Updated: August 21, 2024

In-line Validation

FUIInlineValidationTableViewCell, FUIInlineValidationView


In-line validation provides static information to a user or provides temporary feedback in response to a user’s input and is commonly used with form cells in forms. In-line validation should be placed underneath the relevant form cell and may display hint text, a success message, a warning message, or an error message.

In-line errors in form sheet
In-line errors in form sheet


Composed of an icon and message, in-line validation is located directly underneath the relevant input field. The color corresponds to the variation of in-line validation.

A. Icon

Provides a visually accessible cue to the user when user action is required or form feedback is important.

Helper text variation does not have an icon.

B. Text

Provides a succinct and clear message to the user. The message may wrap to a maximum of three lines in certain uses cases, but we recommend limiting the message to one line.

In-line validation anatomy (from top to bottom: helper text, success message, warning message, error message)
In-line validation anatomy (from top to bottom: helper text, success message, warning message, error message)

Behavior and Interaction

Depending on the variation and use case, in-line validation may persist or disappear.

Helper text should persist as it provides contextual information to the user. A success or warning message appears in response to a user’s interaction and may disappear.

An error message similarly appears in response to a user’s interaction but will disappear once the error has been corrected.

In certain use cases, error messages may also be used in conjunction with a page-level error banner.

If there are critical errors, the user may be required to correct the errors before being permitted to proceed with input or form submission.

Once an error is resolved, an error message reverts back to helper text
Once an error is resolved, an error message reverts back to helper text


Helper Text

Use helper text to convey contextual information to the user.

There is no icon used with helper text, and the helper text should persist. If there is a success, warning, or error message related to the form cell that needs to be displayed temporarily, the helper text will revert back.

Helper text examples
Helper text examples

Success and Warning Message

Use a success or warning message to provide temporary feedback in response to a user’s input.

Success and warning message examples
Success and warning message examples

Error Message

Use an error message to provide temporary feedback in response to a user’s input when user action is required for correction.

An error message provides information about the error and how to correct it.

Error message examples
Error message examples

Adaptive Design

In-line validation is available in compact and all regular widths. It adapts to the container with the related form cell.

In-line error examples on compact and regular devices
In-line error examples on compact and regular devices


Development: FUIInlineValidationTableViewCell, FUIInlineValidationView

Related Components/Patterns: Error Handling