Updated: January 15, 2024

AR Annotations


AR Annotations components are designed for exploring objects in a facility. They can be used to explore a warehouse, machinery, or a business object to enhance the user experience by leveraging augmented reality.

Examples of a scan screen (left), pulsing marker (middle) and selected marker (right)
Examples of a scan screen (left), pulsing marker (middle) and selected marker (right)


AR Scanner

To view annotations in the world view, the user can begin by scanning an image in a facility or an object using their phone. See AR Scanner for more details.

A. Coaching View

B. Scanning View

C. Matched Scan View

Coaching view (left), scanning view (middle) and matched scan view (right)
Coaching view (left), scanning view (middle) and matched scan view (right)

AR Marker

AR markers typically represent a business object in a facility. Each marker type has a default and selected state. A connector line to the AR card appears when the user taps on a marker with a pulse animation of the marker.

D. Default Marker

E. Marker Pulse

F. Marker Connector

Default marker (left) and pulsing marker with connector (right)
Default marker (left) and pulsing marker with connector (right)

AR Cards

When a user selects a marker, a card slides in from the left to reveal additional information. This card displays information about the selected business object. The AR card appears in the screen view. 

G. AR Card

Selected marker with AR card
Selected marker with AR card

Behavior and Interaction

The AR annotation flow consists of three main interactions. To understand each interaction in detail, see AR Scanner, AR Makers, and AR Cards.


After an image is successfully scanned, AR makers appear in default state on the screen in the world view.


When a user taps on a marker, swipes cards, or taps on a card, the marker displays pulse animation with a connector connecting to the card.

Card Detail

Once the user selects a marker, the respective card slides in from the left to the focused state showing relevant information about the object. The user can tap on the card to view more detail about the content. The detail panel slides in from the bottom.

AR annotations flow with coaching, scanning and matched scan view
AR annotations flow with coaching, scanning and matched scan view


SAP Fiori for Android: AR Annotations

Related Components/Patterns: AR Cards, AR Markers, AR Scanners