SAP 72 is the primary font for SAP Fiori for iOS. These font styles are mapped one to one with SF font styles, allowing a smooth transition to SAP 72, co-existence with SF fonts when using SF Symbols, and to preserve accessibilities.

Current available font styles for 72
72 Typeface
SAP Fiori for iOS uses SAP’s proprietary 72 typeface to maintain consistency with other SAP products. In addition, the 72 typeface has been designed to meet the typographic requirements needed for the enterprise. 72 typeface adheres to the following principles:
- Legibility enhancements: Optimized for screen use
- Font styles: Supports a robust typographic hierarchy
- Brand voice: Be credible and humane
- Character set: Accommodate complex content
- Language support: Supports the Windows Glyph List
- Accessibility: Improved character recognition
SAP Fiori for iOS uses the iOS system text styles, and supports dynamic type to enable accessibility features. Learn more in Accessibility.