Updated: November 8, 2023


FUIHierarchyView, FUIHierarchyViewController


The hierarchy pattern is a combination of the hierarchy view and a list report. 

A combination of these views allows for a wider range of functionality in different kinds of workflows. For example, the hierarchy pattern can be utilized in a create use case.

Workflows using the hierarchy pattern
Workflows using the hierarchy pattern


List Report

A list report within the hierarchy pattern has an added hierarchy accessory. The list report allows for standard functionalities such as search, filter, and create.

A list report within a hierarchy pattern
A list report within a hierarchy pattern

Hierarchy View

The hierarchy view is the second screen in the hierarchy pattern. It places the selected object into view with its parent and/or child objects expanded. For related guidance, see Hierarchy View.

A hierarchy view within a hierarchy pattern
A hierarchy view within a hierarchy pattern

Behavior and Interaction

Single Selection

A list picker with single selection can be used in the hierarchy pattern. It is useful for the create use case where you need to identify where an object lives within a specific group or location.

Using a list picker in a hierarchy view
Using a list picker in a hierarchy view

Adaptive Design

When using the hierarchy pattern in a modal, use the hierarchy view with a breadcrumb.

Using a hierarchy view in a form sheet
Using a hierarchy view in a form sheet
