Object Page – Content Area

The SAP Fiori elements object page template supports the features and settings for the object page content area detailed below.

For design information, see the Object Page Floorplan guidelines and the links below.

Always build the object page using the dynamic page header.

Set the shellbar page title to the name of the business object shown in the object page to indicate the user’s position in the system.

Do not use the current implementation of the “page view management” feature in SAP Fiori elements. This feature is technically available for object pages, but we are still working on the final design.

Feature Availability


Content Area



Draft Object Validation Default

Users can trigger the validation by pressing the Enter key while their cursor is in a field on the object or subobject page.

Navigation Bar: Anchor Bar Default, you can turn it off when you only have one section.
Navigation Bar: Tab Bar Available
Sections and Subsections Available
Reuse Components as Sections Available




Link Available

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can display an icon or image with the link.

With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, the default link shows the text and ID. You can remove the text or the ID.

Contact Facets Available
Tables Available
Charts Available
Views for Tables and Charts Available
Address Available
Display of Related Properties Together Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData for V4

The properties can also display as links.

Forms Available
Text Control With SAP Fiori elements V4, in edit mode, the default length of the text entry area allows for four lines of text.

You can:

  • Change the maximum
  • Enable growing mode
  • Show users the number of characters allowed in the text area
File Upload With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, users can upload a file to an object page property and delete it.
Dynamic Side Content Available with an extension

Subsection Behavior



Subsection Starts Loading After the Object Page Elements Are Loaded Default, you can change the behavior.
Adjustment of the Width for Content Display in a Subsection Available

Content Visibility



Visible Sections, Subsections, Quickviews, and Tables Default
Hiding Section, Subsection, Quickview and Table Content Available
User-Controlled Visibility with Show More/Show Less Available
Visible Smart Form Fields Default, you can hide them in certain conditions.

Content Area

Draft Object Validation

By default, data validation for the object page happens only when the users save the object so they enter data without interruption.

They can trigger data validation by pressing the Enter key while their cursor is in a field on the object or subobject page.

For more information, see: Form Field Validation

Navigation Bar

By default, the anchor bar is generated when the object page has more than one section.

It lets users navigate to the individual content area sections.

You can:

  • Hide the anchor bar when you only have one section.
  • Replace it with a tab bar.

With extensions, you can replace the buttons with another type of control.

If there is no Anchor Bar, but there is editable information in the header, the first temporary section in the Object Page which controls the header content will have a section title called ‘Header’.

For more information, see:

Sections and Subsections

You can add sections and subsections to the content area.

Sections contain only subsections. You build the subsection content with tables, charts, and forms.

When the object page uses:

  • Tab bar navigation, the section title isn’t displayed in the content area
  • Anchor bar navigation, only the title of the first section is hidden in the content area, unless the first section contains a table

    When you assign a section or subsection title, do not use a comma (,) in it because commas serve as delimiters in SAP Fiori elements.

    Section and Subsection Titles

    To minimize both the number of titles displayed and redundancies among the title values:

    • When a section or subsection contains a single table or chart control, only the control title is displayed, but its value is replaced by the section or subsection title.
    • For sections or subsections that contain a single text area, with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, application teams can enable an option to display the section or subsection title instead of the text area label when the object page is in display mode. With the option enabled, the label is only displayed in edit mode if the field is mandatory.

    For more information, see: Sections and Subsections.

    Reuse Components as Sections

    You can embed a reuse component as a section in the object page.

    A reuse component that is used in an SAP Fiori elements-based application cannot be used in a freestyle application.

    Consult the development team on the requirements for the reuse component.


    Contact Facets

    With both versions of SAP Fiori elements, in subsections, you can include a link that users can click to see additional information in a quickview.

    For applications with Microsoft Team integration, the contact card and the quick view card both display options for starting a Microsoft Teams audio call, video call, or chat with the contact.

    For more information, see:


    You can include a table in a subsection.

    When a table is the only content in a subsection, the subsection title is not displayed. Instead, the title of the table shows the value assigned to the subsection title.

    For more information on SAP Fiori elements capabilities for tables, see the articles under SAP Fiori Elements: Table, starting with Table Types.


    You can include a single chart facet in a subsection.

    In the chart, you can:

    • Display measures, their aggregation calculations, and dimensions to categorize the measures.
    • Add custom actions to the toolbar for a chart and define whether they are enabled at all times or only after the user selects part of the chart for the action.
    • Allow users to personalize the chart settings

    When a chart is the only content in a subsection, the subsection title is not displayed. Instead the title of the chart shows the value assigned to the subsection title.

    SAP Fiori Elements for OData V2

    Charts are only supported for business objects or services that are not draft enabled or are read-only.

    SAP Fiori Elements for OData V4

    You can define a chart for a draft-enabled business object. The chart only displays active data, not data entered into an unsaved draft record.

    For more information, see Chart (VizFrame).

    For more information on chart options, see Chart.

    Developer Hint
    For more information, refer application developers to Configuring Charts.

    Views for Tables and Charts

    You can turn on views for:

    • All the tables and charts on the page
    • Individual tables and charts

    For more information, see Views (Variant Management).


    You can add one or more address fields:

    • As a separate subsection
    • As part of a field group within a subsection
    • To a quick view with smart link navigation

    For more information, see:

    Display of Related Properties Together

    You can display two related properties side-by-side and with a single label in display mode.

    For example, the label Date Time can display with the properties date and time side-by-side, even when they are distinct properties in the back end.

    You can separate the values with a delimiter such as a slash (/) or a hyphen (-).

    In edit mode, the fields can be edited separately.

    Side-by-side display of related properties
    Side-by-side display of related properties

    Related Properties as Links

    The related properties can also display as links.

    Developer Hint
    Application developers call the related properties semantically connected fields. For more information on this feature, you can refer them to Grouping of Fields.
    Related properties as links
    Related properties as links


    You can add action buttons to the toolbar for a form contained in a subsection.

    With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can also add an action next to the form header.

    The action types can be:

    • Actions that occur in the system while the user stays on the object page.
    • Actions that navigate to a different application, for example, when the user can open a purchase requisition from a specific purchase order.

    Conditional Enablement of Navigation Buttons

    You can enable buttons that navigate the user to another page or application based on the value of a specific field with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4. To achieve this with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 requires extensions.

    For example, you can enable the Generate Purchase Order button only for sales orders with the completed status.

    Implement this feature only when the way to enable the button is obvious to end users.

    Columns in a Form

    To optimize onscreen space, the default number of columns in a form depends on the screen size, as follows:


    Column Number

    Screen Size

    1 Small
    2 Medium
    3 Large
    6 Extra large
    The default column number for each screen size complies with the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines for forms in Object Page floorplan. We recommended against changing it.

    Groups in a Form

    You can group fields in a form and assign a name to the group.

    Note that the group name is displayed only when a group contains fields.

    User-Controlled Load of Fields with Low Importance

    To improve the performance on application startup, you can prevent form fields with low importance from loading until the user clicks Show Details with SAP Fiori element for OData V4.

    After the user clicks the button, the fields are loaded and the Hide Details button is displayed.

    Text Control

    By default, with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, in edit mode, the default length of the text control allows for the entry of four lines of text.

    You can:

    • Set a maximum number of lines for the text control that’s greater than four.
    • Enable growing mode: The length of the text control on first load allows for four lines. After the user has entered that number of lines, the length grows by one line at a time until it reaches the maximum number. A scrollbar is displayed next to the text entry area.
    • Display below the text area the number of characters allowed in it. As the users enter text, the number decreases to show how many characters remain.

    A notification is displayed if the users try to enter text beyond the limit.

    In display mode, the text is truncated to 100 characters and a More link allows the user to display the full text. Alternatively, you can set the full text to display in a popover when the the user clicks More.

    File Upload

    With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, users can upload a file to an object page property and delete the file.

    For example, the sales order object can have a property for a contract and users can upload the contract file to the property.

    The application developers can define the file size and types allowed for upload.

    Dynamic Side Content

    You can display additional content to the right of an object page subsection. Consult with the development team on doing this with a standard extension.

    With this feature, the subsection toolbar contains a Show Details/Hide Details action for users to control the display of the dynamic side content. By default, the side content is hidden. You can show it instead. You can also rename the action to make it meaningful to the end user.


      • Do not use tables in the side content panel.
      • Do not add content that may introduce a horizontal scroll bar to the dynamic side content.
      • For the best view of the dynamic side content, set it to display in 50% of the screen.

      For more information, see:

      Developer Hint

      Subsection Behavior

      Subsection Loading Behavior

      By default, the subsection starts loading after the main object page elements are loaded.

      You can change the loading behavior to load the subsection after the header data is loaded.


      When the subsection contains a table or chart and you want to allow the user to filter in the header before subsection data loads.

      Width for Content Display in a Subsection

      When you mix content — such as forms and tables — in one subsection, you can adjust the width allotted to each content type to display a table next to a form.

      Content Visibility

      Sections, Subsections, Quickviews, and Tables

      By default, the object page displays these components.

      You can set the entire components or selected content in the components to be displayed or hidden in the content area, according to the object’s state. For example, you can hide the Delivery section in a Sales Order until the order has a status where the delivery is planned.

      User-Controlled Visibility

      You can enable the Show More/Show Less button in the bottom right corner of a section to let users control the display of subsection content.

      • When the subsection is hidden, Show More is displayed.
      • When the subsection shows, the Show Less link is displayed.

      Visibility of Smart Form Fields

      By default, all smart form fields have the high importance setting and show on all screen sizes.

      You can lower the level of importance for the fields to hide them on smaller screens.

      According to the importance assigned to the field, it is displayed as follows:

      • High (default): On all (small, medium, and large) screen sizes.
      • Medium: On large and medium screens only.
      • Low: On large screens only

      For more information, see Responsiveness.

      Related Links

      Table Rows

      The SAP Fiori elements templates support the features and settings for table rows or inline items detailed below.

      For design information see the table guidelines, starting with Table Overview, and the links below.

      Feature Availability





      Empty Row for Data Entry in Create and Edit Modes Available in an object page for responsive and grid tables: the table displays an empty row for data entry.

      You can turn it off for edit mode.

      Editable Multi-Input Fields Available in an object page in edit mode for all tables.
      Inline Actions Available
      Direct Edit Available for responsive and grid tables with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2
      Conditional Enablement of Navigation Buttons For list report and object pages:

      • Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
      • Requires an extension with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2
      Single Item Selection Default
      Multiple Item Selection Available
      Item Limit for Multiple Selection 200 by default for grid tables, analytical tables and tree tables. You can change the limit.
      Delete Available in responsive tables only
      Custom Actions Available
      Messages for Critical Actions Default, replace the generic placeholder text with meaningful text for the user.




      Restrict Field to Read Only in a Table Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
      Editing Status For draft-enabled applications, displayed by default in the responsive table and grid table in a list report. With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, it is also displayed by default in a tree table.
      Rating Indicator Available
      Progress Indicator Available
      Quick Contact View Available
      Avatar Available
      Avatar Tooltip Available
      Other Images Available with live box mode only
      Table Cells with Multiple Values Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4

      In edit mode, the multiple values fields are editable in object page tables.

      The cells that displayed multiple values in the table onscreen are empty when exported to a spreadsheet.

      Highlighting New Line Items Available with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2

      Default with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4 for grid and responsive tables in draft-enabled applications

      Highlighting Line Items Based on Criticality Available

      Responsive Table Only



      Multiple Fields in a Single Column Available
      Smart Micro Chart Available


      Empty Row for Data Entry in Create and Edit Modes

      With this feature, when the object page is in create or edit mode, responsive tables and grid tables display one empty row where the users can enter data for a new subobject.

      The empty row:

      • Is displayed at the top of the responsive table.
        The toolbar has no Create button.
      • Is displayed at the end of a grid table.
        The Create button in the toolbar scrolls to the empty row at the end of the table and puts the focus on the first editable field.
      • Has no inline actions such as delete or navigation to the item via the chevron.
      • Cannot be sorted or grouped because it doesn’t exist in the table on the back end.
      An empty row is displayed in the responsive table in create or edit mode
      An empty row is displayed in the responsive table in create or edit mode

      You can:

      • Set default values to populate fields in the empty rows
      • Enable the feature at the table level in draft-enabled applications
      • Set mandatory fields
      • Set fields in the empty row so they are not editable at creation time, but become editable afterwards for use cases where fields become relevant only after the row is saved. At creation time, these fields are read-only.

      Automatic Creation of a New Empty Row

      After users start to enter data in one field in the empty row, a new empty row is added underneath it so they can continue data entry for either one column or one row at a time.

      The row with data in one field:

      • Is highlighted with a blue line to its left to show it’s a newly created draft
      • Displays the navigation chevron
      • Can also display an inline delete action
      • Displays error messages for mandatory fields without a value.

      If users do not enter data in a new empty row, it is removed when the users save.

      After the user starts entering data in the empty row, a new one is displayed
      After the user starts entering data in the empty row, a new one is displayed

      User-Enabled Creation of Empty Rows in Edit Mode

      In edit mode, you can turn off the default creation of empty rows for tables whose maintenance mostly requires updating data in existing rows.

      If the users want to create additional rows, the Create button lets them enable the automatic creation of one empty row.

      On first click, the Create button creates the empty row. On subsequent clicks, the Create button moves the focus to the first editable field in the first empty table row.  After the users save their changes, the automatic creation of empty rows is turned off.

      Mandatory Fields

      In create and edit modes, both versions of SAP Fiori elements guide users in completing the required fields for an empty row, as follows:

      • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, a red asterisk (*) is displayed in the column header label for the mandatory fields.
      • Both SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 and V4 show an error message strip above the table:
        • When the table does not display mandatory columns. It instructs users to display the columns from the table settings.
        • When mandatory fields are not filled. In addition to the message strip for the table, the mandatory field displays a value state message. “Enter a value” is the the placeholder message text.
      Replace the placeholder text to specify the value to enter with wording more meaningful to the users, for example, “Enter a delivery date.

      You can do this in the i18n file for the application.

      For more information see: Replacing Placeholder Text (SAP Fiori Elements).

      Drafts Saved for Rows

      A draft for a once empty row is saved after the users:

      • Shift the focus away from the input field in the row with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
      • Have shifted their focus away from the input field in the row and an interval of 20 seconds has passed with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2

      Inline Actions

      You can define actions for table rows or inline items. The action types can be:

      • Actions that occur in the system while the user stays on the list report screen, for example Approve or Reject.
      • Actions that navigate to a different application, for example, when the user can open a purchase requisition from a specific purchase order in the table.

      When a page contains a grid table, an analytical table, or tree table that leads to object or subobject pages, users can navigate to the object or subject page at row level. The Show Detail button is not displayed in these tables. Instead, users can click the navigation indicator:   .

      Direct Edit

      You can enable this action to let users navigate from the table row to the corresponding object page in edit mode with the Edit icon  with SAP Fiori elements for OData V2.

      This feature is available for responsive and grid tables. When it’s enabled, the object page footer displays the Save and Next  button.

      Conditional Enablement of Navigation Buttons

      In list reports and object pages:

      • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can enable buttons that navigate the user to another page or application based on the value of a specific field.
      • With SAP Fiori elements for OData V2, this feature requires extensions.

      For example, you can enable the Generate Purchase Order button only for sales orders with the completed status.

      Implement this feature only when the way to enable the button is obvious to end users.

      Item Selection

      Both versions of SAP Fiori elements allow you to determine whether users can select:

      • One table row for a toolbar action, using a radio button.
      • Multiple table rows for a toolbar action, using checkboxes.
        For an object page, you can enable selection of multiple rows for all the tables on the page, or for specific tables only.
        For an analytical table, grid table, or tree table, ask the development team to use the Multi-Selection Plugin.

      When the selection of multiple rows is enabled for a table, both versions of SAP Fiori elements have the following defaults that you can change:

      • Display of either the Select All or Clear All checkbox in the header of the selection column. The two versions differ in the way they do this.
        For complete information, see: Select All / Clear All.
      • A limit of 200 rows that the user can select at once for grid tables, analytical tables and tree tables.
        You can change the limit. We recommend you consult the application team on how a change would impact performance.

      SAP Fiori elements for OData V2

      By default, single selection is enabled for a table. You can enable multiple item selection, known by application developers as multiselect.

      SAP Fiori elements for OData V4

      With the default auto mode, the application checks whether any table toolbar actions depend on item selection to be enabled. If not:

      • In display mode, item selection is not possible.
      • In edit mode, when the delete action is enabled, multiple selection is also enabled.

      Instead, you can enable one of the following selection modes:

      • None:
        • Display mode allows no item selection.
        • Edit mode allows multiple item selection when a Delete action is available in the table toolbar.
      • Single: Both display and edit modes allow single item selection.
      • Multi: Both display and edit modes allow multiple item selection.
      When  you enable multiple selection for the table, do not enable a delete action in the table rows. The application will fail to load when both these features are enabled.

      Instead, enable a delete action for the table. The delete action is then available in the table toolbar.

      For more information, see:

      Developer Hint
      For more information, refer the development team to:


      In responsive tables only, you can:

      • Display an inline delete action.
      • Prevent the deletion of certain rows.

      In support of best design practices, SAP Fiori elements does not allow you to combine an inline delete action with a central delete action in the toolbar.

      For more information, see Delete Single Item Rows.

      Custom Actions

      You can define custom inline actions.

      Because custom inline actions are grouped, you cannot control their exact display order. However, you can control which columns display the groups.

      Messages for Critical Actions

      For actions that you set as critical, you can display one of the following after the user triggers the action:

      • A message toast confirmation
      • A confirmation message box to check the users want to proceed with specific critical actions

      Also, the backend can require a confirmation on some actions. In this case, the confirmation message is always shown in a message box.

      Replace the generic placeholder text in the messages with text that’s meaningful to the users, as shown in the example below. You do this by providing the new text to the develoment team for update in the application’s internationalization (i18n) file for the object type.

      Ask the development team whether or not the backend requires confirmations for your use case.


      SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 SAP Fiori elements for OData V4
      Default Text “Do you really want to execute the action <Action Label>?”

      <Action Label> is the label shown on the button.

      “Do you really want to perform this action?
      Replacement Text “Are you sure you really want to activate this product?” “Are you sure you really want to activate this product?”

      For more information, see UI Text Guidelines for SAP Fiori Apps.


      You can include the display features described below in a table row or inline item.

      Read-Only Field

      With SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, you can set a field to display as read-only in a table, but set it as editable in another place on the UI.

      Editing Status

      By default, for draft-enabled applications, in a list report, the editing status is displayed:

      • In the first column of a responsive table
      • In a separate column, next to the key column, in a grid table. The column is unlabeled. Users can hide or display it by deselecting or selecting Edit Status in the table personalization dialog.

      You can also add the semantic key to the status.

      The edit status reflects the state of the object or item in the processing cycle. For example, it can give the user information about the state of completion for the item or whether it’s currently available.

      • For Unsaved Changes and Locked statuses, a popover displays the full name or technical name of the user who last changed the object  when the name is available. “Another user” is displayed when it’s not.
      • For Draft, Unsaved Changes and Locked statuses, a popover displays the user who last changed the item and the time of the change.

      For more information, see Tables.

      Rating Indicator

      You can add an inline, read-only rating indicator and define a maximum rating of up to five stars. By default, five stars is the maximum.

      The number of stars displayed depends on the value of a field in the backend. Decimal values are rounded up or down and when the value after the decimal point falls between x.25 and x.74, it is represented by a half star.

      With extensions, you can enable editing of the rating indicator

      For more information, see Rating Indicator.

      Progress Indicator

      You can:

      • Enable an inline progress indicator to visually represent the level of completion of a project or goal, for example.
      • Set the progress measure as a percentage or an absolute number, for example 3 or 8.
      • Configure the progress bar to reflect the state of progress with color, based on the criticality of the progress.

      For more information, see Progress Indicator.

      Quick Contact View

      You can add a quick view to a contact to display key contact details in a popover.

      For applications with Microsoft Team integration, the contact quick view card displays options for starting an audio call, video call, or chat in with the contact in Microsoft Teams.

      For more information, see Quickview.

      Avatar and Other Images

      You can display an avatar in the row and set a tooltip that displays when the focus is on the avatar.

      Other images are not displayed correctly within the table borders. Only use them with live box mode.

      For more information, see Avatar.

      Highlighting Line Items

      By default with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, in draft-enabled applications, a newly created item in draft status is always highlighted in blue in grid and responsive tables.

      Highlighting of new line items in draft-enabled applications is available with both SAP Fiori elements for OData V2 and V4.

      You can also define highlighting and icons for line items based on their criticality.

      After a newly created item is saved, it is highlighted according to the criticality, as follows:

      • Green for success (criticality value 3)
      • Yellow for warning (criticality value 2)
      • Red for error (criticality value 1)
      • No highlighting for no criticality (criticality value 0)

      Display in Responsive Table Only

      In a responsive table, you can include the display features described below in a table row or inline item.

      Multiple Fields in a Single Column

      You can combine multiple IDs, descriptions, and action buttons in a single column in a responsive table.

      For example, you can display the following in a single column:

      • Company name
      • Company ID
      • Items in Stock
      • Progress Indicator for Items in Stock
      • Overall value of the Items
      • Multiple Action buttons that allow the user to both:
        • Execute an action while staying on the list report page
        • Navigate to other objects and applications

      The visibility and position in the table of a column that combines multiple fields can be changed.

      Field Labels

      By default, with SAP Fiori elements for OData V4, when a column contains a field group with more than one field, the labels for those fields are not displayed.

      You can enable the display of a label for each field. Then, the field group label is displayed as the column title in the header.

      Limitation on Export to Spreadsheet

      When users export a table with a column that contains multiple fields to a spreadsheet, only the first piece of information displayed in the column is exported.


      Write a short and meaningful message.

      Smart Micro Chart

      You can:

      • Add an inline micro chart.
      • Set the chart to indicate the criticality of the data shown in the chart relative to target values or value ranges.

      You can choose among the following micro chart types:

      • Area micro chart
      • Bullet micro chart
      • Line micro chart
      • Micro chart/smart micro chart
      • Radial micro chart
      • Stacked bar micro chart
      The user cannot navigate to another page from the chart.

      For more information on chart types, see: Choosing the Correct Chart Type.

      Related Links

      Integration of Classic SAP UIs (SAP Fiori Elements List Report)

      This article describes how to navigate to create, display, and edit screens from a list report when you need to integrate classic UIs for some or all of these actions.

      SAP Fiori apps vs. Classic UIs

      In addition to SAP Fiori, SAP S/4HANA uses other UI technologies, such as SAP Web GUI and WebDynpro, which were available prior to SAP Fiori. We refer to these technologies as classic UIs.

      In many cases, an SAP Fiori app and a classic UI are available. They are often used in parallel to create, edit, or display objects. The SAP Fiori app can differ from the classic UI in two ways:

      • The SAP Fiori app covers parts of the broader scope of the classic UI. This can be due to strategic decisions to exclude edge cases or because the full scope isn’t yet covered.
      • The SAP Fiori app offers additional functions not available in the classic UI.

      Navigation to Classic UIs

      Classic UIs for create, edit, and display actions were not part of the standard SAP Fiori navigation flow from the SAP Fiori elements list report. This means that each classic UI needed a tile on the launchpad.

      Now, the list report supports direct navigation to the classic UIs, thus supporting the standard navigation from a list report to business objects. Tiles on the launchpad are not necessarily needed. See the example.

      Technical Background

      Classic UIs for displaying and editing objects start with a selection screen that requires the ID of the object. After entering the ID, the user navigates to the display or edit screens.

      The SAP Fiori elements list report skips the entry screen and navigates directly to the classic UI. Changes carried out in the classic edit UI are reflected in the list report. Objects created using the classic create UI are also reflected in the list report.

      When to Use

      Use the list report as the entry point for:

      • Searching, filtering, and navigating to objects in classic UIs to edit and display them
      • Creating objects using a classic UI


      In the list report, you can offer navigation to classic UIs via the table toolbar or within a line item. If users need to access both the SAP Fiori and classic UIs for the same task, you can offer both side by side. This section outlines which UI elements to use.

      If your SAP Fiori apps and the corresponding classic UIs cover the same features, just offer navigation to the SAP Fiori apps.
      List report – UI elements
      List report – UI elements

      1. Table toolbar
        For the create action, you can choose either a simple or a split menu button:

        1. Simple button
          Use it if you want to offer direct access to the create app.
        2. Split menu button
          Use it if both an SAP Fiori app and a classic UI are available for the create action.
      2. Line item
        For display and edit, you have the following options:

        1. Navigation
          Use it to navigate directly to the object in display mode.
        2. Edit
          Use it to navigate directly to the object in edit mode.
        3. Smart link
          Use it to show all edit and display navigation options.

      Currently, you can show either the edit icon  or the navigation icon  per line item. The default is the navigation icon .
      Showing both the edit and navigation icons is not yet possible.
      Table toolbar:

      Offer a button (simple button or split menu) only for creating an object. For editing and displaying an object, use the line item UI elements. In a split menu button, show the SAP Fiori app first. Keep in mind that the menu button always shows the last action selected by the user.

      Line item:

      • Since you can only choose either the edit icon  or the navigation icon , show the one most relevant for your use case.
      • Offer all navigation options in the smart link.
      • In the smart link, structure the entries in a meaningful way and show the most important first. If an SAP Fiori app and a classic UI are available for the same task, show the SAP Fiori app first, followed by the classic UI.


      • Whenever you need to offer both the SAP Fiori app and the classic UI in a UI element, add the transaction code for the classic UI in parentheses: <action (transaction code)>.
        Otherwise, apply the guidance for Word Choice.
      • In a split menu button, show Create on the button and the object type (such as Purchase Order) only in the menu list.

      Navigation Flows

      The navigation flows depend on the mix of SAP Fiori apps and classic UIs that you need to open from your list report. This section outlines the typical navigation flows for three use cases:

      • Classic UIs only
        Classic UIs are used for all actions (create, display, edit)
      • Mainly SAP Fiori apps (~80% SAP Fiori apps)
        For most create, edit, and display tasks, SAP Fiori apps are available and cover the most essential features. The corresponding classic UIs offer features not yet implemented in the SAP Fiori app. For a few tasks, only classic UIs are available.
      • Mainly classic UIs (~20% SAP Fiori apps)
        For create, edit, and display tasks, classic UIs are available. SAP Fiori apps are either not available or do not offer all features of the corresponding classic UI.

      Classic UIs Only

      Use the list report as the entry point for navigating to the classic UIs.

      Create, Edit, Delete – Classic UIs Only

      Create, display, edit – navigation to classic UIs only
      Create, display, edit – navigation to classic UIs only

      In the list report, the user chooses:

      1. Create button
        The classic create UI opens. On the create page, the main navigation options are:

        • Finalizing action Create: Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
        • Exit action: Exits the create UI and navigates to the list report.
        • Cancel action: Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.
      2. Navigation  
        The classic display UI opens. On the display page, the main navigation options are:

        • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
        • Edit action: Switches to the classic edit UI.
      3. Edit
        The classic edit UI opens. On the edit page, the main navigation options are:

        • Finalizing action Save: Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
        • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
        • Exit action: Exits the edit UI and navigates to the list report
        • Display action: Switches to classic display UI.
        • Cancel action: Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.

      Mainly SAP Fiori Apps

      This section outlines the flows for the following scenario:

      Create – SAP Fiori app and Classic UI

      Create – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UI via split menu button
      Create – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UI via split menu button

      In the list report, the user chooses from the split menu button Create:

      1. Purchase Order
        The SAP Fiori create app opens. The main navigation options are:

        • Finalizing action Create: Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
        • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
        • Cancel action: Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.
      2. Purchase Order (ME21N)
        The classic create UI opens. The main navigation options are:

        • Finalizing action (Create in the example): Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
        • Exit action: Exits the create app and navigates to the list report.
        • Cancel action: Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.

      Display, Edit – SAP Fiori App (Default) and Classic UIs

      Display, edit – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UIs
      Display, edit – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UIs

      In the list report, the user chooses:

      1. Navigation 
        The SAP Fiori display app opens. On the display page, the main navigation options are:

        • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
        • Edit action: Switches to SAP Fiori edit app.
      2. Edit  
        The SAP Fiori edit app opens. On the edit page, the main navigation options are:

        • Finalizing action Save: Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
        • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
        • Cancel action. Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.
      3. Smart Link
        Both SAP Fiori and classic display and edit apps are available.

      Mainly Classic UIs

      This section outlines the flows for the following scenario:

      • For creating a purchase order, only a classic UI is available. 
      • For displaying a purchase order, both an SAP Fiori app (most essential features) and a classic UI (all features) are available. In this case, the SAP Fiori app is used.  
      • For editing a purchase order, only a classic UI is available. 

      Create – Classic UI Only

      Create – navigation to classic UI only
      Create – navigation to classic UI only

      In the list report, the user chooses Create (1).

      The classic create UI is opened. On the create page, the main navigation options are:

      • Finalizing action (Create in the example): Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
      • Exit action: Exits the create app and navigates to the list report.
      • Cancel action. Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.

      Display – SAP Fiori App (Default) and Classic UI

      Display – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UI
      Display – navigation to SAP Fiori app or classic UI

      In the list report, the user chooses the navigation icon   (2).

      The SAP Fiori display app opens. On the display page, the main navigation options are:

      • Edit action: Switches to the classic edit UI.
      • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).

      The user can navigate to the classic display UI using the smart link.

      Edit – Classic UI Only

      Edit – navigation to classic UI only
      Edit – navigation to classic UI only

      In the list report, the user chooses the edit icon  (3).

      The classic edit UI opens. On the edit page, the main navigation options are:

      • Finalizing action (Save in the example): Saves the object and goes back to the list report.
      • Shell bar back icon  : Goes back to previous page (list report).
      • Exit action: Exits the edit UI and navigates to the list report.
      • Display action: Switches to the SAP Fiori display app.
      • Cancel action: Discards any entries and goes back to the list report.


      Before: In Purchasing, the user navigates to the classic UIs to create, edit, and display purchase orders using tiles on the launchpad.  


      Now: The user navigates to the classic UIs via the Manage Purchase Orders list report.

      Launchpad and list report
      Launchpad and list report

      From the list report, the user can: 

      1. Create a purchase order.
        The split menu button enables navigation to both the SAP Fiori app and the classic UI (ME21N).  
      2. Edit a purchase order (classic UI ME22). 
      3. Display a purchase order (classic UI ME23N).

      Top Tips

      • If your SAP Fiori apps and the corresponding classic UIs cover the same features, just offer the SAP Fiori apps within your navigation.
      • Collect all SAP Fiori and classic UIs for create, edit, and display actions and define a navigation flow, starting from the list report.
        Use the example flows as a reference.
      • For navigating from the list report:
        • For create, use a button.
        • For edit and display, use the line item edit  and navigation  icons and a smart link.
      • If you need to offer both an SAP Fiori app and a classic UI via the create button or a smart link:
        • Place the SAP Fiori app first and the classic UI below.
        • Add the transaction code for classic UIs in parentheses:
          <action (transaction code)>
        • In the split menu button, show Create on the button and the object type (such as Purchase Order) in the menu list.
        • In the smart link, show all edit and display apps and UIs.

      Related Links

      Elements and Controls


      SAP S/4HANA Product Home Page – My Home

      We continually optimize the SAP S/4HANA My Home page, so some details described in this guideline may differ from what you see in the latest demo systems.


      The SAP S/4HANA product home page is an alternative to the SAP Fiori launchpad My Home page when using SAP S/4HANA Cloud. The previously available SAP Fiori launchpad My Home page is the entry point to a personalized set of apps, presented as tiles or links, whereas the SAP S/4HANA product home page orchestrates much more information.

      The new product home page is the entry point to apps, and also offers:

      • Access to tasks and situations
      • News feed
      • Quick navigation to pages
      • Analytical insights 
      • SAP Business AI recommendations

      Additionally, users benefit from enhanced personalization features for content and layout.

      Keep in mind that referring generically to “My Home” can be understood to mean either the SAP S/4HANA product home page described in this article, which displays My Home on its interface, or the SAP Fiori launchpad My Home. 

      The SAP S/4HANA product home page is based on SAP Fiori launchpad spaces and runs best with the Horizon theme, although it supports other SAP and custom themes. The SAP S/4HANA product home page has to be activated by a key user.

      SAP S/4HANA product page 'My Home'
      SAP S/4HANA product page 'My Home'


      The SAP S/4HANA My Home page is the leftmost option in the top-level shell bar navigation and includes the following sections:

      1. To Dos
        Shows tasks and situations.
      2. News
        Shows new features, and changes from the latest release.
      3. Pages
        Shows a maximum of 8 pages displayed as tiles.
      4. Apps
        Shows the user’s favorite apps, most used apps, recently used apps, and apps recommended by SAP Business AI, based on the user’s business role.
      5. Insights Tiles
        Shows tiles with analytical information.
      6. Insights Cards
        Shows cards from overview pages and list report-based apps.

      The section menu (7) can be triggered from the arrow next to a section title and shows actions for the section.

      In My Home Settings, users can define the layout and visibility of the individual sections to personalize the My Home page.

      My Home - Sections
      My Home - Sections

      To Dos

      1. The To Dos section includes tabs for workflow tasks from the My Inbox app and situations from the My Situations app.
      2. A counter next to each tab indicates the number of open tasks and situations.
      3. Cards, displayed in a row, present the tasks or situations in the tab:
        • Task cards contain a title, priority, creator name, and attributes according to the task type. The footer displays card actions.
        • Situation cards contain a title, body text, and a time stamp.
      1. The priority of the cards determines their order in the row, from high to low.
      2. The Show More button is displayed if not all tasks and situations can be displayed. The number of cards shown depends on the user’s screen resolution.
      3. The Refresh button displays the time stamp of the last refresh.
      If the My Inbox or My Situations apps are not assigned to the user, the To Dos section is not available.

      If only one of the apps is assigned, the corresponding tab is shown.

      My Home - 'To Dos'
      My Home - 'To Dos'


      1. The News section shows a news tile with either RASD-based information feed or an RSS feed. Only news feed from one line of business (LOB) can be displayed on a news tile at a time.
      2. A carousel lets users switch among previews for the LOB-specific news threads.

      In the Personalize News section of My Home Settings, users can personalize their news feed by choosing an LOB.

      The news feed is available only if a key user has activated it.
      My Home - 'News'
      My Home - 'News'

      When users click a tile in the carousel, a summary with further information on the LOB-specific news feed opens in a popover.

      My Home - 'News' (Popover with LOB-specific news feed)
      My Home - 'News' (Popover with LOB-specific news feed)


      1. The Pages section shows a maximum of 8 favorite pages.
      2. Tiles represent the favorite pages.

      In the Personalize Pages section of My Home Settings, users can control the pages to show or hide in the Pages section.

      Key users can assign custom colors and icons to the pages.
      My Home - 'Pages'
      My Home - 'Pages'


      The Apps section includes:

      1. Favorite apps, users can apps to their Favorites directly from the Most Used, Recently Used, or Recommended tab. They can also change the icon for the favorite app or remove it from Favorites. See Personalizing the Apps Section.
      2. Most Used apps
      3. Recently Used apps
      4. Recommended apps, the apps recommended by the SAP Business AI based on the user’s business role. Users can hide the tab from My Home in the advanced section (under recommendations) of the Settings dialog.
      5. The Add Apps action opens the app finder, where users can add apps to their Favorites.
      6. The Import Apps Now action imports personalization content, for example, personalized groups from the classic Home page.
      7. App groups are displayed as a colored folder that contains the apps that the user has added to the group.
      8. An app is displayed with a colored icon that matches the app title.
      9. A deprecated badge next to outdated apps that will be removed in a future release.
      Most used and recently used apps are shown only if the user allows app tracking in the Settings dialog.

      The Most Used tab displays the apps used in the last 30 days, in the order of the most to least used. Recently Used displays up to 30 activities, in the order of the most to least recently used.

      My Home – 'Apps'
      My Home – 'Apps'

      Insights Tiles

      1. The Insights Tiles section contains tiles with analytical information, such as charts or KPI’s. The section header includes a counter that shows the number of tiles in the section.  All tiles are displayed in one row.
      2. Add Tiles opens the app finder where users can search and add tiles. They can also add tiles from their favorite apps.
      3. The Show More button is displayed if not all tiles can be displayed the one row. The number of displayed tiles depends on the screen resolution.

      Further personalization of tiles is possible. See Personalize Insights Tiles.

      My Home - 'Insights Tiles'
      My Home - 'Insights Tiles'

      Insights Cards

      The Insights Cards section header includes a counter that shows the number of available cards. The section contains:

      1. A maximum of 10 cards from overview pages and list report-based applications
      2. An overflow menu for each card
      3. Card-specific actions
      4. The Show More button is displayed if not all cards can be displayed in one row. The number of displayed cards depends on the screen resolution.

      Further personalization of cards is possible. See Personalize Insights Cards.

      My Home - 'Insights Cards'
      My Home - 'Insights Cards'

      Behavior and Interaction

      Users can personalize the SAP S/4HANA My Home page according to their needs.

      In the Apps section on My Home, users can add and import apps to their Favorites, and personalize their favorite apps with colors and icons.

      All other personalization options are available in the respective My Home sections or via My Home Settings in the user actions menu.

      Showing More or Less Section Content

      The Show More button is displayed at the top right of the To Dos, Insights Tiles, and Insights Cards sections when the section includes more content than can be displayed in one row.

      On selection, it:

      • Displays all the section content
      • Hides the other My Home sections
      • Changes the button’s action to Show Less

      If needed, scrolling within the show more view is possible.

      When users select the Show Less button, it

      • Displays the section content in one row. The number of tiles or cards displayed depends on the screen resolution.
      • Displays the other My Home sections
      • Changes the button’s action to Show More
      My Home - 'To Dos' -- Show more view
      My Home - 'To Dos' -- Show more view

      Personalizing the Apps Section

      Users can add and import apps.

      Adding Apps to Favorites

      Users can add apps to their Favorites both from:

      • The My Home page
      • An app overflow menu

      From the My Home page, users can select the Add Apps button to open the app finder, where they can search for apps and add them to the My Home page, with the Add button.

      App finder view -- added app
      App finder view -- added app

      From the Most Used, Recently Used and Recommended tabs, users can open the overflow menu and select the Add to Favorites action.

      Personalize Apps - Add to Favorites
      Personalize Apps - Add to Favorites

      Personalizing Favorites

      In the Favorites tab, from the overflow menu for an app, users can change the app’s color, move it to an app group, or remove it from My Home.

      Personalize Apps - App overflow menu
      Personalize Apps - App overflow menu

      Creating App Groups

      Users can create app groups:

      • From the overflow menu for an app
      • From the menu for the Apps section
      • By dragging and dropping an app onto another

      From the app group folder overflow menu, they can:

      • Change the name and color of the folder
      • Remove all apps from the folder
      • Delete the folder

      Acting on Recommended Apps

      The Recommended tab is active by default at first login. In it, the user sees applications recommended by SAP Business AI based on the user’s business role.

      1. An information message strip at the top of the tab advises users that in the Settings dialog, they can hide the Recommended tab, and it contains a link to the dialog.
      2. In the overflow menu, the user can do one of the following to the recommended app:
        • Add it to Favorites tab. This also removes it from the Recommended tab.
        • Remove it from the Recommended tab, by declining the recommendation with the Not Relevant menu item.
      The default app colors correspond to the colors of the page tiles.
      Personalize Apps - Recommendations
      Personalize Apps - Recommendations

      Personalizing Other Sections

      For other sections, such as News, Pages, News, Insights Tiles or Cards, personalization options are available in the:

      • Corresponding section menu, via the My Home Settings item, users can change the settings from within the context of the section.
      • User actions menu, via the My Home Settings item, users can change all settings for the My Home page from one dialog.
      'My Home Settings' in section menu
      'My Home Settings' in section menu

      'My Home Settings' in the user actions menu
      'My Home Settings' in the user actions menu

      Personalize Layout

      Users can:

      1. Enable the visibility of sections on the My Home page
      2. Disable the visibility of sections on the My Home page
      3. Change the order of the sections by dragging and dropping them
      4. Reset the layout to the defaults setting defined by the key user
      Personalize My Home - Layout
      Personalize My Home - Layout

      Personalize News

      Users can:

      1. Personalize their news feed by choosing one or more lines of business
      2. Display all action items that require preparation in the news feed
      Personalize My Home - News
      Personalize My Home - News

      Personalize Pages

      Users can:

      1. Search for specific spaces and pages
      2. Select up to 8 pages to show on My Home
      Personalize My Home - Pages
      Personalize My Home - Pages

      Personalize Insights Tiles

      Users can:

      1. Search for specific tiles
      2. Change the order of tiles by dragging and dropping them
      3. Remove tiles
      4. Set the size of smart business tiles: Activating Wide displays larger tiles, deactivating it displays smaller ones.
      Personalize My Home - Tiles
      Personalize My Home - Tiles

      Personalize Insights Cards

      Users can:

      1. Refresh cards
      2. Show only visible cards in the Insights Cards section of the My Home Settings dialog
      3. Search for specific cards
      4. Enable the visibility of up to 10 cards on the My Home page
      5. Change the order of cards by dragging and dropping them
      6. Preview cards in a popover
      Personalize My Home - Cards
      Personalize My Home - Cards

      In the Card details view, users can:

      1. Delete the card
      2. Copy an existing card and customize it to create a new one
      Personalize My Home - Cards (Details view)
      Personalize My Home - Cards (Details view)

      In the copy of a card, users can change the title, subtitle, and modify the filters. Then, to see the impact of the changes, they can refresh the Preview of the card.

      Personalize My Home - Copy Card
      Personalize My Home - Copy Card

      Advanced Settings

      Users can:

      1. Export sections to a file
      2. Enable or disable the SAP Business AI recommendations that show in the Recommendations tab in Apps section.
      3. Import sections or content from file
      4. Reset all changes to the default setting that the key user defined.


      The SAP S/4HANA My Home page is responsive and can be used on tablets and phones.

      Related Links

      My Home (Help portal)