Updated: January 15, 2024

Slider Form Cell



A slider form cell displays a continuous range of values along a track.

With defined minimum and maximum values, a user can use their finger to slide the handle along the slider’s track to select a value between the set minimum and maximum values. A slider form cell is typically found in create and filter modals.

A slider form cell is best used when selecting a precise value that does not matter. If the exact value does matter, we recommend using a picker control.

Compact width slider, single slider, range slider (top to bottom) on iPhone (left), regular-readable width on iPad (right)
Compact width slider, single slider, range slider (top to bottom) on iPhone (left), regular-readable width on iPad (right)


A. Label

Describes the value range of the slider.

B. Slider

Displays the default minimum and maximum values of a slider form cell based on the context and use within the app, while also indicating the selected value.

C. Hint Text (Optional)

Provides additional information about the slider form cell.

D. Track

Indicates the range of values from which a selection can be made. The tinted or blue area highlights the selected section.

Avoid using long text for minimum and maximum values as they can shorten the track.

E. Value Input Field

Indicates the selected value.

F. Handle

Allows users to drag or position said handle to select and indicate the chosen value.

Slider form cell anatomy
Slider form cell anatomy

Behavior and Interaction

A user can use a finger to slide the handle along the track to set an approximate value between the minimum and maximum values. The value displays the selection as the user slides the thumb control.

Sliding the handle to adjust the value along the track
Sliding the handle to adjust the value along the track

A user can also just tap on the value input field to open up the keyboard and enter an exact value between the minimum and maximum values.

Tapping the value input field to trigger keyboard
Tapping the value input field to trigger keyboard



A slider variation allows the user to select a single value between a set range of minimum and maximum.

Slider form cell variation
Slider form cell variation
Slider states (top to bottom) – default, disabled
Slider states (top to bottom) – default, disabled

Single Slider

A single slider variation allows the user to select a single value between a given range of values.

Single slider form cell variation
Single slider form cell variation
Single slider states (top to bottom) – default, typing, disabled
Single slider states (top to bottom) – default, typing, disabled

Range Slider

A range slider variation allows the user to select a range of values between a given range of values.

Range slider form cell variation
Range slider form cell variation
Range slider states (top to bottom) – default, typing (min.), typing (max.), disabled
Range slider states (top to bottom) – default, typing (min.), typing (max.), disabled

Adaptive Design

In regular width, a slider form cell is shown in a popover modal.

Compact (left) and popover modal (right)
Compact (left) and popover modal (right)


Development: FUISliderFormCell, FUIRangeSliderFormCell

SAP Fiori for Android: Slider