allows the user to switch between different time intervals (calendar views). Depending on the number of available calendar views, the view switch can be a segmented button (four views or less) or a select control (five views or more).

The 1 Month view shows an entire month. On desktop devices, the 1 Month view always displays an interval of 31 days. When the displayed month is shorter (28, 29, 30 days), days from the following month are displayed. They have a different visual state and serve as navigation to the following month.

The 1 Month view has an additional style for half-column appointment distribution, which is mainly used to avoid overlapping. The property appointmentRoundWidth can be set to “HalfColumn” or “None” (default). Currently, the width of the appointment is always rounded to 12 hours.
Note: This property is also applied when the calendar interval type is Days and the view shows more than 20 days.

On size M and Size S, the 1 Month view is adaptive. It consists of a calendar and a list of appointments for the selected day.

If you offer the 1 Week view, we strongly recommend displaying a different number of days in the Days view (more or less than seven). Otherwise, the user might be confused, as navigation for the two views differs.

The default calendar views are Hours, Days, Months, 1 Week, and 1 Month. The app developer can choose which views to include, depending on the use case, and how many values are shown for each view. App developers can change the default number of values shown, but they should then ensure that the app is still responsive. The app developer can also create custom views.

Relative views

When you need to display a period that is not connected to a certain time/date, you can map the calendar to relative dates (in contrast to absolute dates, such as, “Week 1”, “Week 2”). For example, when you would like to divide the year into quarters.

The application developer specifies the names of the intervals in the time strip and the index picker, as well as the size of the interval. The index picker then configures how many days are in one interval. All this happens in the PlanningCalendarView, once the newly created relative property is set to “true”.

In addition, the application developer sets a minDate in the planning calendar, determining the start date of the relative views.

4. Navigation

The navigation area contains back and forward arrows, the Today button, a date interval link, and the time strip. Clicking the Today button takes the user to the period containing the current day. Clicking the date opens a date picker for direct navigation.

5. Time strip for hours/days/months

The time strip reflects the selected view, and shows the hours, days or months that are currently visible. The first day of the week can be defined. If not defined, the default is taken from the current user locale.

In all views that show days (Days, 1 Week, 1 Month), you can display calendar weeks in an extra line below the time strip (property: showWeekNumbers).

6. Row header

The row header identifies the object for which the appointments are shown. It pops in if there is not enough space. The row header can contain a picture or icon, a title, and a subtitle.

You can also add an action on the row header (event: rowHeaderClick).

7. Row

The row contains all appointments for an object. You can turn the alternating row coloring on or off. By default, the alternating rows option is turned on.

8. List item

The list item contains the row header, row, appointments, and interval appointments. Each row can show different working and non-working days.

If the users have a specific working schedule, the non-working days can be different on each row. This can be applied not only for weekends, but also for non-working days based on specific schedule differences.

9. Interval appointment

Each row can also have interval appointments, which differ from half-sized appointments visually and in that they are always at the top of the row. Interval appointments can be used to show appointments that last for a longer period of time, such as vacations or workshops.

You can opt to hide the space reserved for interval appointments if no such appointments exist for that time period.

10. Appointment

Appointments consist of an icon or picture, a title, and a subtitle. Concurrent appointments are shown one above the other.

There are four types of appointments:

  • Regular: Displayed in two rows. One-row display is also possible if the appointmentsReducedHeight property is set to “true”.
  • Half-size: Always displayed in one row, shows the title.
  • Large: Always displayed in three rows, also shows the description for each appointment (if available).
  • Automatic: The number of rows is determined automatically.
    Appointment Info Rows
    Title only 1 row
    Title + text
    Title + description
    2 rows
    Title + text + description 3 rows

You can define the colors for different appointment types. Appointments can also be set to tentative.

The control can register a click event on the appointment, but the app development team must define what happens next.

In the Months view, appointments within the same calendar week are combined to save space. The combined appointment shows the number of appointments in the same week. If an appointment takes place between two calendar weeks (for example, from Sunday to Monday), it is not included in the combined appointments for either calendar week.

A list of the appointments in a combined appointment can be shown in a popover. However, this must be implemented by the app team. The control only provides the click event.

If necessary, you can disable combined appointments (property: GroupAppointmentsMode, value: “Expanded”).

Users can copy and paste appointments to a new position in the planning calendar using keyboard combinations (Ctrl/Cmd + drag and drop to the new position).

Planning Calendar Legend

To show the types for days and appointments, the planning calendar uses a specific legend control

Users open the planning calendar legend using a standard legend button in the toolbar ( ). Like all other actions in the toolbar, the app developer must add the legend button explicitly.

The app team also needs to decide which container to use for the planning calendar legend. We recommend placing the legend in a popover to keep the context. You can also use a dialog, or, if there is sufficient screen real estate, show the legend as dynamic side content.

The planning calendar legend has two non-collapsible sections containing legend elements. By default, these are called Calendar and Appointments. The app developer can configure the section names using the itemsHeader and appointmentItemsHeader properties. If no elements are available for a section, it is not displayed.

The Calendar section contains standard legend items: Today, Working Day, Non-Working Day, and Selected (only in the 1-month view on mobile). The app team must ensure that the Selected element is added to the planning calendar legend when the planning calendar is viewed in 1-month mode in a smartphone size. This is not provided by the control. If any of the standard legend items are not needed, you can switch them off (property: standardItems).

You can also apply colors for special days in the Calendar section. The planning calendar legend does not automatically use the colors defined for special days in the planning calendar – this must be done by the app team.

Ensure that colors are used consistently within your product area.

The Appointments section contains the color values for the available appointment types. The app developer has to define explicitly which color represents which type. The planning calendar legend does not take the color automatically from the planning calendar.

If combined appointments in the calendar are of the same type (in Months view), they take the color of that type. Combined appointments of different types are marked gray. We also recommend adding the gray color for mixed combined appointments to the Appointments section in the legend.

Planning calendar legend
Planning calendar legend
Developer Hint
To prevent waiting time, app developers should load the sap.ui.unified library.

Behavior and Interaction

To create an appointment, the user must trigger an action by clicking the Create button in the toolbar. You can also configure the control to create a new appointment when the user clicks directly on a row.

The user can click the appointment to see further details. The app development team must define what kind of information is then shown. For example, clicking an appointment can trigger a popover with detailed information.

Users can select more than one appointment at a time via Ctrl/Cmd + click. If the multipleAppointmentsSelection property is set to “true”, every appointment that the users click is selected.

A multi-select toggle can also be provided in the toolbar. This can be used, for example, to select multiple people in order to delete them from the planning calendar.

Various tooltips can be shown, but you should not use them to show additional information because users cannot access this functionality on touch devices.

Depending on the current visible interval, appointments might be smaller and the text cut off. The user can click the appointment to see the details.

View switch

The user can change the calendar view with the select control (dropdown). For example, to get an overview of a whole year, the user selects the Months view. Which view is most useful depends on the average length of appointments and the use case.


The user can trigger this action to go back to the current date/moment.

Back and forward navigation

The arrows allow the user to navigate to the next or previous interval.

Date picker

The user can open a date picker to select the start time for the visible interval. What is shown initially in the picker differs depending on the view. The current day is marked.

Snapping Header

The header area of the planning calendar can remain fixed on top of the screen (property: stickyHeader), which allows users to view calendars with a lot of rows without losing the context.

Header snaps to top when scrolling down
Header snaps to top when scrolling down

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop can be used to move appointments (to enable Drag and Drop use property: enableAppointmentDragAndDrop). Moving an appointment automatically changes its start and end times (for example, if an appointment is scheduled from 1:00-2:00 PM, the user can drag it and change the time from 2:00-3:00 PM) . When dragged, the appointment is shown as a ghost element on the mouse cursor. Drop target areas are indicated to the user with a placeholder.

In the “Hours” view, the appointments can be moved to a specific new time, with the placeholder snapping at every 30 minutes. In the “Days” view, the appointment can be moved to a different day. The placeholder indicates the target day. On drop the appointment is moved to that day but keeps its previous start and end hour. The interaction is the same for the “Months” view. The placeholder indicates the target month and, when dropped, the appointment is moved to that month. The start and end hour and start and end day remain the same.

Appointments can be moved between rows. Note that additional coding may be needed to determine whether all calendar users will be able to perform this action.

Users can create new appointments by clicking, dragging and releasing on an empty space in the content area. The control also allows users to change the duration of an appointment by clicking and dragging one side of the appointment container. These two options are only available for desktop devices.

Combined appointments and interval appointments are not draggable.

Drag and drop is only available on supporting browsers.

To comply with the new WCAG 2.2 accessibility standard, the control must offer an alternative to the drag and drop feature. Provide direct access via keyboard shortcuts, which enables single pointer users to make use of virtual on-screen keyboards. Alternatively, use a popover for appointment information and a dialog for creating appointments. For an example, see Planning Calendar – With Appointments Modification.
Drag and drop
Drag and drop


Switching the Row Header

To enable end users to rearrange the planning calendar by switching the row header, you can implement a flexible row header. This is not done by the control and must be implemented by the app development team.

The list items in the row header can be a value of any attribute of an appointment. The appointment attributes are part of app-specific content, so they should be specified by the app development team. The control does not provide default attributes.

Our guideline is to use the select control in the place of the calendar title. The select control will contain all the attributes that can serve as the row header. When a different attribute is selected, the calendar is rearranged accordingly. You can also add a counter after the list items to indicate how many appointments fall into a specific group.

It is also possible to have both the calendar title and select control, in which case you should have first the title and then the select.

On small screen sizes, use select instead of the calendar title. If you want to keep the calendar title, place select in the overflow menu.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Mask Input

The mask input control (sap.m.MaskInput) governs what a user is permitted to enter in an input field. It allows users to easily enter data in a certain format and in a fixed-width input (such as a date, time, phone number, credit card number, currency, and IP address).


Use mask input if:

  • You have to govern what a user is allowed to enter in an input field.
  • You have to enter data easily in a certain format and in a fixed-width input.
  • You have to enter input such as a date, time, phone number,  serial number, ISBN, or product activation key.

Do not use mask input if:

  • The mask prevents users from entering essential data.
  • The users need to enter data in a format other than the one used by the mask (for example, if users have to enter a phone number with a format for a different region).


Mask input extends the input control (sap.m.Input) and has all the normal properties of an input field.


The mask input control has a fixed length format to which the user’s input must conform. This can be particularly useful when the user needs to enter text or numbers with specific formatting, such as a phone number, postal code, or credit card number.

Mask input or a placeholder text are not substitutes for the input label. Using a label is mandatory. Placeholder texts in an input field are optional. Note that if there is no placeholder text, the input field will initially look empty. The mask formatting is revealed as soon as the focus is on the field.

It is possible to add additional descriptive texts to the input field (a unit of measurement, for example) by using a new association in the sap.m.InputBase control called ariaDescribedByThe association is responsible for referencing the elements that describe the control.

Mask input without placeholder text
Mask input without placeholder text
Mask input with placeholder text
Mask input with placeholder text

Immutable Characters

When defining the mask format, the developer can place immutable characters, such as brackets and dashes, in specific positions. The format also specifies the range of valid characters for each separate position, thus preventing the user from entering invalid input.

For example, when the user enters a phone number, the area code in brackets and the space between the numbers are already present.

Note that the sap.m.MaskInput control extends sap.m.Input and has all the normal properties of an input field.

When creating a new mask, the developer can change the configuration of some default properties. For example, the default placeholder symbol “_” can be changed to something else.

Behavior and Interaction (incl. Gestures)

Entering Text

  • Mask string appears in the input field on focus.
  • The default placeholder symbol is “_” and can be changed to something else.
Entering text into a mask input
Entering text into a mask input

Copying and Pasting

Copying to a mask input field:

Users can copy both formatted and unformatted strings into a mask input field. When the texts are pasted, they take on the format defined for the mask input field.

Example: Mask input field for a number with the format:  (000) 000 000000

Copied source string Value in mask input field after pasting
(555) 333 123456 (555) 333 123456
555-333-123456 (555) 333 123456
555 (333) 12 34 56 (555) 333 123456

Copying from a mask input field:

If you copy a string from a mask input field and paste it elsewhere, the format of the mask input field is copied as well.

For information on how to manage leading and trailing white space (blanks) when copying and pasting text into input controls, please see removing leading and trailing white space.

Deleting Content

Deleting a character from the string leaves the input information unchanged, except for the deleted character, which is replaced by a placeholder. (The mask does not shift if a character is deleted.)

Deleting individual characters in mask input
Deleting individual characters in mask input

Select the entire string and delete it. The placeholders will reappear.

Deleting all characters in mask input
Deleting all characters in mask input


Validation Rules

Another option is to define new validation rules, such as allowing lowercase characters from “a” to “e” only. This is particularly flexible because these rules are defined with regular expression syntax.

The mask comes with two predefined validation rules: one for all characters in the English alphabet, and one for the numbers from zero to ten.

Therefore, when the mask format is being defined, the alphabetic rule is represented by the letter “a”, and the numeric rule by the number “9”. For example, a numeric mask format with a length of five characters would be specified as “99999”, a mask that accepts only alphabetical characters would be specified as “aaaaa”, and a mixed mask could be “aaa99”. In the mixed mask example, the user would not be able to enter numeric characters anywhere other than in the last two positions.

When you create the MaskInput instance, you can specify the following settings:

  • Mask: The format specification, such as (123) 999-999.
  • PlaceholderSymbol: A single character used to represent empty positions in a mask value, such as _ _ _ _ _.
  • Rules: A collection of sap.m.MaskInputRule instances.

Unit of Measurement

You can use the layout options of the form to can add the unit of measurement (UoM) after the mask input control. Apps can use the label-field ratio to show the UoM after the field. However, you must make sure that the UoM is properly visualized and doesn’t wrap to the next row.

Developer Hint

For accessibility purposes, you can use “ariaDescribedBy” from the input control.


Mask string

The mask is defined by its character type (or by its length, as applicable). You should consider the following important facts:

  1. The mask characters normally correspond to an existing rule (one rule per unique character). Characters that do not are considered immutable characters. For example, the mask ‘2099’, where ‘9’ corresponds to a rule for digits, has ‘2’ and ‘0’ as immutable characters.
  2. Adding a rule that corresponds to the symbol placeholder is not recommended and would lead to unpredictable behavior.

Placeholder symbol string  “_”

This defines a placeholder symbol. It is shown in a position where there has not yet been any user input.


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Object Display Components

There are four types of object display component: object status, object identifier, object number, and object marker. Each one is connected to an object and displays a certain type of information (status, identifier, number, marker).

  • Object status: a short text that represents the semantic status of an object
  • Object identifier: a short text that represents the key identifier of an object
  • Object number: a short text that represents the numeric (key) attribute of an object and its unit
  • Object marker: indicates the technical status of an object
From top to bottom: Examples for the object status, object identifier, object number, and object marker
From top to bottom: Examples for the object status, object identifier, object number, and object marker


Use the object display components if:

  • You need to display the semantic status of an object: negative, critical, positive, or neutral. Use the object status for this.
  • You want to display the key number of an object. In this case, use the object number and keep the default emphasized setting.
  • You need to display one or more numeric attributes of an object (for example, for objects you want to compare). Use the object number for this.
  • You want to indicate the key identifier of the object. Use the object identifier for this.
  • You want to display the technical state of an object (draft, unsaved changes, locked, favorite, flagged). Use the object marker for this, unless you want to display the status of the object in the business life cycle. In the latter case, consider using the object status instead.
  • You need to show that the current object instance is locked by another user. Use the object marker for this.

Do not use the object display components if:

  • You want to display system messages.
  • They are for decoration purposes only.


  • The object status wraps if it is longer than the available screen width.
  • The object identifier text wraps if the size of the screen becomes too small to display the entire text on one line.
  • The object number does not wrap or truncate. For large numbers, use appropriate formatting.
  • The object marker does not wrap or truncate. It comes with different display options: IconAndText, IconOnly, and Text. On size S, the display option IconAndText displays only the icon. The other options are displayed as normal.

For more information about the responsive behavior of text in general, see Wrapping and Truncating Text.

From top to bottom: Wrapping examples for the object status, object identifier, formatted object number, and two versions of the object marker
From top to bottom: Wrapping examples for the object status, object identifier, formatted object number, and two versions of the object marker


Object Status

The object status is a short text that represents the semantic status of an object.

It consists of the following:

  • A semantically colored text indicating its status (property: text). We recommend using this semantically colored text-only option on its own. Check out the How to Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors article for color options.
  • An optional icon (property: icon). If you use an icon, ensure it’s well understood in the context. You can also use the following icon set for your use case:
      = positive/success
      = critical/warning
     = negative/error
    Note that there is no generic icon for “neutral” across industries. If you have a neutral object status, use the text-only version, or a blank icon. Only use an icon to denote “neutral” in the app-specific business context in exceptional cases.
Text-only object status and icon with text object status
Text-only object status and icon with text object status
  • An optional inverted visualization. Use the inverted object status if the information is crucial for the user’s actions and needs to stand out visually (for example, in table list items).
  • An optional link (property: active). If the object status is used as a link, a hover effect is shown on non-touch devices. Use this feature if the user needs additional information about the status (for example, in a popover). Note that if you use the object status as a combination of icon and text, there is no hover effect for the icon.
Inverted object status (left) and object status in hover state (right)
Inverted object status (left) and object status in hover state (right)
  • An optional larger font (CSS class: sapMObjectStatusLarge). Use this feature if the object status is important in the business context and needs to stand out visually in the page header (for example, key value facets in an object page).
Larger object status in the header facet for an object page
Larger object status in the header facet for an object page

    • Ensure that the context for the object status is properly described. The semantic meaning must also be understandable for color-blind people. Use the object status in combination with a label, icon, unit, or attribute to make the value state clear.
    • In rare cases, an object can have two statuses at the same time. In this case, use the inverted text-only version for the most important status, and the normal text-only version (with an optional icon) for the less important status.
    • If you use the object status in a table, follow the corresponding sorting guidelines.
    • To prevent the text being read as a link, don’t use the blue “information state” for the object status.
    • If the object status is interactive, add sufficient spacing to ensure that the area occupied by the object status on the screen is at least 24 x 24 px. This area must not overlap or intersect with any other components. The minimum target size is required to comply with the WCAG 2.2 accessibility standard.

Object Identifier

The object identifier is a short text that represents the key identifier of an object.

It has the following characteristics:

  • A title text (property: title)
  • An optional link (property: titleActive). In this case, the event can open the quick view of the object or a popover for example.
  • An optional additional descriptive text (property: text)

  • The object identifier should be easily readable (preferably the display text and not the ID).
  • If the object’s ID is necessary to distinguish between items that use the same title, it should appear as descriptive text below the title (property: text).
  • If the object identifier is interactive, add sufficient spacing to ensure that the area occupied by the object identifier on the screen is at least 24 x 24 px. This area must not overlap or intersect with any other components. The minimum target size is required to comply with the WCAG 2.2 accessibility standard.

Normal object identifier, object identifier with link, and object identifier with descriptive text
Normal object identifier, object identifier with link, and object identifier with descriptive text

Object Number

The object number is a short text that represents the numeric (key) attribute of an object and its unit.

It consists of the following:

Emphasized and non-emphasized object numbers
Emphasized and non-emphasized object numbers
  • An emphasized text which you can set to non-emphasized when you use it in the content area (property: emphasized).
Object number used as a semantic attribute (weight)
Object number used as a semantic attribute (weight)
  • An optional inverted visualization of a crucial number, which needs to visually stand out and attract the user’s attention (property: inverted). Use this visualization sparely and not more than two of them on one page.
Inverted object numbers and normal object number in comparison
Inverted object numbers and normal object number in comparison
  • An optional larger font (CSS class: sapMObjectNumberLarge). Use this feature if the object number is important in the business context and needs to stand out visually in the page header (for example, key value facets in an object page). Once the large font is applied, the object number can no longer be emphasized.

  • Don’t use a semantic color alone to indicate a value state. Ensure that the context for the object number is properly described. The semantic meaning must also be understandable for color-blind people. Use the object number in combination with a label, icon, unit, or attribute to make the specific context of the value state in your application clear.
  • The object number can also be used to visualize other semantic numeric attributes. In this case, they are not emphasized unless they are the key attribute, such as a sum.
  • Emphasize the object number if it is used as a line item status in a table.

Emphasized and non-emphasized object numbers in the header facet for an object page
Emphasized and non-emphasized object numbers in the header facet for an object page

Object Marker

The object marker indicates the technical status of an object and can be interactive. It is enabled for the dynamic page layout, the snapping header, the object page header, the upload set control, and the object list item. You can represent the technical status as an icon, with an icon and text, or as text only, depending on the screen size.

Currently, the following technical statuses can be visualized by the object marker:

  • Editing Status: Draft, Unsaved Changes, Locked. The editing status is part of the draft handling concept.
  • Favorite
  • Flag

Flag and Favorite are usually displayed as icons on all screen sizes. For more information, see Flag and Favorite.

An object can have multiple technical statuses at the same time. However, because the editing statuses are mutually exclusive, users will see a maximum of 3 technical statuses for an object: Flag, Favorite, and one Editing Status.

Developer Hint
The app developer is responsible for the technical statuses. Every technical status has a default visualization that can be changed by the app developer depending on the usage context. For details regarding draft handling, see How to Display the Editing Status in the Draft Handling article.

If the object marker is interactive, add sufficient spacing to ensure that the area occupied by the object marker on the screen is at least 24 x 24 px. This area must not overlap or intersect with any other components. The minimum target size is required to comply with the WCAG 2.2 accessibility standard.

Icons for draft, unsaved changes, locked, favorite, and flag (from left to right)
Icons for draft, unsaved changes, locked, favorite, and flag (from left to right)
Editing status examples
Editing status examples


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.

Elements and Controls


Object Page Floorplan

This floorplan is available with SAP Fiori Elements.

For information on the default settings and other options for the SAP Fiori element implementation, see the topics for the object page header, content area, and footer bar in the SAP Fiori Elements Framework section.


The object page floorplan is used to display and categorize all relevant information about an object. Categorized content can be accessed quickly using anchor or tab navigation, and users can switch from display to edit mode to change the content. To create a new object, users can switch to create mode.

The object page floorplan comes with a flexible, responsive layout and a dynamic page header that can be adapted to display simple and complex business objects. This allows you to adjust the layout to a wide range of use cases.

Object page floorplan
Object page floorplan

  • Always build the object page using the dynamic page header and not the former object page header. Using the old object page header creates issues that can’t be fixed retrospectively. Using the dynamic header will also ensure consistency across all floorplans and provide greater flexibility. For details, see the Header section below.
  • Do not use the current implementation of the “page variant” feature in SAP Fiori elements. This feature is technically available for object pages, but we are still working on the final design.

When to Use

Use the object page floorplan if:

  • Users need to display, create, or edit an object.
  • Users need to get an overview of an object and interact with different parts of the object.
  • You need to structure your content into different sections.
  • You have a page with one section and editable header content.

Do not use the object page floorplan if:

Use instead:

  • Users need to edit several items at the same time.
  • Users need to find relevant items without knowing the exact item details.

List report floorplan

  • Users need to be guided through a series of steps when a new object is created.
  • The creation process for a new object is not linear, but can have different paths, depending on the information selected.
Wizard floorplan
  • Users need to find one specific item, where the item or an identifying data point is known to the user (such as a code identified by a scanner).
Initial page floorplan
  • Users need a way to analyze data step by step from different perspectives. They need to drill down to investigate a root cause and act on transactional content within one page.
  • Users need to interact with interdependent chart and table views (rather than using charts for visualization only).
Analytical list page
  • Your content can be shown in just one section and you don’t have editable header content.
Dynamic Page Layout page


The object page consists of the following elements:

  • Dynamic page header (mandatory)
  • Navigation bar (optional)
  • Content area (mandatory)

The image below provides an overview of the object page components.

Schematic visualization of the object page
Schematic visualization of the object page
  1. Dynamic page header
  2. Navigation bar
  3. Content area
  4. Shell bar
  5. Breadcrumbs
  6. Global actions
  7. Header content
  8. Footer toolbar

The following sections explain these components in more detail.

Dynamic Page Header (mandatory)

The dynamic page header contains key information about the object and provides the user with the necessary context. The header initially expands in display mode. It also contains global actions for the object, such as Edit or Delete.

The header consists of the following elements:

  1. Breadcrumbs (optional)
  2. Title (mandatory)
  3. Subtitle (optional)
  4. Header content (optional)
  5. Object marker (optional)
  6. Header toolbar with global actions (optional)
  7. Visual indicator for header features (mandatory if the header can be collapsed and expanded)
Object page with expanded dynamic page header
Object page with expanded dynamic page header
Object page with collapsed dynamic page header
Object page with collapsed dynamic page header

If the object page is used in the flexible column layout, it can also contain layout actions.

Please note:

  • To display images and placeholders in the header, use the avatar control.
  • The subtitle is now below the title. (In the former object page header it was next to the title.)

For more information, see the Dynamic Page Header section for the dynamic page layout.

Always build the object page using the dynamic page header and not the former object page header. Using the old object page header creates issues that can’t be fixed retrospectively. Using the dynamic header will also ensure consistency across all floorplans and provide greater flexibility. For details, see the Header section below.
Developer Hint
To use the dynamic page header in SAP Fiori Elements, set the class “objectPageHeaderType” to “Dynamic”.


A breadcrumb is displayed above the object title. Limit the breadcrumb to the drilldown levels within the object page.

Header Content (optional)

The header content displays app-specific contextual information. You build the content using containers, called facets.

The facets are arranged inline with a left float. Each facet adapts its size to the content and makes optimal use of the space without truncating the texts. If the facets do not all fit on one line, those on the right wrap to the line below.

The header content is hidden by scrolling down the page or clicking the collapse indicator.

There are several types of header facets for different kinds of data. The facets must be implemented by the app team for standalone object pages. For SAP Fiori elements, they are predefined.

The following header facets are available:

Form Facet (Dataset)

You can use the form facet to display datasets.

A form facet consists of:

  1. Title (optional)
  2. Label-text pair (no more than 5 in a group)
  • The labels can be invisible, but need to have a text for accessibility purposes.
  • The labels can be icons, but need to have a text for accessibility purposes.
  • Each text can hold a link.
Developer Hint
For non-SAP Fiori element object pages only:

For each label-value pair in the form header facet, use a sap.m.Label and a sap.m.Text or sap.m.Link, nested within an sap.m.HBox.

Header facet - Form facets
Header facet - Form facets

Plain Text Facet

You can use the plain text facet to display a continuous text in the header.

A plain text facet consists of:

  1. Title (optional)
  2. Text

You can have links inline in the continuous text. They can navigate to another page or open a quick view. The text can contain more than one link, with different actions.

The default width of the facet is 320 px. The width of the facet doesn’t adapt to its content, but when the headline is broader than the facet width, the header wraps. You can also set a specific width to make optimal use of the given space.

Developer Hint
For non-SAP Fiori element object pages only:

To set the width of the plain text facet, nest the text within an sap.m.HBox and set the property:width of the sap.m.HBox.

Header facet - Plain text facet with default width
Header facet - Plain text facet with default width
Header facet - Plain text facet with custom width
Header facet - Plain text facet with custom width

Image Facet

You can use the image facet to show a picture of the object or a user profile. The header can have either one image facet or no image facet. The position of the image facet is fixed to the left. The image can have a press event. The default press event enlarges the image. When the header collapses, the image facet moves to the left of the title and becomes smaller.

Always use the avatar control for the image in the header. This applies to both expanded and collapsed images.
Header facet – Image facet specification
Header facet – Image facet specification

Key Value Facet

You can use the key value facet to highlight important data or KPIs.

A key value facet contains:

  1. Title (mandatory)
  2. Text or number in a larger font size

If the key value facet is used with a text, such as a status, you can also display an icon to the right of the text. This icon must only be used as a visual cue for the text it relates to, and not to add more information.

Developer Hint
For non-SAP Fiori element object pages only:

Larger value texts are now possible following the introduction of new properties for the object status and object number.

Header facet – Key value facets with KPIs and a status
Header facet – Key value facets with KPIs and a status

Micro Chart Facet

A micro chart facet consists of:

  1. Title (mandatory)
  2. Subtitle (optional)
  3. Micro chart (mandatory)
  4. Footer text (optional)

To display the unit used in the micro chart, use the footer.

The following micro charts can be used in the micro chart facet:

The micro chart facet can have a click event on the chart itself. This can lead to a page with a bigger chart or open a quick view, for example.

For more information, see Micro Charts.

Header facet – Micro chart facets
Header facet – Micro chart facets

Progress Indicator Facet

A progress indicator facet consists of:

  1. Title (mandatory)
  2. Subtitle (optional)
  3. Progress indicator
  4. Footer text (optional)

For more information, see Progress Indicator.

Header facet - Progress indicator facet
Header facet - Progress indicator facet

Rating Indicator Facet

You can use the rating indicator facet to display a single rating value or an aggregated rating (such as an average rating for a product). The facet structure is slightly different in each case.

Single rating value:

The single rating consists of:

  1. Title (mandatory)
  2. Subtitle (optional): Displays supplementary texts
  3. Rating indicator
Rating indicator facet - Single rating
Rating indicator facet - Single rating

Aggregated rating:

The aggregated rating consists of:

  1. Title (mandatory)
  2. Subtitle (optional): Indicates the amount of data being aggregated.
  3. Rating indicator
  4. Footer text (mandatory): Displays the exact aggregation value. Use the format “<average rating> out of <maximum rating>”. For the average rating, use the exact value with one decimal place.
Rating indicator facet - Aggregated rating
Rating indicator facet - Aggregated rating
We recommend the following property settings when using the rating indicator in header facets:

  • Show 5 symbols as the default.
  • Use the Favorite icon as the symbol.
  • Display half-stars to represent decimal values.

Navigation Bar

You can only have several sections in the object page layout and there are two ways to structure it:

Anchor Bar Navigation

The anchor bar is the default navigation control for the object page. It consists of a series of anchor links, which are arranged horizontally at the top of the page. The anchors represent sections or subsections of the page. Clicking a link makes the screen scroll to the corresponding section of the page and the anchor bar remains visible.

Use tab bar navigation if your page covers different topics that each have complex content, such as long tables or lists.

Object page – Anchor bar navigation
Object page – Anchor bar navigation
  1. Active anchor
  2. Inactive anchor
  3. Subsection dropdown
  4. Subsection
  5. Subsection dropdown indicator
  6. Overflow carousel button
  7. Overflow menu button
  8. Overflow menu dropdown
  9. Section (hover) in overflow menu
  10. Section in overflow menu
  11. Subsection in overflow menu
Developer Hint
Make sure that the UpperCaseAnchorBar property is disabled and that you enter the anchor bar labels in title case (for example: Contact Information).


If there are more anchors than the screen can accommodate, the remaining anchors move into an overflow menu. The overflow button on the right of the navigation bar () opens a hierarchical dropdown list of all sections and subsections. When the user scrolls down the page, the anchor links scroll horizontally to ensure that the active anchor is always visible.

You might also see a small right arrow on the anchor bar. This arrow allows you to scroll horizontally to reveal any hidden content, and only appears when you hover over the overflow menu. In the meantime, this arrow has been replaced by the overflow menu button, but is still supported technically for legacy reasons.


On small screens, the anchor bar becomes a dropdown list. The text field of the dropdown list shows the section currently selected. Clicking the dropdown menu opens a hierarchical list with all the sections and subsections of the page.

Behavior and Interaction

Click / Select: Action:
Anchor link Scrolls page directly to the content of the selected section (not to the title).
Arrow next to section anchor with several subsections Opens the submenu.
Item in the overflow list Scrolls the page to the content of the respective section or subsection (not to the title).
Keyboard left and right arrows Move between anchor links.
Fade area to the left or right of the anchor bar Causes an overflow arrow button to appear (compact mode only). The overflow arrow button is always visible in cozy mode.
Overflow scroll button (right arrow) Scrolls the anchors horizontally to bring anchors that are hidden in the overflow into view.
Overflow menu button () Displays a hierarchical dropdown list with all the sections and subsections of the page.

Tab Bar Navigation

As an alternative to the anchor bar, you can also use the tab bar for navigation. The tab bar works in a similar way to the icon tab bar, but is not the same control. The tab bar navigation for the object page is a variant of the anchor bar, and is handled by the object page floorplan.

The tabs are a series of links arranged horizontally at the top of the page which link to subpages. Clicking a link displays the corresponding subpage below and the tabs remain visible.

Use tab bar navigation if your page covers different topics that each have complex content, such as long tables or lists.

Object page – Tab navigation
Object page – Tab navigation
  1. Anchor/tab bar navigation
  2. First section
  3. Second section

If you set the tab bar property (useIconTabBar = “true”), the navigation bar displays tabs instead of anchors. The object page only supports text-only tabs; icon tabs and icon/text tabs are not available. The object page sections and subsections are reflected in the tab navigation: sections of the object page become the tabs, and subsections become the internal content of the tab. The tabs can have an item counter, which is displayed in parentheses next to the title of the tab.

On small screens, the tab bar uses the same horizontal carousel overflow pattern as the icon tab bar. This differs from the dropdown approach used for the anchor bar.

If the content of a section contains a control, for example a table, then we recommend to always display it, even if the control title and tab title are identical. This makes it easier for the user to orientate themselves.


To make it easier to reach specific content on a long tab page, tabs can have subnavigation. Subnavigation is optional, but the default state is set to “true” and a dropdown arrow is shown next to the tab. Clicking on the dropdown arrow displays a dropdown menu with the subsection anchors for that tab. Applications can decide which tabs are enabled for anchor subnavigation by setting their property to “true”.

Content Area

The object page content consists of sections and subsections arranged in a column layout.


Sections are containers for subsections. They provide the basic structure for navigation and are directly reflected in the navigation bar.

The first section doesn’t have a title.

All the following sections consist of:

  1. Title with item counter (counter is optional)
  2. Subsections

Sections cannot contain controls.

If a section contains only one subsection, the title of the subsection is used as the name of the section. In this case, there is no subsection submenu in the anchor bar.

Sections can only contain subsections, not content. Because of this, the object page only provides toolbars for local actions at the subsection level.


Subsections are containers for actual content.

A subsection consists of:

  1. Title with item counter (counter is optional)
  2. Toolbar with actions (optional)
  3. Content
  4. Mixable related content (optional)
  5. Controls inside subsection (optional)

If the subsection contains a table or a chart and the title is the same, you have the option to hide the subsection title.

Subsection content is arranged according to the column layout approach for the respective screen size.

Subsections have a progressive disclosure mechanism to show and hide content. App developers can specify which content is shown initially, but the user can always choose to display everything by selecting the toggle button Show More / Show Less at the bottom right of the subsection.

If a section contains a control, like a table or a chart, and the title of the control is the same as the section title, then the section title can be hidden so that this title is only displayed once. This avoids unnecessary redundancies.

We recommend the same for subsection titles.


The content blocks in a subsection display in a row. The width of the row depends on the column layout for the respective screen size. If there is not enough space to display a content block, it wraps to the line below.

Object page – Content responsiveness
Object page – Content responsiveness
Developer Hint
For non-SAP Fiori element object pages only:

The content of the dynamic page header, navigation bar, (sub)section titles, and subsections must be vertically aligned. To achieve this, apply the sapUxAPObjectPageSubSectionAlignContent CSS class to the content of the subsections and set the width property to “auto”.


Forms follow the standard layout of the object page:

  • Extra large: 4 columns / 6 columns
  • Large: 3 columns
  • Medium: 2 columns
  • Small: 1 column

Forms are located within subsections. They follow the column design of the object page, whereby each form group is arranged into a column. The title of the form is given by the subsection header. To improve access to the different forms we recommend always using one subsection per form, rather than placing multiple forms into one subsection.

If you need to perform any actions, you can use the subsection header. If you need action at group level, you can use a group header. To prevent confusion, we recommend inserting actions only in one place, depending on the use case.

Use top-aligned labels for form fields. Top-aligned labels are known to reduce completion times and are the best approach for forms requiring localization or long labels. Using top-aligned labels also avoids issues with the spacing between the label and form field, which can occur with left- and right-aligned labels.

If you are using the object page without object page blocks, you can use the column layout for forms, which automatically distributes form groups across the columns in the object page.

You can enable users to show and hide forms, groups or label-value field pairs using the Show More / Show Less toggle button.

SAP Fiori elements provide an option to show or hide fields on small screen devices based on their importance.

Developer Hint
You can set the importance of a field using the UI.Importance annotation. Based on the annotation type ("High", "Medium", or "Low"), the fields are shown or hidden depending on the screen size. If you do not specify the UI.Importance annotation, the default is set to "High" and the field is shown on all device types.


Layout blocks allow content to be aligned within the columns as follows:

  • Layout 1: Occupies the maximum available horizontal space of one column.
  • Layout 2: Occupies the horizontal space of only two columns. If there is only one column available, it occupies one column.
  • Layout 3: Occupies the horizontal space of three columns. If there is only one column available, it occupies one column. If there are only two columns available, it occupies two columns.

To show and hide blocks, you can use a Show More / Show Less toggle button. Do not use the panel container in the object page content area.

Object page – Block base
Object page – Block base


When a section or subsection contains one table and no other content, remove the redundant table title so the section or subsection title serves as the table title. In the subsection, also reduce the vertical space.

Grid tables in sections must have at least 4 rows, and the maximum number of rows visible will depend on the window size. To prevent any need for the user to scroll to access the horizontal scrollbar, keep the table within the screen size limitations. This may not be possible in all use cases, for example, if the table contains a large data volume, then you must use two scrollbars.

In an object page with anchor bars, use no more than 4 grid tables to prevent cognitive overload. (Consider using different sections between multiple tables to ease the burden, except for table comparison use cases.) To include more than 4 grid tables, place them in individual tabs.

To embed analytical tables or tree tables in an object page, use an object page with tabs and place each table in its own tab. If you are using a scrollable object page without tabs, use responsive or grid tables instead, and offer navigation to another page with the respective table type.

Depending on the number of table items, use one of the following loading behaviors:

Number of Table Items: Use:
Up to 20 Items can be displayed right away
Up to 100 Lazy loading
More than 50-100 but less than 200 Tab navigation
More than 200 or tab approach is unsuitable Navigation to another page

If a table is expected to have more than 20 items, use one of the 3 options below for long tables.

For all three options, we recommend providing a search, and if feasible, sort and filtering for the table in the object page. Avoid grouping.

1. Lazy Loading Behavior (“More” button)

If you expect up to 100 items, use the More button of the responsive table. The initial number of items shown depends on the height of the rows. We recommend initially showing 10 items, but not more than 20. If there is more than one table in the object page, only use this option for tables with up to 50 expected items.

2. Tab Navigation

If you expect to have more than 50 to 100 items, but fewer than 200, using the object page with tab navigation instead of anchor navigation also solves the problems associated with long tables. To enable the scroll-to-load behavior, the table must be the only or last element within a tab.

3. Navigation to Another Page

For tables with more than 200 items, or when the tab approach is unsuitable, restrict the size of the table in the object page to a reasonable number of items. We recommend showing a preview of only 10 items, but not more than 20. This can be achieved using predefined filters and/or by sorting the table. If necessary, you can also set a fixed number of items (such as the top 10). To enable the user to work with the entire table, offer navigation to a separate page, such as a list report, subobject page, or dynamic page with the respective table type. To do this, place a right-aligned link below the table with the label Show All (x), where x represents the total number of items in the table.

Table with navigation to a separate list report
Table with navigation to a separate list report

Representation of Child Pages

In object pages with drilldown navigation, child pages are represented in two ways:

  • Breadcrumbs: A breadcrumb is displayed above the object title. Limit the breadcrumb to the drilldown levels within the object page.
  • Paging buttons: Up and down arrows in the layout action area allow the user to navigate between subitems without going back to the original list.

Footer Toolbar

The footer toolbar is used for closing and finalizing actions in:

  • Edit and create mode, for example, Save, Post, Accept, Reject, and Activate
  • Display mode, for example, Approve, Accept, and Reject 

Behavior and Interaction

The basic layout of the object page in terms of header, navigation, and content remains the same in all modes (display, edit, create).

Initial Focus

When the object page is loaded, set the initial focus as follows:

  • If the object page is in display mode, set the focus on the first section.
  • If the object page is in edit mode, set the focus on the first empty mandatory field.
  • If there are no mandatory fields, set the focus on the first editable element or first action.


The object page can contain a mixture of editable and read-only content.

Use the same content layout for both display and edit mode – content should not change location when the user switches between display and edit modes.

For global and local editing guidelines, see Object Handling (Create, Edit, Delete).

There are two ways of editing header content depending on whether you’re implementing Global Edit or Partial Edit, both of which are explained below.

Editing header content in Global Edit mode

Developer Hint

The temporary “Header” section described below which allows user to edit header content comes out of the box in Fiori elements, but it does not come out of the box for freestyle applications – it needs to be implemented manually.

Because the header snaps on scroll, there are no editable forms in the header itself, so if you’re dealing with editable header content, a temporary “Header” section is generated above all the other sections of the page where the header content can be edited. The same principle applies if your object page only has one section and there is editable content in the header, except a temporary navigation bar should be generated as well. Any changes made to the header are not reflected until the user saves them.

When there is editable content in the header, the title bar information and all editable fields from the header container move from the header to the temporary “Header” section and non-editable content displays as read-only. You can leave out header content that doesn’t make sense in edit mode (for example, aggregated values that are calculated from several sources, KPIs, or micro charts). If only a few fields in the header are editable, and they match an existing section, they are moved to that section. In this case, no editable header section appears. The header container in edit mode can also contain independent facets that are not included in the header content in display mode which provide information to assist editing.

Please note, the temporary “Header” section for editing header content doesn’t come out of the box for freestyle applications – it needs to be implemented manually, so it’s sometimes better to avoid having editable header content and move it into object page sections instead.

Editing header content in Partial Edit mode

The user can edit the header content separately by pressing the Edit Header button.

If there are only a few elements to edit, the partial edit triggers a dialog.

If there are too many elements to fit in a dialog, the partial edit triggers a subpage. The subpage contains all editable information from the header. However, it differs from the “Header” section in global edit mode in that it has no action buttons in the toolbar, no navigation, and no breadcrumbs.

Create and Edit Subobjects

The following options are available for creating or editing subobjects:

  • Navigation to a subobject page
  • Inline create or inline edit in a table
  • Dialog containing the fields of the object

To enable users to create subobjects inline, offer an Add or Create button on the table toolbar. Clicking the button creates a row at the top of the table. Pressing Ctrl+Enter has the same effect.

If the subobject has less than 8 fields, use a dialog or the inline create/edit option (no separate page for the subobject). Exceptions can apply if additional content for the subobject is available but not part of the edit process, or if other apps need to offer deep links to the subobject page.

Edit Actions in Display Mode (freestyle apps only)

The standard flow is to switch to edit mode for edit and delete actions. However, in some cases, it can be helpful to offer certain edit actions in display mode as well.

You can offer edit actions in display mode if:

  • Switching to edit mode would inconvenience the user. This is especially true if the change is small and quick, and switching to edit mode would take longer than making the change.
  • The change does not impact a critical flow or result in technical inconsistencies.

Examples: Adding a comment, uploading a file

Do not offer edit actions in display mode if:

  • The change has a critical impact on business data/follow-on processes.
  • The change requires a finalizing action.

Example: Deleting a sales order item would affect the entire sales order and dependent data.

When offering delete actions in display mode, always show a delete confirmation dialog. For more information, see:

Unsaved Changes

If draft handling has been implemented, documents are automatically saved as draft versions in the background. An editing icon to the right of the object title indicates that a draft version exists. In other words, either the current user or another user has made changes, but not yet actively saved the document (“unsaved changes”). Do not show the editing icon for unsaved changes if draft handling is not supported.

Selecting the editing icon invokes a popover with more information about the unsaved changes. This normally states:

  • Who made the changes
  • When the last changes were made

The popover closes when the user clicks outside the popover or clicks the  (Close) icon.

Unsaved changes popover
Unsaved changes popover


Create mode is similar to edit mode, except that the user creates a new object and defines a title for it. Until the new object title is known, display the placeholder text “New ” (for example, New Purchase Order). Replace the placeholder text with the actual name or ID of the new object as soon as this has been entered or generated.

Consider using the wizard floorplan instead of the object page floorpan if:

  • You need to guide the user through a series of steps when a new object is created.
  • You need a progressive disclosure approach for the creation process.
  • The creation process is not linear, but can have different paths, depending on the information selected.
  • The user is not familiar with the creation task.

Loading Behaviour

The object page loads in a “growing” mode. This means that the object page loads section by section to show users some content before the whole page is loaded. Scrolling down the page triggers loading for the sections below. Hidden items in sections are only loaded (and rendered) by clicking the Show More button for the section.

If loading takes a long time, a busy indicator is shown on top of the section or item until the content is loaded and visible.

SAP Fiori elements uses a skeleton template with generic placeholders. For more information, see Placeholder Loading.

Busy indicators for sections still loading
Busy indicators for sections still loading

Message Handling

In Display Mode

The following controls can provide messages to users in the object page in display mode:

  1. Generic tag
  2. Message strip
  3. Object status

Generic Tag

The generic tag displays KPIs and situations.

Message Strip

You can place a message strip in the header or in a section in the content area:

Object page with different messaging options
Object page with different messaging options
  • Header:
    Show the message strip in the header if the information relates to the whole object.

Place the message strip between the object page title and the header content. When the header is collapsed, it remains visible.

  • Content area section:
    Show the message strip in the content area section if the information relates to a specific section.

Place the message strip at the top of the section above the section title.

Use a single message strip with a single message per area. Do not stack several message strips together.

A message strip can display:

  • A call to action, such as a task that the user must perform
  • Temporary information that the user needs to know
  • An issue that is not related to a form field
  • The object status if the object status control is too small to convey the information.

For a brief status text, use the object status control.

If you decide to display both the message strip and the object status control, they should not repeat the same information.

  • Brief guidance on how to use or read the page.

If the object page requires multiple hints for the user, consider using SAP Companion instead.

Object Status

The object status displays a brief description of the object status.

Object page with message strip and collapsed header
Object page with message strip and collapsed header
Object page with message strip in a section
Object page with message strip in a section

In Edit Mode

In edit mode, use the message popover to help validate forms and tables as a single object.


The object page floorplan is responsive and supports all SAP FIori screen sizes: small (S), medium (M), large (L), and extra large (XL). The layout for size XL contains four columns.

Object page – Size S
Object page – Size S
Object page – Size L
Object page – Size L
Object page - Size XL
Object page - Size XL

The default layout for size L (desktop) contains three columns. If you want to display two content elements that require an equal amount of space, you can also use an optional two-column layout (for example, two tables next to each other). Do not use the two-column layout with forms.

Object page layout – Size L
Object page layout – Size L

The layout for size M (tablet) contains two columns.

Object page layout – Size M
Object page layout – Size M

The layout for size S (smartphone) contains one column.

Object page layout – Size S
Object page layout – Size S


Dynamic Page Header

Use the header to set the context. Ensure that it is clearly structured and contains only essential information. Too much information impedes the main purpose of providing clear context.

Developer Hint
How to achieve a small header:

  • The header container is always optional. If there is no important data to be displayed, you can omit it. In this case, only the header title bar is shown.
  • Omit the image if it is not necessary. It is generally the tallest element in a header container.
  • Use a light theme to reduce the emphasis on the header if it doesn’t contain much information.
  • Consider moving information from the header into a general information section.


Arrange the actions in the header toolbar with care, and consider what matters most to the user:

  • Highlight actions that are common or most important.
  • Differentiate between secondary and generic actions.
  • Use either a text button or an icon for an action, but not both.
  • Use icons only for generic actions (such as  for Share). For all business actions, use text buttons.
  • Place the most important actions on the left (actions go into the overflow from right to left).
  • Establish a coherent visual approach.

For more information, see Action Placement.

Image Facet

If you intend to use images in the object header, consider the following:

  • How will the user manage the images?
  • How will the system block people without permission from editing images?
  • How will these images be reflected in other floorplans if they are part of the object?
  • If there are a large number of items, how would a user be able to manage images without having to navigate from page to page?
  • Will the organization be able to manage the images?

Tab Navigation

If you have a complex object page, use the tab navigation approach. This can be useful when a complex object page has performance issues in a flat view, or in response to a specific user preference.

Content Area

  • Avoid using the object page as a universal container for masses of information. Use the object page in accordance with the SAP Fiori principles: role-based, coherent, simple, and adaptive.
  • Give your users quick and easy access to the information they need to complete their task(s). Use a progressive disclosure strategy to keep your interface clean. You can always provide additional information on request.
  • Only present your users with information that makes sense for their industry, role, activity, and task.

Dynamic Side Content

You can offer dynamic side content alongside the object page under the following conditions:

  • Use the side panel only for contextual content. Do not place finalizing or global actions in the side panel. This is because opening the side panel occupies the whole right side of the screen. There is no way to show it only below the header and anchor bar.
  • Do not place object information in the side panel. This information should always be in the content area of the object page.

Standard Naming Conventions

For all objects, follow the standard conventions for action buttons, the object name, and the title in the shell bar. For more information, see:


Want to dive deeper? Follow the links below to find out more about related controls, the SAPUI5 implementation, and the visual design.