Updated: March 31, 2023

What’s New



The what’s new component shows users the updates to your application. It can also be used for announcing news, bug fixes, etc.
What's new component in compact width (left) and regular width (right)
What's new component in compact width (left) and regular width (right)


Users can use the what’s new component to view updates of an application in two ways: in a pop-up modal and from their profile.

Pop-Up Modal

The component can be shown as a pop-up modal after the user logs in.

What's new component as pop-up modal
What's new component as pop-up modal

From Profile

The component can be found in the profile page menu list.

What's new component linked in profile
What's new component linked in profile


The page view with image includes three existing components: stacked modal, button, and page indicator.

A. Stacked Modal

The stacked modal navigation bar includes the title and a “Close” button for users to exit the modal.

B. Content

• Image: Optional, however using eye-catching images to show visualized features is recommended.
• Title: Use a clear and concise title to provide users an overview of the feature.
• Description: Explain your feature briefly. The content section is scrollable if the description is too long.

C. Call-To-Action Buttons

• “Next”: Use the “Next” button for the first or middle pages in the multiple page view.
• “Start”: Use the “Start” button for the last page in the multiple page view of or on the single page view.
• From Profile: Don’t use a call-to-action button when want users to open What’s New from the profile page.

D.  Page Indicator

The page indicator is used to show the progress of the wizard when there are multiple pages.

Anatomy of the what's new component
Anatomy of the what's new component

Behavior and Interaction

In the page view, when users tap “Next”, the next page in the wizard is presented by a push transition; users can also swipe left or right to navigate through pages; when they tap “Start” or “Close”, the modal is closed.

Behavior and interaction of the what's new component
Behavior and interaction of the what's new component

Adaptive Design

The what’s new component supports both compact and regular sizes. The SDK also supports landscape views for both compact and regular sizes.

What's New on compact with (left) and regular width (right)
What's New on compact with (left) and regular width (right)


The what’s new component includes a list view design and page view design. Both include ‘with image’ and ‘no image’ options. We recommend a short user flow with images.

Choose list view if:

  • There are three to six updates to be announced.
  • You want users to spend less time reading each update.
  • You have a short description and/or small images.
List view with imagse (left) and without images (right)
List view with imagse (left) and without images (right)

Choose page view if:

  • There are one to four updates to be announced.
  • You have a long description and/or big images.
  • You want users to spend more time reading each update.
Page view with image (left) and without image (right)
Page view with image (left) and without image (right)
