Updated: May 21, 2024




Buttons allow users to perform actions, make decisions or to begin a process. The label of a button communicates the action that it is going to initiate.

Examples of different buttons
Examples of different buttons


Buttons should only be used for actions. Avoid using too many buttons – if users have too many options, it is difficult for them to make a decision.

If you want the user to select one option from a small group or to provide access to specific categories, offer a segmented control instead of a button.

  • Use simple buttons for specific actions, such as “Create”, “Edit”, “Save”, “Approve”, “Reject”, “Accept”, “Decline”, “Submit”, “Cancel”.
  • Use button labels that are short and meaningful.
  • Use commands for all button labels. For example “Save”, “Cancel” or “Edit”.
  • Use toggle buttons to activate / deactivate an element or to switch between different state, such as select and selected.
  • Use secondary buttons in tint style for positive actions.
  • Use secondary buttons in negative style for negative and destructive actions.
  • Don’t use green buttons for positive actions.
  • Don’t truncate labels in buttons.


A button can consist of a label, a symbol, or a label and a symbol on a filled or unfilled rectangular background with rounded corners.

Symbol buttons, label buttons, and label buttons with a symbol
Symbol buttons, label buttons, and label buttons with a symbol

Behavior and Interaction

Button States

Buttons have several states that provide feedback on a button’s interaction (see image below).

Active, tapped, disabled, keyboard-focused, VoiceOver-focused buttons
Active, tapped, disabled, keyboard-focused, VoiceOver-focused buttons

A. Active State

Indicates a button’s interactivity. 

B. Tap State

Communicates that the button has been pressed.

C. Disabled State

Discloses that the action is available but has been disabled.

D. Keyboard Focus State

Indicates that the button is focused when navigating with a keyboard.

E. VoiceOver Focus State

Indicates that the button is a focus target during VoiceOver interaction.

Toggle Button

Toggle buttons change between secondary tint and secondary normal style. These buttons are used when there is a direct action to take on an object that does not require navigation or to switch between different states, such as:

  • Follow/Unfollow
  • Select/Selected
  • Bookmark/Bookmarked
  • Favorite/Unfavorite
  • Hold/Release
Toggle button behavior examples of
Toggle button behavior examples of "Follow" and "Unfollow" (left) and "Select" and "Selected" (right)


Simple buttons have three different variations based on the priority of each action:

  1. Primary Button
  2. Secondary Button
  3. Tertiary Button
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary buttons with symbols and labels
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary buttons with symbols and labels

Primary Button

Use the primary button for the most important action in the view, for example on a sign-in screen, landing screen, confirmation screen, error screen, or on a screen that has an explicit primary action. A primary button always has a filled style. Note that there can only be one primary action per view.

The following are examples applicable to primary buttons:

  • Activate
  • Confirm
  • Continue
  • Create
  • Sign in
  • Scan
Primary button in a scan (left) and sign-in view (right)
Primary button in a scan (left) and sign-in view (right)

Secondary Button

Use the secondary button when actions are optional or have lower priority.

A card showing a secondary
A card showing a secondary "Dismiss" button

Tertiary Button

Use the tertiary button when the action has the lowest priority or it is part of the navigation bar.

An example of a navigation bar with tertiary symbol buttons
An example of a navigation bar with tertiary symbol buttons

Size Variations

Buttons are by default dynamic in width and are dependent on the container they are placed in, but they can also be set to a fixed width and height. The touch area of a button should not be less than 44pt.

1. Auto Width Buttons

The button container of an auto width button grows automatically to fit the size of the text. Auto width buttons have by default a fixed height of 38pt. We recommend using auto width buttons within components, for example, within the object cell.

2. Standalone Buttons

We recommend buttons with a fixed width of 201pt and 44pt height for standalone pages. Standalone pages usually deal with only one topic and can have one or more actions in focus, such as onboarding or sign-in screens.

3. Full-Width Buttons

For vertical button stacks we recommend using full-width buttons. Full-width buttons automatically fill the entire container with a padding of 16pt on the left and right side of the button.

Buttons within the toolbar always have a height of 38pt to save vertical space.
Auto width button (1), standalone button (2), and full-width button (3)
Auto width button (1), standalone button (2), and full-width button (3)
Auto-width buttons, standalone button, full-width button, and full-width button within a toolbar
Auto-width buttons, standalone button, full-width button, and full-width button within a toolbar

Button Styles

Button styles are essential design elements that work in tandem with button types, to enhance the user interface. In the Fiori Horizon design, we have three main button styles:

  • Tint Style
  • Normal Style
  • Negative Style
Note that the “Normal” button style in the secondary category does not include a primary button counterpart.
Tint, normal and negative styled buttons
Tint, normal and negative styled buttons

Tint Style

The tint button style can emphasize available actions and encourage users to interact with them. The primary button’s default style is not different from the tint one.

Usage Primary Tint

Use it for primary actions. Only one action on the screen should be styled in primary style.

Usage Secondary Tint

If there are several actions with the same importance, we recommend using secondary tint style. If it is used in combination with negative actions it can be used for the positive action.

Usage Tertiary Tint

Use the tertiary tint style if the action is placed within the navigation bar or if it has the lowest priority compared to other actions on the screen.

Normal Style

The normal button style reflects an intermediate level of visual hierarchy. The neutral button style can be used for actions that have a medium priority. 

Usage Secondary Normal

We recommend using secondary normal style if you have multiple buttons within a view and want to visually highlight the priority of the different actions. Tint style always reflect a higher importance than normal style. The usage depends on the context of the app and needs to be decided on app level.

Usage Tertiary Normal

Use tertiary normal for actions with a low importance. However, the usage depends on the context of the app and needs to be decided on app level.

Negative Style

The negative button style indicates destructive actions and warns users to take extra precautions when interacting with the buttons.

Usage Secondary Negative

If there are several actions with the same importance and one or more of them is negative, app designers can style the negative button in secondary negative style.

Usage Tertiary Negative

Use tertiary negative style if if there are several negative actions within the page, for example within several object cells, or if the negative button has the lowest importance.

Button examples for a positive, negative and neutral action
Button examples for a positive, negative and neutral action


Development: FUIButton

SAP Fiori for Android: Buttons

SAP Fiori for Web: Buttons

Human Interface Guidelines: Buttons